944 resultados para Fertility differentials
We assess informal institutions of Protestants and Catholics by investigating their economic
resilience in a natural experiment. The First World War constitutes an exogenous shock to living standards since the duration and intensity of the war exceeded all expectations. We assess the ability of Protestant and Catholic communities to cope with increasing food prices and wartime black markets. Literature based on Weber (1904, 1905) suggests that Protestants must be more resilient than their Catholic peers. Using individual height data on some 2,800 Germans to assess levels of malnutrition during the war, we find that living standards for both Protestants and Catholics declined; however, the decrease of Catholics’ height was disproportionately large. Our empirical analysis finds a large statistically significant difference between Protestants and Catholics for the 1914-19 birth cohort, and we argue that this height gap cannot be attributed to socioeconomic background and fertility alone.
This paper presents data from the English Channel area of Britain and Northern France on the spatial distribution of Lower to early Middle Palaeolithic pre-MIS5 interglacial sites which are used to test the contention that the pattern of the richest sites is a real archaeological distribution and not of taphonomic origin. These sites show a marked concentration in the middle-lower reaches of river valleys with most being upstream of, but close to, estimated interglacial tidal limits. A plant and animal database derived from Middle-Late Pleistocene sites in the region is used to estimate the potentially edible foods and their distribution in the typically undulating landscape of the region. This is then converted into the potential availability of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) and selected micronutrients. The floodplain is shown to be the optimum location in the nutritional landscape (nutriscape). In addition to both absolute and seasonal macronutrient advantages the floodplains could have provided foods rich in key micronutrients, which are linked to better health, the maintenance of fertility and minimization of infant mortality. Such places may have been seen as ‘good (or healthy) places’ explaining the high number of artefacts accumulated by repeated visitation over long periods of time and possible occupation. The distribution of these sites reflects the richest aquatic and wetland successional habitats along valley floors. Such locations would have provided foods rich in a wide range of nutrients, importantly including those in short supply at these latitudes. When combined with other benefits, the high nutrient diversity made these locations the optimal niche in northwest European mixed temperate woodland environments. It is argued here that the use of these nutritionally advantageous locations as nodal or central points facilitated a healthy variant of the Palaeolithic diet which permitted habitation at the edge of these hominins’ range.
Analgesics which affect prostaglandin (PG) pathways are used by most pregnant women. As germ cells (GC) undergo developmental and epigenetic changes in fetal life and are PG targets, we investigated if exposure of pregnant rats to analgesics (indomethacin or acetaminophen) affected GC development and reproductive function in resulting offspring (F1) or in the F2 generation. Exposure to either analgesic reduced F1 fetal GC number in both sexes and altered the tempo of fetal GC development sex-dependently, with delayed meiotic entry in oogonia but accelerated GC differentiation in males. These effects persisted in adult F1 females as reduced ovarian and litter size, whereas F1 males recovered normal GC numbers and fertility by adulthood. F2 offspring deriving from an analgesic-exposed F1 parent also exhibited sex-specific changes. F2 males exhibited normal reproductive development whereas F2 females had smaller ovaries and reduced follicle numbers during puberty/adulthood; as similar changes were found for F2 offspring of analgesic-exposed F1 fathers or mothers, we interpret this as potentially indicating an analgesic-induced change to GC in F1. Assuming our results are translatable to humans, they raise concerns that analgesic use in pregnancy could potentially affect fertility of resulting daughters and grand-daughters.
Este trabalho refere-se às atividades do estágio de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária, apresentando-se casuística no âmbito dos planos sanitários e atividade clínica acompanhados. Como tema para discussão optou-se pela avaliação de touros através do exame andrológico. Após revisão bibliográfica analisaram-se dados obtidos pela VetAl (2008- 2012) caracterizando a população dos touros de carne no Sul de Portugal. Dos 184 touros avaliados foram aprovados 72,28 %, aumentando a probabilidade de reprovação tendencialmente com idade. Em parâmetros reprodutivos importantes como perímetro testicular existe influência de: idade (p<0,001), raça (p<0,05) e Pontuação da Condição Corporal (PCC) (p<0,05). Encontraram-se correlações significativas entre parâmetros tais como perímetro testicular e idade (p<0,001; r=0,52), PCC e parâmetros seminais microscópicos (p<0,05) e dos vários parâmetros entre si. O exame andrológico é essencial para estimar o potencial reprodutivo dos touros e importa fomentar a sua realização em Portugal para melhorar os níveis de fertilidade e rentabilidade das explorações; Abstract Rating of bulls’ reproductive potential through breeding soundness evaluation This document reports the activities of the traineeship for the Master in Veterinary Medicine, including the presentation of the number of cases attended during herd health plans and clinical activity. The theme chosen for discussion was bull fertility through breeding soundness evaluation. Data obtained by Vetal (2008-2012) were analyzed, according to the state of the art, with the aim of characterizing beef bulls’ population in Southern Portugal. Out of 184 bulls evaluated, 72,28 % were approved, unsuccessful outcome apparently increases with age. Scrotal circumference was significantly influenced by: age (p<0,001), breed (p<0,05) and Body Condition Scoring (BCS) (p<0,05). Correlations were significant between scrotal circumference and age (p<0,001; r=0,52), between BCS and microscopic semen evaluation parameters (p<0,05) and between these semen evaluation parameters. The breeding soundness evaluation is essential to assess bulls’ reproductive potential and routine performance of this exam should be encouraged in Portugal to improve fertility and herd profitability.
A infertilidade é um problema actual que afecta cerca de 8 a 12% dos casais em idade fértil, sendo 50% dos casos atribuídos ao factor masculino. A exposição ocupacional e/ou ambiental a metais pesados representa uma das suas principais causas. O chumbo, o cádmio e o crómio são metais com elevada utilização industrial e muito persistentes no ambiente, sendo motivo de grande preocupação devido aos seus efeitos na saúde reprodutiva dos trabalhadores e da população em geral. Neste trabalho estudaram-se os efeitos do cloreto de chumbo (PbCl2), cloreto de cádmio (CdCl2) e cromato de potássio (K2CrO4) na fertilidade, usando como modelo ratinhos machos ICR-CD1. Os ratinhos foram injectados subcutaneamente com 74 e 100 mg de PbCl2/kg pc ou com 5 e 10 mg de K2CrO4/kg pc, respectivamente, durante 4 dias consecutivos ou com 1, 2 e 3 mg de CdCl2/kg pc numa única injecção. Nos ensaios com PbCl2 e K2CrO4 os animais foram sacrificados 5 e 35 dias após o início da exposição, enquanto que nos ensaios com CdCl2 os animais foram sacrificados após 24 horas e 35 dias. O cloreto de chumbo não alterou a histologia do testículo nem do epidídimo, mas induziu um aumento da percentagem de células em fase S no testículo. O cloreto de chumbo alterou também alguns parâmetros dos espermatozóides, tais como a motilidade, morfologia e integridade do acrossoma. Contudo, não foram observados efeitos na integridade do DNA ou na estrutura da cromatina. O cloreto de cádmio induziu lesões severas e não reversíveis nos testículos que, após 35 dias, reverteram em necrose testicular. O cloreto de cádmio alterou ainda as subpopulações de células testiculares após 24 horas e induziu IMS no testículo após 35 dias. Em consequência das lesões no testículo, a densidade espermática foi severamente afectada após 35 dias. A exposição ao cloreto de cádmio afectou também a morfologia, a motilidade e a integridade acrossómica nos espermatozóides. O cloreto de cádmio induziu ainda fragmentação do DNA nestas células após 35 dias. O cromato de potássio alterou a morfologia dos espermatozóides e a integridade do acrossoma, sobretudo nos animais sacrificados após 35 dias. Verificou-se ainda uma redução da motilidade dos espermatozóides. Não foram detectados efeitos genotóxicos nos espermatozóides, devido à acção do K2CrO4 nas doses testadas. Dos parâmetros avaliados neste trabalho, destacam-se duas novas abordagens, nomeadamente o programa informático Snakes e a análise do conteúdo em DNA de células de testículo, a partir de material incluído em parafina. O Snakes permitiu fazer medições rigorosas do diâmetro dos tubos seminíferos, enquanto que a fixação de amostras de testículo de ratinhos em formol tamponado e inclusão em parafina resultou numa boa preservação do DNA, possibilitando assim a quantificação das subpopulações de células testiculares por citometria de fluxo. Os resultados obtidos para os diferentes parâmetros testados indicam que a motilidade dos espermatozóides e a integridade do acrossoma sejam parâmetros sensíveis à toxicidade de metais. O acrossoma aparenta ser um dos principais alvos da toxicidade dos metais e cuja reacção acrossómica prematura pode reduzir a capacidade do espermatozóide para fertilizar o oócito. Assim, este trabalho representa uma contribuição para uma melhor compreensão dos efeitos do chumbo, cádmio e crómio na fertilidade masculina.
Shared decision-making (SDM) is a high priority in healthcare policy and is complementary to the recovery philosophy in mental health care. This agenda has been operationalised within the Values-Based Practice (VBP) framework, which offers a theoretical and practical model to promote democratic interprofessional approaches to decision-making. However, these are limited by a lack of recognition of the implications of power implicit within the mental health system. This study considers issues of power within the context of decision-making and examines to what extent decisions about patients? care on acute in-patient wards are perceived to be shared. Focus groups were conducted with 46 mental health professionals, service users, and carers. The data were analysed using the framework of critical narrative analysis (CNA). The findings of the study suggested each group constructed different identity positions, which placed them as inside or outside of the decision-making process. This reflected their view of themselves as best placed to influence a decision on behalf of the service user. In conclusion, the discourse of VBP and SDM needs to take account of how differentials of power and the positioning of speakers affect the context in which decisions take place.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2013
Forty years after the Carnation Revolution, the relatively young Portuguese democracy is experiencing dramatically low levels of public specific support for democracy. This article tests the leverage of demand-side and supply-side accounts to explain differentials in public satisfaction with democracy. Through ordinary least squares regression analyses that draw on the unique data of the ‘Barometer 40 Years of Democracy in Portugal (2014)’, this articles shows that age cohort, identification with extreme parties, evaluation of the country’s political past, and economic performance are strong correlates of citizens’ specific support for democracy
Dissertação de Mestrado, Psicologia da Educação, especialidade de Contextos Comunitários, 11 de Março de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
Limited dispersal may favor the evolution of helping behaviors between relatives as it increases their relatedness, and it may inhibit such evolution as it increases local competition between these relatives. Here, we explore one way out of this dilemma: if the helping behavior allows groups to expand in size, then the kin-competition pressure opposing its evolution can be greatly reduced. We explore the effects of two kinds of stochasticity allowing for such deme expansion. First, we study the evolution of helping under environmental stochasticity that may induce complete patch extinction. Helping evolves if it results in a decrease in the probability of extinction or if it enhances the rate of patch recolonization through propagules formed by fission of nonextinct groups. This mode of dispersal is indeed commonly found in social species. Second, we consider the evolution of helping in the presence of demographic stochasticity. When fecundity is below its value maximizing deme size (undersaturation), helping evolves, but under stringent conditions unless positive density dependence (Allee effect) interferes with demographic stochasticity. When fecundity is above its value maximizing deme size (oversaturation), helping may also evolve, but only if it reduces negative density-dependent competition.
Summary : The hypothalamus represents less than 1 % of the total volume of the brain tissue, yet it plays a crucial role in endocrine regulations. Puberty is defined as a process leading to physical, sexual and psychosocial maturation. The hypothalamus is central to this process, via the activation of GnRH neurons. Pulsatile GnRH secretion, minimal during childhood, increases with the onset of puberty. The primary function of GnRH is to regulate the growth, development and function of testes in boys and ovaries in girls, by stimulating the pituitary gland secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Several factors contribute to the timing of puberty, including sex and ethnicity, genetics, dietary intake and energy expenditure. Kisspeptins constitute a family of small peptides arising from the proteolytic cleavage of metastin, a peptide with 54 amino acids initially purified from human placenta. These kisspeptins were the subject of much attention following their discovery because of their antimetastatic properties, but it was more recently that their determining role in the reproductive function was demonstrated. It was shown that kisspeptins are ligands of a receptor, GPR54, whose natural inactivating mutation in humans, or knockout in the mouse, lead to infertility. GnRH neurons play a pivotal role in the central regulation of fertility. Kisspeptin greatly increases GnRH release and GnRH neuron firing activity, but the neurobiological mechanisms for these actions are unknown. Gprotein-coupled receptor 54, the receptor for kisspeptin, is expressed by GnRH neurons as well as other hypothalamic neurons, suggesting that both direct and indirect effects are possible. In the first part of my thesis, we investigated a possible connection between the acceleration of sexual development induced by leptin and hypothalamic metastin neurons. However, the data generated by our preliminary experiments confirmed that the commercially available antibodies are non-specific. This finding constituted a major drawback for our studies, which relied heavily upon the neuroanatomical study of the hypothalamic metastinergic pathways to elucidate their sensitivity to exogenous leptin. Therefore, we decided to postpone any further in vivo experiment until a better antibody becomes available, and focused on in vitro studies to better understand the mechanisms of action of kisspeptins in the modulation of the activity of GnRH neurons. We used two GnRH-expressing neuronal cell lines to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms of action of metastin in GnRH neurons. We demonstrated that kisspeptin induces an early activation of the MAP kinase intracellular signaling pathway in both cell lines, whereas the SAP/JNK or the Akt pathways were unaffected. Moreover, we found an increase in GnRH mRNA levels after 6h of metastin stimulation. Thus, we can conclude that kisspeptin regulates GnRH neurons both at the secretion and the gene expression levels. The MAPK pathway is the major pathway activated by metastin in GnRH expressing neurons. Taken together, these data provide the first mechanism of action of kisspeptin on GnRH neurons. Résumé : L'hypothalamus est une zone située au centre du cerveau, dont il représente moins de 1 du volume total. La puberté est la période de transition entre l'enfance et l'age adulte, qui s'accompagne de transformations somatiques, psychologiques, métaboliques et hormonales conduisant à la possibilité de procréer. La fonction principale de la GnRH est la régulation de la croissance, du développement et de la fonction des testicules chez les hommes, et des ovaires chez les femmes en stimulant la sécrétion de l'hormone lutéinisante (LH) et de l'hormone folliculostimulante (FSH) par la glande hypophysaire. Plusieurs facteurs contribuent au déclanchement de la puberté, y compris le sexe et l'appartenance ethnique, la génétique, l'apport alimentaire et la dépense énergétique. Les Kisspeptines constituent une famille de peptides résultant de la dissociation proteolytique de la métastine, un peptide de 54 acides aminés initialement purifié à partir de placenta humain. Ces kisspeptines ont fait l'objet de beaucoup d'attention à la suite de leur découverte en raison de leurs propriétés anti-metastatiques, et c'est plus récemment que leur rôle déterminant dans la fonction reproductive a été démontré. Les kisspeptines sont des ligands du récepteur GPR54, dont la mutation inactivatrice chez l'homme, ou le knockout chez la souris, conduisent à l'infertilité par hypogonadisme hypogonadotrope. Les neurones à GnRH jouent un rôle central dans le règlement des fonctions reproductrices et la kisspeptine stimule l'activité des neurones à GnRH et la libération de GnRH par ces neurones. Toutefois, les mécanismes neurobiologiques de ces actions ne sont pas connus. Dans la première partie de ma thèse, nous avons étudié le lien potentiel entre l'accélération du développement sexuel induite par la leptine et les neurones hypothalamiques à metastine. Les données générées dans cette première série d'expériences ont malheureusement confirmé que les anticorps anti-metastine disponibles dans le commerce sont aspécifiques. Ceci a constitué un inconvénient majeur pour nos études, qui devaient fortement s'appuyer sur l' étude neuroanatomique des neurones hypothalamiques à metastine pour évaluer leur sensibilité à la leptine exogène. Nous avons donc décidé de focaliser nos travaux sur une étude in vitro des mécanismes d'action de la kisspeptine pour moduler l'activité des neurones à GnRH. Nous avons utilisé deux lignées de cellules neuronales exprimant la GnRH pour étudier les mécanismes d'action cellulaires et moléculaires de la metastine dans des neurones. Nous avons ainsi pu démontrer que la kisspeptine induit une activation précoce de la voie f de signalisation de la MAP kinase dans les deux lignées cellulaires, alors que nous n'avons observé aucune activation de la voie de signalisation de la P13 Kinase et de la SAP/JNK. Nous avons en outre démontré une augmentation de l'expression de la GnRH par la stimulation avec la Kisspeptine. L'ensemble de ces données contribue à élucider le mécanisme d'action avec lequel la kisspeptine agit dans les neurones à GnRH, en démontrant un effet sur l'expression génique de la GnRH. Nous pouvons également conclure que la voie de la MAPK est la voie principale activée par la metastine dans les neurones exprimant la GnRH.
Gonadotropin hormones undergo important dynamic changes during life. Their rise during puberty stimulates gonadal steroid secretion, triggering the development of secondary sexual characteristics and the acquisition of fertility. The full spectrum of possible mutations and polymorphisms in the human gonadotropins and in their receptor genes has been described in recent years. Patients harboring these mutations display a very wide range of phenotypes affecting all aspects of the reproductive axis. An important insight provided by the careful study of these patients lies in the striking gender differences in the phenotypes associated with a given mutation. As a result, the careful study of these rare patients has allowed us to better define the respective roles of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone in normal human pubertal development and in the achievement of full fertility potential in either males or females. In this work, we describe briefly the known mutations in the genes for both gonadotropins and their receptors, and discuss their genotype/phenotype correlations in light of these important gender differences.