942 resultados para European countries


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In 1995, the European Union (EU) Member States and 12 Mediterranean countries launched in Barcelona a liberalization process that aims at establishing a free trade area (to be realized by 2010) and at promoting a sustainable and balanced economic development by the adoption of a new generation of Agreements: the Euro-Mediterranean Agreements (EMA). For the Mediterranean partner countries, the main concern is a better access for their fruit and vegetable exports to the European market. These products represent the main exports of these countries, and the EU is their first trading partner. On the other side, for the EU the main issue is not only the promotion of its products, but also the protection of its fruit and vegetables producers. Moreover, the trade with third countries is the key element of the Common Market Organization of the sector. Fruit and vegetables represent a very sensitive sector since their high seasonality, high perishability, and especially since the production of the Mediterranean countries is often similar to the European Mediterranean’s countries one. In fact, the agreements define preferences at the entrance of the EU market providing limited concessions for each partner, for specific products, limited quantities and calendars. This research tries to analyze the bilateral trade volume for fresh fruit and vegetables in the European and Italian markets in order to assess the effects of Mediterranean liberalization on this sector. Free trade of agricultural products represents a very actual topic in international trade and the Mediterranean countries, recognised as big producers of fruit and vegetables, as big exporters of their crops and actually significantly present on the European market, could be high competitors with the inward production because the outlet could be the same. The goal of this study is to provide some considerations about the competitiveness of mediterranean fruit and vegetables productions after Barcelona Process, in a first step for the European market and then also for the Italian one. The aim is to discuss the influence of the euro-mediterranean agreements on the fruit and vegetables trade between 10 foreign Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Syria, and Turkey) and 15 EU countries in the period 1995-2007, by means of a gravity model, which is a widespread methodology in international trade analysis. The basic idea of gravity models is that bilateral trade from one country to another (as the dependent variable) can be explained by a set of factors: - factors that capture the potential of a country to export goods and services; - factors that capture the propensity of a country to imports goods and services; - any other forces that either attract or inhibit bilateral trade. This analysis compares only imports’ flows by Europe and by Italy (in volumes) from Mediterranean countries, since the exports’ flows toward those foreign countries are not significant, especially for Italy. The market of fruit and vegetables appears as a high heterogeneous group so it is very difficult to show a synthesis of the analysis performed and the related results. In fact, this sector includes the so called “poor products” (such as potatoes and legumes), and the “rich product”, such as nuts or exotic fruit, and there are a lot of different goods that arouse a dissimilar consumer demand which directly influence the import requirements. Fruit and vegetables sector includes products with extremely different biological cycles, leading to a very unlike seasonality. Moreover, the Mediterranean area appears as a highly heterogeneous bloc, including countries which differ from the others for economic size, production potential, capability to export and for the relationships with the EU. The econometric estimation includes 68 analyses, 34 of which considering the European import and 34 the Italian import and the products are examined in their aggregated form and in their disaggregated level. The analysis obtains a very high R2 coefficient, which means that the methodology is able to assess the import effects on fruit and vegetables associated to the Association Agreements, preferential tariffs, regional integration, and others information involved in the equation. The empirical analysis suggests that fruits and vegetables trade flows are well explained by some parameters: size of the involved countries (especially GDP and population of the Mediterranean countries); distances; prices of imported products; local production for the aggregated products; preferential expressed tariffs like duty free; sub-regional agreements that enforce the export capability. The euro-mediterranean agreements are significant in some of the performed analysis, confirming the slow and gradual evolution of euro- Mediterranean liberalization. The euro-mediterranean liberalization provides opportunities from one side, and imposes a new important challenge from the other side. For the EU the chance is that fruit and vegetables imported from the mediterranean area represent a support for local supply and a possibility to increase the range of products existing on the market. The challenge regards the competition of foreign products with the local ones since the types of productions are similar and markets coincide, especially in the Italian issue. We need to apply a strategy based not on a trade antagonism, but on the realization of a common plane market with the Mediterranean countries. This goal could be achieved enhancing the industrial cooperation in addition to commercial relationships, and increasing investments’ flows in the Mediterranean countries aiming at transforming those countries from potential competitors to trade partners and creating new commercial policies to export towards extra European countries.


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Clusters have increasingly become an essential part of policy discourses at all levels, EU, national, regional, dealing with regional development, competitiveness, innovation, entrepreneurship, SMEs. These impressive efforts in promoting the concept of clusters on the policy-making arena have been accompanied by much less academic and scientific research work investigating the actual economic performance of firms in clusters, the design and execution of cluster policies and going beyond singular case studies to a more methodologically integrated and comparative approach to the study of clusters and their real-world impact. The theoretical background is far from being consolidated and there is a variety of methodologies and approaches for studying and interpreting this phenomenon while at the same time little comparability among studies on actual cluster performances. The conceptual framework of clustering suggests that they affect performance but theory makes little prediction as to the ultimate distribution of the value being created by clusters. This thesis takes the case of Eastern European countries for two reasons. One is that clusters, as coopetitive environments, are a new phenomenon as the previous centrally-based system did not allow for such types of firm organizations. The other is that, as new EU member states, they have been subject to the increased popularization of the cluster policy approach by the European Commission, especially in the framework of the National Reform Programmes related to the Lisbon objectives. The originality of the work lays in the fact that starting from an overview of theoretical contributions on clustering, it offers a comparative empirical study of clusters in transition countries. There have been very few examples in the literature that attempt to examine cluster performance in a comparative cross-country perspective. It adds to this an analysis of cluster policies and their implementation or lack of such as a way to analyse the way the cluster concept has been introduced to transition economies. Our findings show that the implementation of cluster policies does vary across countries with some countries which have embraced it more than others. The specific modes of implementation, however, are very similar, based mostly on soft measures such as funding for cluster initiatives, usually directed towards the creation of cluster management structures or cluster facilitators. They are essentially founded on a common assumption that the added values of clusters is in the creation of linkages among firms, human capital, skills and knowledge at the local level, most often perceived as the regional level. Often times geographical proximity is not a necessary element in the application process and cluster application are very similar to network membership. Cluster mapping is rarely a factor in the selection of cluster initiatives for funding and the relative question about critical mass and expected outcomes is not considered. In fact, monitoring and evaluation are not elements of the cluster policy cycle which have received a lot of attention. Bulgaria and the Czech Republic are the countries which have implemented cluster policies most decisively, Hungary and Poland have made significant efforts, while Slovakia and Romania have only sporadically and not systematically used cluster initiatives. When examining whether, in fact, firms located within regional clusters perform better and are more efficient than similar firms outside clusters, we do find positive results across countries and across sectors. The only country with negative impact from being located in a cluster is the Czech Republic.


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Hemiklonale Vererbung im hybridogenetische Rana grafi-Komplex (Anura: Ranidae)Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Studie wurde eine großflächige Untersuchung an südfranzösischen Wasserfröschen durchgeführt. Es wurden 31 Populationen mit 918 Tieren beprobt und mit Referenzproben genetisch verglichen. Die Genotypen der Tiere wurden mittels Allozymelektrophorese an sieben diagnostischen Loci bestimmt. Für Teilproben wurde das Alter, die Fläche der Erythrocyten und der DNA-Gehalt bestimmt. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der unterschiedlichen methodischen Ansätze lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen:(1) Es wurden neben einem großen Anteil von R. grafi (452 Tiere), R. perezi (200 Tiere) und R. ridibunda (254 Tiere) auch ein R. esculenta und zwei R. lessonae in der Camargue nachgewiesen.(2) Die Geschlechterverhältnisse der einzelnen Taxa waren stark gestört. Dies gilt besonders für den Hybriden R. grafi mit einem Männchenanteil von nur 7,3%. Das Geschlechterverhältnis von R. ridibunda ist besonders in PGR-Population zu Gunsten von Weibchen verschoben. Eine Modellierung von Populationen zeigt, daß wahrscheinlich R. grafi-Männchen durch eine gestörte Gametogenese für die gestörten Geschlechtsverhältnisse seiner Parentalformen verantwortlich ist.(3) Die genetische Analyse zeigt eine unerwartet hohe genetische Variabilität von R. ridibunda im Vergleich zu R. perezi und eine geographische Varianz der genetischen Variabilität in allen untersuchten Taxa. Die genetische Variabilität zeigte bei allen Wasserfroschformen in der Camargue ein Maximum.(4) Die hohe genetische Variabilität geht hauptsächlich, neben Einführung von verschiedenen genetischen R. ridibunda-Linien, auf Introgression zurück.


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At the light of what happened in 2010 and 2011, a lot of European countries founded themselves in a difficult position where all the credit rating agencies were downgrading debt states. Problem of solvency and guarantees on the states' bond were perceived as too risky for a Monetary Union as Europe is. Fear of a contagion from Greece as well was threatening the other countries as Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland; while Germany and France asked for a division between risky and riskless bond in order to feel more safe. Our paper gets inspiration by Roch and Uhlig (2011), it refers to the Argentinian case examined by Arellano (2008) and examine possible interventions as monetization or bailout as proposed by Cole and Kehoe (2000). We propose a model in which a state defaults and cannot repay a fraction of the old bond; but contrary to Roch and Uhlig that where considering a one-time cost of default we consider default as an accumulation of losses, perceived as unpaid fractions of the old debts. Our contributions to literature is that default immediately imply that economy faces a bad period and, accumulating losses, government will be worse-off. We studied a function for this accumulation of debt period by period, in order to get an idea of the magnitude of this waste of resources that economy will face when experiences a default. Our thesis is that bailouts just postpone the day of reckoning (Roch, Uhlig); so it's better to default before accumulate a lot of debts. What Europe need now is the introduction of new reforms in a controlled default where the Eurozone will be saved in its whole integrity and a state could fail with the future promise of a resurrection. As experience show us, governments are not interested into reducing debts since there are ECB interventions. That clearly create a distortion between countries in the same monetary union, giving to the states just an illusion about their future debtor position.


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Life is full of uncertainties. Legal rules should have a clear intention, motivation and purpose in order to diminish daily uncertainties. However, practice shows that their consequences are complex and hard to predict. For instance, tort law has the general objectives of deterring future negligent behavior and compensating the victims of someone else's negligence. Achieving these goals are particularly difficult in medical malpractice cases. To start with, when patients search for medical care they are typically sick in the first place. In case harm materializes during the treatment, it might be very hard to assess if it was due to substandard medical care or to the patient's poor health conditions. Moreover, the practice of medicine has a positive externality on the society, meaning that the design of legal rules is crucial: for instance, it should not result in physicians avoiding practicing their activity just because they are afraid of being sued even when they acted according to the standard level of care. The empirical literature on medical malpractice has been developing substantially in the past two decades, with the American case being the most studied one. Evidence from civil law tradition countries is more difficult to find. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the empirical literature on medical malpractice, using two civil law countries as a case-study: Spain and Italy. The goal of this thesis is to investigate, in the first place, some of the consequences of having two separate sub-systems (administrative and civil) coexisting within the same legal system, which is common in civil law tradition countries with a public national health system (such as Spain, France and Portugal). When this holds, different procedures might apply depending on the type of hospital where the injury took place (essentially whether it is a public hospital or a private hospital). Therefore, a patient injured in a public hospital should file a claim in administrative courts while a patient suffering an identical medical accident should file a claim in civil courts. A natural question that the reader might pose is why should both administrative and civil courts decide medical malpractice cases? Moreover, can this specialization of courts influence how judges decide medical malpractice cases? In the past few years, there was a general concern with patient safety, which is currently on the agenda of several national governments. Some initiatives have been taken at the international level, with the aim of preventing harm to patients during treatment and care. A negligently injured patient might present a claim against the health care provider with the aim of being compensated for the economic loss and for pain and suffering. In several European countries, health care is mainly provided by a public national health system, which means that if a patient harmed in a public hospital succeeds in a claim against the hospital, public expenditures increase because the State takes part in the litigation process. This poses a problem in a context of increasing national health expenditures and public debt. In Italy, with the aim of increasing patient safety, some regions implemented a monitoring system on medical malpractice claims. However, if properly implemented, this reform shall also allow for a reduction in medical malpractice insurance costs. This thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 1 provides a review of the empirical literature on medical malpractice, where studies on outcomes and merit of claims, costs and defensive medicine are presented. Chapter 2 presents an empirical analysis of medical malpractice claims arriving to the Spanish Supreme Court. The focus is on reversal rates for civil and administrative decisions. Administrative decisions appealed by the plaintiff have the highest reversal rates. The results show a bias in lower administrative courts, which tend to focus on the State side. We provide a detailed explanation for these results, which can rely on the organization of administrative judges career. Chapter 3 assesses predictors of compensation in medical malpractice cases appealed to the Spanish Supreme Court and investigates the amount of damages attributed to patients. The results show horizontal equity between administrative and civil decisions (controlling for observable case characteristics) and vertical inequity (patients suffering more severe injuries tend to receive higher payouts). In order to execute these analyses, a database of medical malpractice decisions appealed to the Administrative and Civil Chambers of the Spanish Supreme Court from 2006 until 2009 (designated by the Spanish Supreme Court Medical Malpractice Dataset (SSCMMD)) has been created. A description of how the SSCMMD was built and of the Spanish legal system is presented as well. Chapter 4 includes an empirical investigation of the effect of a monitoring system for medical malpractice claims on insurance premiums. In Italy, some regions adopted this policy in different years, while others did not. The study uses data on insurance premiums from Italian public hospitals for the years 2001-2008. This is a significant difference as most of the studies use the insurance company as unit of analysis. Although insurance premiums have risen from 2001 to 2008, the increase was lower for regions adopting a monitoring system for medical claims. Possible implications of this system are also provided. Finally, Chapter 5 discusses the main findings, describes possible future research and concludes.


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We study first the different cadastral systems in the EU countries and their perspective in the European Law context, especially in their tax law aspect and about the different building tax system. We talk about the most important aspect, taxation, and the European Unionʼs influence, particularly the European Court. But not only speak about the influence in the Member stateʼs building tax, also find another influences ways, with some European policies. All these aspects and another show a tendency to the cadastral integration, not direct, but existent in the indirect way. About other aspects, the study holds the dual nature of the cadastre, social (like social science), and their tax aspect, and technic nature. The Inspire information net can generate a new way to the tax information exchange between European countries. The investigation end with a comparison of the different cadastral systems in EU countries, and about the edification tax law too. This report holds the tax nature of the cadastre, the need to be considered like social-technic complex. Diverse international organization consider that is a multipurpose instrument and institution, but seem to forget their original purpose, their tax purpose, that was the central aspect in their origin and that don can`t be forget in the new world that raises after the world financial crisis.


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The fall of the Berlin Wall opened the way for a reform path – the transition process – which accompanied ten former Socialist countries in Central and South Eastern Europe to knock at the EU doors. By the way, at the time of the EU membership several economic and structural weaknesses remained. A tendency towards convergence between the new Member States (NMS) and the EU average income level emerged, together with a spread of inequality at the sub-regional level, mainly driven by the backwardness of the agricultural and rural areas. Several progresses were made in evaluating the policies for rural areas, but a shared definition of rurality is still missing. Numerous indicators were calculated for assessing the effectiveness of the Common Agricultural Policy and Rural Development Policy. Previous analysis on the Central and Eastern European countries found that the characteristics of the most backward areas were insufficiently addressed by the policies enacted; the low data availability and accountability at a sub-regional level, and the deficiencies in institutional planning and implementation represented an obstacle for targeting policies and payments. The next pages aim at providing a basis for understanding the connections between the peculiarities of the transition process, the current development performance of NMS and the EU role, with particular attention to the agricultural and rural areas. Applying a mixed methodological approach (multivariate statistics, non-parametric methods, spatial econometrics), this study contributes to the identification of rural areas and to the analysis of the changes occurred during the EU membership in Hungary, assessing the effect of CAP introduction and its contribution to the convergence of the Hungarian agricultural and rural. The author believes that more targeted – and therefore efficient – policies for agricultural and rural areas require a deeper knowledge of their structural and dynamic characteristics.


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La tesi affronta il tema degli istituti e degli strumenti di tutela della condizione di disoccupazione. In mancanza d’una nozione giuridica generale di disoccupazione, l’obiettivo è quello di ricercare gli elementi comuni ai differenti istituti in grado di definire l’ambito della protezione garantita alla persona priva d’impiego. Lo studio fornisce, dapprima, una complessiva ricognizione storico-critica degli strumenti per il sostegno del reddito nelle ipotesi di mancanza di lavoro. L’esame dei modelli d’intervento legislativo evidenzia finalità, caratteristiche e criticità dei singoli istituti, sia di quelli più consolidati, che degli interventi più recenti. La seconda parte della tesi si propone d’integrare la ricognizione delle forme di tutela economica con l’analisi delle politiche attive nel mercato del lavoro e degli interventi a sostegno all’occupabilità. L’intento è di verificare le modalità attraverso le quali l’ordinamento tenta di collegare tutela del reddito e promozione dell’occupazione. La ricerca affronta anche la questione dei limiti alla libertà di circolazione nell’Unione Europea dei cittadini non lavoratori, nonché il condizionamento determinato dalle misure che riducono o scoraggiano l’esportabilità delle prestazioni previdenziali negli altri Paesi europei. La parte finale si propone d’individuare gli elementi che caratterizzano il complesso degli istituti analizzati, al fine di verificare a quale evento giuridico l’ordinamento offra protezione. Lo studio identifica due elementi rilevanti: la condizione di “mancanza di lavoro”, che accomuna l’intervento per la disoccupazione e quello a favore dei rapporti di lavoro sospesi, nonché l’attualità dello stato di disoccupazione, parametro generale per gli interventi protettivi. L’analisi svolta sottolinea, però, che i meccanismi di c.d. condizionalità per l’accesso alle prestazioni economiche e ai servizi per l’impiego non consentono un’adeguata promozione della qualità del lavoro e della professionalità del lavoratore. La tesi individua un possibile terreno di sviluppo della protezione della condizione del disoccupato nell’integrazione tra strumenti di sostegno all’impiego e interventi a base universalistica.


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La presente ricerca mira ad individuare e risolvere alcuni problemi di inquadramento e di disciplina applicabile in ordine all’istituto regolato dall’art. 8 della legge n. 40/2007, con successive modificazioni ed integrazioni, definito a livello normativo come «portabilità del mutuo». In particolare, ci si è chiesti come la nuova normativa in tema di trasferibilità del mutuo possa inserirsi all’interno della disciplina della surrogazione se quest’ultima non venga considerata come possibile strumento di circolazione del credito e se ci si possa spingere fino a considerare l’art. 8 come una riscrittura moderna dell’istituto codicistico. Sebbene l’art. 8 non sia stato limitato ai finanziamenti ipotecari, tali istituti costituiscono il principale ambito di applicazione della normativa. Per questa ragione si è sostenuto che la disposizione, più che la «portabilità del mutuo», avrebbe lo scopo di incentivare la «portabilità dell’ipoteca», intendendosi quest’ultima come la surrogazione del nuovo finanziatore nel credito ipotecario, ovvero più specificamente nell’ipoteca, ai sensi dell’art. 1202 c.c. Lo studio dei riflessi della surrogazione, così come prevista dalla legge del 2007, sulle garanzie in generale e sull’ipoteca in particolare, ha mostrato come il legislatore, tramite l’introduzione di una disciplina semplificata, abbia inteso adeguare gli istituti giuridici tradizionali alle esigenze pratiche di flessibilità del mercato del credito; ciò tuttavia con scarso successo e lasciando aperti taluni dubbi interpretativi. Al fine di approfondire la ricerca, si è affrontata la materia oggetto di studio in un’ottica comparata, rilevando quali siano a livello europeo le principali differenze in tema di circolazione del credito, portabilità del mutuo e trasferibilità delle garanzie.


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La Tesi analizza le relazioni tra i processi di sviluppo agricolo e l’uso delle risorse naturali, in particolare di quelle energetiche, a livello internazionale (paesi in via di sviluppo e sviluppati), nazionale (Italia), regionale (Emilia Romagna) e aziendale, con lo scopo di valutare l’eco-efficienza dei processi di sviluppo agricolo, la sua evoluzione nel tempo e le principali dinamiche in relazione anche ai problemi di dipendenza dalle risorse fossili, della sicurezza alimentare, della sostituzione tra superfici agricole dedicate all’alimentazione umana ed animale. Per i due casi studio a livello macroeconomico è stata adottata la metodologia denominata “SUMMA” SUstainability Multi-method, multi-scale Assessment (Ulgiati et al., 2006), che integra una serie di categorie d’impatto dell’analisi del ciclo di vita, LCA, valutazioni costi-benefici e la prospettiva di analisi globale della contabilità emergetica. L’analisi su larga scala è stata ulteriormente arricchita da un caso studio sulla scala locale, di una fattoria produttrice di latte e di energia elettrica rinnovabile (fotovoltaico e biogas). Lo studio condotto mediante LCA e valutazione contingente ha valutato gli effetti ambientali, economici e sociali di scenari di riduzione della dipendenza dalle fonti fossili. I casi studio a livello macroeconomico dimostrano che, nonostante le politiche di supporto all’aumento di efficienza e a forme di produzione “verdi”, l’agricoltura a livello globale continua ad evolvere con un aumento della sua dipendenza dalle fonti energetiche fossili. I primi effetti delle politiche agricole comunitarie verso una maggiore sostenibilità sembrano tuttavia intravedersi per i Paesi Europei. Nel complesso la energy footprint si mantiene alta poiché la meccanizzazione continua dei processi agricoli deve necessariamente attingere da fonti energetiche sostitutive al lavoro umano. Le terre agricole diminuiscono nei paesi europei analizzati e in Italia aumentando i rischi d’insicurezza alimentare giacché la popolazione nazionale sta invece aumentando.


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La presente ricerca si fonda su un’attenta ed approfondita analisi della normativa vigente in Italia in materia di procreazione medicalmente assistita (P.M.A.), con particolare riferimento al divieto assoluto di P.M.A. eterologa, di cui all’art. 4, comma 3, L. 19 febbraio 2004, n. 40, consentita invece – sia pure con la previsione di limitazioni differenti – nella quasi totalità dei paesi europei. Dopo aver esaminato la “questione etica” del ricorso alle tecniche di fecondazione assistita e le normative vigenti in Europa in materia di P.M.A. eterologa, il presente lavoro analizza i profili civilistici della L. n. 40/2004 ed i conseguenti dubbi interpretativi che la normativa italiana pone in materia di fecondazione eterologa, con specifico riguardo al consenso prestato dai coniugi o conviventi, al divieto di disconoscimento di paternità e di anonimato della madre ed, infine, al diritto del nato da fecondazione eterologa di conoscere le proprie origini biologiche. Ne consegue che, in una materia che coinvolge la sfera più intima e personale della vita privata e familiare, quale quella della P.M.A., il legislatore avrebbe dovuto intervenire con misura, individuando soluzioni ragionevoli ed equilibrate nel rispetto della pluralità di etiche contrapposte ed interessi in conflitto. Attraverso una capillare analisi della recente giurisprudenza nazionale ed europea, la presente ricerca mira, dunque, a valutare possibili prospettive di superamento del divieto assoluto di P.M.A. eterologa previsto dalla L. n. 40/2004. I risultati a cui la presente indagine ha consentito di pervenire dimostrano quanto sia opportuna l’adozione in Italia di un “modello liberale”, in cui sia lecita anche la fecondazione eterologa (con la previsione di limiti e condizioni volti a tutelare primariamente il superiore interesse del nascituro), onde consentire l’adeguamento al nuovo concetto di “genitorialità” ormai prevalente e l’arresto del cd. “turismo procreativo”.


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Il danno epatico indotto dall'assunzione di farmaci viene comunemente indicato con il termine inglese DILI (Drug-Induced Liver Injury). Il paracetamolo rappresenta la causa più comune di DILI, seguito da antibiotici, FANS e farmaci antitubercolari. In particolare, i FANS sono una delle classi di farmaci maggiormente impiegate in terapia. Numerosi case report descrivono pazienti che hanno sviluppato danno epatico fatale durante il trattamento con FANS; molti di questi farmaci sono stati ritirati dal commercio in seguito a gravi reazioni avverse a carico del fegato. L'ultimo segnale di epatotossicità indotto da FANS è associato alla nimesulide; in alcuni paesi europei come la Finlandia, la Spagna e l'Irlanda, la nimesulide è stata sospesa dalla commercializzazione perché associata ad un'alta frequenza di epatotossicità. Sulla base dei dati disponibili fino a questo momento, l'Agenzia Europea dei Medicinali (EMA) ha recentemente concluso che i benefici del farmaco superano i rischi; un possibile aumento del rischio di epatotossicità associato a nimesulide rimane tuttavia una discussione aperta di cui ancora molto si dibatte. Tra le altre classi di farmaci che possono causare danno epatico acuto la cui incidenza tuttavia non è sempre ben definita sono gli antibiotici, quali amoxicillina e macrolidi, le statine e gli antidepressivi.Obiettivo dello studio è stato quello di determinare il rischio relativo di danno epatico indotto da farmaci con una prevalenza d'uso nella popolazione italiana maggiore o uguale al 6%. E’ stato disegnato uno studio caso controllo sviluppato intervistando pazienti ricoverati in reparti di diversi ospedali d’Italia. Il nostro studio ha messo in evidenza che il danno epatico da farmaci riguarda numerose classi farmacologiche e che la segnalazione di tali reazioni risulta essere statisticamente significativa per numerosi principi attivi. I dati preliminari hanno mostrato un valore di odds ratio significativo statisticamente per la nimesulide, i FANS, alcuni antibiotici come i macrolidi e il paracetamolo.


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La tesi analizza il fenomeno del microcredito in Europa, approfondendo le cause che hanno reso necessaria l’introduzione di questo strumento finanziario anche in economie profondamente diverse da quella in cui ha avuto origine ed esamina le trasformazioni che lo strumento ha subito durante il suo processo di adattamento ai paesi evoluti. Lo studio esamina il microcredito in Francia, Inghilterra, Spagna e Germania, soffermandosi ad analizzare, in ognuno dei suddetti Stati, la disciplina giuridica adottata (qualora esistente), le istituzioni micro finanziarie esistenti, le caratteristiche del settore e le fonti di finanziamento. L’obiettivo dell’analisi è pertanto quello di comprendere come nei Paesi europei convivano contemporaneamente modelli di microcredito profondamente diversi, a seconda del contesto economico, politico e sociale nel quale trovano applicazione. La tesi si concentra ad analizzare il microcredito in Italia, valutando il rapporto esistente tra questo strumento finanziario ed il problema dell’esclusione sociale, dell’immigrazione e dell’usura. Lo studio approfondisce, inoltre, la disciplina giuridica del microcredito adottata in Italia dopo le recenti modifiche introdotte dal D.lgs n. 169/2012. Il lavoro si sofferma ad analizzare, altresì, se e quali interventi, a livello internazionale ed europeo, sono stati programmati per dare al microcredito una cornice legislativa unitaria e per promuoverne lo sviluppo. L’attività di ricerca infine è volta a valutare, sulla base delle esperienze descritte dalla letteratura del settore, gli effetti prodotti dal microcredito, nonché ad approfondire alcune problematiche comuni ai programmi adottati negli Stati europei, quali la sostenibilità delle istituzioni di microcredito, la dipendenza dai sussidi e l’applicazione di tassi di interesse elevati. La tesi si conclude con l’analisi del rapporto esistente tra microcredito e crisi finanziaria, in un periodo storico in cui le politiche per l’occupazione ed il sostegno alla piccola impresa sono fondamentali per stimolare la ripresa economica.


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This research primarily represents a contribution to the lobbying regulation research arena. It introduces an index which for the first time attempts to measure the direct compliance costs of lobbying regulation. The Cost Indicator Index (CII) offers a brand new platform for qualitative and quantitative assessment of adopted lobbying laws and proposals of those laws, both in the comparative and the sui generis dimension. The CII is not just the only new tool introduced in the last decade, but it is the only tool available for comparative assessments of the costs of lobbying regulations. Beside the qualitative contribution, the research introduces an additional theoretical framework for complementary qualitative analysis of the lobbying laws. The Ninefold theory allows a more structured assessment and classification of lobbying regulations, both by indication of benefits and costs. Lastly, this research introduces the Cost-Benefit Labels (CBL). These labels might improve an ex-ante lobbying regulation impact assessment procedure, primarily in the sui generis perspective. In its final part, the research focuses on four South East European countries (Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia), and for the first time brings them into the discussion and calculates their CPI and CII scores. The special focus of the application was on Serbia, whose proposal on the Law on Lobbying has been extensively analysed in qualitative and quantitative terms, taking into consideration specific political and economic circumstances of the country. Although the obtained results are of an indicative nature, the CII will probably find its place within the academic and policymaking arena, and will hopefully contribute to a better understanding of lobbying regulations worldwide.


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In this thesis the potential risks associated to the application of biochar in soil as well the stability of biochar were investigated. The study was focused on the potential risks arising from the occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in biochar. An analytical method was developed for the determination of the 16 USEPA-PAHs in the original biochar and soil containing biochar. The method was successfully validated with a certified reference material for the soil matrix and compared with methods in use in other laboratories during a laboratory exercise within the EU-COST TD1107. The concentration of 16 USEPA-PAHs along with the 15 EU-PAHs, priority hazardous substances in food, was determined in a suite of currently available biochars for agricultural field applications derived from a variety of parent materials and pyrolysis conditions. Biochars analyzed contained the USEPA and some of the EU-PAHs at detectable levels ranging from 1.2 to 19 µg g-1. This method allowed investigating changes in PAH content and distribution in a four years study following biochar addition in soils in a vineyard (CNR-IBIMET). The results showed that biochar addition determined an increase of the amount of PAHs. However, the levels of PAHs in the soil remained within the maximum acceptable concentration for European countries. The vineyard soil performed by CNR-IBIMET was exploited to study the environmental stability of biochar and its impact on soil organic carbon. The stability of biochar was investigated by analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC-MS) and pyrolysis in the presence of hydrogen (HyPy). The findings showed that biochar amendment significantly influence soil stable carbon fraction concentration during the incubation period. Moreover, HyPy and Py-GC-MS were applied to biochars deriving from three different feedstock at two different pyrolysis temperatures. The results evidenced the influence of feedstock type and pyrolysis conditions on the degree of carbonisation.