882 resultados para Environmental management assessment
Developing models to predict the effects of social and economic change on agricultural landscapes is an important challenge. Model development often involves making decisions about which aspects of the system require detailed description and which are reasonably insensitive to the assumptions. However, important components of the system are often left out because parameter estimates are unavailable. In particular, measurements of the relative influence of different objectives, such as risk, environmental management, on farmer decision making, have proven difficult to quantify. We describe a model that can make predictions of land use on the basis of profit alone or with the inclusion of explicit additional objectives. Importantly, our model is specifically designed to use parameter estimates for additional objectives obtained via farmer interviews. By statistically comparing the outputs of this model with a large farm-level land-use data set, we show that cropping patterns in the United Kingdom contain a significant contribution from farmer’s preference for objectives other than profit. In particular, we found that risk aversion had an effect on the accuracy of model predictions, whereas preference for a particular number of crops grown was less important. While nonprofit objectives have frequently been identified as factors in farmers’ decision making, our results take this analysis further by demonstrating the relationship between these preferences and actual cropping patterns.
The environmental impacts of genetically modified crops is still a controversial issue in Europe. The overall risk assessment framework has recently been reinforced by the European Food Safety Authority(EFSA) and its implementation requires harmonized and efficient methodologies. The EU-funded research project AMIGA − Assessing and monitoring Impacts of Genetically modified plants on Agro-ecosystems − aims to address this issue, by providing a framework that establishes protection goals and baselines for European agro-ecosystems, improves knowledge on the potential long term environmental effects of genetically modified (GM) plants, tests the efficacy of the EFSA Guidance Document for the Environmental Risk Assessment, explores new strategies for post market monitoring, and provides a systematic analysis of economic aspects of Genetically Modified crops cultivation in the EU. Research focuses on ecological studies in different EU regions, the sustainability of GM crops is estimated by analysing the functional components of the agro-ecosystems and specific experimental protocols are being developed for this scope.
Sustainable Intensification (SI) of agriculture has recently received widespread political attention, in both the UK and internationally. The concept recognises the need to simultaneously raise yields, increase input use efficiency and reduce the negative environmental impacts of farming systems to secure future food production and to sustainably use the limited resources for agriculture. The objective of this paper is to outline a policy-making tool to assess SI at a farm level. Based on the method introduced by Kuosmanen and Kortelainen (2005), we use an adapted Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to consider the substitution possibilities between economic value and environmental pressures generated by farming systems in an aggregated index of Eco-Efficiency. Farm level data, specifically General Cropping Farms (GCFs) from the East Anglian River Basin Catchment (EARBC), UK were used as the basis for this analysis. The assignment of weights to environmental pressures through linear programming techniques, when optimising the relative Eco-Efficiency score, allows the identification of appropriate production technologies and practices (integrating pest management, conservation farming, precision agriculture, etc.) for each farm and therefore indicates specific improvements that can be undertaken towards SI. Results are used to suggest strategies for the integration of farming practices and environmental policies in the framework of SI of agriculture. Paths for improving the index of Eco-Efficiency and therefore reducing environmental pressures are also outlined.
Nutrient enrichment and drought conditions are major threats to lowland rivers causing ecosystem degradation and composition changes in plant communities. The controls on primary producer composition in chalk rivers are investigated using a new model and existing data from the River Frome (UK) to explore abiotic and biotic interactions. The growth and interaction of four primary producer functional groups (suspended algae, macrophytes, epiphytes, sediment biofilm) were successfully linked with flow, nutrients (N, P), light and water temperature such that the modelled biomass dynamics of the four groups matched that of the observed. Simulated growth of suspended algae was limited mainly by the residence time of the river rather than in-stream phosphorus concentrations. The simulated growth of the fixed vegetation (macrophytes, epiphytes, sediment biofilm) was overwhelmingly controlled by incoming solar radiation and light attenuation in the water column. Nutrients and grazing have little control when compared to the other physical controls in the simulations. A number of environmental threshold values were identified in the model simulations for the different producer types. The simulation results highlighted the importance of the pelagic–benthic interactions within the River Frome and indicated that process interaction defined the behaviour of the primary producers, rather than a single, dominant driver. The model simulations pose interesting questions to be considered in the next iteration of field- and laboratory based studies.
Ecological forecasting is difficult but essential, because reactive management results in corrective actions that are often too late to avert significant environmental damage. Here, we appraise different forecasting methods with a particular focus on the modelling of species populations. We show how simple extrapolation of current trends in state is often inadequate because environmental drivers change in intensity over time and new drivers emerge. However, statistical models, incorporating relationships with drivers, simply offset the prediction problem, requiring us to forecast how the drivers will themselves change over time. Some authors approach this problem by focusing in detail on a single driver, whilst others use ‘storyline’ scenarios, which consider projected changes in a wide range of different drivers. We explain why both approaches are problematic and identify a compromise to model key drivers and interactions along with possible response options to help inform environmental management. We also highlight the crucial role of validation of forecasts using independent data. Although these issues are relevant for all types of ecological forecasting, we provide examples based on forecasts for populations of UK butterflies. We show how a high goodness-of-fit for models used to calibrate data is not sufficient for good forecasting. Long-term biological recording schemes rather than experiments will often provide data for ecological forecasting and validation because these schemes allow capture of landscape-scale land-use effects and their interactions with other drivers.
The impact of energy policy measures has been assessed with various appraisal and evaluation tools since the 1960s. Decision analysis, environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment are all notable examples of progenitors of Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) in the assessment of energy policies, programmes and projects. This chapter provides overview of policy tools which have been historically applied to assess the impacts of energy policies, programmes and projects. It focuses on the types of data and models that typically inform RIAs for energy policies; the organisations involved; and issues of data exchange between energy companies and policy-makers. Examples are derived from the European Commission, the UK, Italy, the Netherlands and France. It is concluded that the technical and economic analysis underpinning RIAs on energy policy and regulation varies significantly depending on the type of organisation carrying them out.
As grandes reservas de carvão existentes no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e as crescentes necessidades energéticas do país estabelecem o cenário para um incremento no aproveitamento deste bem mineral. A presente pesquisa trata-se de um estudo de caso abordando o processo de recuperação ambiental de áreas mineradas na mina de carvão da Companhia Riograndense de Mineração, em Candiota, RS, através do levantamento da atual situação ambiental e dos impactos causados pelo empreendimento, além de procurar identificar as percepções que a empresa e a comunidade têm do atual desempenho ambiental da mineração. Os resultados visam amostrar tendências comportamentais que podem contribuir para o estabelecimento de políticas e ações no sentido de melhorar o relacionamento entre a mineração e a comunidade onde está inserida. Por fim, são apresentadas recomendações para a empresa, a partir dos dados levantados em campo, bem como sugestões para futuros trabalhos nesta área.
Ao longo dos anos o desenvolvimento foi tratado apenas sob o aspecto econômico. Sob essa visão não havia limites para o crescimento. Porém, o esgotamento de alguns recursos e as crises que os sucederam, o aumento de acidentes ecológicos e conseqüente agravamento dos problemas ambientais, impulsionou a sociedade e os organismos que a representam a cobrar maior responsabilidade ambiental das organizações. Essa nova postura mundial impôs às empresas a incorporação em suas estratégias, além do fator econômico, também o fator ambiental como uma necessidade para garantir sua sobrevivência. Apesar da constatação da importância dos Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental e de sua incorporação por um grande número de empresas, são muito incipientes os efeitos alcançados pelos instrumentos utilizados para sua promoção, em especial os instrumentos de controle. Isso se deve especialmente pela não percepção do quanto a questão ambiental influencia na questão econômica das empresas. A gestão ambiental como qualquer prática administrativa requer instrumentos que possibilitem informações confiáveis. Este trabalho objetiva testar a utilização do custeio baseado em atividades como ferramenta para geração de elementos necessários à gestão ambiental. Para tal, foi desenvolvido um modelo para aplicação em uma área-piloto de um curtume. A escolha da empresa deu-se em função do alto nível de rejeitos gerados e por fazer uso de produtos químicos e de água limpa em seu processo produtivo. As conclusões deste estudo demonstram que o custeio ABC é um instrumento capaz de gerar informações úteis à Gestão Ambiental.
This Research Report presents the Environmental Management Information System, which has been planned for CEAMA - Center for Management and Environment. The System consists in the framework of data bases in the environment field, and the logic for information treatment. It has been developed to support current and future requirements of Center for Management and Environment in Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo, Fundação Getulio Vargas (EAESP/FGV). The System was developed for Windows/Access environment and consists of a Main Data Base and a Thematic Data Base. The Main Data Base can store libraries, NGOs, Environmental Impact Reports, technical reports, companies and many other items. The Thematic one can contain several subjects related with environment, specifying the place or access form in which the data can be obtained. The Report also describes several environmental information systems, as a result of a survey that has been done as a part of the research project.
A conformidade com padrões de certificação ambiental, especialmente da série ISO 14000 (em formulação), deverá trazer impactos de diversos tipos sobre a competitividade das empresas industriais. Este projeto visa analisar tais impactos através de indicadores de desempenho, como custo de produção, penetração de mercado, alteração de processos e de produtos, entre outros. O projeto objetiva também analisar os ganhos de competitividade que podem ser obtidos por empresas industriais que se anteciparem às normas, adotando um sistema próprio de gestão ambiental.
O presente trabalho faz uma avaliação da gestão ambiental das indústrias químicas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Dessa forma, procuramos relatar as principais ações instrumentos gerenciais disponíveis às organizações delineamos um quadro das idéias relativas ao desenvolvimento sustentável que deveriam permear todas as ações do gerente ambiental na indústria. partir das informações colhidas, avaliamos os aspectos primordiais dessas atividades como demandas por assessoria técnica; os aspectos ambientais relevantes; as ações implementadas; projetos inovações; as dificuldades para melhoria; registros sistemáticos; as ações externas as ações futuras; investimentos; os recursos humanos; aspectos do mercado e a legislação. Concluímos com uma análise sobre os diversos aspectos observados, sugerindo conceitos ações que ratificam, acrescentam ou alteram as ações gerenciais observadas.
Industrial segment uses natural resources in a wide scale, but evaluate the use of these resources is a complex and new task. Few is known about existing methodologies of evaluation, mainly because of the fact that the value of this resource is more implicit than explicit. It is known that evaluation methods support the environmental accounting but the industrial community for an effective environmental management of their businesses does not yet use this tool in a regular basis. The main objective of this work is to analyze how companies who develop industrial activities on mining, siderurgy, paper and cellulose segments, are evaluating the use of natural resources for economic development, in terms of methodologies application for environment evaluation. Based on an explore research with companies from the segments previously defined in an intentional sampling and through a case study, it was possible to understand enterprise behavior according to the existing level of knowledge internalized on evaluation methodologies, to go deeper on an analysis of the premises and of the basis of the methodologies in an environmental accounting project of a paper and cellulose segment industry.
This paper aims at boosting a theoretical discussion on family operated companies in the Brazilian milieu. The methodology applied was based on bibliographical and qualitative research. The basic question raised by this study can be summarized as follows: Which factors should be taken into consideration, on the family business management, under a theoretical perspective? The answer to this question led the research to a better understanding of (i) the family corporate governance; (ii) the personal characteristics of the family business manager and his/her management style; (iii) the company's teamwork; (iv) role overlaping; (v) strategic direction and management assessment; (vi) the company's administrative divisions; (vii) and above all the crucial importance of the corporate governance for family businesses. The main results confirm the relevance of corporate governance in the country's big family businesses, and also point to manager's profile, teamwork, role overlaping (relatives & employees) and its conflicts, management departments, family's control and its strategic direction as ingredients of utmost importance.
Os estudos sobre desenvolvimento, sem dúvida, se mantiveram como um dos últimos bastiões do modernismo nas ciências sociais (Rapley, 2004). Muitos dos dilemas chave em estudos contemporâneos sobre desenvolvimento se centraram nas disjuntivas entre inovação teórica, política e prática (Simon, 2003). No entanto, a discussão que envolve a relação entre desenvolvimento e mineração, que interessa neste estudo, ainda permanece acrítica dentro da literatura dominante. Segundo Graulau (2008), o tema de mineração encontra-se num vaivém entre o favoritismo e a oposição. O estudo sob o ponto de vista normativo da mineração no campo de desenvolvimento mostra a mentalidade econômica de longa data que prevalece nesse campo. No Peru as reformas neoliberais implantadas desde a década 1990 têm promovido fortemente o setor de mineração. Os investimentos nacionais e estrangeiros, o volume das exportações e impostos certamente têm influenciado favoravelmente na economia em termos macroeconômicos, obtendo quantidades consideráveis de divisas (UNCTAD, 2008). Não obstante, a grande mineração parece não ter beneficiado as comunidades envolvidas com a extração de minérios (Barrantes, 2005; Glave e Kuramoto, 2007; Zegarra; Orihuela e Paredes, 2007). A quantidade e gravidade dos conflitos que vem acontecendo evidenciam a resistência ao setor, frente à ação discursiva do Estado peruano sobre o “desenvolvimento” que assegura o que a mineração traz. Neste contexto este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as práticas discursivas das políticas de mineração peruana em relação a construção do discurso de desenvolvimento no período compreendido entre 1990-2009. Com esse objetivo, foi necessário abordar primeiramente as principais teorias sobre desenvolvimento, mineração e mineração no Peru. No que diz respeito à metodologia o presente estudo utilizou duas técnicas de análise: a Análise Crítica de Discurso, baseado no método tridimensional proposto por Fairclough (2001), para realizar a análise de três discursos de representantes da política de mineração peruana, a segunda abordagem utiliza a Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin (2009), para examinar os artigos relacionados à política de mineração entre as principais revistas especializadas do setor–Mineria e Desde Adentro. Foram utilizadas também categorias de análise constantes e convergentes ao conceito de desenvolvimento para orientar a presente pesquisa. Finalmente as conclusões sugerem que as políticas de mineração reproduzidas pelas autoridades do Estado peruano introduziram práticas discursivas sobre desenvolvimento sustentável e que essas se mantêm relacionadas com as novas ordens de discurso: Responsabilidade Social, Minerção Sustentável, Mineração moderna, Gestão ambiental.