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The paper considers short-term releases of tritium (mainly but not only tritium hydride (HT)) to the atmosphere from a potential ITER-like fusion reactor located in the Mediterranean Basin and explores if the short range legal exposure limits are exceeded (both locally and downwind). For this, a coupled Lagrangian ECMWF/FLEXPART model has been used to follow real time releases of tritium. This tool was analyzed for nominal tritium operational conditions under selected incidental conditions to determine resultant local and Western Mediterranean effects, together with hourly observations of wind, to provide a short-range approximation of tritium cloud behavior. Since our results cannot be compared with radiological station measurements of tritium in air, we use the NORMTRI Gaussian model. We demonstrate an overestimation of the sequence of tritium concentrations in the atmosphere, close to the reactor, estimated with this model when compared with ECMWF/FLEXPART results. A Gaussian “mesoscale” qualification tool has been used to validate the ECMWF/FLEXPART for winter 2010/spring 2011 with a database of the HT plumes. It is considered that NORMTRI allows evaluation of tritium-in-air-plume patterns and its contribution to doses.


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Fusarium equiseti and Fusarium acuminatum are toxigenic species that contaminate cereal crops from diverse climatic regions. They are common in Spanish cereals. The information available on their phylogenetics and toxigenic profiles is, however, insufficient to assist risk evaluation. In this work, phylogenetic analyses were performed using partial sequences of the translation elongation factor gene (EF-1a) of F. equiseti and F. acuminatum strains isolated from barley and wheat from Spain and other countries. The Northern and Southern European F. equiseti strains largely separated into two phylogenetically distinct clusters. This suggests the existence of two distinct populations within this species, explaining its presence in these regions of markedly different climate. Production of type A and B trichothecenes by the Spanish strains, examined in wheat cultures using a multitoxin analytical method, indicated that F. equiseti could produce deoxynivalenol and nivalenol and other trichothecenes, at concentrations that might represent a significant risk of toxin contamination for Southern European cereals. F. acuminatum showed low intraspecific genetic variability and 58% of the strains could produce deoxynivalenol at low level. Neither species was found to produce T-2 or HT-2 toxins. The present results provide important phylogenetic and toxigenic information essential for the accurate prediction of toxigenic risk.


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Abstract Tree tomato (Solanum betaceum) is an Andean small tree cultivated for its juicy fruits. Little information is available on the characterization of genetic resources and breeding of this neglected crop. We have studied the molecular diversity with AFLP markers using 11 combinations of primers of a collection of 25 S. betaceum accessions belonging to four cultivar groups, most of which had been previously morphologically characterized, as well as one accession of the wild relative S. cajanumense.Atotal of 197 AFLP fragments were scored, of which 84 (43 %) were polymorphic. When excluding S. cajanumense from the analysis, the number of polymorphic AFLP fragments was 78 (40 %). Unique AFLP fingerprints were obtained for every accession, but no AFLP fragments specific and universal to any of the four cultivar groups were found. The total genetic diversity (HT) of cultivated accessions was HT = 0.2904, while for cultivar groups it ranged from HT = 0.1846 in the orange group to HT = 0.2498 in the orange pointed group. Genetic differentiation among cultivar groups (GST) was low (GST = 0.2248), which was matched by low values of genetic distance among cultivar groups. The diversity of collections from Ecuador, which we hypothesize is a center of diversity for tree tomato, was similar to that from other origins (HT = 0.2884 and HT = 0.2645, respectively). Cluster and PCoA analyses clearly separated wild S. cajanumense from the cultivated species. However, materials of different cultivar groups and origins were intermingled in both analyses. The Mantel test correlation coefficient of the matrices of morphological and AFLP distances was low (-0.024) and non-significant. Overall, the results show that a wide diversity is present in each of the cultivar groups, indicate that Ecuador may be regarded as a center of accumulation of diversity for this crop, and confirm that AFLP and morphological characterization data are complementary. The results obtained are of value for the conservation of genetic resources and breeding of tree tomato, as an assessment of the genetic diversity and relationships among differen


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One of the key scrutiny issues of new coming energy era would be the environmental impact of fusion facilities managing one kg of tritium. The potential change of committed dose regulatory limits together with the implementation of nuclear design principles (As Low as Reasonably achievable - ALARA -, Defense in Depth -D-i-D-) for fusion facilities could strongly impact on the cost of deployment of coming fusion technology. Accurate modeling of environmental tritium transport forms (HT, HTO) for the assessment of fusion facility dosimetric impact in Accidental case appears as of major interest. This paper considers different short-term releases of tritium forms (HT and HTO) to the atmosphere from a potential fusion reactor located in the Mediterranean Basin. This work models in detail the dispersion of tritium forms and dosimetric impact of selected environmental patterns both inland and in-sea using real topography and forecast meteorological data-fields (ECMWF/FLEXPART). We explore specific values of this ratio in different levels and we examine the influence of meteorological conditions in the HTO behavior for 24 hours. For this purpose we have used a tool which consists on a coupled Lagrangian ECMWF/FLEXPART model useful to follow real time releases of tritium at 10, 30 and 60 meters together with hourly observations of wind (and in some cases precipitations) to provide a short-range approximation of tritium cloud behavior. We have assessed inhalation doses. And also HTO/HT ratios in a representative set of cases during winter 2010 and spring 2011 for the 3 air levels.


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Storm evolution is fundamental for analysing the damage progression of the different failure modes and establishing suitable protocols for maintaining and optimally sizing structures. However, this aspect has hardly been studied and practically the whole of the studies dealing with the subject adopt the Equivalent triangle storm. As against this approach, two new ones are proposed. The first is the Equivalent Triangle Magnitude Storm model (ETMS), whose base, the triangular storm duration, D, is established such that its magnitude (area describing the storm history above the reference threshold level which sets the storm condition),HT, equals the real storm magnitude. The other is the Equivalent Triangle Number of Waves Storm (ETNWS), where the base is referred in terms of the real storm's number of waves,Nz. Three approaches are used for estimating the mean period, Tm, associated to each of the sea states defining the storm evolution, which is necessary to determine the full energy flux withstood by the structure in the course of the extreme event. Two are based on the Jonswap spectrum representativity and the other uses the bivariate Gumbel copula (Hs, Tm), resulting from adjusting the storm peaks. The representativity of the approaches proposed and those defined in specialised literature are analysed by comparing the main armour layer's progressive loss of hydraulic stability caused by real storms and that relating to theoretical ones. An empirical maximum energy flux model is used for this purpose. The agreement between the empirical and theoretical results demonstrates that the representativity of the different approaches depends on the storm characteristics and point towards a need to investigate other geometrical shapes to characterise the storm evolution associated with sea states heavily influenced by swell wave components.


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Storm evolution is fundamental for analysing the damage progression of the different failure modes and establishing suitable protocols for maintaining and optimally sizing structures. However, this aspect has hardly been studied and practically the whole of the studies dealing with the subject adopt the Equivalent triangle storm. As against this approach, two new ones are proposed. The first is the Equivalent Triangle Magnitude Storm model (ETMS), whose base, the triangular storm duration, D, is established such that its magnitude (area describing the storm history above the reference threshold level which sets the storm condition),HT, equals the real storm magnitude. The other is the Equivalent Triangle Number of Waves Storm (ETNWS), where the base is referred in terms of the real storm's number of waves,Nz. Three approaches are used for estimating the mean period, Tm, associated to each of the sea states defining the storm evolution, which is necessary to determine the full energy flux withstood by the structure in the course of the extreme event. Two are based on the Jonswap spectrum representativity and the other uses the bivariate Gumbel copula (Hs, Tm), resulting from adjusting the storm peaks. The representativity of the approaches proposed and those defined in specialised literature are analysed by comparing the main armour layer's progressive loss of hydraulic stability caused by real storms and that relating to theoretical ones. An empirical maximum energy flux model is used for this purpose. The agreement between the empirical and theoretical results demonstrates that the representativity of the different approaches depends on the storm characteristics and point towards a need to investigate other geometrical shapes to characterise the storm evolution associated with sea states heavily influenced by swell wave components.


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Cover crops in Mediterranean vineyards are scarcely used due to water competition between the cover crop and the grapevine; however, bare soil management through tillage or herbicides tends to have negative effects on the soil over time (organic matter decrease, soil structure and soil fertility degradation, compaction, etc). The objective of this study was to understand how soil management affects soil fertility, compaction and infiltration over time. To this end, two bare soil techniques were compared, tillage (TT) and total herbicide (HT) with two cover crops; annual cereal (CT) and annual grass (AGT), established for 8 years. CT treatment showed the highest organic matter content, having the biggest amount of biomass incorporated into the soil. The annual adventitious vegetation in TT treatment (568 kg dry matter ha-1) that was incorporated into the soil, kept the organic matter content higher than HT levels and close to AGT level, in spite of the greater aboveground annual biomass production of this treatment (3632 kg dry matter ha-1) whereas only its roots were incorporated into the soil. TT presented the highest bulk density under the tractor track lines and a greatest resistance to penetration (at 0.2 m depth). AGT presented bulk density values (upper 0.4 m) lower than TT and penetration resistance in CT lower (at 0.20 m depth) than TT too. Effects of soil management in vineyard on soil physical and chemical characteristics - ResearchGate. Available from: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/268520480_Effects_of_soil_management_in_vineyard_on_soil_physical_and_chemical_characteristics [accessed May 20, 2015].


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Objectives: A recently introduced pragmatic scheme promises to be a useful catalog of interneuron names.We sought to automatically classify digitally reconstructed interneuronal morphologies according tothis scheme. Simultaneously, we sought to discover possible subtypes of these types that might emergeduring automatic classification (clustering). We also investigated which morphometric properties weremost relevant for this classification.Materials and methods: A set of 118 digitally reconstructed interneuronal morphologies classified into thecommon basket (CB), horse-tail (HT), large basket (LB), and Martinotti (MA) interneuron types by 42 of theworld?s leading neuroscientists, quantified by five simple morphometric properties of the axon and fourof the dendrites. We labeled each neuron with the type most commonly assigned to it by the experts. Wethen removed this class information for each type separately, and applied semi-supervised clustering tothose cells (keeping the others? cluster membership fixed), to assess separation from other types and lookfor the formation of new groups (subtypes). We performed this same experiment unlabeling the cells oftwo types at a time, and of half the cells of a single type at a time. The clustering model is a finite mixtureof Gaussians which we adapted for the estimation of local (per-cluster) feature relevance. We performedthe described experiments on three different subsets of the data, formed according to how many expertsagreed on type membership: at least 18 experts (the full data set), at least 21 (73 neurons), and at least26 (47 neurons).Results: Interneurons with more reliable type labels were classified more accurately. We classified HTcells with 100% accuracy, MA cells with 73% accuracy, and CB and LB cells with 56% and 58% accuracy,respectively. We identified three subtypes of the MA type, one subtype of CB and LB types each, andno subtypes of HT (it was a single, homogeneous type). We got maximum (adapted) Silhouette widthand ARI values of 1, 0.83, 0.79, and 0.42, when unlabeling the HT, CB, LB, and MA types, respectively,confirming the quality of the formed cluster solutions. The subtypes identified when unlabeling a singletype also emerged when unlabeling two types at a time, confirming their validity. Axonal morphometricproperties were more relevant that dendritic ones, with the axonal polar histogram length in the [pi, 2pi) angle interval being particularly useful.Conclusions: The applied semi-supervised clustering method can accurately discriminate among CB, HT, LB, and MA interneuron types while discovering potential subtypes, and is therefore useful for neuronal classification. The discovery of potential subtypes suggests that some of these types are more heteroge-neous that previously thought. Finally, axonal variables seem to be more relevant than dendritic ones fordistinguishing among the CB, HT, LB, and MA interneuron types.


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El empleo de biomasa como combustible para la generación de bio-energía va en aumento en la actualidad, debido a su impacto medioambiental nulo en cuanto a las emisiones de CO2. Por lo tanto la generación de cenizas de biomasa, residuo de la producción de esta energía, constituye un problema medioambiental con un claro impacto social y económico. Este tipo de ceniza tiene contenidos en óxidos que la hacen atractiva para su empleo como sustituto parcial del cemento Portland, lo cual proporciona una salida eco-eficiente a este residuo, reduciendo al mismo tiempo la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero asociada a la fabricación del cemento. Esta investigación se centra en el desarrollo de nuevos e innovadores materiales base-cemento eco-eficientes que incorporan ceniza de biomasa para su aplicación integral en construcción. Para ello, se emplea una ceniza de biomasa (CB) procedente de un combustor de lecho fluidizado, cuya biomasa de combustión es principalmente restos de corteza de eucalipto, suministrada por el grupo ENCE-Navia (Asturias). El trabajo desarrollado en la presente tesis doctoral, tiene como primera fase la caracterización de esta ceniza y el análisis de viabilidad de su valorización en materiales base-cemento. Dentro de este análisis, se propone la activación de la ceniza CB mediante tratamiento hidrotermal (TH) en diferentes condiciones de medio activante, temperatura y tiempo de proceso, con el objetivo de favorecer la formación de fases hidratadas que potencien la valorización de la ceniza en el campo de los materiales de construcción. Como fase hidratada de interés se obtiene la fase tobermorita (Ca2.25(Si3O7.5(OH)1.5)(H2O)), precursora del gel C-S-H, responsable del desarrollo de resistencias mecánicas en los materiales base-cemento. El proceso de TH se optimiza para la síntesis más eficiente de esta fase. El estudio posterior de las propiedades mecánicas y micro-estructurales de pastas de cemento eco-eficientes que incorporan la ceniza CB y la ceniza tratada hidrotermalmente, CB-TH, confirma una mayor viabilidad de incorporación de la ceniza CB como sustituto parcial del cemento Portland. Como siguiente paso en el desarrollo de estos innovadores materiales base-cemento eco-eficientes se amplía el estudio multi-escalar de los materiales que incorporan CB mediante diferentes ensayos físico-mecánicos y de durabilidad. Los resultados indican que la presencia de la ceniza de biomasa no tiene efectos negativos sobre las propiedades físicas de los morteros eco-eficientes estudiados. Sin embargo, la adición de CB proporciona una mejor durabilidad del material al producir modificaciones de la microestructura que dificultan el transporte de agentes agresivos. Por otro lado, los morteros con un 10 y 20% de sustitución parcial de cemento por la ceniza de biomasa CB (CB-10 y CB-20) presentan una resistencia a compresión de 53.3 y 50.5 MPa a 28 días de curado, respectivamente. Estos morteros son comparables con un cemento Portland tradicional tipo CEM I de clase de resistencia 42.5 R. Por último, y con el fin de proporcionar la apertura de estos nuevos cementos eco-eficientes al mercado en el campo de los materiales de construcción, se estudian propiedades concretas relacionadas con diferentes tipos de aplicaciones. Concretamente se estudian en detalle las propiedades relativas a la aplicación en baldosas de mortero y los resultados indican unas prestaciones del material eco-eficiente con incorporación de CB similares o mejoradas con respecto al cemento Portland. Se analiza también la viabilidad de aplicación estructural de los cementos eco-eficientes desarrollados mediante el estudio de la adherencia al acero, que resulta similar a la del material de referencia. En cuanto a los resultados de extracción y caracterización de la fase acuosa de los poros, en todas las matrices eco-eficientes se obtiene un pH que garantiza la pasivación de la armadura. Sin embargo, el alto contenido en cloruros de dicha fase acuosa sugiere la conveniencia de realizar un análisis más detallado para la aplicación de los nuevos materiales eco-eficientes en hormigón armado. Se comprueba que todas las matrices que incorporan CB en porcentajes entre un 10 y un 90%, se pueden considerar adecuadas como nuevos materiales de construcción más eco-eficientes en aplicaciones con distintos niveles de exigencias mecánicas y sin problemas ambientales asociados con procesos de lixiviación. Con el presente trabajo de investigación se completan los objetivos iniciales de la tesis, con la obtención de nuevos e innovadores materiales base-cemento eco-eficientes que incorporan cenizas de biomasa (CB) con aplicación integral en el campo de la construcción. ABSTRACT The use of biomass as a fuel for the generation of bio-energy is increasing nowadays, due to its zero environmental impact in terms of CO2 emissions. Therefore the generation of biomass ash, a by-product of this energy, is an environmental problem with a clear social and economic impact. This type of ash contains oxides that make it attractive to be used as a partial replacement of Portland cement, providing an eco-efficient solution to this residue, while reducing the emission of greenhouse gases associated with the production of cement. The present research is focused on the development of new and innovative eco-efficient cement-based materials that incorporate biomass ash for their comprehensive application in construction. For this purpose a biomass ash (CB) is used from a fluidized bed forest combustor mainly fed with the bark of eucalyptus trees, provided by the ENCE-Navia (Asturias) group. The work includes in the first stage the characterization of the raw materials and the analysis of viability of their valorization in cement-based materials. Within this analysis, the activation of the ash is proposed by hydrothermal treatment (HT) in different conditions of activation medium, temperature and process duration, aiming an enhanced formation of hydrated phases to improve the ash valorization in the construction materials field. As an interesting hydrated phase, the tobermorite (Ca2.25(Si3O7.5(OH)1.5)(H2O)) is obtained from the process. This phase is considered as a precursor of the gel C-S-H, responsible for the development of mechanical strength in cement-based materials. HT process is optimized for the most efficient synthesis of tobermorite. The analysis of mechanical and microstructural properties of eco-efficient cement pastes incorporating CB ash and hydrothermally treated ash, CB-TH, confirms an improved viability of incorporation of CB ash as a partial replacement for Portland cement in the case. As a next step in the development of these innovative eco-efficient cement-based materials, a multiscale study of the materials that incorporate CB by different physical-mechanical and durability tests is carried out. The results indicate that the presence of biomass ash does not give rise to negative effects on the physical properties of the eco-efficient mortars analyzed. Nevertheless, the addition of CB produces a better durability performance due to microstructural modifications that hinder the transport of aggressive agents through the material. Moreover, mortars with a 10% and 20% of partial substitution of cement by the CB biomass ash (CB-10 and CB-20) show a compressive resistance of 53.3 and 50.5 MPa at 28 days of curing, respectively. These mortars are comparable to an ordinary Portland cement type CEM I with a resistance class of 42.5R. Finally, and in order to provide the opening of these new eco-efficient cement to the market in the field of construction materials, certain properties specifically related to different types of applications are studied. Among these, the properties concerning the application in mortar tiles are analyzed and the results indicate a similar, or even better performance of the eco-efficient mortar that incorporates CB, with respect to Portland cement. The viability of structural application of the developed eco-efficient cement is also performed considering the study of the adhesion to steel, with results similar to those of the reference material. Regarding the results of extraction and analysis of the aqueous phase of the pores, a pH value guaranteeing reinforcement passivation is obtained for all the eco-efficient matrices. However, high chloride content is obtained suggesting the suitability of a more detailed study to evaluate the application of these new eco-efficient materials in reinforced concrete. It is established that all the matrices incorporating CB in percentages between 10 and 90% may be considered adequate as new more eco-efficient construction materials in applications with different levels of mechanical demand and without environmental problems associated to leaching processes. In this research the initial objectives of the thesis are fulfilled by obtaining new and innovative eco-efficient cement-based materials that incorporate biomass ashes (CB) with comprehensive application in the construction field.


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Oleamide is an endogenous fatty acid primary amide that possesses sleep-inducing properties in animals and that has been shown to effect serotonergic receptor responses and block gap junction communication. Herein, the potentiation of the 5-HT1A receptor response is disclosed, and a study of the structural features of oleamide required for potentiation of the 5-HT2A and 5-HT1A response to serotonin (5-HT) is described. Of the naturally occurring fatty acids, the primary amide of oleic acid (oleamide) is the most effective at potentiating the 5-HT2A receptor response. The structural features required for activity were found to be highly selective. The presence, position, and stereochemistry of the Δ9-cis double bond is required, and even subtle structural variations reduce or eliminate activity. Secondary or tertiary amides may replace the primary amide but follow a well defined relationship requiring small amide substituents, suggesting that the carboxamide serves as a hydrogen bond acceptor but not donor. Alternative modifications at the carboxamide as well as modifications of the methyl terminus or the hydrocarbon region spanning the carboxamide and double bond typically eliminate activity. A less extensive study of the 5-HT1A potentiation revealed that it is more tolerant and accommodates a wider range of structural modifications. An interesting set of analogs was identified that inhibit rather than potentiate the 5-HT2A, but not the 5-HT1A, receptor response, further suggesting that such analogs may permit the selective modulation of serotonin receptor subtypes and even have opposing effects on the different subtypes.


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A diet high in fiber is associated with a decreased incidence and growth of colon cancers. Butyrate, a four-carbon short-chain fatty acid product of fiber fermentation within the colon, appears to mediate these salutary effects. We sought to determine the molecular mechanism by which butyrate mediates growth inhibition of colonic cancer cells and thereby to elucidate the molecular link between a high-fiber diet and the arrest of colon carcinogenesis. We show that concomitant with growth arrest, butyrate induces p21 mRNA expression in an immediate-early fashion, through transactivation of a promoter cis-element(s) located within 1.4 kb of the transcriptional start site, independent of p53 binding. Studies using the specific histone hyperacetylating agent, trichostatin A, and histone deacetylase 1 indicate that growth arrest and p21 induction occur through a mechanism involving histone hyperacetylation. We show the critical importance of p21 in butyrate-mediated growth arrest by first confirming that stable overexpression of the p21 gene is able to cause growth arrest in the human colon carcinoma cell line, HT-29. Furthermore, using p21-deleted HCT116 human colon carcinoma cells, we provide convincing evidence that p21 is required for growth arrest to occur in response to histone hyperacetylation, but not for serum starvation nor postconfluent growth. Thus, p21 appears to be a critical effector of butyrate-induced growth arrest in colonic cancer cells, and may be an important molecular link between a high-fiber diet and the prevention of colon carcinogenesis.


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Funding The research reported in this publication was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (E007821/1 to M.S.M-G, R.L.C and E00797X/1; BB/K001418 /1 to L.K.H), the British Heart Foundation (FS/09/029/27902 to S.E.O.), the UK Medical Research Council Metabolic Diseases Unit (MC_UU_12012/4 to S.E.O and MC_UU_12012/1 to G.S.H.Y), the Wellcome Trust (WT081713 and WT098012 to L.K.H), the European Union (FP7-HEALTH-266408 Full4Health to G.S.H.Y) and the Helmholtz Alliance ICEMED to G.S.H.Y.


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Although S-locus RNases (S-RNases) determine the specificity of pollen rejection in self-incompatible (SI) solanaceous plants, they alone are not sufficient to cause S-allele-specific pollen rejection. To identify non-S-RNase sequences that are required for pollen rejection, a Nicotiana alata cDNA library was screened by differential hybridization. One clone, designated HT, hybridized strongly to RNA from N. alata styles but not to RNA from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia, a species known to lack one or more factors necessary for S-allele-specific pollen rejection. Sequence analysis revealed a 101-residue ORF including a putative secretion signal and an asparagine-rich domain near the C terminus. RNA blot analysis showed that the HT-transcript accumulates in the stigma and style before anthesis. The timing of HT-expression lags slightly behind SC10-RNase in SI N. alata SC10SC10 and is well correlated with the onset of S-allele-specific pollen rejection in the style. An antisense-HT construct was prepared to test for a role in pollen rejection. Transformed (N. plumbaginifolia × SI N. alata SC10SC10) hybrids with reduced levels of HT-protein continued to express SC10-RNase but failed to reject SC10-pollen. Control hybrids expressing both SC10-RNase and HT-protein showed a normal S-allele-specific pollen rejection response. We conclude that HT-protein is directly implicated in pollen rejection.


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To investigate the contribution of individual serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) receptors to mood control, we have used homologous recombination to generate mice lacking specific serotonergic receptor subtypes. In the present report, we demonstrate that mice without 5-HT1A receptors display decreased exploratory activity and increased fear of aversive environments (open or elevated spaces). 5-HT1A knockout mice also exhibited a decreased immobility in the forced swim test, an effect commonly associated with antidepressant treatment. Although 5-HT1A receptors are involved in controlling the activity of serotonergic neurons, 5-HT1A knockout mice had normal levels of 5-HT and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, possibly because of an up-regulation of 5-HT1B autoreceptors. Heterozygote 5-HT1A mutants expressed approximately one-half of wild-type receptor density and displayed intermediate phenotypes in most behavioral tests. These results demonstrate that 5-HT1A receptors are involved in the modulation of exploratory and fear-related behaviors and suggest that reductions in 5-HT1A receptor density due to genetic defects or environmental stressors might result in heightened anxiety.


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The brain serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) system is a powerful modulator of emotional processes and a target of medications used in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. To evaluate the contribution of serotonin 5-HT1A receptors to the regulation of these processes, we have used gene-targeting technology to generate 5-HT1A receptor-mutant mice. These animals lack functional 5-HT1A receptors as indicated by receptor autoradiography and by resistance to the hypothermic effects of the 5-HT1A receptor agonist 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin (8-OH-DPAT). Homozygous mutants display a consistent pattern of responses indicative of elevated anxiety levels in open-field, elevated-zero maze, and novel-object assays. Moreover, they exhibit antidepressant-like responses in a tail-suspension assay. These results indicate that the targeted disruption of the 5-HT1A receptor gene leads to heritable perturbations in the serotonergic regulation of emotional state. 5-HT1A receptor-null mutant mice have potential as a model for investigating mechanisms through which serotonergic systems modulate affective state and mediate the actions of psychiatric drugs.