998 resultados para Gómez, Juan Vicente
In this letter, we obtain the Maximum LikelihoodEstimator of position in the framework of Global NavigationSatellite Systems. This theoretical result is the basis of a completelydifferent approach to the positioning problem, in contrastto the conventional two-steps position estimation, consistingof estimating the synchronization parameters of the in-viewsatellites and then performing a position estimation with thatinformation. To the authors’ knowledge, this is a novel approachwhich copes with signal fading and it mitigates multipath andjamming interferences. Besides, the concept of Position–basedSynchronization is introduced, which states that synchronizationparameters can be recovered from a user position estimation. Weprovide computer simulation results showing the robustness ofthe proposed approach in fading multipath channels. The RootMean Square Error performance of the proposed algorithm iscompared to those achieved with state-of-the-art synchronizationtechniques. A Sequential Monte–Carlo based method is used todeal with the multivariate optimization problem resulting fromthe ML solution in an iterative way.
En este artículo se presentan una serie de datos biográficos que dan luz sobre la vida del Dr. Pedro Gómez de Almodóvar, médico, matemático y astrónomo hellinense del siglo XVII. La revisión de libros sacramentales, así como el análisis de diversas escrituras notariales (testamentos, inventarios, ventas, etc.) aportan nuevos datos sobre este personaje descubierto por Francisco Mendoza y Luis-Guillermo García-Sauco hace ya 30 años cuando publicaron su interesante biblioteca.
Este libro se ocupa del análisis del tráfico de libros entre Europa y Nueva España durante los años 1750-1820. Se trata de la primera síntesis sobre estos asuntos con la que contamos para este interesante periodo del trasvase cultural entre Europa y México.
Humanist writers were multifaceted and thcir writings eclectic, delving into a wide range of fields of enquiry Many issues wcre raised and addressed, pursued ur abandoned, uftcn unsystematically. ‘[his hetcrogeneity has frequently lcd tu the neglect of specific facets of authurs who have gained renuwn in uthcr fzelds. ‘[his 1 believe tu be the case fur Richard Mulcaster and Juan Luis Vives, whuse contribution tu language Éhcory has been eclipsed by their rclatively mudem views un educatiun. ‘[heir views un language merit mure attention, if not fur their originality as such, at least fur te testimony they pruvide uf a periud in transition. ‘[he work uf these authors show 1mw views un language evolved thruughout te periud mié convey a sense uf its dynamic character. Profoundly cunservative attitudes coexist with progressive unes and, tliough ruoted in the past, thcy strain tuwards a new vision uf the nature and functioning uf language in human sucicty.
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