883 resultados para Fluidos viscoelásticos


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Grande parte da energia contida no combustível consumido por um motor de combustão interna é desperdiçada sob forma de calor, através do sistema de refrigeração do motor, do sistema de recirculação dos gases de escape e principalmente através dos gases de escape. Daí o interesse no estudo de sistemas que permitem o aproveitamento dessa energia residual dos veículos automóveis. Este trabalho centra-se no estudo de sistemas de aproveitamento da energia térmica contida nos gases de escape dos veículos automóveis, sendo o objetivo principal o estudo do permutador de calor que será utilizado para recuperação da energia térmica. Existem vários tipos de permutadores, na sua escolha entram fatores como as características dos fluidos de trabalho envolvidos, o custo, facilidade de manutenção, a aplicação. Para o caso deste estudo selecionou-se um permutador de carcaça e tubos e um permutador de tubos concêntricos. Uma vez que a seleção e otimização de um permutador de calor implica a minimização da perda de carga dos gases de escape e a maximização da eficiência térmica do sistema, numa primeira fase selecionou-se a geometria mais adequada. Em seguida fez-se uma comparação de diferentes modelos de cálculo da perda de carga e analisou-se o desempenho termo hidráulico do permutador. Por fim realizou-se um estudo paramétrico para verificar a influência dos parâmetros de construção (número de tubos, diâmetro e comprimento dos tubos).


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Para confirmar e validar códigos computacionais de escoamento de fluidos, importantes na segurança de reatores nucleares, é preciso que sejam realizadas medidas experimentais. Como a geração de vapor no fluido refrigerante diminui a eficiência de troca térmica a fração de vazio passa a ser um dos parâmetros mais importantes a ser obtido, e que, num escoamento vertical, pode ser conhecido através da quantidade de bolha e seu diâmetro médio.


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Está sendo implementado, no Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear-IEN, um projeto de estudos de viabilidade da utilização de técnicas ultra-sônicas para medições de escoamentos bifásicos, ampliando as aplicações do ultra-som na área de pesquisa e na área industrial de medição de fluidos. Na primeira etapa do projeto, foi realizado um estudo preliminar do efeito da velocidade do escoamento em um circuito experimental a água fechado, sobre uma onda ultra-sônica que atravessava o líquido. Foi utilizado um sistema capaz de medir a diferença de tempo de trânsito entre ondas ultra-sônicas da ordem de 1 ns, utilizando técnicas de processamento de sinais. As diferentes velocidades da água obtidas, variando-se a vazão do circuito, foram relacionadas com as velocidades da onda ultra-sônica. Foi observado que a variação da temperatura da água influenciava a velocidade da onda ultra-sônica, de maneira inversa à velocidade do líquido. Pelo experimento realizado, concluiu-se que o dispositivo ultra-sônico montado pode ser adequado para medir a velocidade de escoamento da água no circuito experimental.


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Depuis ces dernières décennies, le domaine des biomatériaux a connu un essor considérable, évoluant de simples prothèses aux dispositifs les plus complexes pouvant détenir une bioactivité spécifique. Outre, le progrès en science des matériaux et une meilleure compréhension des systèmes biologiques a offert la possibilité de créer des matériaux synthétiques pouvant moduler et stimuler une réponse biologique déterminée, tout en améliorant considérablement la performance clinique des biomatériaux. En ce qui concerne les dispositifs cardiovasculaires, divers recouvrements ont été développés et étudiés dans le but de modifier les propriétés de surface et d’améliorer l’efficacité clinique des tuteurs. En effet, lorsqu’un dispositif médical est implanté dans le corps humain, son succès clinique est fortement influencé par les premières interactions que sa surface établit avec les tissus et les fluides biologiques environnants. Le recouvrement à la surface de biomatériaux par diverses molécules ayant des propriétés complémentaires constitue une approche intéressante pour atteindre différentes cibles biologiques et orienter la réponse de l’hôte. De ce fait, l’élucidation de l’interaction entre les différentes molécules composant les recouvrements est pertinente pour prédire la conservation de leurs propriétés biologiques spécifiques. Dans ce travail, des recouvrements pour des applications cardiovasculaires ont été créés, composés de deux molécules ayant des propriétés biologiques complémentaires : la fibronectine (FN) afin de promouvoir l’endothélialisation et la phosphorylcholine (PRC) pour favoriser l’hémocompatibilité. Des techniques d’adsorption et de greffage ont été appliquées pour créer différents recouvrements de ces deux biomolécules sur un polymère fluorocarboné déposé par traitement plasma sur un substrat en acier inoxydable. Dans un premier temps, des films de polytétrafluoroéthylène (PTFE) ont été utilisés en tant que surface modèle afin d’explorer l’interaction de la PRC et de la FN avec les surfaces fluorocarbonées ainsi qu’avec des cellules endothéliales et du sang. La stabilité des recouvrements de FN sur l’acier inoxydable a été étudiée par déformation, mais également par des essais statiques et dynamiques sous-flux. Les recouvrements ont été caractérisés par Spectroscopie Photoéléctronique par Rayons X, immunomarquage, angle de contact, Microscopie Électronique de Balayage, Microscopie de Force Atomique et Spectrométrie de Masse à Ionisation Secondaire à Temps de Vol (imagerie et profilage en profondeur). Des tests d’hémocompatibilité ont été effectués et l’interaction des cellules endothéliales avec les recouvrements a également été évaluée. La FN greffée a présenté des recouvrements plus denses et homogènes alors que la PRC quant à elle, a montré une meilleure homogénéité lorsqu’elle était adsorbée. La caractérisation de la surface des échantillons contenant FN/PRC a été corrélée aux propriétés biologiques et les recouvrements pour lesquels la FN a été greffée suivie de l’adsorption de la PRC ont présenté les meilleurs résultats pour des applications cardiovasculaires : la promotion de l’endothélialisation et des propriétés d’hémocompatibilité. Concernant les tests de stabilité, les recouvrements de FN greffée ont présenté une plus grande stabilité et densité que dans le cas de l’adsorption. En effet, la pertinence de présenter des investigations des essais sous-flux versus des essais statiques ainsi que la comparaison des différentes stratégies pour créer des recouvrements a été mis en évidence. D’autres expériences sont nécessaires pour étudier la stabilité des recouvrements de PRC et de mieux prédire son interaction avec des tissus in vivo.


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Este trabajo se enfoca en el diseño de una turbina de vapor de carácter experimental para simular, en un laboratorio de transferencia térmica, la dinámica propia de una turbina de mayor tamaño en el circuito secundario de un ciclo de potencia. La máquina diseñada produciría 185 kW de potencia en el eje a 9.000 RPM con un rendimiento interno del 88 %, tomando en la entrada 0,4 kg/s de vapor saturado a 40 bar y descargando a una presión de 1,5 bar. Se desarrolló la teoría de turbomáquinas necesaria para realizar los cálculos fuidodinámicos y se propuso un método de diseño apropiado para el alcance del trabajo. Se decidió que la turbina sería de tres etapas, dos Curtis y una de impulso, y se realizaron los cálculos correspondientes. Una vez que el diseño fluidodinámico estaba definido, se procedió a dimensionar los distintos elementos mecánicos, con el alcance correspondiente a ingeniería conceptual y básica. Se realizaron detalladamente los cálculos propios del dimensionado del rotor (eje y discos), rodamientos, carcasa, válvula de seguridad de presión y asociados. Además se presentó el diseño conceptual de los elementos restantes, sistema de control y otros auxiliares. Finalmente, se realizaron los modelos en software 3D de todas las piezas y se produjeron los planos correspondientes.


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Aquel día no era uno cualquiera de 1999, en la sala de juntas de la Gerencia General de la compañía se percibía un ambiente enrarecido y tenso, aunque había también un claro sentimiento de optimismo, que se fortaleció cuando el señor Diophanor Queen, socio de la compañía, dijo: «La decisión que hoy se tome implica la supervivencia de la compañía al largo plazo, hay que ser fluidos y atentos, todo cambiará" , El señor Oscar de Marquis, Vicepresidente Comercial, y el señor Karl M.Reviol, Director de Mercadeo, se miraron y mentalmente pensaronque era la oportunidad que habían esperado; el señor de Marquis afirmó: "Hemos resistido una caída constante en las ventas desde hace cuatro años, nos hemos enfrentado a competidores con estrategias de precio muy agresivas y una reducciónperceptible del consumo en la categoría, es el momento de tomar la propuesta tecnológica por la compañía Cuadriempac"...


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This work analyses a study on natural ventilation and its relation to the urban legislation versus the building types in an urban fraction of coastal area of Praia do Meio in the city of Natal/RN, approaching the type or types of land use most appropriate to this limited urban fraction. The objective of this study is to analyse the effects of the present legislation as well as the types of buildings in this area on the natural ventilation. This urban fraction was selected because it is one of the sites from where the wind flows into the city of Natal. This research is based on the hypothesis stating that the reduction on the porosity of the urban soil (decrease in the set back/boundary clearance), and an increase in the form (height of the buildings) rise the level of the ventilation gradient, consequently causing a reduction on the wind speed at the lowest part of the buildings. Three-dimensional computational models were used to produce the modes of occupation allowed in the urban fraction within the area under study. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software was also used to analyse the modes of land occupation. Following simulation, a statistical assessment was carried out for validation of the hypothesis. It was concluded that the reduction in the soil porosity as a consequence of the rates that defined the minimum boundary clearance between the building and the boundary of the plot (and consequently the set back), as well as the increase in the building form (height of the buildings) caused a reduction in the wind speed, thus creating heat islands


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Este trabajo se enfoca en el diseño de una turbina de vapor de carácter experimental para simular, en un laboratorio de transferencia térmica, la dinámica propia de una turbina de mayor tamaño en el circuito secundario de un ciclo de potencia. La máquina diseñada produciría 185 kW de potencia en el eje a 9.000 RPM con un rendimiento interno del 88 %, tomando en la entrada 0,4 kg/s de vapor saturado a 40 bar y descargando a una presión de 1,5 bar. Se desarrolló la teoría de turbomáquinas necesaria para realizar los cálculos fuidodinámicos y se propuso un método de diseño apropiado para el alcance del trabajo. Se decidió que la turbina sería de tres etapas, dos Curtis y una de impulso, y se realizaron los cálculos correspondientes. Una vez que el diseño fluidodinámico estaba definido, se procedió a dimensionar los distintos elementos mecánicos, con el alcance correspondiente a ingeniería conceptual y básica. Se realizaron detalladamente los cálculos propios del dimensionado del rotor (eje y discos), rodamientos, carcasa, válvula de seguridad de presión y asociados. Además se presentó el diseño conceptual de los elementos restantes, sistema de control y otros auxiliares. Finalmente, se realizaron los modelos en software 3D de todas las piezas y se produjeron los planos correspondientes.


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Atualmente, no estudo do comportamento de descarregadores de cheias por orifício, é necessário conhecer as pressões ao longo do descarregador, para várias alturas de água na albufeira. Este tipo de estudos tem sido usualmente realizado recorrendo a ensaios experimentais. No entanto, a utilização de modelos numéricos para a simulação do escoamento em estruturas hidráulicas encontra-se numa fase emergente. Neste sentido, a presente dissertação pretende apresentar um estudo numérico relativo ao escoamento em descarregadores de cheias por orifício. Por forma a efetuar o estudo numérico, foi utlizado o programa comercial de CFD FLOW-3D®, reproduzindo um modelo reduzido construído no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) correspondente a um descarregador por orifício. Para a realização das simulações numéricas foi necessário definir o objeto de estudo, a malha de cálculo, as condições de fronteira e as propriedades do fluido e objeto de modo a reproduzir as situações ensaiadas experimentalmente no LNEC. A proximidade dos resultados experimentais e numéricos para vários níveis de água na albufeira permitiu validar o modelo numérico para este tipo de escoamentos no interior do orifício.


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Natural ventilation is an efficient bioclimatic strategy, one that provides thermal comfort, healthful and cooling to the edification. However, the disregard for quality environment, the uncertainties involved in the phenomenon and the popularization of artificial climate systems are held as an excuse for those who neglect the benefits of passive cooling. The unfamiliarity with the concept may be lessened if ventilation is observed in every step of the project, especially in the initial phase in which decisions bear a great impact in the construction process. The tools available in order to quantify the impact of projected decisions consist basically of the renovation rate calculations or computer simulations of fluids, commonly dubbed CFD, which stands for Computational Fluid Dynamics , both somewhat apart from the project s execution and unable to adapt for use in parametric studies. Thus, we chose to verify, through computer simulation, the representativeness of the results with a method of simplified air reconditioning rate calculation, as well as making it more compatible with the questions relevant to the first phases of the project s process. The case object consists of a model resulting from the recommendations of the Código de Obras de Natal/ RN, customized according to the NBR 15220. The study has shown the complexity in aggregating a CFD tool to the process and the need for a method capable of generating data at the compatible rate to the flow of ideas and are discarded during the project s development. At the end of our study, we discuss the necessary concessions for the realization of simulations, the applicability and the limitations of both the tools used and the method adopted, as well as the representativeness of the results obtained


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The building envelope is the principal mean of interaction between indoors and environment, with direct influence on thermal and energy performance of the building. By intervening in the envelope, with the proposal of specific architectural elements, it is possible to promote the use of passive strategies of conditioning, such as natural ventilation. The cross ventilation is recommended by the NBR 15220-3 as the bioclimatic main strategy for the hot and humid climate of Natal/RN, offering among other benefits, the thermal comfort of occupants. The analysis tools of natural ventilation, on the other hand, cover a variety of techniques, from the simplified calculation methods to computer fluid dynamics, whose limitations are discussed in several papers, but without detailing the problems encountered. In this sense, the present study aims to evaluate the potential of wind catchers, envelope elements used to increase natural ventilation in the building, through CFD simplified simulation. Moreover, it seeks to quantify the limitations encountered during the analysis. For this, the procedure adopted to evaluate the elements implementation and efficiency was the CFD simulation, abbreviation for Computer Fluid Dynamics, with the software DesignBuilder CFD. It was defined a base case, where wind catchers were added with various settings, to compare them with each other and appreciate the differences in flows and air speeds encountered. Initially there has been done sensitivity tests for familiarization with the software and observe simulation patterns, mapping the settings used and simulation time for each case simulated. The results show the limitations encountered during the simulation process, as well as an overview of the efficiency and potential of wind catchers, with the increase of ventilation with the use of catchers, differences in air flow patterns and significant increase in air speeds indoors, besides changes found due to different element geometries. It is considered that the software used can help designers during preliminary analysis in the early stages of design


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This research covers the topic of social housing and its relation to thermal comfort, so applied to an architectural and urban intervention in land situated in central urban area of Macaíba/RN, Brazil. Reflecting on the role of design and use of alternative building materials in the search for better performance is one of its main goals. The hypothesis is that by changing design parameters and choice of materials, it is possible to achieve better thermal performance results. Thus, we performed computer simulations of thermal performance and natural ventilation using computational fluid dynamics or CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). The presentation of the thermal simulation followed the methodology proposed in the dissertation Negreiros (2010), which aims to find the percentage of the amount of hours of comfort obtained throughout the year, while data analysis was made of natural ventilation from images generated by the images extracted from the CFD. From model building designed, was fitted an analytical framework that results in a comparison between three different proposals for dwellings housing model, which is evaluated the question of the thermal performance of buildings, and also deals with the spatial variables design, construction materials and costs. It is concluded that the final report confirmed the general hypotheses set at the start of the study, it was possible to quantify the results and identify the importance of design and construction materials are equivalent, and that, if combined, lead to gains in thermal performance potential.


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A análise dos perfis de elementos incompatíveis imóveis em eclogitos do Maciço de Bragança permitiu dividir estas rochas em três grupos (A, B e C). As rochas dos grupos B e C correspondem a eclogitos granulitizados que, frequentemente, contêm veios "dioríticos". Os dados geoquímicos disponíveis revelam que os materiais dos veios e os eclogitos hospedeiros têm concentrações muito semelhantes de elementos incompatíveis "imóveis", enquanto há diferenças significativas no que se refere a elementos móveis. Assim, é improvável que os veios possam representar magmas dioríticos gerados por fusão parcial dos eclogitos hospedeiros. Os veios "dioríticos" são interpretados neste trabalho como produtos de actividade metassomática que afectou os eclogitos; o metassomatismo terá sido induzido por fluidos que terão emanado dos gnaisses encaixantes duranto o metamorfismo prógrado da descompressão. Este episódio metasomático terá causado reajustamentos isotópicos, o que explicaria as contradições aparentes entre os dados geocronológicos obtidos nos eclogitos.


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The present work studies the natural ventilation and its relationship with the urban standards, which establishes the form of occupation and use of the land in our cities. The method simulates the application of the urban standards of the City Master Plan over the last three years. The simulation takes place in the District of Petrópolis, in the city of Natal , Brazil and analyses the effects of the standards of natural ventilation. The formulated hypothesis states that the reductions in the urban spaces between buildings rises up the vertical profile of ventilation, reducing, therefore, the velocity of the wind at the lower levels of the buildings. To develop the study, occupation models were built, using computerized, three-dimensional models. These occupation models were analyzed using the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) code. The conclusion is that the more we reduce the urban space between buildings, the more we reduce the wind speed in constructed areas, increasing, therefore, the possibility to generate heat islands


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Natural air ventilation is the most import passive strategy to provide thermal comfort in hot and humid climates and a significant low energy strategy. However, the natural ventilated building requires more attention with the architectural design than a conventional building with air conditioning systems, and the results are less reliable. Therefore, this thesis focuses on softwares and methods to predict the natural ventilation performance from the point of view of the architect, with limited resource and knowledge of fluid mechanics. A typical prefabricated building was modelled due to its simplified geometry, low cost and occurrence at the local campus. Firstly, the study emphasized the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, to simulate the air flow outside and inside the building. A series of approaches were developed to make the simulations possible, compromising the results fidelity. Secondly, the results of CFD simulations were used as the input of an energy tool, to simulate the thermal performance under different rates of air renew. Thirdly, the results of temperature were assessed in terms of thermal comfort. Complementary simulations were carried out to detail the analyses. The results show the potentialities of these tools. However the discussions concerning the simplifications of the approaches, the limitations of the tools and the level of knowledge of the average architect are the major contribution of this study