886 resultados para Exercise therapy -- Management


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We performed a retrospective analysis of 35 cases of desmoid tumours (aggressive fibromatoses) that underwent treatment at our institutions between 1987 and 2002. The purpose was to evaluate the rate of local recurrence of desmoid tumours treated with surgical excision, to assess the impact of surgical margins on local recurrence and to define the role of radiotherapy in the treatment. Nine patients experienced a recurrence at an average of 16 months after initial treatment. Seven of the 15 patients with a less-than-wide margin had a local recurrence. Comparatively, only two of the 20 patients with a wide margin had a local recurrence. Thirty-three of the 35 patients were disease free at the last follow-up. We recommend wide excision with clear margins whenever possible. Marginal resections are appropriate when wide excision would severely compromise the function of the limb. Surgical resections and selective supplementation of adjuvant radiotherapy give excellent control rates.


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The European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology held a consensus workshop in Manchester, UK in December 2003 to discuss issues relating to the care of GH-treated patients in the transition from paediatric to adult life. Clinicians experienced in the care of paediatric and adult patients on GH treatment, from a wide range of countries, as well as medical representatives from the pharmaceutical manufacturers of GH participated.


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Inactivity is associated with endothelial dysfunction and the development of cardiovascular disease. Exercise training has a favourable effect in the management of hypertension, heart failure and ischaemic heart disease. These beneficial effects are probably mediated through improvements of vascular function and, in this issue of Clinical Science, Hagg and co-authors propose a coronary artery effect. The use of a Doppler technique for non-invasive assessment of coronary flow reserve in a small animal model is an exciting aspect of this study. If feasible in the hands of other investigators, the availability of sequential coronary flow measurements in animal models may help improve our understanding of the mechanisms of disorders of the coronary circulation.


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The present study examined the effects of neurosurgical management of Parkinson's disease (PD), including the procedures of pallidotomy, thalamotomy, and deep-brain stimulation (DBS) on perceptual speech characteristics, speech,, intelligibility and oromotor function in a group of 22 participants with PD. The surgical participant group was compared with a group of 25 non-neurologically impaired individuals matched for age and sex. In addition, the study investigated 16 participants with PD who did not undergo neurosurgical management to control for disease progression. Results revealed that neurosurgical intervention did not significantly change the surgical participants' perceptual speech dimensions or oromotor function despite significant postoperative improvements in ratings of general motor function and disease severity. Reasons why neurosurgical intervention resulted in dissimilar outcomes with respect to participants' perceptual speech dimensions and general motor function are proposed.


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The therapeutic letter has a long history, with roots in psychoanalytic work and continuing application in family therapy. The advent of e-mail has allowed another form for therapeutic written communication which, while incorporating the benefits of therapeutic letters, adds to these. It has also opened up some potential risks. This article incorporates a brief review of the literature covering therapeutic written communication and offers a case example where e-mail was used as an adjunct in face-to-face therapy with a client who experienced attachment difficulties. This therapy was informed by systemic and psychoanalytic traditions. The authors explore a variety of technical matters including the timing and Crafting of e-mail responses, the integration of written communication with face-to-face therapy, impact on the therapeutic relationship and management of crisis. Ethical issues such as confidentiality and duty of care are also considered.


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Despite the standardisation of surgical techniques and significant progress in chemotherapeutics over the last 30 years, advanced epithelial ovarian cancer remains the most lethal gynaecological malignancy in the western world. Although the majority of women achieve a remission following primary therapy, most patients with advanced stage disease will eventually relapse and become candidates for 'salvage' therapy. The chances of a further remission depend on factors such as the 'treatment-free interval', and there are now a large number of chemotherapy agents with activity in ovarian cancer available to the oncologist. Recent randomised studies have reported on survival benefits for chemotherapy in recurrent disease, and therefore careful and appropriate selection of treatments has assumed a greater importance. This article reviews the most current data, and discusses the factors involved in making individualised treatment decisions.


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Various exercises are used to retrain the abdominal muscles in the management of low back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders. However. few studies have directly investigated the activity of all the abdominal muscles or the recruitment of regions of the abdominal muscles during these manoeuvres. This study examined the activity of different regions of transversus abdominis (TrA), obliquus internus (OI) and externus abdominis (OE), and rectus abdominis (RA), and movement of lumbar spine, pelvis and abdomen during inward movement of the lower abdominal wall, abdominal bracing, pelvic tilting, and inward movement of the lower and upper abdominal wall. Inward movement of the lower abdominal wall in supine produced greater activity of TrA compared to OI. OE and RA. During posterior pelvic tilting. middle OI was most active and with abdominal bracing. OE was predominately recruited. Regions of TrA were recruited differentially and in inverse relationship between lumbopelvic motion and TrA electromyography (EMG) was found. This study indicates that inward movement of the abdominal wall in supine produces the most independent activity of TrA relative to the other abdominal muscle, recruitment varies between regions of TrA, and observation of abdominal and lumbopelvic motion may assist in evalation of exercise performance. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: Although the body-mass management strategies of athletes in high-participation weight-category sports such as wrestling have been thoroughly investigated, little is known about such practices among lightweight rowers. This study examined the body-mass management practices of lightweight rowers before competition and compared these with current guidelines of the International Federation of Rowing Association (FISA). Quantification of nutrient intake in the 1-2 h between weigh-in and racing was also sought. Methods: Lightweight rowers (N = 100) competing in a national regatta completed a questionnaire that assessed body-mass management practices during the 4 wk before and throughout a regatta plus recovery strategies after weigh-in. Biochemical data were collected immediately after weigh-in to validate questionnaire responses. Responses were categorized according to gender and age category (Senior B or younger than 23 yr old, i.e., U23, Senior A or OPEN, i.e., open age limit) for competition. Results: Most athletes (male U23 76.5%, OPEN 92.3%; female U23 84.0%, OPEN 94.1%) decreased their body mass in the weeks before the regatta at rates compliant with FISA guidelines. Gradual dieting, fluid restriction, and increased training load were the most popular methods of body-mass management. Although the importance of recovery after weigh-in was recognized by athletes, nutrient intake and especially sodium (male U23 5.3 ± 4.9, OPEN 7.7 ± 5.9; female U23 5.7 ± 6.8, OPEN 10.2 ± 5.4 mg-kg(-1)) and fluid intake (male U23 12.1 ± 7.1, OPEN 13.5 ± 8.1; female U23 9.4 ± 7.4, OPEN 14.8 ± 6.9 mL.kg(-1)) were below current sports nutrition recommendations. Conclusion: Few rowers were natural lightweights; the majority reduced their body mass in the weeks before a regatta. Nutritional recovery strategies implemented by lightweight rowers after weigh-in were not consistent with current guidelines.


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A randomised controlled trial was conducted to determine if physicians' advice to promote physical activity to patients was more effective if the advice was tailored to the management of hypertension, compared with more general health promotion advice. Participants included inactive 40- to 70-year-old patients visiting the physicians' during study recruitment period. Physicians provided verbal physical activity advice and written materials, both tailored to either general health promotion messages or specifically as a means for treating or managing hypertension. Seventy-five physicians and 98% (767/780) of screened eligible patients participated in the study. Differences between intervention and control groups self-reported physical activity were assessed over 6 months. Follow-up response rates were 92 and 84% at the 2- and 6-month assessments. There were no consistent, significant differences between groups at the 2- or 6-month assessments. Thus, neither intervention strategy resulted in significant changes in patients self-reported physical activity, regardless of the whether the advice was tailored to hypertension management or general health promotion advice. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this paper is to conduct a qualitative review of randomised controlled trials in relation to the treatment of adults with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder (MH/SUD). In particular, integrated approaches are compared with non-integrated approaches to treatment. Ten articles were identified for inclusion in the review. The findings are equivocal with regard to the superior efficacy of integrated approaches to treatment, although the many limitations of the studies need to be considered in our understanding of this finding. Clearly, this is an extremely challenging client group to engage and maintain in intervention research, and the complexity and variability of the problems render control particularly difficult. The lack of available evidence to support the superiority of integration is discussed in relation to these challenges. Much remains to be investigated with regard to integrated management and care for people with co-occurring and MH/SUD, particularly for specific combinations of dual diagnosis and giving consideration to the level of inter-relatedness between the disorders. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Patients with low back pain (LBP) often present with impaired proprioception of the lumbopelvic region. For this reason, proprioception training usually forms part of the rehabilitation protocols. New exercise equipment that produces whole body, low frequency vibration (WBV) has been developed to improve muscle function, and reportedly improves proprioception. The aim of this pilot study was to investigate whether weightbearing exercise given in conjunction with WBV would affect lumbosacral position sense in healthy individuals. For this purpose, twenty-five young individuals with no LBP were assigned randomly to an experimental or control group. The experimental group received WBV for five minutes while holding a static, semi-squat position. The control group adopted the same weightbearing position for equal time but received no vibration. A two-dimensional motion analysis system measured the repositioning accuracy of pelvic tilting in standing. The experimental (WBV) group demonstrated a significant improvement in repositioning accuracy over time (mean 0.78 degrees) representing 39% improvement. It was concluded that WBV may induce improvements in lumbosacral repositioning accuracy when combined with a weightbearing exercise. Future studies with WBV should focus on evaluating its effects with different types of exercise, the exercise time needed for optimal outcomes, and the effects on proprioception deficits in LBP patients.


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It is emerging that whiplash-associated disorder (WAD) is a complex condition characterised by a variety of physical and psychological features. Generalised sensory hypersensitivity is one of these features and its presence reflects augmented central pain processing mechanisms. Whilst most studies have investigated these processes in chronic WAD, it is becoming clear that in some of the whiplash injured, sensory disturbances are present from soon after injury, and are associated with both poor recovery and recalcitrance to multimodal physiotherapy interventions. Evidence for sensory hypersensitivity in WAD and possible underlying mechanisms of these phenomena are reviewed. Physiotherapists play an important role in the evaluation and management of whiplash injury. It is important that sensory disturbances be identified early in the clinical assessment of the whiplash injured patient and that ensuing management strategies address these changes, if the aim of treatment is to prevent the transition to chronicity.


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Objective: To describe empiric community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) management in Australian hospital emergency departments (EDs) and evaluate this against national guidelines, including use of the pneumonia severity index and antibiotic selection. Design: A multicentre, cross-sectional, retrospective audit, April 2003 to February 2005. Setting: 37 Australian hospitals: 22 principal referral hospitals, six large major city hospitals, four large regional hospitals, four medium hospitals and one private hospital. Participants: Adult patients with a diagnosis of CAP made in the ED. Data on 20 consecutive CAP ED presentations were collected in participating hospitals. Outcome measures: Documented use of the pneumonia severity index, initial antibiotic therapy prescribed in the ED, average length of stay, inpatient mortality, and concordance with national guidelines. Results: 691 CAP presentations were included. Pneumonia severity index use was documented in 5% of cases. Antibiotic therapy covering common bacterial causes of CAP was prescribed in 67% of presentations, although overall concordance with national guidelines was 18%. Antibiotic prescribing was discordant due to inadequate empiric antimicrobial cover, allergy status (including contraindication to penicillin), inappropriate route of administration and/or inappropriate antibiotic choice according to recommendations. There was no significant difference between concordant and discordant antibiotic prescribing episodes in average length of stay (5.0 v 5.7 days; P=0.22) or inpatient mortality (1.6% v 4.1%; chi(2) = 1.82; P=0.18). Conclusions: Antibiotic therapy for CAP prescribed in Australian EDs varied. Concordance with national CAP guidelines was generally low. Targeted interventions are required to improve concordance.


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Aims: The primary objective was to describe the usage pattern of hormone therapy (HT) in a sample of urban Australian women in 2001 and to assess the characteristics of users vs. non-users. The second objective was to determine whether there had been any change in usage since the publication of the results of the combined oestrogen plus progestagen arm of the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) in 2002. Methods: A cohort of 374 postmenopausal women aged 50-80 years participated in this substudy of the LAW (Longitudinal Assessment of Ageing in Women) project: a 5-year multidisciplinary, observational study. Participants completed an annual medical assessment including details of the use of HT and the reasons for use, as well as demographic and psychosocial data. Results: In December 2001, 30.8% of the participants were using HT, whereas 55.4% were ever users. The management of vasomotor symptoms and mood disturbance were the primary reasons for use. Of those who had been using HT in December 2001 (24.4%) women ceased using HT in the 3 months following publication of the WHI results. The percentage of women using HT in December 2003 (13.9%) was less than half of that of December 2001. Conclusion: The rate of HT use and the reasons for use, in 2001 in Brisbane was similar to that of other Australian regions. Usage of HT decreased since the publication of the WHI results in 2002 which may reflect changing attitudes by patients and practitioners regarding HT.