976 resultados para Enunciative praxis


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The world is facing environmental changes that are increasingly affecting how we think about manufacturing, the consumption of products and use of resources. Within the HE product design community, thinking and designing sustainability’ has evolved to become a natural part of the curriculum. Paradoxical as the rise in awareness of sustainability increases there is growing concern within HE product design of the loss of workshop facilities and as a consequence a demise in teaching traditional object-making skills and material experimentation. We suggest the loss of workshops and tangible ‘learning by making skills’ also creates a lost opportunity for a rich learning resource to address sustainable thinking, design and manufacture ‘praxis’ within HE design education. Furthermore, as learning spaces are frequently discussed in design research, there seems to be little focus on how the use of an outdoor environment might influence learning outcomes particularly with regard to material teaching and sustainability. This 'case study' of two jewellery workshops, used outdoor learning spaces to explore both its impact on learning outcomes and to introduce some key principles of sustainable working methodologies and practices. Academics and students mainly from Norway and Scotland collaborated on this international research project. Participants made models from disposable packaging materials, which were cast in tin, in the sand on a local beach, using found timber to create a heat source for melting the metal. This approach of using traditional making skills, materials and nature was found to be a relevant contribution to a sustainable discourse.


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Slocombe, William, Nihilism and the Sublime Postmodern (New York: Routledge, 2005) RAE2008


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This paper focuses on the ethics of metaphor and other forms of comparison that invoke National Socialism and the Holocaust. It seeks to answer the question: Are there criteria on the basis of which we can judge whether metaphors and associated tropes “use” the Holocaust appropriately? In analyzing the thrust and workings of such comparisons, the paper also seeks to identify and clarify the terminology and concepts that allow productive discussion. In line with its conception of metaphor that is also rhetorical praxis, the paper focuses on specific controversies involving the metaphorization of the Holocaust, primarily in Germany and Austria. The paper develops its argument through the following process. First, it examines the rhetorical/political contexts in which claims of the Holocaust’s comparability (or incomparability) have been raised. Second, it presents a review (and view) of the nature of metaphor, metonymy, and synecdoche. It applies this framework to (a) comparisons of Saddam Hussein with Hitler in Germany in 1991; (b) the controversies surrounding the 2004 poster exhibition “The Holocaust on Your Plate” in Germany and Austria, with particular emphasis on the arguments and decisions in cases before the courts in those countries; and (c) the invocation of “Auschwitz” as metonym and synecdoche. These examples provide the basis for a discussion of the ethics of comparison. In its third and final section the paper argues that metaphor is by nature duplicitous, but that ethical practice involving Holocaust comparisons is possible if one is self-aware and sensitive to the necessity of seeing the “other” as oneself. The ethical framework proposed by the paper provides the basis for evaluationg the specific cases adduced.


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Neste trabalho apresentam-se os sistemas amazónicos de crenças segundo a taxonomia para o estudioso das classificações religiosas. O chamanismo, como praxis religiosa amazónica, apresenta-se como um elemento definido pela religião. Elemento central das culturas amazónicas passadas e presentes, o chamanismo apresenta-se aqui nos seus aspectos essenciais. The Amazonian systems of beliefs are here presented following the traditional classification of religious systems studies. Shamanism, as an Amazonian religious praxis, is presented as an element defined by religion. A central element in both past and present Amazonian cultures, the main aspects of Shamanism are here presented.


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Acção Humanitária, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento


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This dissertation narrates the historical development of American evangelical missions to the poor from 1947-2005 and analyzes the discourse of its main parachurch proponents, especially World Vision, Compassion International, Food for the Hungry, Samaritan's urse, Sojourners, Evangelicals for Social Action, and the Christian Community Development Association. Although recent scholarship on evangelicalism has been prolific, much of the historical work has focused on earlier periods. Sociological and political scientific scholarship on the postwar period has been attracted mostly to controversies surrounding the Religious Right, leaving evangelicalism's resurgent concern for the poor relatively understudied. This dissertation addresses these lacunae. The study consists of three chronological parts, each marked by a distinctive model of mission to the poor. First, the 1950s were characterized by compassionate charity for individual emergencies, a model that cohered neatly with evangelicalism's individualism and emotionalism. This model should be regarded as the quintessential, bedrock evangelical theory of mission to the poor. It remained strong throughout the entire postwar period. Second, in the 1970s, a strong countercurrent emerged that advocated for penitent protest against structural injustice and underdevelopment. In contrast to the first model, it was distinguished by going against the grain of many aspects of evangelical culture, especially its reflexive patriotism and individualism. Third, in the 1990s, an important movement towards developing potential through hopeful holism gained prominence. Its advocates were confident that their integration of biblical principles with insights from contemporary economic development praxis would contribute to drastic, widespread reductions in poverty. This model signaled a new optimism in evangelicalism's engagement with the broader world. The increasing prominence of missions to the poor within American evangelicalism led to dramatic changes within the movement's worldview: by 2005, evangelicals were mostly unified in their expressed concern for the physical and social needs of the poor, a position that radically reversed their immediate postwar worldview of near-exclusive focus on the spiritual needs of individuals. Nevertheless, missions to the poor also paralleled, reinforced, and hastened the increasing fragmentation of evangelicalism's identity, as each missional model advocated for highly variant approaches to poverty amelioration that were undergirded by diverse sociological, political, and theological assumptions.


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My research investigates a recent tendency in Italian literature, characterized by elements of renewal within the novel-writing tradition and of discontinuity with postmodern culture. It proposes an interpretation of the genres of the historical novel and crime fiction in the last fifteen years, in order to underline the important role played by these types of narrative in revitalizing contemporary Italian literature. These modalities of writing are considered both individually and in their connections beyond a traditional notion of genre, emphasizing those characteristics which may be assumed as irreconcilable with a postmodern approach to fiction and those which, furthermore, seem to indicate attempts to take a new course. In particular, my study analyses the recent literary tendency to combine the elements of ‘crime’ and ‘history’ in order to represent political and social reality, and how the works examined relate to postmodern narrative. For this reason, I pay particular attention to the relationship between literature and the past and to the socio-political aspects connected with the praxis of narrating, offering an original interpretation of the way in which the authors studied engage with these characteristics.


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This thesis explores the inter-related attempts to secure the legitimation of risk and democracy with regard to Bt cotton, a genetically modified crop, in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. The research included nine months of ethnographic fieldwork, extensive library and newspaper research, as well as university attendance in India, undertaken between June, 2010 and March, 2011. This comparative study (involving organic, NPM and Bt cotton cultivation) was conducted in three villages in Telangana, a region which was granted secession from Andhra Pradesh in July, 2013, and in Hyderabad, the state capital. Andhra Pradesh is renowned for its agrarian crisis and farmer suicides, as well as for the conflict which Bt cotton represents. This study adopts the categories of legitimation developed by Van Leeuwen (2007; 2008) in order to explore the theory of risk society (Beck, 1992; 1994; 1999; 2009), and the Habermasian (1996: 356-366) core-periphery model as means of theoretically analysing democratic legitimacy. The legitimation of risk and democracy in relation to Bt cotton refers to normative views on the way in which power should be exercised with regard to risk differentiation, construction and definition. The analysis finds that the more legitimate the exercise of power, the lower the exposure to risk as a concern for the collective. This also has consequences for the way in which resources are distributed, knowledge constructed, and democratic praxis institutionalised as a concern for social and epistemic justice. The thesis argues that the struggle to legitimate risk and democracy has implications not only for the constitution of the new state of Telangana and the region’s development, but also for the emergence of global society and the future development of humanity as a whole.


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The thesis is a historical and philological study of the mature political theory of Miki Kiyoshi (1897-1945) focused on Philosophical Foundations of Cooperative Communitarianism (1939), a full translation of which is included. As the name suggests, it was a methodological and normative communitarianism, which critically built on liberalism, Marxism and Confucianism to realise a regional political community. Some of Miki’s Western readers have wrongly considered him a fascist ideologue, while he has been considered a humanist Marxist in Japan. A closer reading cannot support either view. The thesis argues that the Anglophone study of Japanese philosophy is a degenerating research programme ripe for revolution in the sense of returning full circle to an original point. That means returning to the texts, reading them contextually and philologically, in principle as early modern European political theory is read by intellectual historians, such as the representatives of Cambridge School history of political thought. The resulting reading builds critically on the Japanese scholarship and relates it to contemporary Western and postcolonial political theory and the East Asian tradition, particularly neo-Confucianism. The thesis argues for a Cambridge School perspective radicalised by the critical addendum of geo-cultural context, supplemented by Geertzian intercultural hermeneutics and a Saidian ‘return to philology’. As against those who have seen radical reorientations in Miki’s political thought, the thesis finds gradual progression and continuity between his neo-Kantian, existentialist, Marxian anthropology, Hegelian and finally communitarian phases. The theoretical underpinnings are his philosophical anthropology, a structurationist social theory of praxis, and a critique of liberalism, Marxism, nationalism and idealism emphasising concrete as opposed to abstract theory and the need to build on existing cultural traditions to modernise rather than westernise East Asia. This post-Western fusion was imagined to be the beginning of a true and pluralistic universalism.


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Literaturvermittlung in der Auslandsgermanistik ist traditionell die Domäne der Literaturwissenschaft, die allerdings eine Antwort darauf schuldig bleibt, was jemanden zu einem guten Literaturvermittler macht und worin die besondere Qualität von Lernprozessen besteht, die Studierende im Laufe der Semester anhand von deutschsprachiger Literatur machen. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass Literatur als Bildungsgut und ihr Stellenwert im Curriculum heutzutage nicht mehr so selbstverständlich akzeptiert ist wie vor Jahrzehnten, sollte sich die Auslandsgermanistik solchen und ähnlichen Fragen bereitwilliger stellen und offen diskutieren, wie in künftigen Jahren das studentische Interesse an Literatur wach gehalten bzw. neu entfacht werden kann. Ein wichtiger Schritt in diese Richtung wäre ein Ernster-Nehmen literaturdidaktischer Fragestellungen und insbesondere der Erforschung von Aspekten der vernachlässigten Lehrund Lernpraxis. Es wird dafür plädiert, sich in der Literaturvermittlung künftig nicht ausschließlich an wissenschaftlichen Kategorien zu orientieren, sondern diese auch als eine Form ästhetischer Praxis zu begreifen.


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La intervención de un extensionista - ingeniero agrónomo de la Agencia de Extensión Rural Orán, del Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria/INTA- en el territorio de una Comunidad Tupí Guaraní del norte salteño, exige una profunda revisión de antecedentes dando lugar a reflexiones, interrogantes y propuestas relacionadas con distintos aspectos del trabajo de campo que trascienden a esta situación en particular. Esto está aquí directamente relacionado a la evolución y al desarrollo de esta zona de históricos conflictos de intereses, desigualdad social creciente y fuertes procesos de aculturación. Incluso existen contradicciones dentro de las instancias del Estado relacionadas con el desarrollo rural, en donde el INTA no constituye una excepción, generándose arduas discusiones internas. En este escenario, la praxis destaca la importancia de las técnicas participativas como la mejor metodología para sustentar procesos de desarrollo local, ya que es en terreno se debe trabajar dentro de un proceso de pérdida de la percepción social -pero más importante aún, de la propia percepción- en la que los pueblos originarios se consideren como un actor más. Entonces es desde la revalorización de las propias capacidades y posibilidades de la comunidad que se analiza una experiencia que refleja cómo, a partir del único agente del estado presente en terreno, se intenta avanzar en la trasformación de la realidad en donde se ve naturalizada y no problematizada la diferencia en la distribución de los ingresos y la pobreza estructural. El comienzo de la intervención, por lo tanto, se inició con la identificación clara de una amenaza -el avance de la erosión del río sobre la seguridad y posesiones de los campesinos/aborígenes- lo cual creó la necesidad ineludible de trabajar comunitariamente. Esta coyuntura generó la necesidad de organizarse para llevar a cabo el proyecto necesario para superar la emergencia, que gracias a la forma participativa de encarar el trabajo, así como el trabajo inter-institucional de los técnicos del INAI (Instituto Nacional de Asuntos Indígenas) y del INTA, confluyeron en crear un capital social entre productores y técnicos/instituciones. La articulación interinstitucional lograda hizo posible la formulación y ejecución en forma participativa de un proyecto evaluado satisfactoriamente -social e institucionalmente-, ya que posibilitó controlar la erosión fluvial evitando nuevas pérdidas de tierras, fortaleciendo a la vez a la organización comunitaria y los vínculos con distintos actores públicos, revalorizando sus propias capacidades.


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Se indaga en los desplazamientos entre herramientas de comunicación que ponen en juego profesores a la hora de comunicar qué y cómo cambia en una situación, en el marco de una línea de investigación en Pensamiento y Lenguaje Variacional (Proyecto Fondecyt Nº1030413 y Proyecto Diumce 06/07). Adscribimos a una mirada sistémica en la que entendemos a las matemáticas como una actividad humana en donde cobra vital importancia la persona haciendo matemáticas y no sólo el producto matemático. Por ello resulta relevante considerar -en la praxis educativa- las negociaciones y búsqueda de consenso entrelazadas éstas, con las acciones cognitivas de la persona al momento de enfrentarse a la solución de un problema. Asumimos una naturaleza de la noción de variación como red semántico operacional transversal, que imbrica distintos contenidos escolares de ciencia experimental y de matemática, particularmente aquellos de tiempo y velocidad. Entendemos al tiempo cotidiano formado por una red compleja de intencionalidades y coordinaciones que se estructuran a partir de las necesidades de coordinación con lo otro, con los otros y de las proyecciones intencionales hacia un futuro y un pasado, y, al tiempo matemático en su calidad de parámetro y figurado sobre la base de la metáfora de una distancia horizontal. A continuación se analizan, desde ese marco conceptual, las herramientas a que recurren profesores para comunicar cambios en una situación específica desarrollada en el marco las actividades del Proyecto de Investigación Las representaciones docentes del Cambio.


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Der Autor stellt drei Thesen zu der Fragestellung „Wie gehen Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene alltagstauglich mit dem Kassettenrekorder um?“ auf, die er in drei Anläufen begründet: „Es geht zunächst um Alltag und wie sich Menschen mit Benachteiligungen und Behinderung darin bewegen. In einem zweiten Anlauf [skizziert er] kurz die gegenwärtigen sonderpädagogische Fragestellungen und deren Aufmerksamkeit für das Hören und Zuhören … [Daraus] soll deutlich werden, wie man mit O-Tönen Sollbruchstellen herstellen kann, und wie sich eine solche Praxis begründen lässt.“ Indem junge Menschen mit Behinderung mit Audiorekordern ihren Alltag erkunden, kehrt sich durch die Erkundungsform Interview die bisher erlebte asymmetrische Kommunikationssituation um, weil selbst über Inhalt, Anfang und Ende einer Kommunikation bestimmt werden kann. Somit begründen Audioclips Erfahrung von Kommunikationssouveränität. (Orig./Autor)


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Sammelrezension: 1. Lundgreen, Peter unter Mitarbeit von Jürgen Schallmann: Die Lehrer an den Schulen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1949-2009, Datenhandbuch zur deutschen Bildungsgeschichte, Band XI, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2013, (352 S.; ISBN 978-3-525-36388-5; 89,99 EUR) 2. András Németh / Ehrenhardt Skiera (Hrsg.): Lehrerbildung in Europa, Geschichte, Struktur und Reform, (Erziehung in Wissenschaft und Praxis; Bd. 9), Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2012 (340 S.; ISBN 978-3-631-62454-8; 51,95 EUR)


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After considering museums as cultural institutions responsible for preserving cultural memory and its evolution over time, this article describes the cultural practices within our society that are aimed at disseminating art and at reproducing and transmitting culture, history and identity. Further, it considers the key role that older people are steadily assuming in Spain’s ageing society. New social-empowerment activities based on volunteering by the elderly are linked to generativity because the individual and social groups acquire new skills through those activities, thereby strengthening a society for all ages. Never in the history of social work have so many older people been prepared to participate actively at the community level, and never has a social movement with these features gone so unnoticed by so many social agents.