922 resultados para Experimental animal models
The present study was aimed at investigating the effect of experimental infection by Trypanosoma vivax in different stages of pregnancy, determining the pathogenesis of reproductive failure, and confirming transplacental transmission. We used 12 pregnant ewes distributed into four experimental groups: G1, was formed by three ewes infected with T. vivax in the first third of pregnancy (30 days); G2 comprised three infected ewes in the final third of pregnancy (100 days); G3 and G4 were composed of three non-infected ewes with the same gestational period, respectively. Each ewe of G1 and G2 was inoculated with 1.25 × 105 tripomastigotes. Clinical examination, determination of parasitemia, serum biochemistry (albumin, total protein, glucose, cholesterol, and urea), packed cell volume (PCV), serum progesterone, and pathological examination were performed. Placenta, amniotic fluid, blood and tissues from the fetuses and stillbirths were submitted to PCR. Two ewes of G1 (Ewe 1 and 3) presented severe infection and died in the 34th and 35th days post-infection (dpi), respectively; but both fetuses were recovered during necropsy. In G2, Ewe 5 aborted two fetuses on the 130th day (30 dpi) of pregnancy; and Ewe 6 aborted one fetus in the 140th day (40 dpi) of gestation. Ewes 2 and 4 delivered two weak lambs that died five days after birth. Factors possibly involved with the reproductive failure included high parasitemia, fever, low PCV, body score, serum glucose, total protein, cholesterol, and progesterone. Hepatitis, pericarditis, and encephalitis were observed in the aborted fetuses. The presence of T. vivax DNA in the placenta, amniotic fluid, blood, and tissues from the fetuses confirms the transplacental transmission of the parasite. Histological lesion in the fetuses and placenta also suggest the involvement of the parasite in the etiopathogenesis of reproductive failure in ewes.
A family of detoxifying enzymes called aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) has been a subject of recent interest, as its role in detoxifying aldehydes that accumulate through metabolism and to which we are exposed from the environment has been elucidated. Although the human genome has 19 ALDH genes, one ALDH emerges as a particularly important enzyme in a variety of human pathologies. This ALDH, ALDH2, is located in the mitochondrial matrix with much known about its role in ethanol metabolism. Less known is a new body of research to be discussed in this review, suggesting that ALDH2 dysfunction may contribute to a variety of human diseases including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, stroke, and cancer. Recent studies suggest that ALDH2 dysfunction is also associated with Fanconi anemia, pain, osteoporosis, and the process of aging. Furthermore, an ALDH2 inactivating mutation (termed ALDH2*2) is the most common single point mutation in humans, and epidemiological studies suggest a correlation between this inactivating mutation and increased propensity for common human pathologies. These data together with studies in animal models and the use of new pharmacological tools that activate ALDH2 depict a new picture related to ALDH2 as a critical health-promoting enzyme.
Less invasive and more effective cancer treatments have been the aim of research in recent decades, e.g. photothermal tumour ablation using gold nanorods. In this study we investigate the cell death pathways activated, and confirm the possibility of CTAB-coated nanoparticle use in vivo. Nanorods were synthesized by the seeding method; some of them were centrifuged and washed to eliminate soluble CTAB. The MTT cytotoxicity test was performed to evaluate cytotoxicity, and the particles' viability after their synthesis was assessed. Once it had been observed that centrifuged and washed nanorods are harmless, and that nanoparticles must be used within 48 h after their synthesis, in vivo hyperthermic treatment was performed.After irradiation, a tumour biopsy was subjected to a chemiluminescence assay to evaluate membrane lipoperoxidation, and to a TRAP assay to evaluate total antioxidant capacity. There was a 47 ºC rise in temperature observed at the tumour site. Animals irradiated with a laser (with or without nanorods) showed similar membrane lipoperoxidation, more intense than in control animals. The antioxidant capacity of experimental animal tumours was elevated. Our results indicate that necrosis is possibly the cell death pathway activated in this case, and that nanorod treatment is worthwhile.
Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) infects oral epitelial cells, then spreads to the nerve endings and estabilishes latency in sensory ganglia, from where it may, or may not reactivate. Diseases caused by virus reactivation include mild diseases such as muco-cutaneous lesions, and more severe, and even life-threatening encephalitis, or systemic infections affecting diverse organs. Herpes simplex virus represents the most comprehensive example of virus receptor interaction in Herpesviridae family, and the prototype virus encoding multipartite entry genes. In fact, it encodes 11-12 glycoproteins and a number of additional membrane proteins: five of these proteins play key roles in virus entry into subsceptible cells. Thus, glycoprotein B (gB) and glycoprotein C (gC) interact with heparan sulfate proteoglycan to enable initial attachment to cell surfaces. In the next step, in the entry cascade, gD binds a specific surface receptor such as nectin1 or HVEM. The interaction of glycoprotein D with the receptor alters the conformation of gD to enable the activation of gB, glycoprotein H, and glycoprotein L, a trio of glycoproteins that execute the fusion of the viral envelope with the plasma membrane. In this thesis, I described two distinct projects: I. The retargeting of viral tropism for the design of oncolytic Herpesviruses: • capable of infecting cells through the human epitelial growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), overexpressed in highly malignant mammary and ovarian tumors and correlates with a poor prognosis; • detargeted from its natural receptors, HVEM and nectin1. To this end, we inserted a ligand to HER2 in gD. Because HER2 has no natural ligand, the selected ligand was a single chain antibody (scFv) derived from MAb4D5 (monoclonal antibody to HER2), herein designated scHER2. All recombinant viruses were targeted to HER2 receptor, but only two viruses (R-LM113 and R-LM249) were completely detargeted from HVEM and nectin1. To engineer R-LM113, we removed a large portion at the N-terminus of gD (from aa 6 to aa 38) and inserted scHER2 sequence plus 9-aa serine-glycine flexible linker at position 39. On the other hand, to engineer R-LM249, we replaced the Ig-folded core of gD (from aa 61 to aa 218) with scHER2 flanked by Ser-Gly linkers. In summary, these results provide evidence that: i. gD can tolerate an insert almost as big as gD itself; ii. the Ig-like domain of gD can be removed; iii. the large portion at the N-terminus of gD (from aa 6 to aa 38) can be removed without loss of key function; iv. R-LM113 and R-LM249 recombinants are ready to be assayed in animal models of mammary and ovary tumour. This finding and the avaibility of a large number of scFv greatly increase the collection of potential receptors to which HSV can be redirected. II. The production and purification of recombinant truncated form of the heterodimer gHgL. We cloned a stable insect cell line expressing a soluble form of gH in complex with gL under the control of a metalloprotein inducible promoter and purified the heterodimer by means of ONE-STrEP-tag system by IBA. With respect to biological function, the purified heterodimer is capable: • of reacting to antibodies that recognize conformation dependent epitopes and neutralize virion infectivity; • of binding a variety cells at cell surface. No doubt, the availability of biological active purified gHgL heterodimer, in sufficient quantities, will speed up the efforts to solve its crystal structure and makes it feasible to identify more clearly whether gHgL has a cellular partner, and what is the role of this interaction on virus entry.
During the previous 10 years, global R&D expenditure in the pharmaceuticals and biotechnology sector has steadily increased, without a corresponding increase in output of new medicines. To address this situation, the biopharmaceutical industry's greatest need is to predict the failures at the earliest possible stage of the drug development process. A major key to reducing failures in drug screenings is the development and use of preclinical models that are more predictive of efficacy and safety in clinical trials. Further, relevant animal models are needed to allow a wider testing of novel hypotheses. Key to this is the developing, refining, and validating of complex animal models that directly link therapeutic targets to the phenotype of disease, allowing earlier prediction of human response to medicines and identification of safety biomarkers. Morehover, well-designed animal studies are essential to bridge the gap between test in cell cultures and people. Zebrafish is emerging, complementary to other models, as a powerful system for cancer studies and drugs discovery. We aim to investigate this research area designing a new preclinical cancer model based on the in vivo imaging of zebrafish embryogenesis. Technological advances in imaging have made it feasible to acquire nondestructive in vivo images of fluorescently labeled structures, such as cell nuclei and membranes, throughout early Zebrafishsh embryogenesis. This In vivo image-based investigation provides measurements for a large number of features at cellular level and events including nuclei movements, cells counting, and mitosis detection, thereby enabling the estimation of more significant parameters such as proliferation rate, highly relevant for investigating anticancer drug effects. In this work, we designed a standardized procedure for accessing drug activity at the cellular level in live zebrafish embryos. The procedure includes methodologies and tools that combine imaging and fully automated measurements of embryonic cell proliferation rate. We achieved proliferation rate estimation through the automatic classification and density measurement of epithelial enveloping layer and deep layer cells. Automatic embryonic cells classification provides the bases to measure the variability of relevant parameters, such as cell density, in different classes of cells and is finalized to the estimation of efficacy and selectivity of anticancer drugs. Through these methodologies we were able to evaluate and to measure in vivo the therapeutic potential and overall toxicity of Dbait and Irinotecan anticancer molecules. Results achieved on these anticancer molecules are presented and discussed; furthermore, extensive accuracy measurements are provided to investigate the robustness of the proposed procedure. Altogether, these observations indicate that zebrafish embryo can be a useful and cost-effective alternative to some mammalian models for the preclinical test of anticancer drugs and it might also provides, in the near future, opportunities to accelerate the process of drug discovery.
Immunreaktionen gegen Antigene können eine zelluläre Immunantwort, eingeleitet durch TH1-Zellen induzieren oder aber eine antikörpervermittelte humorale Immunantwort induzieren, die von Zellen des TH2-Typs bestimmt sind. Diese unterschiedlichen Immunreaktionen regulieren sich gegenseitig, indem sie sich wechselseitig unterdrücken. Dadurch stellt sich ein Gleichgewicht zwischen den TH1- und TH2-Immunantworten ein. Die Allergie vom Soforttyp ist TH2-dominiert und wird ausgelöst durch die Produktion spezifischer IgE-Antikörper gegen eigentlich harmlose Antigene. Durch die frühe Ausschüttung des Zytokins IL-4 von T-Zellen differenzieren naive allergenspezifische T-Zellen zu TH2-Zellen aus. Diese sezernieren dann ebenfalls IL-4 und auch IL-13, was die B-Zellen zu einer vermehrten Produktion von IgE-Molekülen stimuliert. IgE bindet an den hochaffinen IgE-Rezeptor auf Mastzellen, Basophilen und Eosinophilen. Bei weiterem Allergenkontakt kommt es durch Kreuzvernetzung der Fc-Rezeptoren zur Ausschüttung vo
Entscheidend für die Sauerstoffversorgung im ischämischen Gewebe ist die Bildung von Blutgefäßen. Dieser Vorgang findet im erwachsenen Organismus in Form von Arteriogenese, Angiogenese und Vaskulogenese statt. Die Entdeckung, dass endotheliale Progenitorzellen (EPC) aus dem Knochenmark mobilisiert werden können, um sich im Ischämiegebiet an der Bildung neuer Kapillaren zu beteiligen, eröffnet einen vollkommen neuen therapeutischen Ansatz. In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit konnte in drei unterschiedlichen Tiermodellen, dem Matrigelmodell, dem Hinterlaufischämiemodell und dem Infarktmodell der Nacktmaus gezeigt werden, dass eine Zelltherapie mit EPC die Neovaskularisation steigert und zu einer myokardialen Funktionsverbesserung beiträgt. Der entscheidende Beitrag der Arbeit liegt jedoch in der Erforschung des Zeitraums der Wirkung der Stammzelltherapie. In allen drei Tiermodellen konnte durch ein spezifisches Abtöten der mit der viralen Thymidinkinase (TK) transduzierten EPC der positive Effekt auf die Neovaskularisation gestoppt werden. Im Herzinfarktmodell der Nacktmaus kam es sogar zu einer signifikanten Verschlechterung der Herzfunktion sowie zu einer Vergrößerung des Infarktareals. Dieser Effekt war durch Apoptose der Zellen in der dritten und vierten Woche nach Infarkt und Zellinfusion zu beobachten. Somit besitzen EPC nicht nur eine Rolle in der initialen Freisetzung von Zytokinen, sondern tragen auch langfristig zur Aufrechterhaltung des zelltherapeutischen Effektes bei. Ob hierfür allein der Mechanismus der Differenzierung verantwortlich ist, bleibt in weiteren Untersuchungen abzuklären. Denkbar wäre auch eine Beeinflussung des Remodeling über parakrine Langzeiteffekte. Im zweiten Teil der Doktorarbeit wurde versucht, das eingeschränkte zelltherapeutische Potential von Progenitorzellen von Patienten mit „Koronarer Herzkrankheit“ (KHK) und ischämischer Kardiomyopathie mit Hilfe zweier eNOSTranskriptionsverstärker, „eNOS-enhancer“, zu verbessern. Im Matrigelmodell der Maus konnten wir eine Verbesserung des Neovaskularisationspotentials von Knochenmarkszellen (BMC) von Patienten nach Präinkubation mit dem eNOS-enhancer nachweisen. Auch im Myokardinfarktmodell der Maus konnten eine Verbesserung der Herzfunktion und eine Reduktion der Infarktgröße beobachtet werden. Beim direkten Vergleich der beiden eNOS-enhancer konnte kein Unterschied gefunden werden. Zusammenfassend leistet die hier vorliegende Arbeit einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Verständnis für die Bedeutung von Progenitorzellen im Rahmen der Stammzelltherapie nach Myokardinfarkt. Ferner wurde die Möglichkeit aufgezeigt, durch gezielte Beeinflussung der Progenitorzellen ihr therapeutisches Potential signifikant zu steigern.
Pancreatic islet transplantation represents a fascinating procedure that, at the moment, can be considered as alternative to standard insulin treatment or pancreas transplantation only for selected categories of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Among the factors responsible for leading to poor islet engraftment, hypoxia plays an important role. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were recently used in animal models of islet transplantation not only to reduce allograft rejection, but also to promote revascularization. Currently adipose tissue represents a novel and good source of MSCs. Moreover, the capability of adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) to improve islet graft revascularization was recently reported after hybrid transplantation in mice. Within this context, we have previously shown that hyaluronan esters of butyric and retinoic acids can significantly enhance the rescuing potential of human MSCs. Here we evaluated whether ex vivo preconditioning of human ASCs (hASCs) with a mixture of hyaluronic (HA), butyric (BU), and retinoic (RA) acids may result in optimization of graft revascularization after islet/stem cell intrahepatic cotransplantation in syngeneic diabetic rats. We demonstrated that hASCs exposed to the mixture of molecules are able to increase the secretion of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), as well as the transcription of angiogenic genes, including VEGF, KDR (kinase insert domain receptor), and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). Rats transplanted with islets cocultured with preconditioned hASCs exhibited a better glycemic control than rats transplanted with an equal volume of islets and control hASCs. Cotransplantation with preconditioned hASCs was also associated with enhanced islet revascularization in vivo, as highlighted by graft morphological analysis. The observed increase in islet graft revascularization and function suggests that our method of stem cell preconditioning may represent a novel strategy to remarkably improve the efficacy of islets-hMSCs cotransplantation.
I virus tumorali inducono oncogenesi nel loro ospite naturale o in sistemi animali sperimentali, manipolando diverse vie cellulari. Ad oggi, sono stati identificati sette virus capaci di causare specifici tumori umani. Inoltre HPV, JCV ed SV40, sono stati associati con un grande numero di tumori umani in sedi corporee non convenzionali, ma, nonostante molti anni di ricerca, nessuna eziologia virale è stata ancora confermata. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato di valutare la presenza ed il significato sia di JCV ed SV40 in tumori ossei umani, e di HPV nel carcinoma della mammella (BC), galattoforectomie (GF), secrezioni mammarie patologiche (ND) e glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Tecniche di biologia molecolare sono state impiegate per esaminare campioni di tessuto tumorale di 70 tumori ossei (20 osteosarcomi [OS], 20 tumori a cellule giganti [TCG], 30 condrosarcomi [CS]), 168 BCs , 30 GFs, 59 GBM e 30 campioni di ND. Il genoma di SV40 e JCV è stato trovato nel 70% dei CS + 20% degli OS, e nel 13% dei CS +10% dei TCG, rispettivamente. Il DNA di HPV è stato rilevato nel 30% dei pazienti con BC, nel 27% dei campioni GF e nel 13% dei NDs. HPV16 è stato il genotipo maggiormente osservato in tutti questi campioni, seguito da HPV18 e HPV35. Inoltre, il DNA di HPV è stato trovato nel 22% dei pazienti con GBM, in questo tumore HPV6 era il tipo più frequentemente rilevato, seguito da HPV16. L’ ISH ha mostrato che il DNA di HPV è situato all’interno di cellule tumorali mammarie e di GBM. I nostri risultati suggeriscono un possibile ruolo di JCV, SV40 e HPV in questi tumori, se non come induttori come promotori del processo neoplastico, tuttavia diversi criteri devono ancora essere soddisfatti prima di chiarirne il ruolo.
Clinically, it is well known that neuropathic pain often induces comorbid symptoms such as anxiety. In turn, also anxiety has been associated with a heightened experience of pain. Although, the link between pain and anxiety is well recognized in humans, the neurobiological basis of this relationship remains unclear. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to investigate the influence of neuropathic pain on anxiety and vice versa in rats by assessing not only pain-related behaviour but also by discovering possible key substrates which are responsible for the interrelation of pain and anxiety.rnIn rats with a chronic constriction of the sciatic nerve (CCI model) anxiety-like behaviour was observed. Since anxiety behaviour could be completely abolished after the treatment of the pure analgesic drugs gabapentin and morphine, we concluded that anxiety was caused by the strong persistent pain. Furthermore, we found that the neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin were upregulated in the amygdala of CCI rats, and the intra-amygdala treatment of an oxytocin antagonist but not the vasopressin antagonist could reduce anxiety-like behaviour in these animals, while no effect on mechanical hypersensitivity was observed. These data indicate that oxytocin is implicated in the underlying neuronal processes of pain-induced anxiety and helps to elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms of neuropathic pain. rnTo assess the influence of trait anxiety on pain sensation in rats, we determined mechanical hypersensitivity after sciatic nerve lesion (CCI) in animals selectively bred for high anxiety or low anxiety behaviour. The paw withdrawal thresholds were significantly decreased in high anxiety animals in comparison to low anxiety animals 2 and 3 weeks after surgery. In a second model state anxiety was induced by the sub-chronic injection of the anxiogenic drug pentylentetrazol in naive rats. Pain response to mechanical stimuli was increased after pharmacologically-induced anxiety. These results provided evidence for the influence of both trait and state anxiety on pain sensation. rnThe studies contribute to the elucidation of the relationship between pain and anxiety. We investigated that the neuropathic pain model displays sensory as well as emotional factors of peripheral neuropathy. Changes in expression levels of neuropeptides in the central nervous system due to neuropathic pain may contribute to the pathophysiology of neuropathic pain and its related symptoms in animals which might also be relevant for human scenarios. The results of the current study also confirm that anxiety plays an important role in the perception of pain. rnA better understanding of pain behaviour in animals might improve the preclinical profiling of analgesic drugs during development. The study highlights the potential use of the rat model as a new preclinical tool to further investigate the link between pain and anxiety by determining not only the sensory reflexes after painful stimuli but also the more complex pain-related behaviour such as anxiety.rn
The evaluation of chronic activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is critical for determining the impact of chronic stressful situations. The potential use of hair glucocorticoids as a non-invasive, retrospective, biomarker of long term HPA activity is of great interest, and it is gaining acceptance in humans and animals. However, there are still no studies in literature examining hair cortisol concentration in pigs and corticosterone concentration in laboratory rodents. Therefore, we developed and validated, for the first time, a method for measuring hair glucocorticoids concentration in commercial sows and in Sprague-Dawley rats. Our preliminary data demonstrated: 1) a validated and specific washing protocol and extraction assay method with a good sensitivity in both species; 2) the effect of the reproductive phase, housing conditions and seasonality on hair cortisol concentration in sows; 3) similar hair corticosterone concentration in male and female rats; 4) elevated hair corticosterone concentration in response to chronic stress manipulations and chronic ACTH administration, demonstrating that hair provides a good direct index of HPA activity over long periods than other indirect parameters, such adrenal or thymus weight. From these results we believe that this new non-invasive tool needs to be applied to better characterize the overall impact in livestock animals and in laboratory rodents of chronic stressful situations that negatively affect animals welfare. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to improve this methodology and maybe to develop animal models for chronic stress of high interest and translational value in human medicine.
Microglial involvement in neurological disorders is well-established, being microglial activation not only associated with neurotoxic consequences, but also with neuroprotective effects. The studies presented here, based on microglia rat primary cell cultures and mainly on microglial conditioned medium (MCM), show insights into the mechanism of Superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) and Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) secretion by microglia as well as their neuroprotective effect towards primary cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) exposed to the dopaminergic toxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). SOD1 and ApoE are released respectively through non-classical lysosomal or the classical ER/Golgi-mediated secretion pathway. Microglial conditioned medium, in which SOD1 and ApoE accumulated, protected CGNs from degeneration and these effects were replicated when exogenous SOD1 or ApoE was added to a non-conditioned medium. SOD1 neuroprotective action was mediated by increased cell calcium from an external source. ApoE release is negatively affected by microglia activation, both with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and Benzoylbenzoyl-ATP (Bz-ATP) but is stimulated by neuronal-conditioned medium as well as in microglia-neurons co-culture conditions. This neuronal-stimulated microglial ApoE release is differently regulated by activation states (i.e. LPS vs ATP) and by 6-hydroxydopamine-induced neurodegeneration. In co-culture conditions, microglial ApoE release is essential for neuroprotection, since microglial ApoE silencing through siRNA abrogated protection of cerebellar granule neurons against 6-OHDA toxicity. Therefore, these molecules could represent a target for manipulation aimed at promoting neuroprotection in brain diseases. Considering a pathological context, and the microglial ability to adopt a neuroprotective or neurotoxic profile, we characterize the microglial M1/M2 phenotype in transgenic rats (McGill-R-Thy1-APP) which reproduce extensively the Alzheimer’s-like amyloid pathology. Here, for the first time, cortical, hippocampal and cerebellar microglia of wild type and transgenic adult rats were compared, at both early and advanced stages of the pathology. In view of possible therapeutic translations, these findings are relevant to test microglial neuroprotection, in animal models of neurodegenerative diseases.
Zerebrale Erkrankungen, wie Schädelhirntrauma (SHT) und Subarachnoidalblutung (SAB) sind mit einer hohen Morbidität und Mortalität vergesellschaftet und stellen eine ernsthafte medizinische und ökonomische Herausforderung dar. Grundlage für die Entwicklung neuer effektiver Therapieansätze ist das Verständnis der pathophysiologischen Mechanismen dieser Krankheiten. Das Entstehen eines vasogenen Hirnödems ist eine schwere Komplikation nach SHT und SAB und beruht u.a. auf einem Öffnen der Bluthirnschranke (BHS). Ein möglicher zu Grunde liegender Mechanismus könnte die Aktivierung der Myosin-leichte-Kette-Kinase (MLCK) sein, was man therapeutisch unterbinden könnte.rnIn der vorliegenden Studie wurde in zwei unterschiedlichen experimentellen, zerebralen Schadensmodellen der Einfluss des kontraktilen Apparates auf die BHS Störung untersucht. In dem Schadensmodell des SHT sind die Hauptergebnisse: 1.) die Myosin-leichte-Kette-Kinase (MLCK) wird durch das induzierte Schädelhirntrauma hochreguliert. 2.) eine pharmakologische MLCK Inhibition stabilisiert die BHS, senkt den ICP und das Hirnödem nach experimentellen SHT. 3.) die MLCK Inhibition führte nicht zu einer Verbesserung des Hirnschadens, der neurologischen Funktion oder der zerebralen Inflammation 24 Stunden nach SHT, obwohl angenommen wird, dass die Entstehung eines Hirnödems den sekundären Hirnschaden vergrößert. In einer weitern Studie wurde untersucht, durch welchen Signalweg dieser zugrunde liegende Mechanismus aktiviert wird. In einem in-vitro BHS Model konnte gezeigt werden, dass C-reaktives Protein (CRP) über die Bindung an Fcγ-Rezeptoren den kontraktilen Apparat aktiviert und somit zu einem Öffnen der BHS führt. Obwohl der CRP Plasmaspiegel nach experimentellen SHT ansteigt, kommt es nicht zu einer Verringerungrndes Hirnwassergehaltes in FcγR-/- Mäusen. Die Entstehung des vasogenen Hirnödems wird im murinen CCI Model somit nicht über den Fcγ-Rezeptor vermittelt. Die in-vitro gezeigte Fcγ vermittelte Öffnung der BHS konnte in-vivo in dieser Studie nicht reproduziert werden. Mit der vorliegenden Studie kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass CRP über einen Fcγ unabhängigen Mechanismus eine Öffnung der BHS vermittelt. Jedoch deuten die Daten daraufhin, das CRP im murinen CCI Model eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt. Die FcγR-/- Mäuse zeigten allerdings ein deutlich reduziertes Kontusionsvolumen und eine reduzierte Mikroglia Aktivierung, was darauf hindeutet, dass FcγR eine wesentliche Rolle bei der zerebralen Inflammation spielen.rnIn dem Schadensmodell der experimentellen SAB konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Inhibition der MLCK die Folgen einer SAB mindert. Sie führt zu einer Senkung des Hirnödems, des intrakraniellen Drucks und Verbesserung der neurologischen Erholung nach experimenteller SAB. Die Ergebnisse unterstützen die Hypothese, dass die MLCK einer der Endpunkteffektor für verschiedene Mechanismen ist, welche die endotheliale Permeabilität sowohl nach SHT als auch nach SAB erhöhen.rnZusammenfassend lässt sich feststellen, dass in beiden zerebralen experimentellen Insulten die MLCK eine wichtige Rolle beim BHS Versagen spielt. Die Daten tragen dazu bei, den zugrundeliegenden Mechanismus der BHS Öffnung, der durch eine Aktivierung der MLCK hervorgerufen werden könnte, besser zu verstehen. Dies könnte zu Entwicklung neuer Medikamente für eine Therapie des zerebralen Hirnödems führen.
In recent years the advances in genomics allowed to understand the importance of Transposable Elements (TE) in the evolution of eukaryotic genomes. In this thesis I face two aspects of the TE impact on the in the animal kingdom. The first part is a comparison of the dynamics of the TE dynamics in three species of stick-insects of the Genus Bacillus. I produced three random genomic libraries of 200 Kbps for the three parental species of the taxon: a gonochoric population of Bacillus rossius (facultative parthenogenetic), Bacillus grandii (gonochoric) and Bacillus atticus (obligate parthenogenetic). The unisexual taxon Bacillus atticus does not shows dramatic differences in TE total content and activity with respect to Bacillus grandii and Bacillus rossius. This datum does not confirm the trend observed in other animal models in which unisexual taxa tend to repress the activity of TE to escape the extinction by accumulation of harmful mutations. In the second part I tried to add a contribute to the debate initiated in recent years about the possibility that a high TE content is linked to a high rate of speciation. I designed an evolutionary framework to establish the different rate of speciation among two or more taxa, then I compared TE dynamics considering the different rates of speciation. The species dataset comprises: 29 mammals, four birds, two fish and two insects. On the whole the majority of comparisons confirms the expected trend. In particular the amount of species analyzed in Mammalia allowed me to get a statistical support (p<0,05) of the fact that the TE activity of recently mobilized elements is positively related with the rate of speciation.
Die Zinkendopeptidasen Meprin α und β sind Schlüsselkomponenten in patho(physiologischen) Prozessen wie Entzündung, Kollagenassemblierung und Angiogenese. Nach ihrer Entdeckung in murinen Bürstensaummembranen und humanen Darmepithelien, wurden weitere Expressionsorte identifiziert, z.B. Leukozyten, Krebszellen und die humane Haut. Tiermodelle, Zellkulturen und biochemische Analysen weisen auf Funktionen der Meprine in der Epithelialdifferenzierung, Zellmigration, Matrixmodellierung, Angiogenese, Bindegewebsausbildung und immunologische Prozesse hin. Dennoch sind ihre physiologischen Substrate weitgehend noch unbekannt. Massenspektrometrisch basierte Proteomics-Analysen enthüllten eine einzigartige Spaltspezifität für saure Aminosäurereste in der P1´ Position und identifizierten neue biologische Substratkandidaten. Unter den 269 extrazellulären Proteinen, die in einem Substratscreen identifiziert wurden, stellten sich das amyloid precursor protein (APP) and ADAM10 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease 10) als sehr vielversprechende Kandidaten heraus. Mehrere Schnittstellen innerhalb des APP Proteins, hervorgerufen durch verschiedenen Proteasen, haben unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen zur Folge. Die β-Sekretase BACE (β-site APP cleaving enzyme) prozessiert APP an einer Schnittstelle, welche als initialer Schritt in der Entwicklung der Alzheimer Erkrankung gilt. Toxische Aβ (Amyloid β)-Peptide werden in den extrazellulären Raum freigesetzt und aggregieren dort zu senilen Plaques. Membran verankertes Meprin β hat eine β-Sekretase Aktivität, die in einem Zellkultur-basierten System bestätigt werden konnte. Die proteolytische Effizienz von Meprin β wurde in FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer)-Analysen bestimmt und war um den Faktor 104 höher als die von BACE1. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass Meprin β die ersten zwei Aminosäuren prozessiert und somit aminoterminal einen Glutamatrest freisetzt, welcher nachfolgend durch die Glutaminylzyklase in ein Pyroglutamat zykliert werden kann. Trunkierte Aβ-Peptide werden nur in Alzheimer Patienten generiert. Aufgrund einer erhöhten Hydrophobie weisen diese Peptide eine höhere Tendenz zur Aggregation auf und somit eine erhöhte Toxizität. Bis heute wurde keine Protease identifiziert, welche diese Schnittstelle prozessiert. Die Bildung der Meprin vermittelten N-terminalen APP Fragmenten wurde in vitro und in vivo detektiert. Diese N-APP Peptide hatten keine cytotoxischen Auswirkungen auf murine und humane Gehirnzellen, obwohl zuvor N-APP als Ligand für den death receptor (DR) 6 identifiziert wurde, der für axonale Degenerationsprozesse verantwortlich ist. rnIm nicht-amyloidogenen Weg prozessiert ADAM10 APP und entlässt die Ektodomäne von der Zellmembran. Wir konnten das ADAM10 Propeptid als Substrat von Meprin β identifizieren und in FRET Analysen, in vitro und in vivo zeigen, dass die Meprin vermittelte Prozessierung zu einer erhöhten ADAM10 Aktivität führt. Darüber hinaus wurde ADAM10 als Sheddase für Meprin β identifiziert. Shedding konnte durch Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) oder durch das Ionophor A23187 hervorgerufen werden, sowie durch ADAM10 Inhibitoren blockiert werden. rnDiese Arbeit konnte somit ein komplexes proteolytisches Netwerk innerhalb der Neurophysiologie aufdecken, welches für die Entwicklung der Alzheimer Demenz wichtig sein kann.rn