837 resultados para Errors and blunders, Literary.


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Software development is an extremely complex process, during which human errors are introduced and result in faulty software systems. It is highly desirable and important that these errors can be prevented and detected as early as possible. Software architecture design is a high-level system description, which embodies many system features and properties that are eventually implemented in the final operational system. Therefore, methods for modeling and analyzing software architecture descriptions can help prevent and reveal human errors and thus improve software quality. Furthermore, if an analyzed software architecture description can be used to derive a partial software implementation, especially when the derivation can be automated, significant benefits can be gained with regard to both the system quality and productivity. This dissertation proposes a framework for an integrated analysis on both of the design and implementation. To ensure the desirable properties of the architecture model, we apply formal verification by using the model checking technique. To ensure the desirable properties of the implementation, we develop a methodology and the associated tool to translate an architecture specification into an implementation written in the combination of Arch-Java/Java/AspectJ programming languages. The translation is semi-automatic so that many manual programming errors can be prevented. Furthermore, the translation inserting monitoring code into the implementation such that runtime verification can be performed, this provides additional assurance for the quality of the implementation. Moreover, validations for the translations from architecture model to program are provided. Finally, several case studies are experimented and presented.


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Based on critical ideas from Michel Foucault, Benedict Anderson and Doris Sommer, this study analyzes the nation building function of the article of custom and manners and its literary mode "costumbrismo" in the Colombian literature of the 19th and beginning of the 20 th centuries. The discursive techniques and devices used in " costumbrismo" were put into effect by the Colombian intelligentsia to create a sense of national identity. Authors like, Ricardo Silva, José Caicedo Rojas, José David Guarín, Ignacio Gutiérrez Vergara, Eugenio Díaz, Juan de Dios Restrepo, José María Vergara y Vergara, Jorge Isaacs, José Eustaquio Palacios, José Manuel Marroquín, Tomás Carrasquilla, and José Eustasio Rivera became detailed observers that sometimes criticized and at other times just described customs and manners of different social classes and institutions. Through journalistic and literary discourse depicting regional customs and manners, these regionalist writers pretended to provide an objective and actual image of Colombian society, articulating, instead, a subjective message which expressed and reinforced their particular sense of nation based on a liberal or conservative political agenda. This discourse was used to shape the ideology of the republic thorough the idealization of a particular view of the nation.


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This study evaluates the effects of repeated readings on the reading fluency and comprehension of 4 third through fifth grade English Language Learners (ELLs) with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD). The results indicate gains in fluency, a decrease in errors, and an increase in correct answers to literal comprehension questions.


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Water budget parameters are estimated for Shark River Slough (SRS), the main drainage within Everglades National Park (ENP) from 2002 to 2008. Inputs to the water budget include surface water inflows and precipitation while outputs consist of evapotranspiration, discharge to the Gulf of Mexico and seepage losses due to municipal wellfield extraction. The daily change in volume of SRS is equated to the difference between input and outputs yielding a residual term consisting of component errors and net groundwater exchange. Results predict significant net groundwater discharge to the SRS peaking in June and positively correlated with surface water salinity at the mangrove ecotone, lagging by 1 month. Precipitation, the largest input to the SRS, is offset by ET (the largest output); thereby highlighting the importance of increasing fresh water inflows into ENP for maintaining conditions in terrestrial, estuarine, and marine ecosystems of South Florida.


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This dissertation analyses, through a rhetorical framework and a literary approach, texts written in Catalan and Castilian by four Catalan female writers (Dolors Monserdà, Maria Aurèlia Capmany, Esther Tusquets, Monserrat Roig ), whose works cover from 1900 to the 1980. Utilizing this urban feminine literature, it discusses the historical-geographical vision about the changes in Catalan society during the twentieth century with its consequences for the urban space, especially the space occupied by women. It is also established that Barcelona's recovery and literary vindication by women has been done through the written text, as literary affirmation and as a matter of conscience in which the city could not be summed up as a backdrop, but rather as an active part of a literary creation, active in the double sense, as a socio-historical space in the novel and as characteristic of their works. The primary purpose of this dissertation is to demonstrate that the use of the city as a setting for the novels determines and characterizes those female writers' texts. Consequently, these writings are literary material relevant and essential to the understanding of the Barcelonian women's space. However their use of space is not arbitrary, on the contrary it corresponds to a social order established by the patriarchy where the relation of women to the world is embodied in the intentional and socially restricted space and movements of their bodies. The theoretical perspectives of this study are based on Montserrat Roig's feminist urban space theories. Her theory advocates the right to individuality, denouncing the patriarchal and hierarchical social system present in gendered space from the outside male world to the domestic feminized space. I also turn to the writings of Maria Aurèlia Capmany, who addresses cultural aspects of women's roles revealing a purposive controlled patriarchal society according to a historical-geographical analysis. This study of texts permits a new reading of the Catalan capital and demonstrates that Catalan women writers have consciously willed to give birth to a new history of the city: the history of women as protagonist citizens, producers, reproducers, and consumers of the space represented by the Catalan capital


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This research starts from the presupposition that Cartilha do Silêncio(1997), a novel by the Brazilian writer Francisco Dantas, has a double articulated shift. One of the moves is towards the modern experience, with the idea that modernity is filled with contraries, as remarked by Nietzsche; the other is linked to the livelihoods ashore on traditional experiences, which encompasses the notion of memory as individual and collective ownership. The aim here is to analyze such perspective, social and critical issues within the characters' life stories that regards the calling of past as clear example that tradition is not gone, though modern life presents its own signs. Such dynamics gives to the plot a paradoxal feature. This work is mainly grounded on Marshall Berman' s thoughts in All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience of Modernity (1982) as well as on Antoine Compagnon'sFive Paradoxes of Modernity (1994). Assuming that Francisco Dantas' Novel is set as a split narrative, outcome of social memory originated on individual experiences aside social process and patriarchal family, this research brings into play the concept of memory by Jacques Le Goff in History and Memory (1992) along EcléaBosi's study in Memória e Sociedade: lembranças de velhos (1979). Keen to check how Cartilha do silêncio adjoins modern livelihoods with aesthetics order, the method articulates text and context, literary and social life, according to Antonio Candido'sLiteratura e Sociedade (1965). Thus, after reading the novel, it is possible to notice how the identity of the characters are built throughout the plot and it is also kept against settling on its social context during the transition from patriarchal tradition to modernity, creating a taut mood between both registries.


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The localization of mobile robots in indoor environments finds lots of problems such as accumulated errors and the constant changes that occur at these places. A technique called global vision intends to localize robots using images acquired by cameras placed in such a way that covers the place where the robots movement takes place. Localization is obtained by marks put on top of the robot. Algorithms applied to the images search for the mark on top of the robot and by finding the mark they are able to get the position and orientation of the robot. Such techniques used to face some difficulties related with the hardware capacity, fact that limited their execution in real time. However, the technological advances of the last years changed that situation and enabling the development and execution of such algorithms in plain capacity. The proposal specified here intends to develop a mobile robot localization system at indoor environments using a technique called global vision to track the robot and acquire the images, all in real time, intending to improve the robot localization process inside the environment. Being a localization method that takes just actual information in its calculations, the robot localization using images fit into the needs of this kind of place. Besides, it enables more accurate results and in real time, what is exactly the museum application needs.


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Presenting a reading of prefaces written by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, related to literary and non-literary books from the early 20TH century (1921-1984), is the goal of this thesis. Considering the word in its meaning: "Latin praefatio, the action of speaking in the commencement. Synonym for 'prologue ', in the sense of text that precedes or introduces a work" (MOISÉS, 1999, p.416). In this research, a preface is understood as the text written and published with the intent to provide information to facilitate reading and/or understanding of the work to which it refers, regardless it is set at initial pages, when it is named as „prolog‟, „letter to the reader‟, „proem‟, „prelude‟, „preamble, forewords, summary, etc., or when only appears in the last pages of the book and turns to be named as „afterword‟. It is a qualitative research, with a bibliographic and interpretive feature, considering that part of the analysis of texts employs the inductive method, focuses on the depth of understanding that the researcher has on the researched object. For the study of this genre we recourse to Sales (2003), Teles (1986; 1989; 2010), Clemente (1986) and Candido (2005); as for the notion of tradition, we resort to Eliot (1997) and Candido (1997; 1980). The set of prefaces is a wide material for research that will allow scholars of Brazilian culture to continue work started by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, still in 1921, when he started his career as a prefacer.


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Presenting a reading of prefaces written by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, related to literary and non-literary books from the early 20TH century (1921-1984), is the goal of this thesis. Considering the word in its meaning: "Latin praefatio, the action of speaking in the commencement. Synonym for 'prologue ', in the sense of text that precedes or introduces a work" (MOISÉS, 1999, p.416). In this research, a preface is understood as the text written and published with the intent to provide information to facilitate reading and/or understanding of the work to which it refers, regardless it is set at initial pages, when it is named as „prolog‟, „letter to the reader‟, „proem‟, „prelude‟, „preamble, forewords, summary, etc., or when only appears in the last pages of the book and turns to be named as „afterword‟. It is a qualitative research, with a bibliographic and interpretive feature, considering that part of the analysis of texts employs the inductive method, focuses on the depth of understanding that the researcher has on the researched object. For the study of this genre we recourse to Sales (2003), Teles (1986; 1989; 2010), Clemente (1986) and Candido (2005); as for the notion of tradition, we resort to Eliot (1997) and Candido (1997; 1980). The set of prefaces is a wide material for research that will allow scholars of Brazilian culture to continue work started by Luís da Câmara Cascudo, still in 1921, when he started his career as a prefacer.


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O Vale do Amanhecer é um movimento religioso genuinamente brasileiro que surgiu a partir da década de 1960 no Distrito Federal. A pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar a cultura visual religiosa do Vale do Amanhecer como elemento-chave da sua interpretação e construção da sua narrativa religiosa pós-moderna. Parte-se da hipótese de que a sua iconografia enquanto se utiliza elementos da ficção científica representa uma forma nova e rara de se situar na contemporaneidade considerando aspectos da cosmologia do século XX, para construir uma narrativa religiosa adaptada. Como referencial teórico utilizamos a abordagem de Edgar Morin sobre a intersecção de cinema e imaginário, a reflexão de Joseph Campbell como modelo da jornada do herói ou monomito. Como metodologia propõem-se partir da proposta por Gillian Rose para a interpretação da cultura visual. Espera-se evidenciar a importância das narrativas literárias espíritas e cinematográficas de ficção científica na constituição da narrativa pictórica do Vale do Amanhecer e como isso transformou este movimento em um dos principais fenômenos religiosos que assuiram a nova cosmologia


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Este artículo describe una propuesta de innovación docente basada en la corriente educativa de la Educación para el Desarrollo, así como la mejora de Competencia Comunicativa en L2 y de las Competencias Literarias e Interculturales por medio de un taller diseñado para tal fin. El propósito de este artículo es doble: por un lado mostrar las posibilidades que ofrece el Taller de Escritura e Ilustración Creativa para el desarrollo de las Competencias Literaria, Intercultural y Comunicativa en L2. Se muestra cómo el taller cumple con las directrices marcadas por la Educación para el Desarrollo que se describe en el marco teórico. El segundo objetivo es narrar cómo se han organizado, coordinado e implementado el Taller de Escritura e Ilustración Creativa en la Universidade Federal do Amazonas en Manaos (Brasil), basándose en la metodología del aprendizaje basado en tareas, y cómo se ha conseguido (i) promover la creación de puentes para la consolidación de las relaciones bilaterales entre universidades; (ii) motivar la colaboración científica con los centros brasileños que cuentan con un departamento de español, y (iii) emplear y crear herramientas que permitan incluir la Educación para el Desarrollo.


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V článku sa analizujú ekvivalenty a rozdiely medzi priamym a nepriamym predmetom v španielčine a akuzatívom a datívom v slovenčine. Ďalej sa autorka snaží nájsť normy pre správne používanie zámen v datíve a akuzatíve v obidvoch jazykoch a sústredí sa na tretie osoby singuláru aj plurálu. Nakoniec sa vyvodia chyby a interferencie v používaní týchto zámen u slovensky hovoriacich.


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Salman, M. et al. (2016). Integrating Scientific Publication into an Applied Gaming Ecosystem. GSTF Journal on Computing (JoC), Volume 5 (Issue 1), pp. 45-51.


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Royal Charter providing the Company of Stationers with corporate legal status within the City of London, and conferring on them exclusive control over printing within England. The grant of the Charter ensured that the Company's licensing procedures became the standard by which members of the book trade secured the right to print and publish literary works, giving rise to what is generally referred to as ‘stationers' copyright'.
The grant of the Charter by Mary is often understood as the point at which the monarchy established an effective regulatory institution to control and censure the press, in the guise of the Stationers' Company, in exchange for an absolute monopoly over the production of printed works. In fact, the commentary suggests that censorship of the press throughout the Tudor period remained an essentially ad hoc and reactive phenomenon, and that both Mary and Elizabeth relied, not primarily upon the Company of Stationers, but on the use of statutory instruments and royal proclamations to censure heretical and treasonous texts.


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Inverse simulations of musculoskeletal models computes the internal forces such as muscle and joint reaction forces, which are hard to measure, using the more easily measured motion and external forces as input data. Because of the difficulties of measuring muscle forces and joint reactions, simulations are hard to validate. One way of reducing errors for the simulations is to ensure that the mathematical problem is well-posed. This paper presents a study of regularity aspects for an inverse simulation method, often called forward dynamics or dynamical optimization, that takes into account both measurement errors and muscle dynamics. The simulation method is explained in detail. Regularity is examined for a test problem around the optimum using the approximated quadratic problem. The results shows improved rank by including a regularization term in the objective that handles the mechanical over-determinancy. Using the 3-element Hill muscle model the chosen regularization term is the norm of the activation. To make the problem full-rank only the excitation bounds should be included in the constraints. However, this results in small negative values of the activation which indicates that muscles are pushing and not pulling. Despite this unrealistic behavior the error maybe small enough to be accepted for specific applications. These results is a starting point start for achieving better results of inverse musculoskeletal simulations from a numerical point of view.