992 resultados para GIS Techniques


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In 2000 the European Statistical Office published the guidelines for developing the Harmonized European Time Use Surveys system. Under such a unified framework, the first Time Use Survey of national scope was conducted in Spain during 2002– 03. The aim of these surveys is to understand human behavior and the lifestyle of people. Time allocation data are of compositional nature in origin, that is, they are subject to non-negativity and constant-sum constraints. Thus, standard multivariate techniques cannot be directly applied to analyze them. The goal of this work is to identify homogeneous Spanish Autonomous Communities with regard to the typical activity pattern of their respective populations. To this end, fuzzy clustering approach is followed. Rather than the hard partitioning of classical clustering, where objects are allocated to only a single group, fuzzy method identify overlapping groups of objects by allowing them to belong to more than one group. Concretely, the probabilistic fuzzy c-means algorithm is conveniently adapted to deal with the Spanish Time Use Survey microdata. As a result, a map distinguishing Autonomous Communities with similar activity pattern is drawn. Key words: Time use data, Fuzzy clustering; FCM; simplex space; Aitchison distance


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In order to obtain a high-resolution Pleistocene stratigraphy, eleven continuously cored boreholes, 100 to 220m deep were drilled in the northern part of the Po Plain by Regione Lombardia in the last five years. Quantitative provenance analysis (QPA, Weltje and von Eynatten, 2004) of Pleistocene sands was carried out by using multivariate statistical analysis (principal component analysis, PCA, and similarity analysis) on an integrated data set, including high-resolution bulk petrography and heavy-mineral analyses on Pleistocene sands and of 250 major and minor modern rivers draining the southern flank of the Alps from West to East (Garzanti et al, 2004; 2006). Prior to the onset of major Alpine glaciations, metamorphic and quartzofeldspathic detritus from the Western and Central Alps was carried from the axial belt to the Po basin longitudinally parallel to the SouthAlpine belt by a trunk river (Vezzoli and Garzanti, 2008). This scenario rapidly changed during the marine isotope stage 22 (0.87 Ma), with the onset of the first major Pleistocene glaciation in the Alps (Muttoni et al, 2003). PCA and similarity analysis from core samples show that the longitudinal trunk river at this time was shifted southward by the rapid southward and westward progradation of transverse alluvial river systems fed from the Central and Southern Alps. Sediments were transported southward by braided river systems as well as glacial sediments transported by Alpine valley glaciers invaded the alluvial plain. Kew words: Detrital modes; Modern sands; Provenance; Principal Components Analysis; Similarity, Canberra Distance; palaeodrainage


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En la actualidad el proyecto gvSIG se encuentra en una etapa bastante avanzada. La aplicación ya posee múltiples funcionalidades que la convierten en una herramienta de referencia dentro del mundo de SIG, especialmente en ambientes opensource. En este momento, en que gvSIG es una aplicación consolidada sobre equipos de sobremesa, surge la necesidad de ampliar las plataformas de ejecución de gvSIG a una gama de dispositivos móviles, para dar respuesta a las necesidades de un creciente número de usuarios de soluciones móviles que desean hacer uso de un SIG en diferentes tipos de dispositivos. De esta manera el universo de gvSIG se verá ampliado al dotarlo de todas las ventajas de utilización en una amplia gama de dispositivos. Se va a describir el alcance previsto del proyecto gvSIG Mobile, la situación actual y una introducción tecnológica a las características del desarrollo de la aplicación sobre la plataforma J2ME


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Presentación del software desarrollado inicialmente por Horacio González Diéguez y Berio Molina Quiroga para el proyecto Escoitar (http://www.escoitar.org); un sitio Web elaborado mediante un mashup que combina la tecnología podcast con los mapas de Google. En breve Escoitar.org lanzará su versión 2.0 desarrollada íntegramente con SPIP, CMS distribuido bajo licencia GNU/GPL de origen francés (http://www.SPIP.net/es). Nuestra contribución a SPIP ha sido un conjunto de plugins que utilizan GeoRSS, tecnología de sindicación con información geográfica, para facilitar la integración de artículos, imágenes, o sonidos, en mapas como los de Google (http://www.SPIP-contrib.net/Plugin-GIS-escoitar). SPIP GIS permite asociar información geográfica a los elementos tradicionales de un gestor de contenidos como artículos, temas o etiquetas. Google Map Api Plugin utiliza dicha información geográfica para construir google maps en los que se integre la información contenida en el sitio Web. La arquitectura de estos dos plugins ha sido desarrollada para posibilitar en un futuro el uso de otras plataformas como los mapas de Yahoo o de OpenStreetMap


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La tecnología LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), basada en el escaneado del territorio por un telémetro láser aerotransportado, permite la construcción de Modelos Digitales de Superficie (DSM) mediante una simple interpolación, así como de Modelos Digitales del Terreno (DTM) mediante la identificación y eliminación de los objetos existentes en el terreno (edificios, puentes o árboles). El Laboratorio de Geomática del Politécnico de Milán – Campus de Como- desarrolló un algoritmo de filtrado de datos LiDAR basado en la interpolación con splines bilineares y bicúbicas con una regularización de Tychonov en una aproximación de mínimos cuadrados. Sin embargo, en muchos casos son todavía necesarios modelos más refinados y complejos en los cuales se hace obligatorio la diferenciación entre edificios y vegetación. Este puede ser el caso de algunos modelos de prevención de riesgos hidrológicos, donde la vegetación no es necesaria; o la modelización tridimensional de centros urbanos, donde la vegetación es factor problemático. (...)


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In the last years, the use of every type of Digital Elevation Models has iimproved. The LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology, based on the scansion of the territory b airborne laser telemeters, allows the construction of digital Surface Models (DSM), in an easy way by a simple data interpolation


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Se presenta la implementación del modelo hidrológico distribuido de Témez sobre GRASS GIS. Este modelo se utiliza para la evaluación de recursos hídricos en régimen natural con paso mensual y para la totalidad del territorio español, tal como aparece en el Libro Blanco del Agua en España. A partir de las variables de entrada, precipitación y evapotranspiración potencial y los parámetros hidrológicos, el modelo obtiene los mapas de los distintos almacenamientos, humedad en el suelo y volumen de acuífero, y de las variables de salida del ciclo hidrológico, evapotranspiración y escorrentía total, obtenida esta última como suma de la escorrentía superficial y subterránea. El objetivo final del trabajo es la implementación de los componentes superficiales y subterráneos en el modelo hidrológico, desarrollando para ello un programa que hace funcional en GRASS GIS el modelo matemático en que se basa la evaluación de recursos hídricos


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Often practical performance of analytical redundancy for fault detection and diagnosis is decreased by uncertainties prevailing not only in the system model, but also in the measurements. In this paper, the problem of fault detection is stated as a constraint satisfaction problem over continuous domains with a big number of variables and constraints. This problem can be solved using modal interval analysis and consistency techniques. Consistency techniques are then shown to be particularly efficient to check the consistency of the analytical redundancy relations (ARRs), dealing with uncertain measurements and parameters. Through the work presented in this paper, it can be observed that consistency techniques can be used to increase the performance of a robust fault detection tool, which is based on interval arithmetic. The proposed method is illustrated using a nonlinear dynamic model of a hydraulic system


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This work provides a general description of the multi sensor data fusion concept, along with a new classification of currently used sensor fusion techniques for unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV). Unlike previous proposals that focus the classification on the sensors involved in the fusion, we propose a synthetic approach that is focused on the techniques involved in the fusion and their applications in UUV navigation. We believe that our approach is better oriented towards the development of sensor fusion systems, since a sensor fusion architecture should be first of all focused on its goals and then on the fused sensors


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Obtaining automatic 3D profile of objects is one of the most important issues in computer vision. With this information, a large number of applications become feasible: from visual inspection of industrial parts to 3D reconstruction of the environment for mobile robots. In order to achieve 3D data, range finders can be used. Coded structured light approach is one of the most widely used techniques to retrieve 3D information of an unknown surface. An overview of the existing techniques as well as a new classification of patterns for structured light sensors is presented. This kind of systems belong to the group of active triangulation method, which are based on projecting a light pattern and imaging the illuminated scene from one or more points of view. Since the patterns are coded, correspondences between points of the image(s) and points of the projected pattern can be easily found. Once correspondences are found, a classical triangulation strategy between camera(s) and projector device leads to the reconstruction of the surface. Advantages and constraints of the different patterns are discussed


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The absolute necessity of obtaining 3D information of structured and unknown environments in autonomous navigation reduce considerably the set of sensors that can be used. The necessity to know, at each time, the position of the mobile robot with respect to the scene is indispensable. Furthermore, this information must be obtained in the least computing time. Stereo vision is an attractive and widely used method, but, it is rather limited to make fast 3D surface maps, due to the correspondence problem. The spatial and temporal correspondence among images can be alleviated using a method based on structured light. This relationship can be directly found codifying the projected light; then each imaged region of the projected pattern carries the needed information to solve the correspondence problem. We present the most significant techniques, used in recent years, concerning the coded structured light method


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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The speed of fault isolation is crucial for the design and reconfiguration of fault tolerant control (FTC). In this paper the fault isolation problem is stated as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) and solved using constraint propagation techniques. The proposed method is based on constraint satisfaction techniques and uncertainty space refining of interval parameters. In comparison with other approaches based on adaptive observers, the major advantage of the presented method is that the isolation speed is fast even taking into account uncertainty in parameters, measurements and model errors and without the monotonicity assumption. In order to illustrate the proposed approach, a case study of a nonlinear dynamic system is presented


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University of Southampton, Dyslexia Services have developed a range of academic study skills resources available to download. This resource supports revision and techniques for use in examinations.


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