977 resultados para Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery (FGCS)
Physalaemus henselii (Peters, 1872) is a little known leiuperid frog that has not been studied since the 1960s. Herein, we redescribe its advertisement call, and assess the female sexual cycle and the reproductive period on the basis of the macroscopic analysis of the ovaries and field observations. The Ovarian Size Factor (OSF) was calculated. The study was made in Departamento de Rivera, northern Uruguay. The advertisement call consists of short (177 ± 21ms), multipulsed (20 ± 3 pulses/note) notes, with a note repetition rate of 1.57 ± 0.13 notes/s. Physalaemus henselii has a female sexual cycle with unimodal distribution of gravid females, which are present from February to September. The OSF and the ratio "females with mature oocytes / females without mature oocytes" reached the highest values from April to June. The number and size of oocytes were positively correlated with female size. The smallest female (SVL =18.94mm, weight =0.78g) with mature oocytes was found in July. The observed sexual cycle with a single annual reproductive period during the cold season (autumn and early winter), is an uncommon fact for anuran species in the region.
Acanthagrion cuyabae Calvert, 1909 was described based on a male from State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The female of this species was described based on morphological characters of four individuals collected in copula from State of Mato Grosso do Sul, and three other specimens of same locality. Acanthagrion cuyabae is here revalidated based on morphological characters of the female. Illustrated keys to the groups of Acanthagrion Selys, 1876 and species of the viridescens group occurring in Brazil are provided.
Based onmale and female, Psychoda simillima Tonnoir, 1929 is redescribed, with a discussion of generic and subgeneric classifications. This is the first record for Chile as well as the first description of a female for this species.
This comment corrects the errors in the estimation process that appear in Martins (2001). The first error is in the parametric probit estimation, as the previously presented results do not maximize the log-likelihood function. In the global maximum more variables become significant. As for the semiparametric estimation method, the kernel function used in Martins (2001) can take on both positive and negative values, which implies that the participation probability estimates may be outside the interval [0,1]. We have solved the problem by applying local smoothing in the kernel estimation, as suggested by Klein and Spady (1993).
The present work deals with the systematic, biological and economic problems related to Corythaica cyathicollis (Costa, 1864) (Hemip., Tingidae). In the first part are presented the generic characteristics of Corythaica and is discussed the status of the specific name. The validity of C. cyathicollis, as stated by DRAKE and his collaborators, was denied by MONTE in his last works, he considered the species as C. passiflorae. Even in the modern literature no agreement has been achieved and three names are still used (cyathicollis, passiflorae and planaris) to designate the same insect. In order to resolve definitively this problem, a Neotype is designed to fill the place of the missing type of C. cyathicollis. Also in the first parte is discussed the taxonomic value of both male and female genitalia. The whole male copulator apparatus is studied and are illustrated the genital capsules of 8 species of this genus. Special mention is made of the shape of the basal plates and the proportions of the segmental membrana. The female genitalia is studied based upon the work of FELDMAN & BAILEY (1952). In the second part the biological cycle of C. cyathicollis is carefully studied. Descriptions of the egg are done and the ways of oviposition. The number of eggs laid by the female was observed to be about 350, during a period of more than 45 days. The eclosion of the neanide I is illustrated in some of its phases and the 5 larval instars are described and illustrated. Ending this part are included the lists of parasites and predators observed as well as the plant hosts. The actual geographical distribution is presented, based chiefly on HURD (1945). The economic problems concerning this species are reported in the third part of the work, and the ways of control are discussed. An experiment was carried out involving 4 insecticides: Malathion and Parathion, commonly used against this "lace bug"; Toxaphene and Dimethoate (American Cyanamid 12.880), the last one is an insecticide recently introduced in Brazil and was not previously used for these purposes, but gave the best results and it is quite able to control these insects even on crops showing highly developed infestations.
O aparelho genital interno do macho de Phlebotomus longipalpis compõe-se de dois testículos simples e dos vasos deferentes que se unem em um hilo e continuam, depois, como canal ímpar, penetrando na pompeta que representa uma bomba de sucção e pressão para o transporte do esperma. Os vasos deferentes, antes de formar um hilo, possuem regiões glandulares. Também uma parede do hilo é glandular. As duas secreções misturam-se na cavidade do hilo onde se realiza a suspensão dos espérmios neste líquido. A pompeta consta de um corpo de compressão e de um pistilo comprido que penetra neste por ação muscular. Os músculos que comprimem o esperma para dentro dos canais ejaculatórios, localizam-se entre oo corpo de compressão e a extremidade do pistilo, de onde partem alguns fascículos de músculos para a antecosta do 5º segmento abdominal onde se inserem: êste músculo representa o retrator do pistilo. A construção da pompeta e dos canais ejaculatórios é explicada nos esquemas das figs. 1, 4 e 5. Nos tergitos dos 7º e 8º segmentos abdominais do macho existe uma grande glândula odorífera de origem hipodermal. Esta foi encontrada em Phlebotomus longipalpis e P. quinquefer, sendo êste órgão ausente em P. renei e nas fêmeas de tôdas as três espécies.
No trabalho apresentado os autores fazem um estudo sôbre a estrutura anatômica e histológica do aparelho genital de Bulimulus corumbaensis Pilsbry, 1897, considerando também a descrição da concha, mandíbula, rádula e câmara paleal. Esta espécie, que era conhecida apenas pelos seus caracteres conchiológicos, apresenta como caracteres importantes para a sua diagnose a morfologia e a estrutura das seguintes partes: 1 - Conchas de adultos com comprimento variando entre 19 mm e 29 mm. Muito característico nesta espécie é sua ornamentação com faixas axiais translúcidas e opacas. As primeiras variam de incolores a castanhas com tôdas as tonalidades. Devido a isto, conforme a intensidade da pigmentação e a freqüência das faixas translúcidas, a coloração da concha fica entre o branco e o castanho. Nas conchas totalmente brancas, existem faixas axiais translúcidas (desprovidas de pigmentação castanha) e faixas branco opacas intercaladas. As conchas intensamente castanhas, apresentam esta tonalidade pela proximidade das faixas castanhas translúcidas. 2 - Ovotestis constiuído por numerosos grupos de folículos bem individualizados, variando nos exemplares dissecados de 4 a 6. 3 - "Talon" aproximadamente três vêzes menor que o canal hermafrodita, apresentando-se dividido em dois tubos. O menos, situado no lado oposto à entrada do canal hermafrodita, histològicamente, é constituído por um único tupo de luz ampla. O maior, situado entre o canal hermafrodita e o tubo acima referido, microscòpicamente mostra 7 túbulos, que em alturas diferentes vão desembocar no tubo menor. O canal hermafrodita, por sua vez, desemboca um pouco mais abaixo. 4 - A bainha muscular do pênis, que é bem desenvolvida, é atravessada aproximadamente na metade do seu comprimetno pelo canal deferente. 5 - Porção proximal do falus apresentando 5 glândulas tubulosas ramificadas, distribuídas do seguinte modo: posteriormente são em número de 4, dispostas envolvendo a luz central do pênis e nela desembocando em alturas variáveis. A outra glândula, anteriormente situada, tem numerosos septos e resulta de uma divisão da luz central do pênis, com modificação do epitélio que se tornou glandular. 6 - A inserção do músculo retrator no flagelo é subterminal.
Neste trabalho é feita a descrição anatômica e histológica do aparelho genital de Succiena meridionalis Orbigy, 1846, considerando-se também a concha, mandíbula, rádula e câmara paleal. As variações da concha, rádula e "talon", bem como a intensidade de pigmentação de diversas estruturas também são discutidas. Além dêstes aspectos, são relatados alguns dados biológicos da espécie e disposição anatômica do aparelho copulador por ocasião do ato sexual. Como caracteres importantes para diagnose desta espécie, dentro do gênero, consideramos: 1 - Conchas geralmente translúcidas e frágeis, como comprimento, nos adultos, variando de 6,0 a 13,1 mm e número de espiras compreendida entre 2 1/6 e 3 1/6. 2 - Ovotestis constituído por numerosos folículo reunidos num só grupo. 3 - Canal coletor do ovotestis unido à vesícula seminal subterminalmente. 4 - Vagina curta e mais dilatada na porção proximal, podendo formar um ângulo reto ou agudo com o oviduto. 5 - Bainha muscular do pênis envolvendo a porção distal do falus e sendo atravessada subrterminalmente pelo canal deferente. 6 - Porção proximal do falus bem dilatada, tendo dobrada contra si o epifalus. 7 - Presença de uma papila na comunicação do epifalus com a porção proximal do falus e que se projeta para a luz dêste último. 8 - Inserção terminal do músculo retrtor no epifalus.
There are areas in the periphery of Rio de Janeiro city where human cases of Visceral and/or Cutaneous Leishmaniasis occur. The parasites have been identified as Leishmania donovani and Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis respectively. A survey for Leishmaniasis was done among 1,342 dogs from those areas using an indirect immunofluorescent test. From the dogs, 616 came from areas where only human cases of Visceral Leishmaniasis occurred, 373 from an area where all human cases were of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis and 353 from a third area (Campo Grande) where both visceral and cutaneous human cases were detected. The prevalence of parasite antibody titers among dogs from areas of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis was significantly higher than that of Visceral Leishmaniasis (8.6% vs. 4.3%, p < 0.02). The highest prevalence was observed among dogs from the area where both diseases are present (12.7%).
A study of the courship and copulation behaviour of Panstrongylus megistus was carried out in the laboratory. fifty-five newly-fed virgin couples were used. Experiments were performed during the day (9:00 to 12:00 a.m.) and at night (7:00 to 10:00 p.m). Behaviour was recorded by direct observation and was found to consist of the following sequence of behavioral patterns: the male approached the female and jumped on her or mounted her; he took on a dorsolateral position and immobilized the female dorsally and ventrally with his three pairs of legs; the male genital was placed below those of the female; the paramers of the male immobilized the female's genitals; copulation started. The couple joined by the iniciative of the male. The female could be receptive and accept copulation, or nonreceptive and reject the male. Copulation occurred more often on the occasion of the first attempt by the male. Duration of copulation was X = 29.3 ± 9.3 min (CV = 83%). No behavioral differences were observed couples tested during the day or at night.
We report a case of a 71-year-old man with a long coronary artery disease history and two sets of coronary artery bypass grafts. He developed large aortocoronary saphenous vein graft aneurysms in the two grafts from the first set of aortocoronary saphenous venous 20 years later. During the previous 3 years, the aneurysms grew in diameter from 22 to 50 mm. Because of severe renal insufficiency, and in order to avoid jeopardizing the late normal coronary artery bypass grafts by further thoracic surgery, we excluded successfully these altered grafts percutaneously by using 13 coils during the same procedure.
Biological materials are increasingly used in abdominal surgery for ventral, pelvic and perineal reconstructions, especially in contaminated fields. Future applications are multi-fold and include prevention and one-step closure of infected areas. This includes prevention of abdominal, parastomal and pelvic hernia, but could also include prevention of separation of multiple anastomoses, suture- or staple-lines. Further indications could be a containment of infected and/or inflammatory areas and protection of vital implants such as vascular grafts. Reinforcement patches of high-risk anastomoses or unresectable perforation sites are possibilities at least. Current applications are based mostly on case series and better data is urgently needed. Clinical benefits need to be assessed in prospective studies to provide reliable proof of efficacy with a sufficient follow-up. Only superior results compared with standard treatment will justify the higher costs of these materials. To date, the use of biological materials is not standard and applications should be limited to case-by-case decision.
Resection of midline skull base lesions involve approaches needing extensive neurovascular manipulation. Transnasal endoscopic approach (TEA) is minimally invasive and ideal for certain selected lesions of the anterior skull base. A thorough knowledge of endonasal endoscopic anatomy is essential to be well versed with its surgical applications and this is possible only by dedicated cadaveric dissections. The goal in this study was to understand endoscopic anatomy of the orbital apex, petrous apex and the pterygopalatine fossa. Six cadaveric heads (3 injected and 3 non injected) and 12 sides, were dissected using a TEA outlining systematically, the steps of surgical dissection and the landmarks encountered. Dissection done by the "2 nostril, 4 hands" technique, allows better transnasal instrumentation with two surgeons working in unison with each other. The main surgical landmarks for the orbital apex are the carotid artery protuberance in the lateral sphenoid wall, optic nerve canal, lateral optico-carotid recess, optic strut and the V2 nerve. Orbital apex includes structures passing through the superior and inferior orbital fissure and the optic nerve canal. Vidian nerve canal and the V2 are important landmarks for the petrous apex. Identification of the sphenopalatine artery, V2 and foramen rotundum are important during dissection of the pterygopalatine fossa. In conclusion, the major potential advantage of TEA to the skull base is that it provides a direct anatomical route to the lesion without traversing any major neurovascular structures, as against the open transcranial approaches which involve more neurovascular manipulation and brain retraction. Obviously, these approaches require close cooperation and collaboration between otorhinolaryngologists and neurosurgeons.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the combination of abdominoplasty with liposuction of both flanks with regards to length of scar, complications, and patient's satisfaction. A retrospective analysis of 35 patients who underwent esthetic abdominoplasty at our institution between 2002 and 2004 was performed. Thirteen patients underwent abdominoplasty with liposuction of both flanks, 22 patients underwent conventional abdominoplasty. Liposuction of the flanks did not increase the rate of complications of the abdominoplasty procedures. We found a tendency toward shorter scars in patients who underwent abdominoplasty combined with liposuction of the flanks. Implementation of 3-dimensional laser surface scanning to objectify the postoperative outcomes, documented a comparable degree of flatness of the achieved body contouring in both procedures. 3-dimensional laser surface scanning can be a valuable tool to objectify assessment of postoperative results.