894 resultados para Fragmentation
A 1H NMR study of monosubstituted -cyclopentadienyl-rhodium(I) complexes of type LLRh(C5H4X) and -iridium(I) complexes of type L2Ir(C5H4X) (L = ethene, LL = 1,3- or 1,5-diolefin; X = C(C6H5)3, CHO, or COOCH3) has been carried out. For complexes of both metals in which the neutral ligand is ethene or a non-conjugated diolefin the NMR spectra of the cyclopentadienyl protons are unusual in that H(2), H(5) resonate to high field either at room temperature or below. The corresponding NMR spectra for the cyclopentadienyl ring protons of complexes where the neutral ligand is a conjugated diene are, with one exception, normal. A single crystal X-ray structural analysis of (4-2,4-dimethylpenta-1,4-diene)(5-formylcyclopentadienyl)rhodium(I) (which exhibits an abnormal 1H NMR spectrum) reveals substantial localisation of electron density in the C(3)C(4) Cp ring bond (1.283(33) ) which may be consistent with a contribution from an allyl-ene rotamer to the ringmetal bonding scheme. An extended Hckel calculation with self consistent charge iteration was performed on this complex. The results predict a greater Mulliken overlap population for the C(3)C(4) bond in the cyclopentadienyl ring and show that the localisation is dependent on both the Cp ring substituent and the nature of the diolefin. The mass spectral fragmentation patterns of some representative diene complexes of iridium(I) and rhodium(I) are presented.
This article (here in English; the published version is in Italian) explores the political parameters surrounding the development of personality cults of leading figures in Italian history from the time of unification to the present. It focuses on the problems of linking the masses to the state, with particular reference to the weakness of the monarchy and the challenge of rival forces, such as those of the Church. It looks at how attempts were made to 'nationalise' the monarchy and create a cult of Victor Emmanuel II. It examines the construction of the cult of Garibaldi, and its relationship to the state. The article suggests that personality cults, while far from being unique to Italy, were seen as having special relevance in Italy given the weakness of the representative institutions and the sensed fragmentation of political life. The article concludes with an examination of the cult of Mussolini and some reflections on the situation since 1945.
Background: The effects of landscape modifications on the long-term persistence of wild animal populations is of crucial importance to wildlife managers and conservation biologists, but obtaining experimental evidence using real landscapes is usually impossible. To circumvent this problem we used individual-based models (IBMs) of interacting animals in experimental modifications of a real Danish landscape. The models incorporate as much as possible of the behaviour and ecology of four species with contrasting life-history characteristics: skylark (Alauda arvensis), vole (Microtus agrestis), a ground beetle (Bembidion lampros) and a linyphiid spider (Erigone atra). This allows us to quantify the population implications of experimental modifications of landscape configuration and composition. Methodology/Principal Findings: Starting with a real agricultural landscape, we progressively reduced landscape complexity by (i) homogenizing habitat patch shapes, (ii) randomizing the locations of the patches, and (iii) randomizing the size of the patches. The first two steps increased landscape fragmentation. We assessed the effects of these manipulations on the long-term persistence of animal populations by measuring equilibrium population sizes and time to recovery after disturbance. Patch rearrangement and the presence of corridors had a large effect on the population dynamics of species whose local success depends on the surrounding terrain. Landscape modifications that reduced population sizes increased recovery times in the short-dispersing species, making small populations vulnerable to increasing disturbance. The species that were most strongly affected by large disturbances fluctuated little in population sizes in years when no perturbations took place. Significance: Traditional approaches to the management and conservation of populations use either classical methods of population analysis, which fail to adequately account for the spatial configurations of landscapes, or landscape ecology, which accounts for landscape structure but has difficulty predicting the dynamics of populations living in them. Here we show how realistic and replicable individual-based models can bridge the gap between non-spatial population theory and non-dynamic landscape ecology. A major strength of the approach is its ability to identify population vulnerabilities not detected by standard population viability analyses.
Firms are faced with a wider set of choices when they identify a need for new office space. They can build or purchase accommodation, lease space for long or short periods with or without the inclusion of services, or they can use instant office solutions provided by serviced office operators. But how do they evaluate these alternatives and are they able to make rational choices? The research found that the shortening of business horizons lead to the desire for more office space on short-term contracts often with the inclusion of at least some facilities management and business support services. The need for greater flexibility, particularly in financial terms, was highlighted as an important criteria when selecting new office accommodation. The current office portfolios held were perceived not to meet these requirements. However, there was often a lack of good quality data available within occupiers which could be used to help them analyse the range of choices in the market. Additionally, there were other organisational constraints to making decisions about inclusive real estate products. These included fragmentation of decisions-making, internal politics and the lack of assessment of business risk alongside real estate risk. Overall therefore, corporate occupiers themselves act as an interial force to the development of new and innovative real estate products.
This paper presents an overview of the European Union involvement in agricultural restructuring. By way of introduction it looks at the processes of farm replication operating in Europe and the forces behind them. It then considers the wider application of EU measures in each Member State and how they interrelate with the national property laws and social customs. In conclusion the paper appraises the restructuring policies by examining the balance between legitimising the concentration of property rights amongst a minority and the fragmentation of estates between the majority.
Purpose UK Government policy to address perceived market failure in commercial property leasing has largely been pursued through industry self-regulation. Yet, it is proving difficult to assess whether self-regulation on leasing has been a success, or even to determine how to evaluate this. The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework for this and a clearer understanding of self-regulation in commercial leasing. Design/methodology/approach A literature review suggests key criteria to explain the (in)effectiveness of self-regulation. UK lease codes are analysed in the light of this literature, drawing on previous research carried out by the authors on the operation of these codes. Findings Lease codes appear to be failing as an effective system of self-regulation. While there are influential market actors championing them, the fragmentation of the leasing process lessens this influence. The structures are not there to ensure implementation, monitor compliance and record views of affected stakeholders. Research limitations/implications This work adds to the literature on self-regulation in general, and provides an insight into its operation in a previously unexplored industry. Research is needed into the experience of other countries in regulating the property industry by voluntary means. Social implications There are institutional limitations to self-regulation within the property industry. This has implications for policy makers in considering the advantages and limitation of using a voluntary solution to achieve policy aims within the commercial leasing market. Originality/value This paper provides a first step in considering the lease codes in the wider context of industry self-regulation and is relevant to policy makers and industry bodies.
Reducing energy use in tenanted commercial property requires a greater understanding of buildings as communities. Tenanted commercial properties represent: (1) the divergent communities that share specific buildings; and (2) the organizational communities represented by multi-site landlord and tenant companies. In any particular tenanted space the opportunity for environmental change is mediated (hindered or enabled) through the lease. This discussion draws on theoretical and practical understandings of (1) the socio-legal relationships of landlords, tenants and their advisors; (2) the real performance of engineering building services strategies to improve energy efficiency; (3) how organizational cultures affect the ability of the sector to engage with energy-efficiency strategies; and (4) the financial and economic basis of the relationship between owners and occupiers. The transformational complexity stems from: (1) the variety of commercial building stock; (2) the number of stakeholders (solicitors, investors, developers, agents, owners, tenants and facilities managers); (3) the fragmentation within the communities of practice; and (4) leasehold structures and language. An agenda is proposed for truly interdisciplinary research that brings together both the physical and the social sciences of energy use in buildings so that technological solutions are made effective by an understanding of the way that buildings are used and communities behave.
The majority of the worlds population now live in cities. This poses great challenges, but also great opportunities in terms of tackling climate change, resource depletion and environmental degradation. Policy agendas have increasingly focused on how to develop and maintain integrated sustainable urban development, and a number of theoretical conceptualisations of urban transition have been formulated to help our thinking and understanding in both developed and developing countries. Drawing on examples around the world the paper aims to examine the key critical success factors that need to be in place for cities to traverse a pathway to a more sustainable future in urban development terms by 2050. The paper explores how important the issues of scale is in the context of complexity and fragmentation in the citys built environment, identifies the lessons that can be learned for future sustainable urban development, and the further research which is needed to address future urban transitions to 2050.
A strategy is presented that exploits the ability of synthetic polymers of different nature to disturb the strong selfassembly capabilities of amyloid based -sheet forming peptides. Following a convergent approach, the peptides of interest were synthesized via solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) and the polymers via reversible additionfragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization, followed by a copper(I) catalyzed azide alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) to generate the desired peptide polymer conjugates. This study focuses on a modified version of the core sequence of the -amyloid peptide (A), A(1620) (KLVFF). The influence of attaching short poly(Nisopropylacrylamide) and poly(hydroxyethylacrylate) to the peptide sequences on the self-assembly properties of the hybrid materials were studied via infrared spectroscopy, TEM, circular dichroism and SAXS. The findings indicate that attaching these polymers disturbs the strong self-assembly properties of the biomolecules to a certain degree and permits to influence the aggregation of the peptides based on their -sheets forming abilities. This study presents an innovative route toward targeted and controlled assembly of amyloid-like fibers to drive the formation of polymeric nanomaterials.
In biological mass spectrometry (MS), two ionization techniques are predominantly employed for the analysis of larger biomolecules, such as polypeptides. These are nano-electrospray ionization [1, 2] (nanoESI) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization [3, 4] (MALDI). Both techniques are considered to be soft, allowing the desorption and ionization of intact molecular analyte species and thus their successful mass-spectrometric analysis. One of the main differences between these two ionization techniques lies in their ability to produce multiply charged ions. MALDI typically generates singly charged peptide ions whereas nanoESI easily provides multiply charged ions, even for peptides as low as 1000 Da in mass. The production of highly charged ions is desirable as this allows the use of mass analyzers, such as ion traps (including orbitraps) and hybrid quadrupole instruments, which typically offer only a limited m/z range (< 20004000). It also enables more informative fragmentation spectra using techniques such as collisioninduced dissociation (CID) and electron capture/transfer dissociation (ECD/ETD) in combination with tandem MS (MS/MS). [5, 6] Thus, there is a clear advantage of using ESI in research areas where peptide sequencing, or in general, the structural elucidation of biomolecules by MS/MS is required. Nonetheless, MALDI with its higher tolerance to contaminants and additives, ease-of-operation, potential for highspeed and automated sample preparation and analysis as well as its MS imaging capabilities makes it an ionization technique that can cover bioanalytical areas for which ESI is less suitable. [7, 8] If these strengths could be combined with the analytical power of multiply charged ions, new instrumental configurations and large-scale proteomic analyses based on MALDI MS(/MS) would become feasible.
Although the concept of multi-agency working has been pursued and adopted as the most appropriate way to improve child care provision and health workforces in recent years, both in the UK and more globally, research suggests that participation in such work can be problematic. This article examines current developments in inter-professional education and collaborative professional practice. Drawing on desk research across the fields of Education, Health and Social Care, it applies a critical lens to re-examine inter-professional working using well-established concepts of profession, identity, culture, career, and training/work transitions. The article uses theoretical hooks to look for similarities and differences in the promotion of inter-professionality across the Education, Health and Social Care sectors, alongside those which occur within each. It looks towards a re-invigoration of knowledge creation and application through research. This is viewed as especially urgent in times of fragmentation, transformation, and arguably, disintegration, in the services its professional and academic educators and workers seek to serve.
This article provides an overview and analysis of the Greek June 2012 elections. Placing the elections within the broader framework of the Greek socio-political and economic context, it discusses the electoral campaign and results, juxtaposing them to the 6 May electoral round. The election results confirmed many of the trends of the previous round, including electoral volatility, the fragmentation of the party system and the rise of anti-establishment forces. The main difference was the entrenchment of the pro- versus anti- bailout division and the prominence of the question of Greeces continued Eurozone membership.
Farmland invertebrates play a pivotal role in the provision of ecosystem services, i.e. services that benefit humans. For example, bumblebees, solitary bees and honeybees, are crucial to the pollination of many of the world's crops and wildflowers, with over 70% of the world's major food crops dependent on the pollination services provided by these insects. The larvae of some butterfly species are considered to be pests; however, together with moth and sawfly larvae, they represent a key dietary component for many farmland birds. Spiders and ground beetles predate on crop pests including aphids, whilst soil macrofauna such as earthworms are vital for soil fertility services and nutrient recycling. Despite their importance, population declines of invertebrates have been observed during the last sixty years in the UK and NW Europe. For example, seven UK bumblebee species are in decline, and in the last 20 years, the species Bombus subterraneus (short-haired bumblebee) has become extinct, whilst there was a 54% decline in honeybee colony numbers in England from 1985 to 2005. Comparable trends have been documented for butterflies with a 23% decline in UK farmland species such as Anthocharis cardamines (orange tip) between 1990 and 2007. These declines have been widely attributed to the modern intensive arable management practices that have been developed to maximise crop yield. For example, loss and fragmentation of foraging and nesting habitats, including species-rich meadows and hedgerows, have been implicated in the decline of bees and butterflies. Increased use of herbicides and fertilisers has caused detrimental effects on many plant species with negative consequences for predatory invertebrates such as spiders and beetles which rely on plants for food and shelter.
Televisions long-form storytelling has the potential to allow the rippling of music across episodes and seasons in interesting ways. In the integration of narrative, music and meaning found in The O.C. (Fox, FOX 2003-7), popular songs allusive and referential qualities are drawn upon to particularly televisual ends. At times embracing its disruptive presence, at others suturing popular music into narrative, at times doing both at once. With television studies largely lacking theories of music, this chapter draws on film music theory and close textual analysis to analyse some of the programme's music moments in detail. In particular it considers the series-spanning use of Jeff Buckleys cover of Hallelujah (and its subsequent oppressive presence across multiple televisual texts), the end of episode musical montage and the use of recurring song fragments as theme within single episodes. In doing so it highlights music's role in the fragmentation and flow of the television aesthetic and popular songs structural presence in television narrative. Illustrating the multiplicity of popular songs use in television, these moments demonstrate songs ability to provide narrative commentary, yet also make particular use of what Ian Garwood describes as the ability of a non-diegetic song to exceed the emotional range displayed by diegetic characters (2003:115), to speak for characters or to their feelings, contributing to both teen TVs melodramatic affect and narrative expression.
-Lactalbumin (-la) is a major whey protein found in milk. Previous data suggested that -la has antiproliferative effects in human adenocarcinoma cell lines such as Caco-2 and HT-29. However, the cell death inducing -la was not a naturally occurring monomer but either a multimeric variant or an -la:oleic acid complex (HAMLET/BAMLET). Proteolysis showed that both human and bovine -la are susceptible to digestion. ELISA assays assessing cell death with the native undigested -la fractions showed that undigested protein fractions did have a significant cell death effect on CaCo-2 cells. Bovine -la was also more effective than human -la. A reduction in activity corresponded with lower concentrations of the protein and partial digestion and fragmentation of the protein using trypsin and pepsin. This suggests that the tertiary structure is vital for the apoptotic effect.