824 resultados para Estágio voluntário : Enfermagem : Hospital Universitário


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The present study aimed to understand the experience of being a family caregiver of a patient with Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA). The relevance of the study is to prove existence of a large number of caregivers of incapacitated patients, due to the CVA and it is not an academic research object, according to the literature. It is a qualitative research, which the guiding principle is the oral history of life, according to the theoretical foundation and operating of Meihy. Therefore, the following steps were highlighted: the target community, composed of all family caregivers of CVA patients; the colony, composed by family caregivers of CVA patients assisted by Home Care Service (HCS) of the Hospital José Pedro Bezerra (HJPB), in the city of Natal/RN; the network was composed of six caregivers who met the criteria for inclusion, and as zero point the first volunteer group. The population was composed of all family caregivers of patients attended by the HCS, of the HJPB having been addressed through interviews. For the empirical research there was the consent of that institution and approval by the Ethics Committee in Research of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte as CAAE 24569413.0.0000.5537 and, above all, with the acquiescence of employees in participating in the investigation, signing an informed consent. Of the empirical material, five categories of analysis were identified: the sense of being a caregiver; what has changed in the life of the caregiver; the feelings emerge in the relationship of care; the distance from family and friends; difficulties faced by the caregiver. The results show that the caregiver's life goes through profound transformations within the family as well as in all spheres of life. For the caregivers, assuming the care of a relative with CVA means renunciation and donation, compromising sometimes the individual projects and the family as a whole. In addition, they point out the confrontation of difficulties within the the assistance and humanization in healthcare, information, physical and emotional overload, as well as financial problems. Despite all the adversities that compromise the caregiver's life, it was possible to identify attitudes of resilience among caregivers, making them their daily life less strenuous and with more lightness. It is expected, therefore, that this research can contribute to a better orientation of professionals with the caregivers


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The objective was to understand the process of caring for a center for cancer treatment from the perspective of nurses and patients. This is a qualitative research, xploratory and descriptive, performed in a cancer treatment center in Natal / RN / Brazil. Data collection occurred between August 2013 and February 2014, being effected by means of two techniques: photographic record and projective interviews with nurses and patients. Social actors included in the study were ten professional nursing and ten patients admitted to the surgical department of the institution. The criteria used for inclusion of professionals were: be professional in the field of nursing, being an employee of the hospital, to be inserted in the scale of nurses of the institution at the time of data collection. For the patients were included who had preserved their cognitive abilities and who were hospitalized and at any stage of treatment. We used content analysis proposed by Bardin, for the analysis of material collected during projective interview. The research followed the ethical and legal principles that govern scientific research on human beings, being conducted by the project approval by the Research Ethics Committee of the Northern League Against Cancer Riograndense with 295 673 and look CAAE 16104313.0.0000.5293. Referring to nurses, they demonstrated different views about care, which sprouted from a holistic, multidisciplinary approach and welcoming, as well as linked to the performance of procedures and compliance with the requirements technicality. Furthermore, these subjects also showed that care unfolds through the actions of management in carrying out the records in the humanization of care by meeting the needs of the patient and ambience. Front of patients, it is noteworthy that, for them, care happens through attitudes of caring and professional approach, and by performing procedures, being mentioned as a careless lack of structure of the institution and the discomfort caused by this condition factors. It was evident also that the actors involved in the care, the perception of professionals and patients, are represented by nurses, doctors, psychologists, nutritionists, as well as kitchen assistants and cleaners; beyond family companion, the individual himself as responsible for their care and volunteer caregiver. In this opportunity, it is concluded 9 that an understanding of care from the perspective of nurses and patients involves broad issues ranging from perceptions of care that embraces a dynamic complex elements and attitudes imbued with meanings, in which those involved can assume both the role of carers as care beings, even a carefully tied to prescribed routines and performing procedures. Thus, the findings described refer to reflections on the care provided to cancer patients and whether this, in fact, translates principles of a humane practice


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The sizing of nursing human resources is an essential management tool to meet the needs of the patients and the institution. Regarding to the Intensive Care Unit, where the most critical patients are treated and the most advanced life-support equipments are used, requiring a high number of skilled workers, the use of specific indicators to measure the workload of the team becomes necessary. The Nursing Activities Score is a validated instrument for measuring nursing workload in the Intensive Care Unit that has demonstrated effectiveness. It is a cross-sectional study with the primary objective of assessing the workload of nursing staff in an adult Intensive Care Unit through the application of the Nursing Activities Score. The study was conducted in a private hospital specialized in the treatment of patients with cancer, which is located in the city of Natal (Rio Grande do Norte – Brazil). The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the hospital (Protocol number 558.799; CAAE 24966013.7.0000.5293). For data collection, a form of sociodemographic characteristics of the patients was used; the Nursing Activities Score was used to identify the workload of nursing staff; and the instrument of Perroca, which classifies patients and provides data related to the their need for nursing care, was also used. The collected data were analyzed using a statistical package. The categorical variables were described by absolute and relative frequency, while the number by median and interquartile range. Considering the inferential approach, the Spearman test, the Wald chi-square, Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney test were used. The statistically significant variables were those with p values <0.05. The evaluation of the overall averages of NAS, considering the first 15 days of hospitalization, was performed by the analysis of Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE), with adjust for the variable length of hospitalization. The sample consisted of 40 patients, in the period of June to August 2014. The results showed a mean age of 62,1 years (±23,4) with a female predominance (57,5%). The most frequent type of treatment was clinical (60,0%), observing an average stay of 6,9 days (±6,5). Considering the origin, most patients (35%) came from the Surgical Center. There was a mortality rate of 27,5%. 277 measures of NAS score and Perroca were performed, and the averages of 69,8% (±24,1) and 22,7% (±4.2) were obtained, respectively. There was an association between clinical outcome and value of the Nursing Activities Score in 24 hours (p <0.001), and between the degree of dependency of patients and nursing workload (rp 0,653, p<0,001). The achieved workload of the nursing staff, in the analyzed period, was presented high, showing that hospitalized patients required a high demand for care. These findings create subsidies for sizing of staff and allocation of human resources in the sector, in order to achieve greater safety and patient satisfaction as a result of intensive care, as well as an environment conducive to quality of life for the professionals


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To acting in emergencies it is important that health professionals develop specific and differentiated skills, which shows us the importance of training in emergency planning. So undergraduate courses in medicine and nursing should encourage the development of these skills and evaluate them through various instruments targeted to the different fields. The aim of this study was to implement an optional and interprofessional curricular component, focusing on interprofessional education in pre-hospital emergency for medical and nursing courses Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This is an exploratory descriptive study, with 24 medical and nursing graduates of last year undergraduate of supervised training, who underwent theoretical and practical training in the care of pre-hospital emergency services. There were theoretical and practical lessons per week for one school semester, taught by doctors and nurses of the Emergency Medical Service (EMS), where the topics discussed were: basic and advanced life support, safe transport in clinical emergencies, trauma, gynecological, obstetric, pediatric and psychiatric diseases, and have been carried out practical activities in ambulances. The students were evaluated by pre-test, post-test and practical stations made through the Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE), in the skills laboratory of the Health Sciences Center. During the activities the students were encouraged to critical and reflective thinking, highlighting the importance of integration between the various health care professionals. It was observed that 88% of the students had a score increase over the pre-test. In the evaluation process carried out by medical students and nursing UFRN have similar expectations regarding the essential skills acquired during the training activity. The results of this study will form the basis for the organization of interprofessional education activity in pre-hospital emergency medical students and nursing, as well as helped to organize practices stations, identifying basic clinical skills, and implementing student assessment tools UFRN.


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OBJETIVE: To evaluate the perception of Medical and Nursing students of Medicine and Nursing graduation courses at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), on obstetrics teaching and labor assistance in the context of the maternal care provided by the Maternity Hospital Januário Cicco (MEJC) and contribute to curricular updating planning of teaching obstetrics, in accordance with the principles of humanization. METHODS: It was conducted a study of cross-cutting approach and qualitative and quantitative descriptive method, with students in medicine and nursing of UFRN, who were attending or had been attended the midwifery disciplines medicine; and women's health in nursing. The data were collected through a questionnaire with objective and subjective questions, and stored in a database, spreadsheet software Excel / Office 2010 with all the variables. RESULTS: We interviewed 169 students, 118 of medical school and 51 from the nursing program, of which 46.75% were male and 53.25% female. The largest number of medical respondents is the 11th period (40.67%), and nursing, on 10, (43.15%). These students witnessed 1,073 births, and (61.8%) vaginal deliveries. The obstetricians were the most performed vaginal deliveries (40%). Nurses performed only (8.13%). The assistance provided to women during the process of labor and delivery, was configured as suitable for 87.58% of respondents and these glimpsed humane conduct. Students who performed deliveries, 76.27% were medical and 11.76% were nursing. All had guidance while doing them. A total of 19.50% medical students reported that there is a prejudice against vaginal delivery, particularly for the humanized birth, unlike all nursing students (100%) who reported that there is this prejudice. Most students (73%) showed preference for vaginal delivery, especially nursing students. On the knowledge of myths in relation to vaginal delivery, 60.35% answered that they know some. CONCLUSION: This study presents itself as a highly relevant, since the results may contribute to curricular changing and updating related to obstetrics teaching, but also serve as a resource for analysis of humanization practices that should be developed in educational institutions and which are recommended by the Ministry of Health.


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In the early 1990s, a major milestone in the treatment of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome was the development of highly active combination antiretroviral therapy. The great benefit generated by the use of this therapy was prolonging the survival of the people who got this disease, since it is no longer considered fatal, becoming a chronic condition. Despite improvements generated by this therapy, there are still many difficulties to be overcome. One is the patient adherence to their treatment, bringing challenges to services and health professionals. Hence the need for early identification of nursing diagnosis Lack of Accession so that solutions are sought by the nurse with the patient and his family. With this problem, adds to the difficulty of hospital nurses in inferring that diagnosis, especially in identifying their defining characteristics. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the accuracy of clinical indicators of nursing diagnosis Lack of Adherence to antiretroviral treatment for people living with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The research took place in two stages. The first consists of the evaluation of the diagnostic indicators in the study; and second, the diagnostic inference performed by specialist nurses. The first step took place in a referral hospital in the treatment of infectious diseases in the Northeast of Brazil, and data were collected through an instrument for carrying out history and physical examination and analyzed for the presence or absence of the diagnostic indicators. In the second stage, the data were sent to experts, who judged the presence or absence of the diagnosis in the studied clientele. The project was submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, obtaining approval with the General Certificate for Ethics Assessment (CAAE) No 46206215.3.0000.5537. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Test were used Fisher's exact, chi-square test of Pearson and logistic regression. Since the accuracy of clinical indicators was measured by sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios. As a result, we identified the presence of diagnosis Lack of Accession on 69% (n = 78) of the study patients. The defining characteristics that showed statistically significant association with the diagnosis studied were: lack of adherence behavior, complications related to development, missing scheduled appointments, failure to achieve results, and exacerbation of symptoms. The characteristic with greater sensitivity was missing scheduled appointments and the highest specificity behavior of noncompliance. The logistic regression showed as predictors for the diagnosis Lack of Accession: lack of adherence behavior, missing scheduled appointments, failure to achieve results, and exacerbation of symptoms. It was concluded that the identification of clinical indicators accurately enabled a good prediction of the nursing diagnosis Lack of Accession on people living with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, helping nurses develop early on strategies for promoting adherence to the use of antiretrovirals.


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In the early 1990s, a major milestone in the treatment of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome was the development of highly active combination antiretroviral therapy. The great benefit generated by the use of this therapy was prolonging the survival of the people who got this disease, since it is no longer considered fatal, becoming a chronic condition. Despite improvements generated by this therapy, there are still many difficulties to be overcome. One is the patient adherence to their treatment, bringing challenges to services and health professionals. Hence the need for early identification of nursing diagnosis Lack of Accession so that solutions are sought by the nurse with the patient and his family. With this problem, adds to the difficulty of hospital nurses in inferring that diagnosis, especially in identifying their defining characteristics. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the accuracy of clinical indicators of nursing diagnosis Lack of Adherence to antiretroviral treatment for people living with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The research took place in two stages. The first consists of the evaluation of the diagnostic indicators in the study; and second, the diagnostic inference performed by specialist nurses. The first step took place in a referral hospital in the treatment of infectious diseases in the Northeast of Brazil, and data were collected through an instrument for carrying out history and physical examination and analyzed for the presence or absence of the diagnostic indicators. In the second stage, the data were sent to experts, who judged the presence or absence of the diagnosis in the studied clientele. The project was submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, obtaining approval with the General Certificate for Ethics Assessment (CAAE) No 46206215.3.0000.5537. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Test were used Fisher's exact, chi-square test of Pearson and logistic regression. Since the accuracy of clinical indicators was measured by sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios. As a result, we identified the presence of diagnosis Lack of Accession on 69% (n = 78) of the study patients. The defining characteristics that showed statistically significant association with the diagnosis studied were: lack of adherence behavior, complications related to development, missing scheduled appointments, failure to achieve results, and exacerbation of symptoms. The characteristic with greater sensitivity was missing scheduled appointments and the highest specificity behavior of noncompliance. The logistic regression showed as predictors for the diagnosis Lack of Accession: lack of adherence behavior, missing scheduled appointments, failure to achieve results, and exacerbation of symptoms. It was concluded that the identification of clinical indicators accurately enabled a good prediction of the nursing diagnosis Lack of Accession on people living with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, helping nurses develop early on strategies for promoting adherence to the use of antiretrovirals.


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O presente relatório tem por finalidade principal descrever a dinâmica do estágio em psicologia clínica e da saúde realizado no Hospital Dr. Batista de Sousa, demonstrando de forma objetiva todo processo em que se desenvolveu o estágio em suas atividades a partir das avaliações e intervenções psicológicas realizadas no Serviço de Saúde Mental, das atividades sócio educativas e de terapia ocupacional com os pacientes na Enfermaria de Crise, além de apresentar as devidas referências teóricas e bibliográficas que fundamentaram o atendimento aos pacientes, compreensibilidade dos casos clínicos e hipóteses diagnósticas.


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O risco de quedas pode ser reconhecido como fenômeno ou diagnóstico de enfermagem. Pesquisas relacionam diretamente isquemias miocárdicas, como a angina instável e o risco de cair. Objetivou-se analisar o diagnóstico de enfermagem Risco de quedas na ocorrência de angina instável por um estudo transversal realizado em 57 indivíduos internados em um hospitalescola, mediante exame físico e formulário. Para o tratamento estatístico foram utilizados teste qui-quadrado, teste exato de Fisher, Mann-Whitney, teste-t e Coefi ciente Phi (p<0,05). O Risco de quedas foi o diagnóstico de enfermagem mais prevalente (87,71%), sobretudo em homens, mais velhos, com menos anos de estudo e renda inferior. Presença da angina instável, hipertensão arterial, medicação anti-hipertensiva, doença vascular, difi culdades visuais e insônia apresentaram associação com o diagnóstico de enfermagem Risco de quedas. Conclui-se que é imprescindível o desenvolvimento de parâmetros claros e objetivos à mensuração mais acurada do risco de quedas no âmbito hospitalar


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Enquadramento: Apesar da visita de enfermagem ou passagem de turno junto dos doentes garantir a continuidade dos cuidados de enfermagem, origina diversas questões éticas. Objetivos: Traduzir, adaptar e validar 2 questionários de colheita de dados sobre a visita de enfermagem em unidades cirúrgicas para a cultura portuguesa; identificar a opinião dos doentes e dos enfermeiros sobre a visita de enfermagem. Metodologia: Tradução, retroversão e adaptação dos questionários aplicados em 7 unidades cirúrgicas de um hospital central em Portugal de 22/08/2008 a 28/06/2009. A amostragem não probabilística acidental foi constituída por 137 enfermeiros e 96 doentes. Resultados: A visita de enfermagem promove a relação empática e de ajuda; a observação do doente e o planeamento de cuidados, no entanto é necessário clarificar o seu objetivo; incentivar à participação e ao envolvimento dos doentes; utilizar um discurso compreensível e garantir a privacidade da informação. Conclusão: Os questionários revelaram-se fidedignos e válidos na identificação das opiniões dos doentes e dos enfermeiros sobre a visita de enfermagem nas unidades de cirurgia em estudo.


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Enquadramento: Apesar da visita de enfermagem ou passagem de turno junto dos doentes garantir a continuidade dos cuidados de enfermagem, origina diversas questões éticas. Objetivos: Traduzir, adaptar e validar 2 questionários de colheita de dados sobre a visita de enfermagem em unidades cirúrgicas para a cultura portuguesa; identificar a opinião dos doentes e dos enfermeiros sobre a visita de enfermagem. Metodologia: Tradução, retroversão e adaptação dos questionários aplicados em 7 unidades cirúrgicas de um hospital central em Portugal de 22/08/2008 a 28/06/2009. A amostragem não probabilística acidental foi constituída por 137 enfermeiros e 96 doentes. Resultados: A visita de enfermagem promove a relação empática e de ajuda; a observação do doente e o planeamento de cuidados, no entanto é necessário clarificar o seu objetivo; incentivar à participação e ao envolvimento dos doentes; utilizar um discurso compreensível e garantir a privacidade da informação. Conclusão: Os questionários revelaram-se fidedignos e válidos na identificação das opiniões dos doentes e dos enfermeiros sobre a visita de enfermagem nas unidades de cirurgia em estudo.Background: Although bedside nursing handover ensures the continuity of nursing care, it raises several ethical issues. Objectives: To translate, adapt and validate 2 data collection questionnaires about bedside nursing handover in surgical units into Portuguese, and identify the patients and nurses’ opinions about bedside nursing handover. Methodology: Translation, back-translation and adaptation of the questionnaires in 7 surgical units of a central hospital in Portugal between 22/08/2008 and 28/06/2009. The non- -probability sampling consisted of 137 nurses and 96 patients. Results: Bedside nursing handover promotes an empathic and helping relationship, patient observation and care planning; however, it is necessary to clarify its purpose, encourage patient participation and engagement, use clear information, and ensure information privacy. Conclusion: The questionnaires proved to be reliable and valid to identify the patients and nurses’ opinions about bedside nursing handover in the surgical units under analysis.


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This research verifies the influence of the self-efficacy level on burnout syndrome incidence in relation to nursing professionals from private hospitals located in the Municipality of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte. The nature of the research was descriptive, and the used data analysis method was quantitative which was developed through SPSS computational package, version 17.0. The used instrument for the investigation was Maslach-Burnout Inventory (MBI), and the General Perceived Self-efficacy Scale (GPSES) was applied to a sample formed from 230 nursing professionals. The statistic techniques to data analysis were: frequency analysis; factor analysis; Cronbach.s alpha; Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test (KMO); Bartlett efericity test; percentual analysis; Spearman rank correlation analysis; and simple regression. The achieved factors from factor analysis of MBI were the same, taking into account the dimensions which Maslach initially suggested to the instrument (emotional exhaustion, lack of personal realization, and depersonalization). However, one highlights that the low internal consistence of the depersonalization dimension can occur from people.s difficulty (caused by cultural aspects) of assuming this attitude in their work environment. Through GSE, it was achieved a factor which confirmed the unidimensionality showed by the author of the instrument. In relation to the syndrome incidence, it was verified that about 50% of the researched sample presented burnout syndrome evidence. Referring to self-efficacy level, about 65% of the researched sample presented low level of self-efficacy, what can be explained by the work characteristics of these professionals. In relation to the self-efficacy influence on the Burnout syndrome, it was verified that self-efficacy can be one of the aspects which influences occupational stress chronification (burnout), mainly to the personal realization dimension. Therefore, the researched hospital organizations need reflect about their attitudes in respect to their professionals, since the numbers showed a dangerous tendency regarding a predisposition to burnout syndrome of their staff, what implies not only a significant amount of individuals who can present high levels of emotional exhaustion, lack of personal realization, and depersonalization, but also the fact that this group presents low level of self-efficacy


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Introdução: A Monarquia Constitucional, de 1821 a 1910, funcionou com seis Câmaras de Representantes. A pergunta é: o que discutiam as elites, nestes palcos, relacionado com a enfermagem? Através de descritores relacionados com enfermagem, identificámos nos diários das sessões, em todo o período, 1317 páginas com referência a enfermagem. O ano 1896 mostrou a frequência mais elevada, 89 entradas. Nesse ano, funcionava a Câmara dos Pares do Reino (CPR) e a Câmara dos Senhores Deputados da Nação Portuguesa (CSDNP). Objectivos: Identificar os assuntos tratados nas Câmaras de Representantes durante a Monarquia Constitucional, relacionados com a enfermagem, enfermeiros e enfermarias, no ano 1896, ano de frequênciamais elevada das citações nos diários das sessões, verificado em estudo prévio.Descrever, analisar e enquadrar os assuntos encontrados.Verificar se existem diferenças nos assuntos e na sua abordagem nas duas câmaras em funcionamento, dos Pares do Reino e dos Senhores Deputados da Nação. Metodologia: Levantamento e análise de fontes diretas, segundo uma metodologia de análise histórica. Através dos descritores, enfermeiro(s), enfermeira(s),enfermagem, enfermaria(s), pesquisa nos diários das sessões das câmaras de representantes em funcionamento no ano 1896, localizados no site da Assembleia da República. Levantamento das páginas sensíveis aos descritores. Leitura e análise das problemáticas e seu enquadramento diacrónico e sincrónico. Identificação dos temas e análise em pormenor das suas ligações e do seu contributo para a história de enfermagem. Num processo de exame do passado, construção mental desse exame e comunicação desse resultado. Resultados: Em 1896 encontrámos 89 entradas, 58 páginas dos diários da CSDNP e 31 dos diários da CPR. Na distribuição numérica das entradas pelos descritores verificámos a preponderância institucional sobre os descritores pessoais, para a CPR 21 em 31 e na CSDNP 38 em 58. Na CPR os assuntos de enfermagem ocuparam cinco dias de sessões. Quatro relacionados com a problemática dos delinquentes alienados e da construção de uma enfermaria anexa à Penitenciária de Lisboa. Outra sessão ocupou-se com a reorganização geral dos serviços de saúde do ultramar. Na CSDNP registamos a presença em oito dias, três com o assunto delinquentes alienados e construção de enfermaria, um com a reorganização dos serviço de saúde do ultramar, onde se estipula formação, funções, organização e vencimentos, noutro dia, uma representação dos empregados dos HUC mostrando seu descontentamento, noutro a cedência de instalações para Hospital da Misericórdia de Elvas, e por fim a organização de enfermarias nos barcos da linha Lisboa - Ilhas. Conclusões: A existência de enfermarias anexas aos estabelecimentos prisionais responde ao imperativo de direito dos alienados/inimputabilidade. A reorganização dos serviços de saúde do ultramar contabiliza enfermeiros, problematiza as irmãs hospitaleiras, dá conta de maqueiros. Temas comuns às duas câmaras. Em 1896, elites, nas Câmaras, realçam e discutem, relacionado com enfermagem e enfermarias, os seguintes aspectos: política de saúde (direitos dos alienados; ocupação do espaço ultramarino; higienismo); institucionais (enfermarias para inimputáveis; organização de serviços no ultramar; melhoria de instalações hospitalares; enfermarias em barcos); disciplinaridade (formação especifica para o ultramar); profissionalidade (embrião decarreira; funções e vencimentos; polémica com irmãs; manifestação de descontentamento).