987 resultados para Food -- Storage
Digestion of food in the intestines converts the compacted storage carbohydrates, starch and glycogen, to glucose. After each meal, a flux of glucose (>200 g) passes through the blood pool (4-6 g) in a short period of 2 h, keeping its concentration ideally in the range of 80-120 mg/100 mL. Tissue-specific glucose transporters (GLUTs) aid in the distribution of glucose to all tissues. The balance glucose after meeting the immediate energy needs is converted into glycogen and stored in liver (up to 100 g) and skeletal muscle (up to 300 g) for later use. High blood glucose gives the signal for increased release of insulin from pancreas. Insulin binds to insulin receptor on the plasma membrane and activates its autophosphorylation. This initiates the post-insulin-receptor signal cascade that accelerates synthesis of glycogen and triglyceride. Parallel control by phos-dephos and redox regulation of proteins exists for some of these steps. A major action of insulin is to inhibit gluconeogensis in the liver decreasing glucose output into blood. Cases with failed control of blood glucose have alarmingly increased since 1960 coinciding with changed life-styles and large scale food processing. Many of these turned out to be resistant to insulin, usually accompanied by dysfunctional glycogen storage. Glucose has an extended stay in blood at 8 mM and above and then indiscriminately adds on to surface protein-amino groups. Fructose in common sugar is 10-fold more active. This random glycation process interferes with the functions of many proteins (e.g., hemoglobin, eye lens proteins) and causes progressive damage to heart, kidneys, eyes and nerves. Some compounds are known to act as insulin mimics. Vanadium-peroxide complexes act at post-receptor level but are toxic. The fungus-derived 2,5-dihydroxybenzoquinone derivative is the first one known to act on the insulin receptor. The safe herbal products in use for centuries for glucose control have multiple active principles and targets. Some are effective in slowing formation of glucose in intestines by inhibiting alpha-glucosidases (e.g., salacia/saptarangi). Knowledge gained from French lilac on active guanidine group helped developing Metformin (1,1-dimethylbiguanide) one of the popular drugs in use. One strategy of keeping sugar content in diets in check is to use artificial sweeteners with no calories, no glucose or fructose and no effect on blood glucose (e.g., steviol, erythrytol). However, the three commonly used non-caloric artificial sweetener's, saccharin, sucralose and aspartame later developed glucose intolerance, the very condition they are expected to evade. Ideal way of keeping blood glucose under 6 mM and HbAlc, the glycation marker of hemoglobin, under 7% in blood is to correct the defects in signals that allow glucose flow into glycogen, still a difficult task with drugs and diets.
The polyhedral model provides an expressive intermediate representation that is convenient for the analysis and subsequent transformation of affine loop nests. Several heuristics exist for achieving complex program transformations in this model. However, there is also considerable scope to utilize this model to tackle the problem of automatic memory footprint optimization. In this paper, we present a new automatic storage optimization technique which can be used to achieve both intra-array as well as inter-array storage reuse with a pre-determined schedule for the computation. Our approach works by finding statement-wise storage partitioning hyper planes that partition a unified global array space so that values with overlapping live ranges are not mapped to the same partition. Our heuristic is driven by a fourfold objective function which not only minimizes the dimensionality and storage requirements of arrays required for each high-level statement, but also maximizes inter statement storage reuse. The storage mappings obtained using our heuristic can be asymptotically better than those obtained by any existing technique. We implement our technique and demonstrate its practical impact by evaluating its effectiveness on several benchmarks chosen from the domains of image processing, stencil computations, and high-performance computing.
Carbon thin films are very important as protective coatings for a wide range of applications such as magnetic storage devices. The key parameter of interest is the sp3 fraction, since it controls the mechanical properties of the film. Visible Raman spectroscopy is a very popular technique to determine the carbon bonding. However, the visible Raman spectra mainly depend on the configuration and clustering of the sp2 sites. This can result in the Raman spectra of different samples looking similar albeit having a different structure. Thus, visible Raman alone cannot be used to derive the sp3 content. Here we monitor the carbon bonding by using a combined study of Raman spectra taken at two wavelengths (514 and 244 nm). We show how the G peak dispersion is a very useful parameter to investigate the carbon samples and we endorse it as a production-line characterisation tool. The dispersion is proportional to the degree of disorder, thus making it possible to distinguish between graphitic and diamond-like carbon. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
El presente trabajo fue realizado en las empresas procesadoras de frutas tropicales de Nicaragua que han venido desarrollando actividades encaminadas a la certificación HACCP según datos suministrados por el Ministerio Agropecuario y Forestal (MAG-FOR), las empresas visitadas fueron: APRONOT, ubicada en el Municipio de San Marcos Departamento de Carazo, La empresa Callejas Sequeira, S.A. ubicada en la ciudad de Granada, La empresa Exotic Food ubicada en el Km 107 carretera a Rivas y la empresa TROPIFRUTAS ubicada en Nueva Guinea, Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur. Se consultaron fuentes secundarías existentes en el país sobre el Análisis de Riesgos y Críticos Puntos de Control (HACCP), así como información de Internet. Para conocer la situación actual del proceso de certificación y adopción del Análisis de Riesgos y Críticos Puntos de Control (HACCP) en la Industria Agroalimentaria se procedió a entrevistar a funcionarios del Ministerio Agropecuario y Forestal (MAGFOR), y del Ministerio de Fomento, Industria y Comercio (MIFIC). La industria agroalimentaria de Nicaragua ha adoptado el sistema de Análisis de Riesgos y Críticos Puntos de Control (HACCP) y se encuentra en un proceso de verificación y Auditoria para obtener la certificación, todas las empresas entrevistadas mostraron toda la voluntad de certificar su producto ya que les abre las puertas en la búsqueda de mejores oportunidades de mercados para sus productos. Las mayores dificultades para lograr la certificación radican en la falta de recursos financieros para ejecutar las recomendaciones de los inspectores, así como la dificultad de garantizar la trazabilidad del origen de la materia prima.
Reconfigurable shutter-based free-space optical switching technologies using fiber ribbon and multiple wavelengths per fiber for Storage Area Networks (SANs) application are presented and demonstrated. ©2009 SPIE-OSA-IEEE.
Reconfigurable shutter-based free-space optical switching technologies using fiber ribbon and multiple wavelengths per fiber for Storage Area Networks (SANs) application are presented and demonstrated. ©2009 Optical Society of America.