879 resultados para Genetic syndromes - Oral and pharyngeal transit


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A doença de Parkinson (DP) é a segunda doença neurodegenerativa mais frequente no mundo, afetando 1-2% da população acima de 65 anos, caracterizada clinicamente por tremor em repouso, bradicinesia, instabilidade postural e rigidez muscular. Essas manifestações surgem devido à degeneração neuronal progressiva e à presença de inclusões proteicas ricas em α-sinucleína. A DP é decorrente da interação entre fatores ambientais e genéticos, e entre os fatores genéticos, variantes exônicas de transmissão dominante nos genes LRRK2 (leucine-rich repeat kinase 2), VPS35 (vacuolar protein sorting 35) e EIF4G1 (eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4-gamma 1) têm sido associadas à etiologia da doença. Entretanto, estudos sobre o efeito dessas variantes na população brasileira são raros ou inexistentes. Por essa razão, neste trabalho rastreamos mutações nos genes VPS35 (p.D620N; p.R524W), EIF4G1 (p.R1205H; p.A502V) e LRRK2 (p.G2019S) em uma amostra de 582 pacientes brasileiros com DP não aparentados e 329 indivíduos controles saudáveis. Além disso, conduzimos o primeiro estudo caso-controle para análise de variantes exônicas raras (p.Q1111H, p.T1410M, p.M1646T, p.S1761R, p.Y2189C) e comuns (p.N551K, p.R1398H, p.K1423K) no gene LRRK2 em um subgrupo de 329 pacientes brasileiros com DP, não aparentados, naturais da região sudeste. Esse subgrupo foi analisado e comparado com 222 indivíduos controles saudáveis a fim de verificar associações dessas variantes e a DP. Em relação às mutações dos genes VPS35 e EIF4G1, não foram encontradas alterações nos pacientes com DP. A mutação p.G2019S no gene LRRK2 foi encontrada em 15 probandos (2,6%), dos quais 9 são do sexo feminino (64,3%). O tremor em repouso foi observado em 47,36% dos pacientes com a mutação p.G2019S como primeiro sintoma motor. As análises das variantes raras no gene LRRK2 não revelaram qualquer associação estatisticamente significante. Entre as variantes comuns, a p.K1423K mostrou evidência de associação de risco com a DP (p<0,05) na estratificação contendo o grupo de indivíduos com história familiar da doença e para as variantes p.N551K e p.R1398H não foram observadas associações. A análise do haplótipo p.N551K-p.R1398H-p.K1423K revelou associação de proteção na amostra sudeste e na estratificação Rio de Janeiro (p<0,05). Esse haplótipo não está em desequilíbrio de ligação na amostra de 222 indivíduos controles brasileiros analisados (r2≤45). Os resultados obtidos neste estudo representam contribuições valiosas ao entendimento da relação entre as variantes genéticas estudadas e o risco de desenvolvimento da doença de Parkinson, principalmente no que se refere aos endofenótipos associados.


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A tese desenvolvida neste estudo é que a depressão respiratória em pacientes queimados que utilizam opiódes como terapeutica farmacológica da dor, pode ser prevenida por meio de ações de enfermagem que identifiquem os fatores predisponentes para a depressão respiratória, que considerem na rotina de aprazamento da terapeutica farmacológica da dor, as características farmacológicas dos medicamentos, para evitar interações medicamentosas e que monitorem adequadamente o paciente queimado para identificar precocemente sinais de depressão respiratória. Para tanto, este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver barreiras de segurança com foco em ações de enfermagem, para prevenção de depressão respiratória em pacientes queimados em uso de opióides. Trata-se de um estudo restrospectivo, em que foram analisados 272 prontuários de pacientes queimados internados em um Centro de Tratamento de Queimados (CTQ), de um hospital público federal de grande porte, no município do Rio de Janeiro. nos anos de 2011 a 2013. Dentre os 272 prontuários 42 atenderam os critérios de seleção da pesquisa, e destes, em 28,58% (n=12) foi identificada a ocorrência de depressão respiratória. Predominaram pacientes adultos jovens do sexo masculino. O óbito predominou no grupo com DR, assim como, queimaduras de 2 e 3 graus, e superfície corporal queimada com mediana de 50%. Os fatores predominantes para depressão respiratória foram insuficiencia renal, hipoalbuminemia e hipertensão arterial. Na terapia medicamentosa dos pacientes queimados, os analgésicos opióides são os mais utilizados, predominando o tramadol (45,49%) e a metadona (18,45%). Diazepam é o benzodiazepínico de escolha, entre os antidepressivos a imipramina é o mais utilizado, apesar de classificada como anticonvulsivantes a gabapentina, nos queimados é utilizada em dose analgésica. Tanto no grupo de pacientes com ou sem DR, os horários de adiministração de medicamentos que predominaram foram 22h e 06h. Foi evidenciado PIM em 66,6% dos pacientes estudados. A associação entre a ocorrência de PIM e a DR demonstrou-se positiva; os pacientes com que apresentaram PIM têm 2,5 vezes mais risco de apresentar DR. Os pares de medicamentos prevalentes e que apresentaram PIM no grupo com DR foram, metadona com diazepam (n=5), tramadol com fentanil (4), metadona com impramina e metadona com tramadol (n=3). No grupo sem DR foram metadona e tramadol (n=8), tramadol com fentanil (4), e metadona com diazepam (3). As vias oral e intravenosa predominaram nos pacientes com e sem DR, e não houve associação positiva entre a administração por essas vias e a oorrência de DR, constatando-se que a via de administração não é tão relevante para a DR. Nos pacientes com DR, 83,3% apresentaram PIM, principalmente nos horários 22h e 06h, horários próximos aos de ocorrência de DR. Espera-se que este estudo contribua para a segurança medicamentosa no uso de opióides, e na prevenção do eventos adverso grave como a depressão respiratória em pacientes queimados.


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A constipação intestinal e a disfunção do trato urinário inferior são condições associadas e bastante prevalentes na infância e adolescência. Existem múltiplas teorias para explicar essa associação, como: o efeito mecânico do reto cheio sobre a parede e o colo vesical; estimulo de reflexos sacrais a partir do reto distendido, e mais recentemente, a associação entre a bexiga e o reto no sistema nervoso central. Muitas destas crianças e adolescentes apresentam constipação refratária. Esse fato chama a atenção para a possibilidade de existência de uma desordem neuromuscular comum envolvendo o cólon e o trato urinário inferior. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o trânsito colônico de crianças e adolescentes com constipação crônica refratária e sintomas do trato urinário inferior. Foi realizado um estudo observacional com análise transversal, no qual foram incluídos 16 indivíduos com constipação refratária e sintomas do trato urinário inferior, com idades entre sete e 14 anos (média de idade de 9,67 anos). Os participantes foram avaliados utilizando anamnese padrão; exame físico; diário miccional e das evacuações; escala de Bristol; Disfunctional Voiding Scoring System com versão validada para o português; ultrassonografia renal, de vias urinárias e medida de diâmetro retal; urodinâmica, estudo de trânsito colônico com marcadores radiopacos e manometria anorretal. O estudo de trânsito foi normal em três (18,75%) crianças, dez (62,5%) apresentaram constipação de trânsito lento e três (18,75%) obstrução de via de saída. A avaliação urodinâmica estava alterada em 14 das 16 crianças estudadas: dez (76,9%) apresentaram hiperatividade detrusora associada à disfunção miccional, três (23,1%) hiperatividade vesical isolada e um (6,25%) disfunção miccional sem hiperatividade vesical. Ao compararmos constipação de trânsito lento e disfunção do trato urinário inferior, dez (100%) sujeitos com constipação de trânsito lento e três (50%) sem constipação de trânsito lento apresentavam hiperatividade vesical (p=0,036). Sete (70%) sujeitos com constipação de trânsito lento e quatro (66,7%) sem constipação de trânsito lento apresentavam disfunção miccional (p=0,65). Ao compararmos constipação de trânsito lento e a presença de incontinência urinária, esta estava presente em nove (90%) participantes com constipação de trânsito lento e em um (16,7%) sem constipação de trânsito lento (p = 0,008). Quanto à urgência urinária, estava presente em 10 (100%) e três (50%) respectivamente (p = 0,036). O escore do Disfunctional Voiding Scoring System variou de 6 a 21. O subgrupo com constipação de trânsito lento mostrou um escore de Disfunctional Voiding Scoring System significativamente maior que o subgrupo sem constipação de trânsito lento. O presente estudo demonstrou alta prevalência de constipação de trânsito lento em crianças e adolescentes com constipação refratária e sintomas do trato urinário inferior. Este estudo foi pioneiro em demonstrar a associação entre hiperatividade vesical e constipação de trânsito lento e coloca em voga a possibilidade de uma desordem neuromuscular comum, responsável pela dismotilidade vesical e colônica. Futuros estudos envolvendo a motilidade intestinal e vesical são necessários para melhor compreensão do tema e desenvolvimento de novas modalidades terapêuticas.


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Na medicina regenerativa há uma crescente utilização de lasers de baixa intensidade em protocolos terapêuticos para tratamento de doenças em tecidos moles e no tecido ósseo. Lasers emitem feixes de luz com características específicas, nas quais o comprimento de onda, a frequência, potência e modo de missão são propriedades determinantes para as respostas fotofísica, fotoquímica e fotobiológica. Entretanto, sugere-se que lasers de baixa potência induzem a produção de radicais livres, que podem reagir com biomoléculas importantes, como o DNA. Essas reações podem causar lesões e induzir mecanismos de reparo do DNA para preservar a integridade do código genético e homeostase celular. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar lesões no DNA de células do sangue periférico de ratos Wistar e a expressão dos genes ERCC1 e ERCC2 em tecidos biológicos expostos a lasers de baixa intensidade em comprimentos de onda, fluências, potências e modos de emissão utilizados em protocolos terapêuticos. Para tal, amostras de sangue periférico foram expostas ao laser vermelho (660 nm) e infravermelho (808 nm) em diferentes fluências, potências e modos de emissão, e a indução de lesões no DNA foi avaliada através do ensaio cometa. Em outros experimentos, lesões no DNA foram analisadas através do ensaio cometa modificado, utilizando as enzimas de reparo: formamidopirimidina DNA glicosilase (FPG) e endonuclease III. Pele e músculo de ratos Wistar foram expostos aos lasers e amostras desses tecidos foram retiradas para extração de RNA, síntese de cDNA e avaliação da expressão dos genes por PCR quantitativo em tempo real. Os dados obtidos neste estudo sugeriram que a exposição aos lasers induz lesões no DNA dependendo da fluência, potência e modo de emissão, e que essas lesões são alvos da FPG e endonuclease III. A expressão relativa do RNAm de ERCC1 e de ERCC2 foi alterada nos tecidos expostos dependendo do comprimento de onda e fluência utilizada. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo sugerem que danos oxidativos no DNA poderiam ser considerados para segurança do paciente e eficácia terapêutica, bem como alterações na expressão dos genes de reparo do DNA participariam dos efeitos de bioestimulação que justificam as aplicações terapêutica de lasers de baixa potência.


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The human genome project has been recently complemented by whole-genome assessment sequence of 32 mammals and 24 nonmammalian vertebrate species suitable for comparative genomic analyses. Here we anticipate a precipitous drop in costs and increase in sequ


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生物遗传物质的多样性从根本上决定了当今地球上生命世界的丰富多 彩。然而生命在漫长的进化历程中如何从最原始的生命形态不断演变,创造 出如此巨大的多样性,是自然留给我们最吸引人的奥秘之一。因此对于分子 进化生物学或进化基因组学的研究者来说,承载生命遗传信息的基因组如何 进化一直以来都是大家关注的一个基本科学命题。本研究主要从两个方面探 讨了基因组中新遗传结构起源的分子机制和进化模式,一方面我们以实验的 方法在黑腹果蝇亚种组中大规模地对新基因进行筛选和鉴定,探讨了果蝇基 因组中新基因起源的分子机制和进化模式;另一方面我们以生物信息学手段 对啮齿类动物大鼠和小鼠进行比较基因组研究,以人和猪的转录序列作为外 群,鉴定了大量啮齿类特有的新外显子,并对这些新外显子的进化特征和产 生机制做了研究。 在果蝇基因组新基因起源与进化的研究工作中,我们综合运用了荧光原 位杂交(fluorescent in situ hybridization, FISH),Southern 印迹 (Southern blotting),表达转录分析,生物信息确认和进化速率分析等技术和分析手段, 通过对黑腹果蝇约7000 个基因在黑腹果蝇亚种组8 个近缘物种中同源拷贝数 分布的筛选,鉴定了17 个年轻的散在重复新基因,并对这些新基因的结构、 表达和进化进行了全面的分析。结果表明,DNA 水平的重组机制产生了大量 的新的与祖先基因结构没有冗余的散在重复基因,它们的基因结构以很高的 频率形成了嵌合结构。这些新散在重复基因形成嵌合基因的机会有可能大大 高于预期。同时,我们提供了有力证据证明,重复序列特别是DNAREP1 转 座子很可能通过了非等位同源重组方式介导了散在重复基因的形成。最后, 运用多种行之有效的分析方法,我们证明绝大部分的这些新的嵌合重复基因 是有功能的。在啮齿类新外显子的起源与进化研究中,我们首先利用有完整序列信息 的人和小鼠的基因组,通过同源比对确定了人和小鼠间12,419 个直系同源的 基因组转录单元,这些基因组转录单元中71,039 个大、小鼠共有且相位定义 清晰的外显子被用作后续的分析。通过与人的基因组序列相比较,并进一步 以猪的转录组序列作为第二外群排除掉可能是在人的基因组中丢失的外显子 后,我们共确定了2,695 个啮齿类特有的新外显子。随后对这些新外显子产 生的机制、进化速率、潜在功能以及与选择性剪接之间的关系进行了讨论。 结果显示多数新外显子来自内含子的非重复序列,存在快速的碱基非同义替 换和插入缺失,功能分布上最多的是参与细胞外结合和蛋白间相互作用,提 示这些新外显子的产生可能与啮齿类与外界环境的适应性进化相关。对这些 新外显子与选择性剪接之间关系所做的分析表明,大多数的新外显子存在于 表达量较低的选择性剪接形式中,这说明这些外显子通常参与形成执行组织 特异功能的表达形式,也从一定程度上解释了这些外显子何以能够摆脱对基 因的功能限制而产生较快的进化速度。 总之,上述对果蝇基因组中新基因和啮齿类基因组中新外显子的起源和 进化的研究结果表明,基因组中通过新基因或新外显子等基因组新材料产生 新功能的进化过程是常见的和重要的遗传机制。


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Stock structure approaches and consequences of management in the eight member countries. Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) genetic stock studies and workplan


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青杨组(Section Tacamahaca Spach)杨树是我国重要的乡土经济树种,目前对其分子遗传变异和系统进化的研究还很少,尤其是在青杨组杨树遗传资源极为丰富的川西地区,杨树的分子进化及亲缘关系的研究极为缺乏,非常不利于该树种遗传资源的开发和利用。本研究从川西地区收集了青杨(Populus cathayana)、青海杨(P. prezewalskii)、滇杨(P. yunnanensis)、康定杨(P. kangdingensis)、西南杨(P. schneideri)、小叶杨(P.simonii)和三脉青杨(P. trinervis)这7 个青杨组树种的10 个群体,利用多种分子标记手段对其种间的亲缘关系进行比较,并结合形态和地史资料进行了全面的研究和评价,得到了如下的主要研究结果: 1. SSR 和ISSR 位点变异丰富。通过10 对引物对50 个杨树个体的DNA 样品进行了SSR 分析,所有位点展现了丰富的群体间和种间的多态性,多态位点率达到了100%,每位点的等位基因数变化范围为5 ~ 17,平均为11.9 个;通过11 条ISSR 随机引物对供试的混合DNA 样品进行分析,共检测到130 个标记,其中多态性标记为119 个,多态百分率为91.5%。研究认为,SSR 单个标记能展现高水平信息,而ISSR 单个引物能探测更多数量多态性。通过两个标记的遗传距离、聚类图和PCA 分析,表明:同一种内不同群体间的同源性最高;康定杨和西南杨有较近的亲缘关系;小叶杨和三脉青杨聚合在一起,显示了其相互较近的亲缘关系;滇杨与其它杨树种可能存在着较远的亲缘关系。 2. 采用4 对选择性引物对7 个青杨组杨树种10 个群体进行AFLP 分析,总共扩增出284 个位点,其中200 个位点显示出了多态性,多态位点百分比为70.4%,平均多态带为50 条。TE-AFLP 的分析总共扩增出192 个位点,其中139 个位点显示出了多态性,多态位点百分比为72.4%,平均多态带为34.7 条。比较的结果表明AFLP、TE-AFLP 的遗传信息含量比较接近,略小于ISSR,大约仅为SSR 的1/3;但这两个基于AFLP 的标记系统的信息探察能力也远大于ISSR 和SSR 标记系统。这两个分子标记的聚类结果,显示小叶杨、三脉青杨和滇杨三个种聚为一组,其中小叶杨与三脉青杨的亲缘关系更近;其它几个杨树种聚为一类,西南杨与青杨表现出较近的亲缘关系。 3. 所有7 对cpSSR 引物中,仅有4 个叶绿体位点在种间具有多态性,而在种内群体中并不具有多态性,共检测出13 个条带,组合成了4 种不同的单倍型;对于cpDNA的5 对引物,共检测出了73 条酶切片段,其中52 条是多态带,组合成了9 种不同的单倍型;而5 对mtDNA 通用引物未能检测出多态性的条带,表现出线粒体的保守性。叶绿体的聚类分析认为,小叶杨、三脉青杨和滇杨有较近的母性起源,且依次聚合;其余四种杨树聚为一类,并且康定杨与西南杨表现出最近的亲缘关系,并依次与青杨和青海杨聚合。 4. 根据本文的分子数据,结合形态和生境分布资料分析认为:青杨组杨树种内群体间的遗传变异程度是小于种间的遗传差异,显示了与传统分类一致的结果;三脉青杨和小叶杨有很近的亲缘关系,可能拥有相同的祖先类群;滇杨与小叶杨和三脉青杨之间具有一定的亲缘关系,特别是在其母性祖先的起源上有着一定的同源性;西南杨与青杨和康定杨均保持着较近的亲缘关系,且有可能是这两个种原始祖先杂交后所形成的。 Although western Sichuan is regarded as a natural distribution and variation center forthe Section Tacahamaca of the Populus species in China, little is currently known about themajority of poplar species occurring in this region. In the present study, molecular data wereutilized to determine the genetic relationships among Populus species in Section Tacamahacain western Sichuan including P. cathayana, P. prezewalskii, P. yunnanensis, P. kangdingensis,P. schneideri, P. simonii and P.trinervis. The results are as fellows: 1. The genetic variation at SSR and ISSR loci was abundant. All the 10 SSR loci werepolymorphic, and the number of alleles per locus varied from 5 to 17 with a mean valueequaling 11.9. Based on the 11 ISSR primers, 130 clear and reproducible DNA fragmentswere generated, of which 119 (91.5%) were polymorphic. Our results reveal that single SSRlocus can present more genetic information, while more polymorphic bands can be detectedby single ISSR primer. Moreover, the genetic distance, cluster and PCA analysisdemonstrated that: a close relationship among accessions of the same species and suggestedmonophyly in P. przewalskii and P. cathayana; P. schneideri is genetically highly similar to P.kangdingensis; P. trinervis and P. simonii have a close genetic affinity; P. yunnanensis isdistinct from the other species. 2. Genetic relationships of poplar species in Section Tacamahaca from western Sichuanwere evaluated by means of AFLP and TE-AFLP. For four AFLP primer combinations, atotal of 284 bands were obtained of which 200 (70.4%) were polymorphic with the average of50 polymorphic bands. For four TE-AFLP primer combinations, a total of 192 band wereobtained of which 139 (72.4%) were polymorphic with the average of 34.7 polymorphicbands. Our results indicate that the genetic information of AFLP is similar to that ofTE-AFLP, and little less than that of ISSR, but only about 1/3 of that of SSR. However, theability of information detection of the two AFLP-based markers is much higher than that ofISSR and SSR. In addition, the cluster analysis of AFLP, TE-AFLP and combined data revealthat: P. yunnanensis, P. trinervis and P. simonii clustered together, and P. trinervis and P.simonii showed more closed affinity; the other four poplar species clustered together, P.cathayana and P. schneideri showed more closed origin especially. 3. The cpSSR analysis for seven Populus species belonging to the Section Tacamahaca.Four out of the seven analyzed chloroplast loci were polymorphic, whereas none of the lociwere polymorphic across the accessions within a species. 13 bands and 4 different kinds ofhaplotypes were reduced. Based on 5 pairs of cpDNA primers, 73 fragments (52 polymorphic)and 9 kinds of haplotypes were produced. However, none of the polymorphic was detected bythe 5 mtDNA primer pairs, revealing conservation of mtDNA region. The cluster analysis ofcpDNA revealed that: similar maternal phylogeny among P. yunnanensis, P. trinervis and P.simonii; the other four species clustered together, P. schneideri and P. kangdingensis showedmore closed maternal lineage especially. 4. Our molecular data, morphological characters and nature habitat revealed that: sameto the traditional taxonomy assignment, genetic variation within a same Populus species islower than that among Populus species in Section Tacamahaca; P. yunnanensis may share itschloroplast ancestor with P. trinervis and P. simonii; moreover, sister genetic relationship of P.trinervis and P. simonii indicated their similar origin; P. schneideri clustered with P.kangdingensis and P. cathayana, respectively, and may have derived from an ancienthybridization event involving the ancestors of the two species.


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中国沙棘是一种雌雄异株、风媒传粉的灌木或乔木,在中国西南的卧龙自然保护区有广泛的分布。本研究以采集于四川卧龙自然保护区5 个海拔(1800 m、2200 m、2600 m、3000 m、3400 m)梯度的中国沙棘天然群体为材料,以ISSR 和AFLP 标记技术研究其遗传多样性水平及其遗传结构,旨在了解卧龙地区中国沙棘天然群体的遗传多样性水平以及遗传多样性在群体间、群体内以及雌雄亚群体间的分布和特征,为中国沙棘树种的遗传改良及种质资源保存提供遗传研究背景与实验依据。同时探讨ISSR、AFLP 和RAPD三种标记对中国沙棘天然群体的遗传变异水平和群体间遗传结构的评估能力和各自的优缺点。研究得出以下主要结论: 1. ISSR和AFLP分析都表明卧龙自然保护区的中国沙棘群体拥有较高的遗传变异水平(h = 0.249,HT = 0.305)。出现这种结果的主要原因可能与卧龙自然保护区多变的气候条件和生境的异质度大有关。 2. ISSR 和AFLP 都揭示出卧龙自然保护区中国沙棘群体的遗传多样性随着海拔的增加发生显著的变化,表现为中海拔群体(2200 m 和2600 m)比高海拔群体(3000 m 和3400 m)和低海拔群体(1800 m)有更高的遗传多样性的趋势。出现这种趋势的可能解释是低海拔群体处在相对高温和相对干旱的环境,高海拔群体受到低温和紫外线胁迫,而中海拔群体存在中国沙棘生长的适宜环境。 3. ISSR 和AFLP 分析都表明:卧龙自然保护区中国沙棘的遗传结构遵循分布范围广、交配系统以异交为主的木本植物的通常模式,即大多数的遗传变异存在于群体内,只有少部分的遗传变异存在于群体间。 4. 经Mantel 检测表明,卧龙自然保护区中国沙棘群体间的海拔距离和对应遗传距离之间存在显著的正相关关系,即随着垂直海拔距离的增加,群体间的遗传距离也随之增加。Mantel 检测结果以及聚类分析将卧龙自然保护区5 个不同海拔的中国沙棘群体分为低、中、高海拔群体三组的研究结果都表明,海拔很可能是限制群体间基因交流的主要因素。 5. ISSR 分析发现同一海拔的雌雄亚群体首先聚类的研究结果表明,同一海拔的雌雄亚群体在遗传上最相似。方差分析结果表明只有3.8%的总遗传变异存在于雌雄亚群体间,这可能与雌雄植株间的交配和遗传物质的混合有关。 6. ISSR、AFLP 和RAPD 分析都表明卧龙自然保护区不同海拔的中国沙棘天然群体的遗传多样性水平较高。它们的分析结果估算得到的Nei's 平均基因多样度(h)分别为0.249、0.214 和0.170。从该结果可以看出ISSR 和AFLP 比RAPD 检测到更多的遗传多态性,这很可能是不同标记检测的基因组的位点不同所致。 7. 依据对不同标记系统的比较分析,认为ISSR、AFLP 和RAPD 三种分子标记系统都能成功地用于调查卧龙自然保护区不同海拔的中国沙棘群体的遗传变异水平及遗传变异结构,提供关于中国沙棘天然群体多态性水平和遗传变异分布的有用信息。在三者中,AFLP 具有最高效能指数和标记指数,在确定种间分类关系或鉴别个体方面是一种比较理想的标记。 Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. sinensis, a dioecious and deciduous shrub species,occupies a wide range of habitats in the Wolong Nature Reserve, Southwest China. Ourpresent study investigated the pattern of genetic variation and differentiation among fivenatural populations of H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensis, occurring along an altitudinal gradientthat varied from 1,800 to 3,400 m above sea level in the Wolong Natural Reserve, by usingISSR and AFLP markers to guide its genetic improvement and germplasm conservation. And,comparative study of ISSR, AFLP and RAPD was performed to detect their capacity toestimating the level and pattern of genetic variation occurring among the five elevationpopulations of H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensis, and to discuss their application to the study onplant genetics. The results were list following: 1. The ISSR and AFLP analysis conducted for the H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensispopulations located in the Wolong Natural Reserve of China revealed the presence of highlevels of genetic variation (h = 0.249, HT = 0.305). Besides such features as relatively widedistribution, dominantly outcrossing mating system, and effective seed dispersal by small animals and birds, it is sometimes argued that hard climatic conditions and heterogeneous habitats may also contribute to high levels of diversity. 2. Genetic diversity of H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensis populations was found to varysignificantly with changing elevation, showing a trend that mid-elevation populations (2,200m and 2,600 m) were genetically more diverse than both low-elevation (1,800 m) andhigh-elevation populations (3,000 m and 3,400 m). H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensis is thoughtto be stressed by drought and high temperature at low elevations, and by low temperature athigh elevations. The high genetic variability present in the mid-elevation populations of H.rhamnoides subsp. sinensis is assumed to be related to a greater plant density in the middlealtitudinal zone, where favorable ecological conditions permit its continuous distributioncovering the zone from 2,200 m to 2,600 m above sea level. 3. The genetic structure of H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensis revealed by ISSRs andAFLPs followed the general pattern detected in woody species with widespread distributionsand outcrossing mating systems. Such plants possess more genetic diversity withinpopulations and less variation among populations than species with other combinations oftraits. 4. In the present study, Mantel tests showed positive correlations between altitudinaldistances and genetic distances among populations or subpopulations. The observedrelationship between altitude and genetic distances, and the result of the cluster analysisincluding populations or male subpopulations and classifying the groups into three altitudeclusters suggest that altitude is a major factor that restricts gene flow between populationsand subpopulations. 5. The analysis of molecular variance showed that only 3.8% of the variability residedbetween female and male subpopulations. Such a very restricted proportion of the totalmolecular variance between female and male subpopulations is due to common sexuality andmixing of genetic material between females and males. 6. The analysis based on ISSRs, AFLPs and RAPDs all revealed relatively high levelsof genetic variation among different altitudinal populations of H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensisin Wolong Natural Reserve of China. Their estimates of mean Nei’s gene diversity is equal to0.249, 0.214 and 0.170 respectively, suggesting the higher capacity of detecting geneticvariation of ISSR and AFLP than RAPD. It might be ascribed to their distinct sensitivity todifferent type of genetic variation. 7. Based on the coparative study on ISSR, AFLP and RAPD, we drew a conclusion thatthey all successfully reveal some useful information concerning the level and pattern ofgenetic vatiation occurring among different elevation populations of H. rhamnoides subsp.sinensis. AFLP is a ideal tool to taxonomic study and individual identification for theirhighest efficiency index and marker index among the three marker systems.


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同源四倍体水稻(2N=4X=48,AAAA)是由二倍体水稻(2N=2X=24,AA)通过秋水仙素诱导染色体加倍后得到的新品系,具有优良的抗病性以及较高的蛋白质含量。因此,在四倍体水平上挖掘水稻的增产潜力成为水稻育种的新手段。同源四倍体水稻具有很强的遗传可塑性和很弱的遗传保守性,利用其作为水稻远缘杂交的桥梁,从野生物种中不断地引进有益的基因,这将有助于杂交水稻的多代利用和固定水稻的杂种优势。但是迄今为止,还没有关于同源四倍体水稻遗传多样性,遗传背景的报道。目前世界关于同源四倍体水稻的研究主要集中在中国,主要研究方向为培育、筛选结实正常的亲本材料,配置和筛选结实率正常或接近正常的组合。经过几十年研究,虽然在材料构建,细胞学研究等方面取得了较大进展,但同样由于结实率低的瓶颈问题未解决,而使多倍体水稻育种未能取得实质性进展。而近年来一些关于同源四倍体水稻低结实率机理的细胞学研究也由于缺乏统计学数据而缺乏说明性。本文用SSR标记,对选取的36个结实率正常同源四倍体水稻三系亲本和14个来源二倍体亲本,分析他们的遗传差异和群体遗传结构。本文还利用我们培育的高、低结实率的同源四倍体水稻恢复系、优良保持系和杂种F1及二倍体对照为材料,进行系统深入的细胞遗传学研究,进一步探讨同源四倍体水稻有性传递后代的发育过程,探索分裂期染色体行为特征与遗传性状稳定性的关系,为进一步选育多倍体水稻品种并将其应用于生产提供理论依据。同源四倍体水稻突变株D4063-1直链淀粉含量比来源二倍体明恢63下降一半,即其直链淀粉含量为5.23%,为研究其直链淀粉含量下降的原因,本文还根据普通水稻Wx基因设计引物,扩增测序获得了D4063-1Wx基因的全序列,与已报道Wx基因进行比对分析,并根据D4063-1和籼稻、粳稻的序列差异并根据D4063-1在该片段上的特征序列位点设计了用于识别D4063-1的寡核苷酸片段,为快速、准确的鉴别低直链淀粉的D4063-1创造了条件。 SSR标记具有基因组分布广泛、数量丰富、多态性高、容易检测、共显性、结果稳定可靠、实验重现性好、操作简单、经济、易于高通量分析等许多优点,被认为是用于遗传多样性、品种鉴定、物种的系统发育、亲缘关系及起源等研究的非常有效的分子标记。本研究选取了中国科学院成都生物所培育的同源四倍体和二倍体水稻亲本,并用36个微卫星标记进行了遗传差异和种群遗传结构分析。在50个品系中,我们观察到较高水平的多态性,每基因等位基因数(Ae)分布于2至6之间(平均值3.028),多态性信息含量(PIC)分布于0.04至0.76之间(平均值0.366);期望杂合度(He)分布于0.04至0.76之间(平均值0.370),Shannon指数(I)分布于0.098至1.613之间(平均值0.649)。同源四倍体品系的等位基因数,期望杂合性和Shannon指数都比二倍体品系高。在供试50个品系中,较多材料均发现Rare基因,根据SSR多态性指数我们构建了同源四倍体和二倍体水稻的核心指纹库。F-统计值表明遗传差异主要存在于同源四倍体品系中(Fst=0.066)。聚类分析结果表明50个品系可以分为4个组。I组包括所有的同源四倍体和二倍体籼稻保持系,以及一个同源四倍体籼稻雄性不育系及其来源二倍体。II组仅包括IR来源的品系。III组比II组和IV组更复杂,包括同源四倍体和二倍体籼稻恢复系品系。IV组包括同源四倍体和二倍体粳稻品系。此外,由于等位基因及配子的遗传差异,同源四倍体与二倍体品系中存在单位点和双位点的遗传差异。分析结果表明,二倍体和四倍体水稻基因库的不同,其中遗传变异可以区分四倍体与二倍体水稻。同源四倍体水稻具有长期而独立的遗传性,我们能够选育并得到与二倍体亲本相比有特殊优良农艺性状的品系。 本研究以高结实率的同源四倍体水稻恢复系DTP-4、D明恢63及优良保持系D46B为材料进行农艺性状及细胞遗传学比较研究。DTP-4、D明恢63及保持系D46B的的染色体组成均为2N=4X=48,花粉母细胞具有较为理想的减数分裂行为,配对染色体的比率在99%以上,这与理论染色体组构成相符。DTP-4和D明恢63PMC减数分裂各个时期单价体和三价体的比例都非常低,而在MI, PMC观察到较多的二价体和四价体且四价体多以环状形式出现,其最大频率的染色体构型分别为12II 6IV和10II 7IV。恢复系DTP-4和D明恢63在MI四价体频率分别为2.00/PMC和2.26/PMC,而保持系D46B在MI四价体频率为6.00/PMC,极显著地高于恢复系品系,表明保持系D46B具有更好的染色体配对性质;AI保持系D46B的染色体滞后频率为10.62%,远低于恢复系材料DTP-4和D明恢63的19.44%和23.14%,接近二倍体对照明恢63的7.30%水平;TI保持系D46B具有比恢复系更低频率的微核数。而在TII,D46B的正常四分小孢子比率不但高于恢复系品系甚至高于二倍体对照。对高低结实率的同源四倍体水稻恢复系和杂种F1代的花粉育性,结实率和细胞遗传学行为进行了比较研究。DTP-4, D明恢63, D46A´DTP-4和D46A´D明恢63的花粉育性和结实率比D什香和D46A´D什香显著提高。减数分裂分析的结果表明,DTP-4,D明恢63,D什香,D46A´DTP-4,D46A´D明恢63和D46A´D什香其减数分裂染色体构型分别为:0.05I +19.96 II (9.89棒状+10.07环状) +0.01III + 2.20 IV, 0.11I +19.17 II (8.90 棒状+10.37 环状) +0.09III + 2.26 IV + 0.01 VI, 1.33I +9.46 II (4.50 棒状+4.96 环状) +0.44III + 6.02 IV + 0.09VI + 0.09 VIII, 0.02I +14.36 II (6.44 棒状+7.91 环状) +0.01III + 4.80IV + 0.01VIII, 0.06 I +17.67 II (11.01 棒状+6.67 环状) +0.06 III + 3.10 IV + 0.01 VI and 1.11 I +11.31 II (5.80 棒状+5.51 环状) +0.41 III + 5.63 IV+0.03VI+0.03VIII。在同源四倍体水稻恢复系和杂种F1代材料中,最常见的染色体构型为16II +4IV和12II +6IV。在减数分裂过程中,结实率较高的材料染色体异常现象较少而结实率较低的材料染色体异常现象较严重。在杂种F1代中,二价体的比例要低于其相应的恢复系亲本,同样的,单价体,三价体和多价体的比例相比其恢复系亲本也偏低。然而,在减数分裂MI,杂种F1代中四价体的比例要显著高于其恢复系亲本。在中期I,每细胞单价体的比例和花粉育性呈现出极高的负相关(-0.996),当单价体数目升高时,花粉育性下降。其次是每细胞三价体的比例(-0.987),之后则是每细胞多价体的比例与花粉育性的负相关(-0.948)。但是统计分析表明,二价体和四价体的比例对花粉育性和结实率没有显著影响。这一结果表明出了花粉育性和细胞减数分裂行为的相关性,同源四倍体的减数分裂行为为筛选高结实率的同源四倍体种系提供了理论依据。 突变体是遗传学研究的基本材料。利用突变体克隆水稻基因,并进而研究基因的生物学功能是水稻功能基因组学的重要研究内容。本课题组在多年的四倍体水稻育种研究中已获得多个低直链淀粉含量突变体,其中一些突变体在直链淀粉含量下降的同时,胚乳外观也发生了显著改变,呈半透明或不透明。同源四倍体水稻突变株D4063-1直链淀粉含量比来源二倍体明恢63下降一半,即其直链淀粉含量为5.23%。为研究其直链淀粉含量下降的原因,我们根据普通水稻Wx基因设计引物,扩增测序获得了D4063-1Wx基因的全序列,与已报道Wx基因进行比对分析;同源四倍体水稻D4063-1Wx基因最显著变化为在外显子序列中发生了碱基缺失,导致移码突变,在第9外显子终止密码子提前出现。D4063-1Wx基因碱基位点的变化还导致了其序列上的酶切位点的变化,对常用限制性内切酶位点分析分析结果表明同源四倍体水稻相对于籼稻和粳稻多了2个sph1酶切位点,相对于粳稻减少了6个Acc1,增加了4个Xba1,1个Xho1,1个Pst1和1个Sal1酶切位点。聚类分析表明D4063-1Wx基因序列与籼稻亲源关系较近,由此推测D4063-1Wx基因来源于籼稻的Wxa基因型。另外,根据D4063-1Wx基因的碱基差异,我们推测D4063-1Wx基因外显子碱基变化导致的RNA加工障碍是其直链淀粉降低的主要原因,并可能与其米饭较软等品质相关。本文还根据D4063-1和籼稻、粳稻的序列差异并根据D4063-1在该片段上的特征序列位点设计了用于识别D4063-1的寡核苷酸片段,并作为PCR反应的引物命名为AUT4063-1,将该引物与我们设计的扩增普通籼稻、粳稻的Wx基因引物F5配合使用建立了识别D4063-1的显性和共显性两种检测方式的分子标记,为快速、准确的鉴别低直链淀粉的D4063-1创造了条件。 研究同源四倍体水稻基因组的遗传差异,探索同源四倍体水稻的遗传规律,研究分裂期染色体行为特征与遗传性状稳定性的关系,旨在揭示四倍体水稻中同源染色体配对能力的遗传差异,为进一步选育多倍体水稻品种并将其应用于生产提供理论依据。 Autotetraploid rice (2N=4X=48, AAAA) is a new germplasm developed from diploid rice (2N=2X=24, AA) through chromosomes doubling with colchicines and is an excellent resource for desirable resistance genes to the pathogens and high protein content. Therefore, heterosis utilization on polyploidy is becoming a new strategy in rice breeding. At present, the main research on autotetraploid rice centralizes in China. Breeding effort has been made to improve autotetraploid rice genetically, however, the progresses are limited due to higher degree of divergence between hybrid sterility and polygenic nature. But to date, almost nothing is reported about the genetic diversity, original and genetic background of autotetraploid rice. Despite several reports on cytological analysis of the mechanisms of low seed set in autotetraploid rice still the results are inconclusive due to lack the statistical evaluation. Therefore, the study on the mechanisms of low seed set in autotetraploid is a priority for rice breeding. Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are the widely used marker for estimating genetic diversity in many species, including wild, weedy, and cultivated rice. In our research, genetic diversity and population genetic structure of autotetraploid and diploid populations collected from Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences were studied based on 36 microsatellite loci. For the total of 50 varieties, a moderate to high level of genetic diversity was observed at population levels with the number of alleles per locus (Ae) ranging from 2 to 6 (mean 3.028) and PIC ranging from 0.04 to 0.76 (mean 0.366). The expected heterozygosity (He) varied from 0.04 to 0.76 with the mean of 0.370 and Shannon’s index (I) ranging from 0.098 to 1.613 (mean 0.649). The autotetraploid populations showed a slightly higher level of effective alleles, the expected heterozygosity and Shannon’s index than that of diploid populations. Rare alleles were observed at most of the SSR loci in one or more of the 50 accessions and core fingerprint database of the autotetraploid and diploid rice was constructed. The F-statistics showed that genetic variability mainly existed among autotetraploid populations rather than among diploid populations (Fst=0.066). Cluster analysis of the 50 accessions showed four major groups. Group I contained all of the autotetraploid and diploid indica maintainer lines and a autotetraploid and its original diploid indica male sterile lines. Groups II contained only original of IR accessions. Group III was more diverse than either group II or IV and comprised of both autotetraploid and diploid indica restoring lines. Group IV included japonica cluster of the autotetraploid and diploid rices. Furthermore, genetic differences at the single-locus and two-locus levels, as well as components due to allelic and gametic differentiation, were revealed between autotetraploid and diploid varieties. This analysis indicated that the gene pools of diploid and autotetraploid rice are somewhat dissimilar, which made a variation that distinguishes autotetraploid from diploid rices. Using this variation, we can breed new autotetraploid varieties with some new important agricultural characters but the diploid rice has not. Cytogenetic characteristics in restorer lines DTP-4, DMinghui63 and maintainer line D46B of autotetraploid rices were studied. DTP-4, DMinghui63 and D46B showed the advantage of high seed set and biological yield. The meiotic chromosome behavior was slightly irregular in DTP-4, DMinghui63 and D46B. We observed less univalent, trivalent and multivalent at MI, but more bivalent and quadrivalent were observed. The most frequent chromosome configurations were 12II 6IVand 10II 7IV in restorer and maintainer lines, respectively. The quadrivalent frequency of DTP-4 and Dminghui63 at metaphase(MI) was respectively 2.00/PMC and 2.26/PMC. However that frequency of D46B was 6.00/PMC, which was greatly significantly higher than DTP-4 and Dminghui63. That indicates the maintainer D46B has better chromosome pairing capability in metaphase (MI). The frequency of lagging chromosomes of the maintainer D46B at anaphaseI (AI) was 10.62%, which was significantly lower than that of DTP-4(19.44%) and Dminghui63(23.14%) and nearly reaching the level of diploid CK(7.30%). In telophaseI (TI) maintainer D46B showed lower frequency of microkernel at TI and lower frequency of abnormal spores at telophaseII(TII). We also studied pollen fertility, seed set and cytogenetic characteristics of restorer lines and F1 hybrids of autotetraploid rice. DTP-4, DMinghui63, D46A´DTP-4 and D46A´DMinghui63 showed significantly higher pollen fertility and seed set than DShixiang and D46A´DShixiang. Pairing configurations in PMC of DTP-4, DMinghui63, DShixiang, D46A´DTP-4, D46A´DMinghui63 and D46A´DShixiang were 0.05 I+19.96 II (9.89 rod+10.07 ring)+0.01 III+2.20 IV, 0.11 I+19.17 II (8.90 rod+10.37 ring)+0.09 III+2.26 IV+0.01 VI, 1.33 I+9.46 II (4.50 rod+4.96 ring)+0.44 III+6.02 IV+0.09 VI+0.09 VIII, 0.02 I+14.36 II (6.44 rod+7.91 ring)+0.01 III+4.80 IV+0.01V III, 0.06 I+17.67 II (11.01 rod+6.67 ring)+0.06 III+3.10 IV+0.01 VI and 1.11 I+11.31 II (5.80 rod+5.51 ring)+0.41 III+5.63 IV+0.03 VI+0.03 VIII, respectively. Configuration 16 II+4 IV and 12 II+6 IV occurred in the highest frequency among the autotetraploid restorers and hybrids. Meiotic chromosome behaviors were less abnormal in the tetraploids with high seed set than those with low seed set. The hybrids had fewer frequencies of bivalents, univalents, trivalents and multivalents than the restorers, but higher frequency of quatrivalents than the restorers at MI. The frequency of univalents at M1 had the most impact on pollen fertility and seed set, i.e., pollen fertility decreased with the increase of univalents. The secondary impact factors were trivalents and multivalents, and bivalents and quatrivalents had no effect on pollen fertility and seed set. The correlative relationship between pollen fertility and cytogenetic behaviors could be utilized to improve seed set in autotetraploidy breeding. The amylose content of autotetraploid indica mutant Rice D4063-1 dropped by half than diploid Minghui 63, that is, its amylose content of 5.23%.The whole sequence of Waxy gene of D4063-1 is amplified and sequenced. And the discrepancy of bases is found comparing to the reported Waxy gene. The Waxy gene of autotetraploid Rice D4063-1 had a base deletion in exon sequence, which resulted frameshift mutation in exon 9 and termination codon occur early. The mutation of Wx also led to the change of some common restriction endonuclease sites. Results showed compared to indica and japonica, D4063-1 had two adding sph1 sites. Compared to japonica, D4063-1 had six decreasing Acc1, a adding Xho1, Pst1 and Sal1 restriction sites. Phylogeny analysis shows that the DNA sequence of Waxy gene of D4063-1 is closer to Indica, and we suppose that the Waxy gene of D4063-1 is origin from genotype Wxa. In addition, according to the base differences of Wx in D4063-1, we deduce that RNA processing obstacle led by base change of intron is the main cause to low the amylose content, and related to phenotype of its soft rice. Based on analysis of fragments of D4063-1, indica and japonica and according to the special point of the three species, primers as markers-AUT4063-I were designed for distinguishing the D4063-1 from other rice. Combining with primer pair F5, dominant and codominant ways were established for discriminating them., rapid and correct identification of D4063-1 from other rice could be done. The genetic analysis is important to ensure the original of autotetraploid rice, for maintaining the “distinctiveness” of autotetraploid varieties, and to differentiate between the various genetic background of autotetraploid rice. The autotetraploid breeding will benefit from detailed analysis of genetic diversity in the germplasm collections. Further investigation on mechanisms of meiotic stability should benefit polyploid breeding. These findings demonstrated opportunity to improve meiotic abnormalities as well as grain fertilities in autotetraploid rice.


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本文以中国科学院成都生物研究所培育的同源四倍体水稻和二倍体水稻为材料,进行遗传差异及产量、品质性状的研究:1、以二倍体水稻为对照,研究了同源四倍体水稻在2004 年和2005 年的结实情况。结果同源四倍体的花粉育性、结实率均不同程度下降,尤其低代材料更是大幅度下降。F 检验表明,同源四倍体不同个体间的各产量性状均差异显著,说明其具有很大的遗传改良潜力。从1996 年到2005 年对部分同源四倍体水稻进行了连续选择改良,T 检验表明经过9 年的选择改良,其结实率显著提高。本文还对同源四倍体水稻各产量性状间的相关性进行了分析,结果结实率与花粉育性、穗着粒数、穗实粒数极显著相关;理论产量与花粉育性、有效穗数、穗着粒数、穗实粒数、结实率及千粒重极显著相关。i2、用(CT)n 微卫星标记和PCR-Acc Ι分子标记对40 份同源四倍体和14 份二倍体水稻Wx 基因进行研究。结果,(CT)n 微卫星标记检测,Wx 基因呈Wx1、Wx2 和Wx3 3 种多态性;PCR-Acc Ι 检测,Wx 基因表现为G-型和T-型。测定稻米直链淀粉含量(AC)、胶稠度(GC)和糊化温度(GT),并探讨其与Wx 基因的关系,结果,二倍体和同源四倍体水稻均存在:Wx 基因型相同,AC 差异较小,Wx 基因型不同时,AC 差异较大,Wx1 基因型品种AC 最高, Wx2 基因型品种AC 次之,Wx3 基因型品种AC 最低;基因型相同时,同源四倍体AC 低于二倍体;同源四倍体与对应二倍体间,Wx 基因型相同时,AC 差异很小;而Wx 基因型发生变异时,AC 差异很大。同时,进行相关性分析,结果二倍体和四倍体水稻均存在AC、GC 与Wx 基因密切相关;而GT 与Wx 基因相关不显著。综合分析,(CT)n微卫星标记与PCR-Acc Ι 分子标记检测的相关系数为0.842,呈极显著正相关,可以将其结合起来进行同源四倍体新品种的选育和改良。3、利用RAPD 技术,对同源四倍体和二倍体水稻的遗传差异进行分析。17条引物在同源四倍体中扩增出178 条带(PPB=81.5%),在二倍体中扩增出173条带(PPB=76.3%);同源四倍体和二倍体的Shannon 遗传多样性指数分别为0.4848 和0.4679,多态信息量分别为0.3301 和0.3216,遗传距离分别为0.3572和0.3460;同源四倍体与其对应二倍体间遗传距离为0.1914-0.4633,平均为0.2914。表明同源四倍体的遗传多样性高于二倍体,且同源四倍体与其二倍体之间存在较大的遗传差异,这些将为水稻品种改良和新品种选育提供科学依据。上述产量、品质性状及遗传差异分析的结果,不仅有利于加快同源四倍体水稻的遗传改良进程,而且为进一步研究、利用同源四倍体水稻奠定了初步基础。 AbstractStudy on genetic diversity, yield characters and quality traitsof autotetraploid and diploid riceLiu Yuhua (Botany)Directed by Associate Prof. Tu ShengbinIn this study, diploid and autotetraploid rice, which were cultivated in ChengduInstitute of Biology were analyzed in genetic diversity, yield characters and qualitytraits.In the study, 2 diploid and 29 autotetraploid rice(2n=4x=48) materials, including4 preliminary and 25 advanced generation, were investigated for yield characters.Compared with diploid check, the pollen fertility and seed set of autotetraploiddeclined dramatically, especially in preliminary generation. F-test indicated that therewere remarkable differences among different varieties, showing that autotetraploidmaterials had strong potential for improvement. From 1996 to 2005, someautotetraploid rice had been selected and improved. T-test showed that seed setincreased obviously. The relationships among yield characters of autotetraploid ricewere analyzed. Seed set was strongly correlated with pollen fertility, total grainnumber per panicle and productive grain number per panicle; theoretical yield wasstrongly correlated with pollen fertility, productive panicle number per plant, totalgrain number per panicle, productive grain number, seed set and 1000-grain weight.Wx genotypes of 40 autotetraploid rice and 14 diploid rice were tested by usingthe (CT)n microsatellite marker and a cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence(CAPS) molecular marker named PCR-Acc Ι. Three microsatellite alleles wereproduced, i.e. Wx1, Wx2 and Wx3 both in autotetraploid and in diploid rice.Comparatively, PCR- Acc Ι molecular marker produced two genotypes, G-type andT-type for both autotetraploid and diploid rice. In this study, amylose content (AC), gel of consistency (GC) and gelatinization temperature (GT) of rice grain weremeasured and their relationships with Wx alleles were analyzed. The results showedthat variation of AC between autotetraploid and diploid rice was small when they hadthe same Wx genotype. However, variation of AC turned to be large when the Wxgenotypes were different. Actually, AC met the maximum value in Wx1 varieties andWx2 varieties the middle and Wx3 varieties the minimum. And AC was lower inautotetraploid than in diploid. Correlation analysis was done in this experiment. ACand GC of rice grain were probably controlled by Wx gene or other gene whoselocation was strictly linked to Wx gene, while GT of rice was not. The correlationcoefficient between Wx genotypes which revealed by (CT)n microsatellite marker andPCR-Acc Ι molecular marker was 0.842 with significant level. That revealed aconsistent result between the two types of markers. So it was possible to utilize boththe two types of markers to select and promote germplasm of autotetraploid rice.RAPD molecular markers were used to analyze the genetic diversity betweendiploid and autotetraploid rice. 178 repeatable bands were detected through 17 RAPDprimers with percentage of polymorphic bands was 81.5% in autotetraploid rice while173 repeatable bands were detected with percentage of polymorphic bands was 76.3%in diploid rice. According to the measurement of Shannon index, polymorphicinformation content and genetic distance, genetic diversity of autotetraploid was on ahigher level, genetic variation between autotetraploid and diploid rice was relativelyhigh. All these contributed to the genetic selection and improvement in rice breeding.As mentioned above, the results are not only helpful to promote the process ofrice improvement, but also to confirm the basic for further study of autotetraploid rice.


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A linear accelerator as a new injector for the SSC (Separated Sector Cyclotron) of the HIRFL (Heavy ton Research Facility Lanzhou) is being designed. The DTL (Drift-Tube-Linac) has been designed to accelerate U-238(34+) from 0.140 MeV/u to 0.97 MeV/u. To the first accelerating tank which accelerates U-238(34+) to 0.54 MeV/u, the approach of Alternating-Phase-Focusing (APF) is applied. The phase array is obtained by coupling optimization software Dakota and beam optics code LINREV. With the hybrid of Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) and a pattern search method, an optimum array of asynchronous phases is determined. The final growth, both transversely and longitudinally, can meet the design requirements. In this paper, the deign optimization of the APF DTL is presented.


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Inferring how the Pleistocene climate oscillations have repopulated the extant population structure of Chondrus crispus Stackh. in the North Atlantic Ocean is important both for our understanding of the glacial episode promoting diversification and for the conservation and development of marine organisms. C. crispus is an ecologically and commercially important red seaweed with broad distributions in the North Atlantic. Here, we employed both partial mtDNA Cox1 and nrDNA internal transcribed spacer region 2 (ITS2) sequences to explore the genetic structure of 17 C. crispus populations from this area. Twenty-eight and 30 haplotypes were inferred from these two markers, respectively. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and of the population statistic Theta(ST) not only revealed significant genetic structure within C. crispus populations but also detected significant levels of genetic subdivision among and within populations in the North Atlantic. On the basis of high haplotype diversity and the presence of endemic haplotypes, we postulate that C. crispus had survived in Pleistocene glacial refugia in the northeast Atlantic, such as the English Channel and the northwestern Iberian Peninsula. We also hypothesize that C. crispus from the English Channel refugium repopulated most of northeastern Europe and recolonized northeastern North America in the Late Pleistocene. The observed phylogeographic pattern of C. crispus populations is in agreement with a scenario in which severe Quaternary glaciations influenced the genetic structure of North Atlantic marine organisms with contiguous population expansion and locally restricted gene flow coupled with a transatlantic dispersal in the Late Pleistocene.


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A simple, inexpensive and efficient method was developed for rapid isolation of total genomic DNA from 15 red algal species. It resulted in 0.1 mug high quality DNA from 1 mg fresh algal material, with an A(260)/A(280) ratio of 1.68 - 1.90. Using this rapidly isolated DNA, the 18S ribosomal RNA genes ( rDNA) and the nuclear ribosomal DNA of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions were amplified. The tested DNA was suitable for restriction endonuclease digestion, genetic marker analysis and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, and may be valid for other genetic manipulation.


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The method of creating enriched microsatellite libraries can supply an abundant source of microsatellite sequences at a considerably reduced cost. Here we report the development of 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci from the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, using enrichment protocol. Polymorphism was assessed in a sample of hatchery population (n = 38) revealing three to seven alleles per locus. The expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.198 to 0.813 and from 0.083 to 0.833, respectively. These markers will be useful for genetic variation monitoring and parentage analysis.