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Pacific coastal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus gilli) have apparently moved to Monterey Bay as a result of a shift north of their known range. Between 1983 and 1993, 417 sightings were reported off central California. Eighty-four boat-based surveys, between October 1990 and November 1993, resulted in the photo-identification of 68 uniquely marked individuals. School size ranged between 2 and 35 animals (mean = 16.60, S.D. = 7.72). Forty-three (63%) of the dolphins identified were previously photographed in the Southern California Bight before 1989. Jolly-Seber population estimates indicated an increase in the Monterey Bay population from 1990 to 1993. At least 13 of the photo-identified dolphins were present in Monterey Bay throughout the study period. All but two of the calculated coefficients of association were 0.35, indicating a strong bond among resident animals. The occurrence of an El Niño from January 1992 to the end of 1993 may have affected the number of animals present in the bay: mean school size was significantly greater during El Niño.
This dissertation is an assessment of the status of odontocetes in Hawaiian waters focussing on O´ahu. The work builds on available literature, and on data collected by the author and by others in Hawaiian waters. Abundance and distribution patterns of odontocetes were derived from stranding and aerial survey data. A stranding network operated by the National Marine Fisheries Service, Pacific Area Office collected 187 stranding reports throughout the main Hawaiian Islands between 1937 and 2002. These reports included 16 odontocete species. Number of stranding reports increased over time and was highest on O´ahu. Strandings occurred throughout the year. The difference in number of strandings per month was not significant. Fifteen of the 16 species reported in the stranding record for the main Hawaiian Islands were also reported by aerial survey studies of the area between 1993 and 1998. Only 7 of the species reported were detected during aerial transects around O′ahu between 1998 and 2000. Based on the stranding record, Kogia sp., melon-headed whales, striped dolphins and dwarf killer whale appear to be more common than suggested by aerial surveys. Conversely, pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins were more common, according to aerial surveys, than predicted by the stranding data. Aerial surveys of waters between 0 and 500m around the Island of O′ahu showed that the most abundant species by frequency of occurrence was the pilot whale (30% of sightings), followed by the spinner (16%) and bottlenose dolphin (14%). Because of small sample size, abundance estimates for odontocetes have a high level of uncertainty. The unavailability of a correction factor for g(0)<1, and the reduced visibility below the aircraft further reduced accuracy and increased the inherent underestimation in the data. The most abundant species according to distance sampling estimates were spotted dolphins, pilot whales, false killer whales and spinner dolphins. A natural factor shaping the ecology of odontocete populations is predation pressure both by other odontocetes and, more frequently, by sharks. An account of predation by a tiger shark on a spotted dolphin near Penguin Banks is used as an example of the potential mechanisms of predation by sharks on odontocetes.
There are 19 economically important reef fish species in the deepwater (l00-300 m) fishery of the southeastern United States. Five species make up the majority (over 97% by weight) of the catch. In descending order of total landings for 1995, they are: tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps, snowy grouper, Epinephelus niveatus, blueline tilefish, Caulolatilus microps, warsaw grouper, Epinephelus nigritus, and yellowedge grouper, E. flavolimbatus. Life history summaries and estimates of catches from 1972 through 1995 for 14 species are described. (PDF file contains 45 pages.)
We compare results of bottom trawl surveys off Washington, Oregon, and California in 1977, 1980, 1983, and 1986 to discern trends in population abundance, distribution, and biology. Catch per unit of effort, area-swept biomass estimates, and age and length compositions for 12 commercially important west coast groundfishes are presented to illustrate trends over the lO-year period. We discuss the precision, accuracy, and statistical significance of observed trends in abundance estimates. The influence of water temperature on the distribution of groundfishes is also briefly examined. Abundance estimates of canary rockfish, Sebastes pinniger, and yellowtail rockfish, S. Jlavidus, declined during the study period; greater declines were observed in Pacific ocean perch, S. alutus, lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus, and arrowtooth flounder, Atheresthes stomias. Biomass estimates of Pacific hake, Merluccius productus, and English, rex, and Dover soles (Pleuronectes vetulus, Errex zachirus, and Microstomus pacificus) increased, while bocaccio, S. paucispinis, and chilipepper, S. goodei, were stable. Sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, biomass estimates increased markedly from 1977 to 1980 and declined moderately thereafter. Precision was lowest for rockfishes, lingcod, and sablefish; it was highest for flatfishes because they were uniformly distributed. The accuracy of survey estimates could be gauged only for yellowtail and canary rockfish and sablefish. All fishery-based analyses produced much larger estimates of abundance than bottom trawl surveys-indicative of the true catchability of survey trawls. Population trends from all analyses compared well except in canary rockfish, the species that presents the greatest challenge to obtaining reasonable precision and one that casts doubts on the usefulness of bottom trawl surveys for estimating its abundance. (PDF file contains 78 pages.)
Larvae of over 50 families of nearshore fishes were taken in oceanic waters about 13 km offshore of the leeward (southwest) coast of Oahu, Hawaii during 1977-78, The five most frequently taken families (Labridae, Parapercidae, Serranidae, Gobiidae, and Carangidae) made up over 50% of the total nearshore larvae. Most other families were taken very infrequently. Comparison of catch data from three types of nets indicated that 1.25-m diameter bongo nets often sampled larvae as well or better than a 3-m Isaacs-Kidd trawl and that smaller, 70-cm diameter bongo nets were often as effective as the larger nets for certain abundant taxa. Only a few taxa showed evidence of seasonal patterns in abundance. Irregular temporal variability in abundance of some taxa may have been related to occasional recent influxes of surface water from closer to shore. Most larvae taken were late preflexion stage or older. Densities of even the most abundant taxa were rarely greater than 0.001 m-3. The nearshore fish larvae were not dominated by taxa with large larvae or with larvae possessing apparent specializations to pelagic existence, Most taxa taken were pelagic spawners as adults, but larvae of demersal spawners were roughly as well represented as demersal spawners are among the nearshore fish fauna. Previous studies of waters closer to shore probably sampled insufficient volumes for any but a few exceptionally abundant taxa. Sampling with volumes filtered of the order of 104-105 m3 will be necessary to determine if the dominant taxa taken by the present study are ever more abundant closer to shore, (PDF file contains 23 pages.)
The 13th Annual Larval Fish Conference and Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society Early Life History Section cohosted by Mote Marine Laboratory, United States, and the Instituto Nacional de la Pesca, Mexico, were held 21-26 May 1989, in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. The purpose of holding the meeting in Mexico was to encourage the participation of our Latin American and Caribbean colleagues and to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and information among researchers working in the Americas. More than 150 participants represented 24 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and 13 foreign countries including Mexico, Canada, Puerto Rico, Costa Rico, Panama, Cuba, Columbia, Chile, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, and West Germany. The Conference began with registration and a social in the courtyard patio of the Merida Holiday Inn. Fresh red grouper, the most important commercial finfish species of the State of Yucatan, was prepared and served by the hotel staff, courtesy of CPI, Itzamex, and the Terramar Trading Company. (PDF file contains 146 pages.)
The increasingly intense competition between commercial and recreational fishermen for access to fish stocks has focused attention on the economic implications of fishery allocations. Indeed, one can scarcely find a management plan or amendment that does not at least refer to the relative food and sport values of fish and to how expenditures by commercial and recreational fishermen on equipment and supplies stimulate the economy. However, many of the arguments raised by constituents to influence such allocations, while having an seemingly "economics" ring to them, are usually incomplete, distorted, and even incorrect. This report offers fishery managers and other interested parties a guide to correct notions of economic value and to the appropriate ways to characterize, estimate, and compare value. In particular, introductory material from benefitcost analysis and input-output analysis is described and illustrated. In the process, several familiar specious arguments are exposed.(PDF file contains 34 pages.)
A study/predation control program was conducted at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in Seattle, Washington from 20 December through 23 April 1986. The principal objectives were to document the rate and effects of predation on winter-run steelhead (Salmo gairdneri Richardson) by California sea lions (Zalophus californianus); to control and minimize predation in order to increase the escapement of wild winter-runs to the Lake Washington watershed; to evaluate and recommend potential long term procedures for control of steelhead predation; and to document the abundance and distribution of California sea lions in Puget Sound.
We present data on ichthyoplankton distribution, abundance, and seasonality and supporting environmental information for four species of coastal pelagics from the family Clupeidae: round herring Etrumeus teres, scaled sardine Harengula jaguana, Atlantic thread herring Opisthonema oglinum, and Spanish sardine Sardinella aurita. Data are from 1982 and 1983 cruises across the northern Gulf of Mexico sponsored by the Southeastern Area Monitoring and Assessment Program (SEAMAP). This is the first such examination for these species on a multiyear and gulfwide scale. Bioproflles on reproductive biology, early life history, meristics, adult distribution, and fisheries characteristics are also presented for these species. During the summer, larval Atlantic thread herring and scaled and Spanish sardines were abundant on the inner shelf <40 m depth), but were rare or absent in deeper waters. Scaled sardine and thread herring were found virtually everywhere inner-shelf waters were sampled, but Spanish sardines were rare in the north-central Gulf. During 1982, larval Atlantic thread herring were the most abundant of the four target c1upeid species, whereas Spanish sardine were the most abundant during 1983. On the west Florida shelf, Spanish sardine dominated larval c1upeid populations both years. Scaled sardine larvae were the least abundant of the four species both years, but were still captured in 25% of inner-shelf bongo net collections. Round herring larvae, collected February-early June (primarily March-April), were abundant on the outer shelf (40-182 m depth) and especially off Louisiana. Over the 2-year period, outer-shelf mean abundance for round herring was 40.2 larvae/10 m2; inner-shelf mean abundances for scaled sardine, Atlantic thread herring, and Spanish sardine were 14.9, 39.2, and 41.9 larvae/l0 m2, respectively. (PDF file contains 66 pages.)
The estuarine populations of juvenile Atlantic and gulf menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus and B. patronus) were sampled during two-boat, surface-trawl, abundance surveys extensively conducted in the 1970s. Juvenile Atlantic menhaden were sampled in 39 estuarine streams along the U.S. Atlantic coast from northern Florida into Massachusetts. Juvenile gulf menhaden were sampled in 29 estuarine streams along the Gulf of Mexico from southeast Texas into western Florida. A stratified, two-stage, cluster sampling design was used. Annual estimates of relative juvenile abundance for each species of menhaden were obtained from catch-effort data from the surveys. There were no significant correlations, for either species, between the relative juvenile abundance estimates and fishery-dependent estimates of year-class strength. From 1972 to 1975, the relative abundance of juvenile Atlantic menhaden in north Atlantic estuaries decreased to near zero. (PDF file contains 22 pages.)
The objective of this study was to describe the physical and ichthyological changes occurring seasonally and annually in the south San Francisco Bay, based on the results of 2,561 otter trawl and water samples obtained between February 1973 and June 1982. Temperature varied predictably among seasons in a pattern that varied little between years. Salinity also underwent predictable seasonal changes but the pattern varied substantially between years. The most abundant species of fish were northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax), English sole (Parophrys vetulus), and shiner surfperch (Cymatogaster aggregata). The majority of the common fish species were most abundant during wet years and least abundant in dry years. Numeric diversity was highest during the spring and early summer, with no detectable interannual trends. Species composition changed extensively between seasons and between years, particularly years with extremely high or extremely low freshwater inflows. All the common species exhibited clustered spatial distributions. Such spatial clustering could affect the interpretation of data from estuarine sampling programs. Gobies (Family Gobiidae) were more abundant during flood tides than during ebb tides. English sole were significantly more abundant in shallower areas. Shiner surfperch showed significant differences in abundance between sample areas.(PDF file contains 28 pages.)
This study examined the efficiency of fish diversion and survivorship of diverted fishes in the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Fish Return System in 1984 and 1985. Generally, fishes were diverted back to the ocean with high frequency, particularly in 1984. Most species were diverted at rates of 80% or more. Over 90% of the most abundant species, Engraulis mordax, were diverted. The system worked particularly well for strong-swimming forms such as Paralobrax clothratus, Atherinopsis californiensis, and Xenistius californiensis, and did not appreciably divert weaker-swimming species such as Porichthys notatus, Heterostichus rostratus, and Syngnathus sp. Return rates of some species were not as high in 1985 as in 1984. Individuals of most tested species survived both transit through the fish return system and 96 hours in a holding net. Some species, such as E. mordox, X. californiensis, and Umbrina roncador, experienced tittle or no mortality. Survivorship of Seriphus politus was highly variable and no Anchoa delicatissima survived. (PDF file contains 22 pages.)
Greenland turbot (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) is a commercially important flounder in both the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans. In the latter, its center of abundance is in the eastern Bering Sea and along the Aleutian Islands chain where its population is managed as a single stock. Harvest levels in this region of the North Pacific during the period 1970-81 were comparable with those in the northwest and northeast Atlantic, with annual average catches of 53,000 metric tons (t). However, the catch in 1984 dropped sharply to 23,100 t, in part because of reduced quotas arising from concern over continued poor recruitment and declining catch-per-unit-effort. Recruitment failure was manifested in 1) the sharp decline in the catch rate of young flsh in annual research trawl surveys on the continental shelf of the eastern Bering Sea and 2) an increasing proportion of older and larger fish in the commercial catch from the continental slope of both the eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands. The cause ofthe decline in recruitment could not be clearly identifled. Greenland turbot of the Bering Sea-Aleutian Islands share certain distributional features with the North Atlantic form. There is an apparent bathymetric change in the size and age of fish, with younger animals occupying continental shelf depths and the older individuals residing at depths of the continental slope. At shallow depths the young are exposed to temperature fluctuations, whereas older animals along the slope are exposed to relatively stable temperatures. A hypothesis is proposed for describing the temporal and spatial paths by which young animals reach the mature or spawning portion of the population. (PDF file contains 38 pages.)
The Cape Canaveral, Florida, marine ecosystem is unique. There are complex current and temperature regimes that form a faunal transition zone between Atlantic tropical and subtropical waters. This zone is rich faunistically and supports large commercial fISheries for fish, scallops, and shrimp. Canaveral is also unique because it has large numbers of sea turtles year-round, this turtle aggregation exhibiting patterned seasonal changes in numbers, size frequency, and sex ratio. Additionally, a significant portion of this turtle aggregation hibernates in the Canaveral ship channel, a phenomenon rare in marine turtle populations. The Cape Canaveral area has the largest year-round concentration of sea turtles in the United States. However, the ship channel is periodically dredged by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in order to keep Port Canaveral open to U.S. Navy vessels, and preliminary surveys showed that many sea turtles were incidentally killed during dredging operations. In order for the Corps of Engineers to fulfill its defense dredging responsibilities, and comply with the Endangered Species Act of 1973, an interagency Sea Turtle Task Force was formed to investigate methods of reducing turtle mortalities. This Task Force promptly implemented a sea turtle research plan to determine seasonal abundance, movement patterns, sex ratios, size frequencies, and other biological parameters necessary to help mitigate dredging conflicts in the channel. The Cape Canaveral Sea Turtle Workshop is a cooperative effort to comprehensively present research results of these important studies. I gratefully acknowledge the support of everyone involved in this Workshop, particularly the anonymous team of referees who painstakingly reviewed the manuscripts. The cover illustration was drawn by Jack C. Javech. (PDF file contains 86 pages.)
Distribution and relative abundance of pelagic nonsalmonid nekton Off Oregon and Washington, 1979-84
Fifteen fine-mesh (32-mm mesh) pelagic purse seine surveys were conducted between 1979 and 1984 off the Oregon and Washington coasts. Environmental conditions varied greatly among the years sampled, and even within years, due to variability in upwelling conditions and productivity and the effects of a strong El Nino from late 1982 to the middle of 1984. In the 843 sets made, a total of 115,891 specimens from 69 taxa was collected. Most individuals collected belonged to nine dominant taxa. Seasonal and interannual variations in the abundance and distribution patterns of these dominant taxa are presented in detail. A recurrent group analysis delineated four major groupings of nekton. (PDF file contains 91 pages.)