996 resultados para GAN(0001)
OBJETIVO: Analisar a perda do diâmetro luminal mínimo (DLM) nos primeiros 15min após angioplastia coronária por balão (AC), quantificando sua influência na reestenose coronária. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas, prospectivamente, 86 AC em 86 pacientes. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois subgrupos de acordo com a presença ou ausência de reestenose; o 1º grupo compreendendo as 31 lesões com reestenose e o 2º, as 55 lesões sem reestenose. RESULTADOS: A análise univariada mostrou que a relação balão/artéria foi menor no grupo com reestenose (0,92±0,01 vs 1,00±0,11, P= .003). O grupo com reestenose apresentou maior recolhimento elástico absoluto e relativo no 1°min (0,79±0,54 vs 0,68±0,59mm; P= 0,007 e 32,04±14,27 vs 22,15±16,65%; P= 0,006.) e no controle angiográfico do 15°min (1,25±0,59 vs 0,90±0,65mm, P= 0,017 e 46,75±15,69 vs 29,18±17,84%, P<0,00001) do que o grupo sem reestenose. O DLM no 1°min foi menor no grupo com reestenose (2,15±0,42 vs 2,43±0,58mm; P=0,022). O grupo com reestenose apresentou uma maior perda precoce no DLM (0,46±0,34 vs 0,22±0,35mm, P= 0,004). Este decréscimo na luz do vaso determinou que o DLM do 15°min fosse ainda menor no grupo com reestenose (1,69±0,48 vs 2,20±0,61; P= 0,0001). Da análise multivariada, entretanto, identificou-se apenas a relação balão/artéria e o DLM do 15°min como os dois fatores independentes mais relacionados à reestenose. CONCLUSÃO: O recolhimento elástico e a perda do DLM ao longo dos 15min são fatores diretamente relacionados à reestenose. Entretanto, a análise multivariada mostrou que a relação balão/artéria e o DLM de 15min são os dois fatores independentes mais fortemente preditores de reestenose.
OBJETIVO: Identificar lesões estruturais na parede arterial uterina em mulheres com hipertensão arterial (HA). MÉTODOS: Vinte e seis pacientes com indicação de histerectomia eletiva foram divididas em dois grupos. O grupo 1, constituído por mulheres normotensas e, o grupo 2, por hipertensas sem tratamento regular. Foram obtidos dois segmentos da artéria uterina de cada paciente imediatamente após a cirurgia. Os fragmentos foram preparados em lâminas e submetidos ao estudo morfológico à microscopia óptica. RESULTADOS: Os grupos foram homogêneos em relação à idade, com média de 46,8+7,6 e 46,7+6,4 anos nos grupos 1 e 2, respectivamente. As médias de pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica máximas durante o período de internação foram de 130,0+3,4 x 83,8+6,5mmHg no grupo 1 e de 163,8+4,3 x 105,8+9,9mmHg no grupo 2 (p<0,0001). As pacientes hipertensas apresentaram espessamentos maiores da camada íntima (p<0,05). As fibras do complexo elástico encontravam-se mais numerosas e homogêneas no grupo com pressão arterial elevada e a hipertrofia celular mais freqüente (53,8%) que no das normotensas (23,1 %). CONCLUSÃO: HA parece acelerar o espessamento intimal relacionado à idade. As pacientes hipertensas apresentam elevada tendência para um aumento quantitativo e maior homogeneidade das fibras elásticas intimais na parede arterial uterina, indicando que a HA pode determinar alterações estruturais semelhantes ao processo de envelhecimento vascular.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o teste de esforço (TE) como fator preditivo do prognóstico do paciente assintomático com estenose valvar aórtica. MÉTODOS: Foram acompanhados, por 60 meses, 70 pacientes com área valvar <1cm², sem outra lesão cardíaca, e estudados pelo ecocardiograma Doppler, TE (considerado positivo por alterações eletrocardiográficas ou pela presença de sintomas) e acompanhamento clinico, a fim de ser constatada a morte súbita ou o aparecimento de sintomas. RESULTADOS: A probabilidade de sobrevida livre de eventos em 16 meses foi de 50%. Não houve associação, estatisticamente significativa de eventos, com sexo nem com gradiente transvalvar, mas sim, com a idade < e >50 anos (p=0,0124), com a área valvar < e >0,7cm² (p=0,0003) e com a resposta positiva ou negativa do TE (p=0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes assintomáticos com estenose importante apresentam baixa sobrevida livre de eventos e o TE é um bom fator preditivo de seu prognóstico.
OBJETIVO: Comparar, entre homens e mulheres hipercolesterolêmicos, a prevalência dos fatores de risco e a resposta ao tratamento com pravastatina. MÉTODOS: Avaliados 486 homens e 368 mulheres, sendo 230 homens e 187 mulheres, que receberam 10mg de pravastatina por 3 meses. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença respectivamente entre mulheres e homens em relação a: hipertensão arterial (45,5% vs 40,8%; p=0,0012), hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (33,0% vs 22,0%; p=0,0041), sedentarismo (94,8% vs 87,8%; p=0,0005), tabagismo (43,0% vs 61,8%; p<0,0001), escores de Framingham (20,0±7,1 vs 16,0±7,6 p<0,001), HDL-C (43,0±11,0 vs 38,0±9,0mg/dL; p<0,001), triglicérides-TG (216,0±115,0 vs 271,0± 172,0mg/dL; p<0,001) e índices de Castelli (IC) I e II (7,7±2,6 vs 8,6±3,2; p=0,002 e 5,0±1,5 vs 5,5±2,0; p=0,015). Sob ação da pravastatina, houve maior redução nos TG (32,0 vs 21,0% p<0,05) e IC I (-41,0% vs -37,0%; p<0,05) e II (-40,0 vs -38,0%; p<0,05) nos homens. CONCLUSÃO: Homens e mulheres diferiram nos fatores de risco e resposta ao tratamento com a pravastatina.
OBJETIVO: Relatar os resultados das intervenções coronárias percutâneas, no Brasil, no biênio 1996-97, comparando-os com os do biênio 1992-93. MÉTODOS: Foram coletados dados relativos a angioplastia com balão (ATC), aterectomia direcionada (AD), aterectomia rotacional (AR), angioplastia com laser (L) e stents coronários (ST). Estes dados foram comparados aos equivalentes, do Registro 1992-93. RESULTADOS: Participaram do registro atual 79% dos sócios titulares da SBHCI, de 127 hospitais, em 1996-97. Foram incluídos 22.025 pacientes, sendo 60,67% submetidos à ATC; 36,57% a ST; 2,3% a AR; 0,06% à AD e 0,4% ao L. A ATC foi o procedimento mais executado, observando-se um aumento relativo do implante de ST, de 1996 para 1997 de 35% (31,1 para 42,1%, p= 0,0001), com concomitante queda na utilização do balão (65,7% para 55,8%, p= 0,0001). A despeito da população de coronarianos tratados, em 1996-97 ser de maior complexidade clínica e anatômica, que a de 1992-93, verificaram-se maiores índices de sucesso do procedimento (89,7% x 92,8%, p= 0,000001), com menor lesão residual (22% x 19%, p= 0,001). Além disto, houve menores índices de complicações maiores: infarto agudo (2,5% x 1,2%, p<0,01), cirurgia de emergência (0,8% x 0,5%, p= 0,002) e óbito (1,8% x 1,4%, p= 0,0003). CONCLUSÃO: Os procedimentos mais executados no último biênio foram: o balão (60,67%) e os stents coronários (36,57%); verificam-se elevados índices de sucesso (92,3%) e baixas taxas de complicações maiores, confirmando o desempenho de excelência da Cardiologia Intervencionista brasileira.
OBJETIVO: Os efeitos dos beta-bloqueadores na insuficiência cardíaca (IC) refratária não têm sido adequadamente estudados. Investigamos os efeitos do carvedilol (bloqueador b1,b2,a1) nos sintomas e na função ventricular de portadores de IC refratária. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 21 pacientes, idade média de 56±10 anos, 9 em classe funcional (CF) IV, e 12 em CF III intermitente com IV. A dose inicial de carvedilol foi de 6,25mg e, se tolerada, aumentada progressivamente. A dose média final foi 42±11mg. Os pacientes foram submetidos a avaliações clínicas e eletrocardiográficas seriadas. Realizaram-se, antes e com 196±60 dias de evolução, ecocardiograma e ventriculografia radioisotópica. RESULTADOS: O medicamento foi tolerado em 16 (76%) pacientes. Um paciente está em fase de titulação em CF II. Com 196±60 dias de evolução observaram-se 8 pacientes em CF I e 7 em II; redução da freqüência cardíaca de 96±15 para 67±10bpm (p<0,0001); redução do diâmetro diastólico final de ventrículo esquerdo (VE) de 73±13 para 66±12mm (ecocardiograma) (p<0,009); e aumento da fração de ejeção de VE de 0,21±0,06 para 0,34±0,12 (p<0,0003). CONCLUSÃO: O carvedilol devido aos seus efeitos benéficos na função ventricular, remodelamento e CF é, se tolerado, uma potencial alternativa terapêutica no tratamento medicamentoso da IC refratária. Entretanto, estudos adicionais são necessários para definição do efeito a longo prazo neste específico subgrupo de pacientes.
PURPOSE: The authors analyzed the 30-day and 6-month outcomes of 1,126 consecutive patients who underwent coronary stent implantation in 1996 and 1997. METHODS: The 30-day results and 6-month angiographic follow-up were analyzed in patients treated with coronary stents in 1996 and 1997. All patients underwent coronary stenting with high-pressure implantation (>12 atm) and antiplatelet drug regimen (aspirin plus ticlopidine). RESULTS: During the study period, 1,390 coronary stents were implanted in 1,200 vessels of 1,126 patients; 477 patients were treated in the year 1996 and 649 in 1997. The number of percutaneous procedures performed using stents increased significantly in 1997 compared to 1996 (64 % vs 48%, p=0.0001). The 30-day results were similar in both years; the success and stent thrombosis rates were equal (97% and 0.8%, respectively). The occurrence of new Q wave MI (1.3% vs 1.1%, 1996 vs 1997, p=NS), emergency coronary bypass surgery (1% vs 0.6%, 1996 vs 1997, p=NS) and 30-day death rates (0.2% vs 0.5%, 1996 vs 1997, p=NS) were similar. The 6-month restenosis rate was 25% in 1996 and 27% in 1997 (p= NS); the target vessel revascularization rate was 15% in 1996 and 16% in 1997 (p = NS). CONCLUSIONS: Intracoronary stenting showed a high success rate and a low incidence of 30-day occurrence of new major coronary events in both periods, despite the greater angiographic complexity of the patients treated with in 1997. These adverse variables did not have a negative influence at the 6-month clinical and angiographic follow-up, with similar rates of restenosis and ischemia-driven target lesion revascularization rates.
OBJECTIVE: Comparative analysis of the in-hospital results after primary implantation of stents or coronary balloon angioplasty in patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI). METHODS: CENIC (National Center of Cardiovascular Interventions) gathered data on 3,924 patients undergoing coronary angioplasty (in the primary form, without the previous use of thrombolytic agents) in the first 24 hours after a MI, during the period of 1996-1998. From these 3,924 patients, 1,337 (34%) underwent stent implantation. We analyzed the success of the procedure and the occurrence of adverse cardiac events. RESULTS: In patients undergoing stent implantation there were more males (77% vs 69%, p=0.001), previous by pass surgery (6.3% vs. 4.5%, p=0.01), anterior MI and stent implantation in left descending artery (55% vs. 48% vs. p=0.009), and saphenous vein bypass grafts (3.3% vs. 1.9%). the procedure was more succesful in the group of stents (97% vs. 84%, p=0.001) and reinfarction rate (2.5 vs. 4%, p=0.002). The need for emergency revascularization was similar (1% vs. 1.1%, NS). Total in-hospital mortality was lower in stent group (3.4% vs. 7. 2%, p=0.0001) and this effect was in patients Killip class III/V (19.5% vs. 32.5%, p= 0.002) because there was no difference in patients class I/II (1.7% vs. 2.8%, p=0.9). CONCLUSION: Primary stent implantation in acute myocardial infarction showed better early results than balloon angioplasty alome.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the early outcome of mitral valve prostheses implantation and left ventricular remodeling in 23 patients with end-stage cardiomyopathy and secondary mitral regurgitation (NYHA class III and IV). METHODS: Mitral valvular prosthesis implantation with preservation of papillary muscles and chordae tendinae, and plasty of anteriun cuspid for remodeling of the left ventricle. RESULTS: The surgery was performed in 23 patients, preoperative ejection fraction (echocardiography) varied from 13% to 44% (median: 30%). In 13 patients associated procedures were performed: myocardial revascularization (9), left ventricle plicature repair (3) and aortic prosthese implantation (1). Early deaths (2) occurred on the 4th PO day (cardiogenic shock) and on the 20th PO day (upper gastrointestinal bleeding), and a late death in the second month PO (ventricular arrhythmia). Improvement occurred in NYHA class in 82.6% of the patients (P<0.0001), with a survival rate of 86.9% (mean of 8.9 months of follow-up). CONCLUSION: This technique offers a promising therapeutic alternative for the treatment of patients in refractory heart failure with cardiomyopathy and secondary mitral regurgitation.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia terapêutica do verapamil COER-24 180/240 mg, em dose única, ao deitar, como monoterapia para a hipertensão arterial leve a moderada. MÉTODOS: Estudo multicêntrico, aberto, não comparativo com 81 pacientes de ambos os sexos, com idade >20 anos e hipertensão arterial essencial leve e moderada. Medimos a pressão arterial no consultório e com a monitorização ambulatorial (MAPA) durante 24h antes e ao final de 8 semanas do uso da medicação. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se diminuição (p<0,0001) das pressões sistólicas e diastólicas medidas no consultório às semanas 3 e 8. A MAPA demonstrou que tanto a pressão sistólica, diastólica, média e freqüência cardíaca, quando as cargas pressóricas médias de 24h apresentaram reduções após 8 semanas de tratamento, além da redução do duplo-produto, especialmente pela manhã. A tolerabilidade foi boa, 68% dos pacientes não apresentaram eventos adversos. CONCLUSÃO: A monoterapia com o verapamil COER-24 180/240mg em dose única é eficaz para o controle da pressão arterial em hipertensos leves e moderados, com redução tanto na pressão casual quanto na MAPA/24h, além de apresentar boa tolerabilidade.
OBJECTIVE: Statins have proved to be safe and effective in the secondary prevention of coronary artery disease, but the level of prescription and the reasons for nonadherence to treatment in many coronariopathy treatment centers has not been determined. The purpose of this study was to identify reasons for nonadherence to statin therapy. METHODS: We analyzed 207 consecutive patients with coronary artery disease and hypercholesterolemia (total cholesterol > or = 200mg/dL or LDL - cholesterol > or = 130mg/dL). Patients' average age was 61.7±10 year; 111 (53.6%) male were and 94 (46.6%) were female. We analyzed the level of prescription and adherence to treatment with statins. RESULTS: Statins were prescribed for 139 (67%) patients, but only 85 (41%) used the drug. In spite of being indicated, statins were not prescribed in 68 (33%) patients. Of 54 (26%) patients, nonadherent to statins, 67% did not use the drug due to its high cost, 31% due to the lack of instruction, and only 2% due to side effects. Total cholesterol (260.3±42.2 vs 226.4±51.9; p<0.0001) and LDL cholesterol (174.6±38.1 vs 149.6±36.1; p<0.0001) were lower in patients on medication. HDL-cholesterol increased from 37.6±9.6 to 41.5±12.9mg/dL (p=0.02), and triglycerides were not modified in patients using statins. CONCLUSION: The prescription of statins in patients with coronary artery disease and dyslipidemia is high; however, its adherence is far from satisfactory, due to the high cost of the medication. Reduction in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels did not reach the targets recommended by the Brazilian Consensus on Dyslipidemia.
OBJECTIVE: To study the prevalence of systemic hypertension and its control in the population of Catanduva, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: We carried out a randomized cross-sectional population-based study of the urban population of Catanduva with individuals above 18 years of age (688 individuals accounting for 0.9% of the referred population). We interviewed study participants to analyze the major qualitative and quantitative variables that could influence the hypertensive scenario and the risk for systemic hypertension. Blood pressure was measured through the indirect method according to the III Consenso Brasileiro de Hipertensão (III Brazilian Consensus on Hypertension), which established blood pressure levels > or = 140/90 mm Hg as hypertensive. RESULTS: The prevalence of systemic hypertension was higher in individuals with: (1) history of hypertension (p<0.0001); (2) diabetes mellitus (p=0.05); (3) body mass index (B. M. I) > or = 25 kg/m² (p<0.001); (4) low educational level (p<0.0001); (5) familial income ranging from 1 to 5 minimum wages (p<0.05); (6) unmarried status (divorced/separated and widow(er)s) (p<0.0001). Of the interviewed individuals, 27.6% (p=0.05) had blood pressure levels under control. CONCLUSION: Our study showed that the prevalence of systemic hypertension was 31.5%, and that 27.6% of the individuals interviewed had blood pressure levels under control at the time of the interview.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the immediate results of percutaneous mechanical mitral commissurotomy. METHODS: Thirty patients underwent percutaneous mechanical mitral commissurotomy performed with a Cribier's metallic valvulotome from 8/11/99 to 2/4/00. Mean age was 30.7 years, and 73.3% were women. With regards to functional class, 63.3% were class III, and 36.7% were class IV. The echocardiographic score had a mean value of 7.5± 1.8. RESULTS: The mitral valve area increased from 0.97±0.15cm² to 2.16±0.50cm² (p>0.0001). The mean diastolic gradient decreased from 17.9±5.0mmHg to 3.2±1.4mmHg. The mean left atrial pressure decreased from 23.6±5.4mmHg to 8.6±3.1mmHg, (p>0.0001). Systolic pressure in the pulmonary artery decreased from 52.7±18.3mmHg to 32.2±7.4mmHg. Twenty-nine cases were successful. One patient developed severe mitral regurgitation. Interatrial septal defect was observed and one patient. One patient had cardiac tamponade due to left ventricular perforation. No deaths occurred. CONCLUSION: This method has proven to be safe and efficient in the treatment of rheumatic mitral stenosis. The potential advantage is that it can be used multiple times after sterilization, which decreases procedural costs significantly.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the benefit resulting from the use of abciximab associated with primary angioplasty. The following parameters were analyzed in-hospital, at 30 days, and 6 months: (a) flow in the culprit artery; (b) ventricular function; (c) combined outcome of death, acute myocardial infarction, and aditional revascularization. METHODS: From November 1997 to June 1999, a longitudinal nonrandomized study with historical data of 137 patients with acute myocardial infarction within the first 12 hours. Patients undergoing primary angioplasty and were divided into 2 groups: those receiving (A) abciximab (26) or (B) conventional therapy (111). TIMI flow and regional ventricular function estimated by the standard deviation (SD)/chordis index were analyzed. RESULTS: At the end of angioplasty, TIMI 3 flow was observed in 76.9% and 83.8% of the patients in groups A and B, respectively (P=0.58). In the reevaluation, patients with TIMI flow <3 showed a 100% improvement in group A and a 33% in group B (P<0.0001). A significant improvement (P<0.0001) in regional ventricular function, by SD/chordis index, occurred in each group; no significant difference between groups however, was observed (29.9% x 20.2%; P=0.58). A nonsignificant reduction in the combined outcome in the in-hospital phase (3.85% A x 9.0% B; P=0.34) and on the 30th day (4.0% x 12.0%; P=0.22) was observed in group A. CONCLUSION: Abciximab improved blood flow. Primary angioplasty improved regional ventricular function independent of antithrombotic therapy. Abciximab showed a trend toward reducing the combined outcome in the in-hospital phase and on the 30th day.
PURPOSE: Upright tilt-table testing (UTT) is an useful method for identifying patients with neurocardiogenic syncope, but its role in the evaluation of therapeutic efficacy is controversial. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between negative UTT after therapy introduction (acute efficacy) and symptom recurrence during follow-up (chronic efficacy). METHODS: We studied 56 severely symptomatic patients (age 27±19 years) with recurrent (7±12 episodes) neurocardiogenic syncope (positive UTT). Once empirical pharmacological therapy was initiated, all patients underwent another UTT (therapeutic evaluation test - TET). Therapy was not modified after TET results. The probability of symptom recurrence was analyzed with the Kaplan-Meier method and compared by log-rank test in patients with negative and positive TET. RESULTS: Negative UTT after therapy was related to a significantly lower probability of recurrence during follow-up (4.9 versus 52.4% in 12 months, P<0.0001). CONCLUSION: A good correlation exists between acute and long-term efficacy of pharmacological therapy for neurocardiogenic syncope, so that serial UTT may be considered a good method for identifying an effective therapeutic strategy.