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In August and September of 1997 and 1998, we used SCUBA techniques to surgically implant Vemco V16 series acoustic transmitters in 6 greenspotted rockfish (Sebastes chlorostictus) and 16 bocaccio (S. paucispinis) on the flank of Soquel Canyon in Monterey Bay, California. Fish were captured at depths of 100–200 m and reeled up to a depth of approximately 20 m, where a team of SCUBA divers anesthetized and surgically implanted acoustic transmitters in them. Tagged fish were released on the seafloor at the location of catch. An array of recording receivers on the seafloor enabled the tracking of horizontal and vertical fish movements for a three-month period. Greenspotted rockfish tagged in 1997 exhibited almost no vertical movement and showed limited horizontal movement. Two of these tagged fish spent more than 90% of the time in a 0.58-km2 area. Three other tagged greenspotted rockfish spent more than 60% of the time in a 1.6-km2 area but displayed frequent horizontal movements of at least 3 km. Bocaccio exhibited somewhat greater movements. Of the 16 bocaccio tagged in 1998, 10 spent less than 10% of the time in the approximately 12-km2 study area. One fish stayed in the study area for about 50% of the study time. Signals from the remaining 5 fish were recorded in the study area the entire time. Bocaccio frequently moved vertically 10–20 m and occasionally displayed vertical movements of 100 m or greater.


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Under stable conditions of stratification of the sea, evidence of generic differences of the associated bacterial flora of the water masses has been obtained, between surface and sub-surface water. Gram negative rods, especially pseudomonads and achromobacters were more frequent at the surface. The fermentative and oxidase negative flora was more frequent in sub-surface water. The surface water in general had a greater variety of bacterial types while the sub-surface water had a flora with a greater range of biochemical activity. These results are discussed in relation to the hydrological condition of the water masses and the bacterial flora of freshly caught fish.


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The Rio de la Plata estuary is one of the largest estuarine environments of South America. It is characterized by a two-layer vertical salinity distribution and the existence of water masses convergence zones (fronts). Oceanographic scenario greatly influence the biology of the planktonic organisms that live in the water column, the benthic organisms that inhabit the soft sediment bottoms of the estuary, and the fishes, which show a differential degree of penetration into the diluted water of the estuary. Short and frequent events of strong weastward winds ('sudestada') alter completely the oceanographic conditions greatly influencing the especies ecology. Biological production of the estuary is high, and most of their organisms have a marine heritage.


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The sea bottom of the Wadge and Pedro Banks are covered with hard corals and rocks, which cause frequent damages to the net and sometimes total loss of the gear (Hamuro, 1966). This has been one of the main reasons why trawling had been restricted to a small area of the Wadge Bank until recent years.


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The Austrian-Ceylonese hydrobiological mission studied 38 biotopes; 28 of which contain Odonata. From the Zygoptera the Calopterydoidea seem to be the dominant form (22 habitats), while the Coenagrionoidea are scarcer (11 habitats). The most frequent species was Euphaea splendens (Epallagidae - 16 habitats) followed by Vestolis apicalis nigrescens (Calopterygidae, 8 habitats) and Neurobasis chinensis (Calopterygidae, 6 habitats). From the Anisoptera Zygonyx ceylanica (Libellulidae: Zygonictinae) was the dominant form (8 habitats), but some Libellulinae remain undescribed. The number of species varied greatly between different biotopes. The biotopes containing Odonata are small brooks, in which the pH was mostly on the limit between acid and alkaline reaction. They are fast running waters, situated in most cases on lower or middle elevations, only three species being found in higher elevations (1800-2000 m). Adaptations to fast currents and other factors are described.


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Biological data on Metapenaeus monoceros has been regularly collected in Maputo Bay since 1968. The main objective of this report is to study growth as a function of the size, since this is one of the basic parameters for population dynamics. As the possibility of studying shrimp growth by modal progression analysis depends very much on the space-time configuration of sampling, the years 1968 and 1969 were chosen to study growth of the population available to the bottom trawl used by the fishing industry. In those years sampling was very frequent (twice a week) and the samples were collected from a rather small fishing area. Complementary data on the spawning, juvenile phase and recruitment to the fishery was used to establish the relationship between the different stages of the life cycle and to obtain an age/length key. Data on juveniles in estuaries was only available for 1969 and 1973.


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The configuration for the eastern side of the Gulf of Suez was studied over 241 km from Ras Mohammed to Ras Sudr including 35 station. Litters, tar balls and aged oil patches aggregated in considerable amounts on the beach and shore line of the middle part due to the oil spills from off-shore oil wells. A large reef flat in the shallow intertidal waters exists at stations 1 and 2 (Ras Mohammed, Protected area) and spars coral patches are less frequent at the Stations from 7 to 13. Density and diversity of marine benthos were higher on hard and cobble bottoms compared to muddy sand and sandy substrates. The assemblages of the benthic fauna are dominated by the gastropod Courmya (Thericium) vulgata; the bivalve Brachiodontes variabilis, and the barnacles Chthamalus stellatus, Balanus amphitrite and Tetraclita rubescens. The distribution of the algal cover in the intertidal region shows high abundance of the brown algae, Sargassum latifolium; padina pavonica and Cystoseira trinodis rather than the green and red algae. These species are found in both polluted and unpolluted areas. The changes in benthic structures in the study area depend not only on the state of pollution but also on the type of substrates.


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Steering feel, or steering torque feedback, is widely regarded as an important aspect of the handling quality of a vehicle. Despite this, there is little theoretical understanding of its role. This paper describes an initial attempt to model the role of steering torque feedback arising from lateral tyre forces. The path-following control of a nonlinear vehicle model is implemented using a time-varying model predictive controller. A series of Kalman filters are used to represent the driver's ability to generate estimates of the system states from noisy sensory measurements, including the steering torque. It is found that under constant road friction conditions, the steering torque feedback reduces path-following errors provided the friction is sufficiently high to prevent frequent saturation of the tyres. When the driver model is extended to allow identification of, and adaptation to, a varying friction condition, it is found that the steering torque assists in the accurate identification of the friction condition. The simulation results give insight into the role of steering torque feedback arising from lateral tyre forces. The paper concludes with recommendations for further work. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.


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The extent of idle capacity in the fish processing (freezing) plants in the east coast of India estimated by stratified random sampling and the factors responsible for the same are reported. The estimates of idle capacity of fish processing plants in the east coast for the years 1978 and 1979 were respectively 75.9% and 72.5% on the basis of 250 working days per annum and double shift per day. The percentage errors of estimates worked out to 6.9 for 1978 and 4.7 for 1979. The corresponding figures were worked out on the basis of 200 working days also. Substantial under-utilisation of plants in all the maritime states in the east coast accounted mainly to non-availability of raw material, high cost of production, shortage of power, scarcity of ice and potable water during peak season and frequent labour troubles.


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The toxicity of Croton tiglium seed is very effective in the eradication of most of the aquatic fauna except a few species of hard shelled crustaceans such as crabs and prawns which are resistant to even very high concentrations of it. Its toxicity ranged between 0.4 and 2.2 p.p.m. for different species of fishes. Application of homogenized C. tiglium seed at the rate of 10 kg/ha (0.5 m depth) is found effective for the eradication of aquatic pests and predators of fish farms. While its toxicity lasts for 5-8 days in still water ponds, it is only for 1-3 days in tidal ponds with frequent replenishment of water. This method is thus most useful for the initial preparation of the ponds for pisciculture.


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The gene duplication, fusion and horizontal transfer are the frequent events during evolution of many proteins, including the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARSs). However, in this work, it was shown that the main event during evolution of phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (PheRS) is a domain loss, and the function/activity of PheRS is not affected by domain losing. Generally, the size of genome and number of genes are increased during evolution from bacteria to eukaryote, but the interesting thing is that the type and number of PheRS domains in eukaryotae are obviously less than those in bacteria. The evolution of PheRS by domain losing seems to be related to the functional evolution of some AARSs from the multiple specificities to the single specificity.


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Between October 1999 and April 2000, WC surveyed the waterbirds at Lake Lashihai, China. A total of 52 species were recorded, of which one species was a resident, 34 were winter visitors, and 17 were passage migrants. Species richness was highest in November. Passage migrants mainly occurred in October, November, and April, and they stayed longer at the lake during their autumn migration than during the spring migration. The seasonal distribution pattern of total numbers of all waterbirds was bimodal. One peak occurred between late December and early January, and the other in middle March. The seasonal distribution patterns of 15 common species have been classified a. bimodal, unimodal, or irregular. The numbers of five common species were variable in middle winter, and their numerical Change in contiguous weeks were more than 30%, suggesting that local movements might be frequent.


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Evidence is presented that cyclonic upwelling took place in the southern offshore waters of Lake Victoria on the 22nd to the 23rd March, 1969. Before this, the main upper thermocline was tilted downwards in the leeward northern half of the lake in response to the accumulation of epilimnetic water. Cyclonic upwelling might be quite common because of the frequent occurrence of storms on Lake Victoria, and probably on other tropical African lakes. However, to my knowledge, it has never been reported from any lake.


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The limnological investigations in Uganda freshwaters which were started in the 1920s looked into: the origins, the changing geological and climatic factors which gave rise to the characteristic inland waters; the primary production; the constituent small aquatic organisms and their ecology; and their bordering swamps. Most of them were formed immediately after the formation of the great Western rift valley. Almost all the inland waters in Uganda are typical tropical freshwaters which, because of their relative shallowness, experience rather frequent wind stirrings and therefore nutrient circulation which would make them relatively productive. Many physical, biological and chemical factors come into play to finally determine this. The present investigations continue to bridge the gaps which were left and also to collect the baseline data needed to later manage, monitor and control any possible pollution risks.


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In recent years, many industrial firms have been able to use roadmapping as an effective process methodology for projecting future technology and for coordinating technology planning and strategy. Firms potentially realize a number of benefits in deploying technology roadmapping (TRM) processes. Roadmaps provide information identifying which new technologies will meet firms' future product demands, allowing companies to leverage R&D investments through choosing appropriately out of a range of alternative technologies. Moreover, the roadmapping process serves an important communication tool helping to bring about consensus among roadmap developers, as well as between participants brought in during the development process, who may communicate their understanding of shared corporate goals through the roadmap. However, there are few conceptual accounts or case studies have made the argument that roadmapping processes may be used effectively as communication tools. This paper, therefore, seeks to elaborate a theoretical foundation for identifying the factors that must be considered in setting up a roadmap and for analyzing the effect of these factors on technology roadmap credibility as perceived by its users. Based on the survey results of 120 different R&D units, this empirical study found that firms need to explore further how they can enable frequent interactions between the TRM development team and TRM participants. A high level of interaction will improve the credibility of a TRM, with communication channels selected by the organization also positively affecting TRM credibility. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.