879 resultados para Geociencias - Sensoriamento remoto


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This paper aims at illustrating the importance of the Thematic Map. Making For the Scientific Areas which are concerned with the issue of spatial representation of the quantified items. At first, the placement of the document definitions such as maps, charts, and cartograms is carried out in order to deal, next, with the fundamental issue for the elaboration of choropleths cartograms what are the determination of the class intervals. A number of criteria have been used for the elaboration of the six choropleths cartograms being making it evident the importance of the criterion to be used in the choice of the class intervals. By considering that there is not a better criterion than another one but, instead, one more adequate for each situation, there becomes evident the need for knowing the resources as well as the restrictions of the various criteria of choice of the class intervals thus avoiding making bad choices or biased ones. -English summary


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Migmatites, high-grade gneisses and granitoids represent the most important Precambrian rocks of Sao Joao da Boa Vista region. Structures are interpreted as due to low-angle oblique non-coaxial ductile shear, developed under conditions of amphibolite facies. Transcurrent ductile shear zones and associated drags modify the foliation and lineations orientations. A first phase of migmatization related to anatexis seems to be developed before or early during the thermo-tectonic process. A second one is syntectonic, and represents the main regional phase. Joints and faults represent the brittle features, the faults marked by cataclastic rocks and intense retrometamorphism along the main zones. -from English summary


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The Natividade Group is a metasedimentary sequence discontinuously exposed in the southeastern region of the Tocantins State. It rests unconformably on the Archean gneissic-granitoid complex and its associated supracrustals, as well as on granite intrusives of the Lajeado Suite (1.870 Ma). It is unconformably covered by the Monte do Carmo Formation and the Serra Grande Formation. The sequence is preserved on tilted blocks and grabens. The western portion is constituted of only detritic metasediments. The intermediate outcrops presents detritic and some carbonatic metasediments. A carbonatic sequence, with some detritic levels, is recognized at the eastern area. The sections of these different domains are interpreted as constituted of fining-up sequences due to three transgressive episodes into an ensialic paleobasin, with uplifted border to the western side and a carbonate platform to the east, which represents the western extension of the Mambui Group. The Natividade Group presents folds with variable styles and no defined vergence, which are synchronous to the regional metamorphism (lower to upper greenschist facies). Two groups of faults cut the sequence. -from English summary


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Geological, petrographic, chemical and zircon typology data from the Cunhaporanga and Tres Corregos granitoid complexes are presented and discussed. Both complexes of Late Precambrian age evolved by crystal fractionation. By its zircon typology the Cunhaporanga is classified as a low temperature calc-alkaline batholith and the Tres Corregos as a medium temperature calc-alkaline complex. This classification implies a major participation of mantle material during the generation of the Tres Corregos magma in relation to the Cunhaporanga ones. In this way both complexes define a magmatic zoning from NW to SE done by a increasing in the depth of magma generation. -from English summary


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The results indicated potassium as the most important for the discrimination between groups of samples, followed by magnesium, calcium and sodium. As the area has been under intense sugar cane industrialisation, the soil and the river waters of the region receive a high content of vinasse rich in potassium. -from English summary


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Successful application of shallow seismic reflection method is related directly to the ability of the ground to transmit high-frequency seismic energy from a seismic source. The dominant frequencies of reflection data are in the range of 50 to 100 Hz and depend on the surface materials and water table. A spread of geophones send the siemsic signal to be recorded on a 12, 24 or 48 channel portable seismograph, using a single high-frequency geophone per channel. Although it is possible to find seismographs with display and processing unities, it is also possible to transfer digitalized data to a personal computer to be processed and interpreted by using specific programs. Some results of two recent field studies to specify the underground structure in the tidal flats area of Baie St. Paul (Quebec-Canada) and in glacial terrains, in the Waterloo (Ontario-Canada) region. -from English summary


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Software in BASIC (GWBASIC, version 2.0) and TURBO PASCAL (version 3.0) is presented for PC type microcomputers with the purpose of calculating the graphical method for multivariate data according to Andrews. Applying both softwares to data from the Irati Formation mesossaurides skull measures, in velocity and graphical quality, the TURBO PASCAL language performed better. -after English summary


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Chemical (Sr:Ba:Rb) and zircon typology data from the Nazare Paulista, Mairipora/Cantareira, Cunhaporanga, Tres Corregos, Morungaba, Socorro, Itu, Graciosa and Serra Carambei granitoid complexes from the states of Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo and Parana (SE/S Brazil) are presented and discussed. By the zircon typology method these complexes are refered, respectively, to the 2nd crustal, 3rd crustal/low temperature C-A, low temperature C-A, medium temperature C-A, medium/light temperature C-A, K-SA/Alkaline and alkaline series which are considered as generated under increasing temperature associated with a progressive major participation of mantle material. All these series display different positions and behaviour in the Sr:Ba:Rb diagram which reinforces the use of the zircon typology method in the study of granitoids. -from English summary


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The technique of isotope dilution has been extensively utilized for determining the content of trace elements in geological samples; it has been especially useful for the determination of 238U and 234U contents in crustal materials with measurements made by alpha spectrometry. 232U-228Th has usually been used as diluent (spike) during the application of this analytical technique. More recently, 236U and 229Th have been used. Some methodological problems concerning the utilization of these spikes are presented with examples of experimental data obtained in analyses of groundwater and borehole spoil samples from Morro do Ferro, Pocos de Caldas (MG). -from English summary


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This piece of work focuses the application of a computational method to obtain clinographic maps, by using C.K. Wentworth's method. The developed program to construct the clinographic maps is completely structured in Basic Language and it uses Line PC Micro-Computers. As an exercise for practical application, in this study we defined a certain region, where the topographic base map is that of Brazil, 1:250 000 scale, Marilia contour map, having as the study area the region near the city of Assis (SP). -English summary


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Sr87/86Sr initial ratio data based on the isochrons from 22 granitoid complexes of Brasiliano age (Late Precambrian) from S and E Brazil are presented. The complexes have been classified into different rock series with the aid of zircon typology. A correlation between the initial ratio and the zircon typology can be determined. Of particular interest is the systematic decrease of the Sr87/86Sr initial ratio in the range from the low, through medium to the high temperature calc-alkaline series which could indicate a gradual increasing of mantle material in the genesis of calc-alkaline granitoid of progressive greater depths. -from English summary


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Fluid inclusions, petrofabric and microstructures studies of mylonites and cataclasites were used to establish the Itu-Jundiuvira Shear Zone (IJSZ) tectonic and metamorphic evolution. The quartz fabric indicates that prism {1000} slip was important during the deformation. This studies have showed that IJSZ changed from deeper crustal levels (12-15km) and ductile conditions to upper levels of about 4 to 6km and brittle strain conditions. -English summary


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The main geotectonics models presented during the last 25 yr to explain the evolution of the Late Precambrian (Brasiliano Cycle) terranes of the NE of the State of Sao Paulo and the adjacent areas of the State of Minas Gerais, domain of the Guaxupe Massif, SE Brazil, are presented and discussed. The models can be classified in: 1) classic; 2) mainly ensialic; and 3) applications of the plate tectonic theory. -from English summary


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This work defines the main volcanic types of Central-Southern Parana State (Serra Geral Formation), their stratigraphic relations, and which petrological process are able to explain the observed volcanic associations. -from English summary


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In the Proterozoic fold-thrust belt of Southwestern Minas Gerais, sheath folds belonging to Araxa-Canastra Group were mapped. These structures are explained by a tangential shear related to nappe transport, which acted together with an additional transcurrent shear, driven by a lateral ramp. An interesting feature recognized in these sheath folds is the striking obliquity between the hinge line of the macro structure and the hinge lines of the parasitic folds in the sheath fold closure. -English summary