828 resultados para Entrepreneurial Intention
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La quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd), es un pseudocereal originario de la región Andina. Fue utilizada como alimento básico por los pueblos nativos. La quinoa, la papa y el maíz constituyeron el trinomio base de la alimentación indígena de este continente. La colonización española fue desplazando su cultivo a favor del trigo europeo y otros cereales, quedando reducida a las zonas altas de la región andina. La Quínoa ha adquirido una considerable atención en los últimos tiempos, principalmente por la calidad de sus proteínas y la ausencia de gluten en ella. Su empleo está ampliamente difundido en los países andinos, especialmente Bolivia y Perú, con un notable crecimiento de la superficie sembrada. En nuestro país la explotación de este cultivo se ubica principalmente en las provincias norteñas de Salta y Jujuy. En estos últimos años se ha reivindicado su cultivo y los granos privados de saponinas son considerados como un excelente alimento, reconocido por la OMS, la FAO y la NASA. Además de la calidad de sus lípidos y vitaminas, y al elevado contenido en almidón, la quinoa posee una proteína de excelente calidad nutricional y libre de gluten, lo que hace a este grano especialmente indicado para la alimentación de personas que sufren de la enfermedad celíaca o del síndrome de intestino irritado. El presente proyecto está orientado al aprovechamiento integral del grano de quinoa. Es nuestra intensión aquí, demostrar que dicho grano, cultivado en la provincia de Córdoba, permitirá elaborar productos alimenticios asi como también derivados de su industrialización. Para este objetivo se cuenta con las instalaciones de la Planta Piloto del Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos (ICTA), de la UNC, así como de intrumental moderno y acorde, como HPLC, GC, Espectrofotómetro UV-Vis, rotavapores de laboratorio e industrial, cámara fría, balanzas analíticas y de precisión, muflas, estufas, molinos y tamices, así como también, contamos con profesionales, algunos de ellos realizando su tesis doctoral en este tema. En cuanto a los objetivos que se persiguen, se espera obtener productos tales como sopas, papillas, productos para panadería y galletería y salsas. En el plano industrial, se pretende elaborar concentrados proteicos, almidón y saponinas. Como se dijo más arriba, a nivel internacional la quinoa ha comenzado a extender sus fronteras, y es así que hoy el principal productor mundial de este grano, Bolivia, destina un porcentaje importante de su producción a la exportación. La creciente demanda mundial de quinoa a hecho que se constituya en un cultivo estratégico y de alto valor, con precios internacionales que rondan los U$S 1200 la tonelada. Si a esto unimos que la planta presenta una gran resistencia a la sequía, que se adapta bien a terrenos salitrosos, arenosos y pobres, podemos comprender la importancia que adquiere para nuestra provincia, toda vez que en la misma existen zonas geográficas potencialmente aptas para su cultivo. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) is a pseudocereal originating in the Andean region. It was used as a staple food by native peoples. Quinoa, potatoes and corn were the tree most important indigenous staple food to this part of South America. Spanish colonization was marginalized cultivation in favor of European wheat and other grains, displacing it to the highlands of the Andean region. Quinoa has recently gained considerable attention, mainly by its protein quality and lack of gluten. Its use is widespread in the Andean countries, especially Bolivia and Peru, with a notable increase in plantings. In our country, the exploitation of this crop is located mainly in the northern provinces of Salta and Jujuy. In recent years its cultivation has been promoted, and the grains once free of saponins are considered an excellent food, recognized by WHO, FAO and NASA. In addition to its lipid and vitamins, and high starch contain, quinoa protein has an excellent nutritional value and it is free of gluten, making it particularly suitable for this grain to feed people with celiac disease or irritable bowel syndrome. This project aims at an integral development of quinoa grain. It is our intention here to demonstrate that this grain grown in the province of Córdoba, can produce food products resulting from local industrialization. This team has access to the facilities of the Pilot Plant of the Institute of Science and Food Technology (ICTA) of the UNC, and the modern equipments in it, as HPLC, GC, UV-Vis spectrophotometer, laboratory and industrial rotary evaporators, cold storage, analytical and precision balances, flasks, ovens, grinders and screens. Also, we have an important professional staff, some of them doing their thesis on this subject. With regard to the objectives pursued, we expect to obtain products such as soups, baby food, bakery products and biscuits and sauces. At the industrial level, it aims at producing protein concentrates, starch and saponins.
Odour nuisance in other European countries has led to the development of techniques which employ panels of human assessors for the determination of environmental odours. Odour measurement is not widely practised in Ireland, yet local authorities are frequently in receipt of odour derived public complaints. This dissertation examines the fundamentals of odour nuisance in terms of how we perceive odours, common sources of environmental odours, the principles of odour measurement (in particular the Sutch pre-standard on olfactometry) and the extent to which odour nuisance is a problem in Ireland. The intention is to provide a reference document for use by those interested parties in the country who may be variously involved in policy making, legislative development, enforcement of environmental law or any person who has an interest in odours and the public nuisance they can give rise to. In particular the aim was to provide previously undocumented information on the prevalence of odour nuisance in Ireland, the exercision of the available powers to control odours, and the possible value of odour measurement as part of a regulatory process. A questionnaire was circulated to all local authorities in the country and 82% responded with information on their experiences and views on the subject of odours. The results of the survey are presented in summary and detailed form.
Background: Fewer bleeding complications and early ambulation make radial access a privileged route for cardiac catheterization. However, transradial (TR) approach is not always successful, requiring its conversion into femoral access. Objectives: To evaluate the rate of conversion from radial into femoral access in cardiac catheterization and to identify its predictors. Methods: Prospective dual-center registry, including 7632 consecutive patients undergoing catheterization via the radial access between Jan/2009 and Oct/2012. We evaluated the incidence of conversion into femoral access and its predictors by logistic regression analysis. Results: The patients’ mean age was 66 ± 11 years, and 32% were women. A total of 2969 procedures (38.4%) were percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), and the most used first intention arterial access was the right radial artery (97.6%). Radial access failure rate was 5.8%. Independent predictors of conversion from radial into femoral access were the use of short introducer sheaths (OR 3.047, CI: 2.380-3.902; p < 0.001), PCI (OR 1.729, CI: 1.375-2.173; p < 0.001), female sex (OR 1.569, CI: 1.234-1.996; p < 0.001), multivessel disease (OR 1.457, CI: 1.167-1.819; p = 0.001), body surface area (BSA) ≤ 1.938 (OR 1.448, CI: 1.120-1.871; p = 0.005) and age > 66 years (OR 1.354, CI: 1.088-1.684; p = 0.007). Conclusion: Transradial approach for cardiac catheterization has a high success rate and the need for its conversion into femoral access in this cohort was low. Female sex, older age, smaller BSA, the use of short introducer sheaths, multivessel disease and PCI were independent predictors of conversion into femoral access.
We use a two-person 3-stage game to investigate whether people choose to punish or reward another player by sacrificing money to increase or decrease the other person’s payoff. One player sends a message indicating an intended play, which is either favorable or unfavorable to the other player in the game. After the message, the sender and the receiver play a simultaneous 2x2 game. A deceptive message may be made, in an effort to induce the receiver to make a play favorable to the sender. Our focus is on whether receivers’ rates of monetary sacrifice depend on the process and the perceived sender’s intention, as is suggested by the literature on deception and procedural satisfaction. Models such as Rabin (1993), Sen (1997), and Charness and Rabin (1999) also permit rates of sacrifice to be sensitive to the sender’s perceived intention, while outcome-based models such as Fehr and Schmidt (1999) and Bolton and Ockenfels (1997) predict otherwise. We find that deception substantially increases the punishment rate as a response to an action that is unfavorable to the receiver. We also find that a small but significant percentage of subjects choose to reward a favorable action choice made by the sender.
We model the joint production of entrepreneurs and workers where the former provide both entrepreneurial (strategic) and managerial (coordination, motivation) services, and management services are shared with individual workers in an output maximizing way. The static equilibrium of the model determines the endogenous share of entrepreneurs in the economy in a given moment of time. The time dynamics of the solution implies that a given growth rate in quality of entrepreneurial services contributes to productivity growth proportionally to the share of entrepreneurs at the start of the period and improvement in quality of entrepreneurial services is convergence enhancing. Model predictions are tested with data from OECD countries in the period 1970-2002. We find that improvements in quality of entrepreneurial services over time explain up to 100% of observed average productivity growth in these countries.
This paper studies the relationship between investor protection, financial risk sharing and income inequality. In the presence of market frictions, better protection makes investors more willing to take on entrepreneurial risk while lending to firms. This implies lower cost of external finance and better risk sharing between financiers and entrepreneurs. Investor protection, by boosting the market for risk sharing plays the twofold role of encouraging agents to undertake risky enterprises and providing them with insurance. By increasing the number of risky projects, it raises income inequality. By extending insurance to more agents, it reduces it. As a result, the relationship between the size of the market for risk sharing and income inequality is hump-shaped. Empirical evidence from a cross-section of sixty-eight countries, and a panel of fifty countries over the period 1976-2000, supports the predictions of the model.
Este estudio explora las diferencias en los hábitos de consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, entre jóvenes de Barcelona y Bogotá. Evalúa la influencia de la percepción de riesgo sobre hábitos de consumo y estrategias de afrontamiento. Adicionalmente examina la influencia de la gravedad percibida de una situación estresante sobre estas últimas. Participaron 865 jóvenes de ambas ciudades, entre los 15 y los 18 años. Se utilizaron las variables de riesgo estudiadas por Benthin, Slovic y Severson (1993) para evaluar la percepción de riesgo. Los hábitos de consumo se evaluaron mediante la frecuencia, la intención de consumo, así como la edad de inicio. Se utilizó el CRI:Youth de Moos (1992) para determinar las estrategias de afrontamiento y la valoración del problema estresante. Se encontró que existen diferencias en la edad en que se inicia el consumo de alcohol y en la que se embriagan por primera vez según el género, la ciudad donde residen y la edad del adolescente. Los jóvenes de Barcelona tienen una propensión y un consumo real de marihuana y tabaco mayor que los jóvenes de Bogotá. Percibir placer o beneficios predice un incremento en la intención y la frecuencia de consumo de la mayoría de las sustancias. La facilidad para acceder a éstas sólo presenta una asociación con el uso frecuente del tabaco. Los datos sugieren que la gravedad percibida de estresores relativos a las drogas y la ciudad de residencia tienen un efecto sobre la utilización de las estrategias de evitación y aproximación cognitiva. Adicionalmente no se detectaron diferencias en función de las estrategias de afrontamiento empleadas según las variables de percepción de riesgo a excepción de la presión percibida, la cual aumenta el uso de la reevaluación del problema y la búsqueda de recompensas.
Aquest article examina les possibles implicacions de l'accés obert en la gestió de les biblioteques. Aquesta examinació té lloc en un context en què s'assumeix que el model tradicional d'edició i l'accés obert coexisteixen. L'accés obert presenta nombrosos reptes i oportunitats, però les biblioteques emprenedores trobaran noves formes per servir els usuaris en un nou entorn en el que es combina l'accés obert amb el tradicional (MOA). Per tal de portar-ho a terme, caldrà que aquestes biblioteques redissenyin la seva organització, i això podrà suposar una pressió sobre els recursos econòmics i de personal.
Investigación elaborada a partir de una estancia en la Columbia Law School of New York, Estados Unidos, entre los meses de septiembre y noviembre del 2006. El Derecho comunitario europeo y español regulan la reparación de los daños causados por el uso o la proximidad de un producto defectuoso mediante gracias al impulso ideológico ejercido por la jurisprudencia norteamericana. El principio de responsabilidad objetiva rector de la directiva europea es fruto de un transfondo operado en los Estados Unidos en los años sesenta, coincidiendo con la revolución tecnològica y el inicio de la producción y del consumo masivos. Tales fenómenos suscitaron la búsqueda de mecanismos jurídicos aptos para canalizar la reparación de los daños inherentes a las actividades industriales tecnológicamente avanzadas. Su principal efecto fue la preocupación por una más justa distribución social de los llamados “costes del progreso”, preocupación que, jurídicamente, desembocó en la solución de la responsabilidad aun sin culpa del fabricante por los daños derivados de su producción industrial. El mérito de tal solución corresponde a determinados teóricos norteamericanos de la responsabilidad empresarial, quienes, inspirándose en ideas formuladas a inicios del siglo XX por los especialistas en Derecho laboral, concluyeron que es la empresa productora quien está en mejor situación de soportar el coste del accidente industrial: al imponerse al fabricante una responsabildad desvinculada de su eventual culpa en la causación del accidente, repercutirá en el precio de sus productos el coste del seguro de responsabilidad civil que se verá abocado a contratar para hacer frente a su responsabilidad objetiva o por riesgo, de manera que el coste de los accidentes acabará siendo soportado por el público consumidor al pagar el sobreprecio de los productos que adquiere. Las repercusiones de tal construcción han sido tanto normativas como judiciales.
OBJECTIVES: : To evaluate the outcome after Hartmann's procedure (HP) versus primary anastomosis (PA) with diverting ileostomy for perforated left-sided diverticulitis. BACKGROUND: : The surgical management of left-sided colonic perforation with purulent or fecal peritonitis remains controversial. PA with ileostomy seems to be superior to HP; however, results in the literature are affected by a significant selection bias. No randomized clinical trial has yet compared the 2 procedures. METHODS: : Sixty-two patients with acute left-sided colonic perforation (Hinchey III and IV) from 4 centers were randomized to HP (n = 30) and to PA (with diverting ileostomy, n = 32), with a planned stoma reversal operation after 3 months in both groups. Data were analyzed on an intention-to-treat basis. The primary end point was the overall complication rate. The study was discontinued following an interim analysis that found significant differences of relevant secondary end points as well as a decreasing accrual rate (NCT01233713). RESULTS: : Patient demographics were equally distributed in both groups (Hinchey III: 76% vs 75% and Hinchey IV: 24% vs 25%, for HP vs PA, respectively). The overall complication rate for both resection and stoma reversal operations was comparable (80% vs 84%, P = 0.813). Although the outcome after the initial colon resection did not show any significant differences (mortality 13% vs 9% and morbidity 67% vs 75% in HP vs PA), the stoma reversal rate after PA with diverting ileostomy was higher (90% vs 57%, P = 0.005) and serious complications (Grades IIIb-IV: 0% vs 20%, P = 0.046), operating time (73 minutes vs 183 minutes, P < 0.001), hospital stay (6 days vs 9 days, P = 0.016), and lower in-hospital costs (US $16,717 vs US $24,014) were significantly reduced in the PA group. CONCLUSIONS: : This is the first randomized clinical trial favoring PA with diverting ileostomy over HP in patients with perforated diverticulitis.
This study focuses on identification and exploitation processes among Finnish design entrepreneurs (i.e. selfemployed industrial designers). More specifically, this study strives to find out what design entrepreneurs do when they create new ventures, how venture ideas are identified and how entrepreneurial processes are organized to identify and exploit such venture ideas in the given industrial context. Indeed, what does educated and creative individuals do when they decide to create new ventures, where do the venture ideas originally come from, and moreover, how are venture ideas identified and developed into viable business concepts that are introduced on the markets? From an academic perspective: there is a need to increase our understanding of the interaction between the identification and exploitation of emerging ventures, in this and other empirical contexts. Rather than assuming that venture ideas are constant in time, this study examines how emerging ideas are adjusted to enable exploitation in dynamic market settings. It builds on the insights from previous entrepreneurship process research. The interpretations from the theoretical discussion build on the assumption that the subprocesses of identification and exploitation interact, and moreover, they are closely entwined with each other (e.g. McKelvie & Wiklund, 2004, Davidsson, 2005). This explanation challenges the common assumption that entrepreneurs would first identify venture ideas and then exploit them (e.g. Shane, 2003). The assumption is that exploitation influences identification, just as identification influences exploitation. Based on interviews with design entrepreneurs and external actors (e.g. potential customers, suppliers and collaborators), it appears as identification and exploitation of venture ideas are carried out in close interaction between a number of actors, rather than alone by entrepreneurs. Due to their available resources, design entrepreneurs have a desire to focus on identification related activities and to find external actors that take care of exploitation related activities. The involvement of external actors may have a direct impact on decisionmaking and various activities along the processes of identification and exploitation, which is something that previous research does not particularly emphasize. For instance, Bhave (1994) suggests both operative and strategic feedback from the market, but does not explain how external parties are actually involved in the decisionmaking, and in carrying out various activities along the entrepreneurial process.
The process to develop a guideline in a European setting remains a challenge. The ESCMID Fungal Infection Study Group (EFISG) successfully achieved this endeavour. After two face-to-face meetings, numerous telephone conferences, and email correspondence, an ESCMID task force (basically composed of members of the Society's Fungal Infection Study Group, EFISG) finalized the ESCMID diagnostic and management/therapeutic guideline for Candida diseases. By appreciating various patient populations at risk for Candida diseases, four subgroups were predefined, mainly ICU patients, paediatric, HIV/AIDS and patients with malignancies including haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Besides treatment recommendations, the ESCMID guidelines provide guidance for diagnostic procedures. For the guidelines, questions were formulated to phrase the intention of a given recommendation, for example, outcome. The recommendation was the clinical intervention, which was graded by a score of A-D for the 'Strength of a recommendation'. The 'level of evidence' received a score of I-III. The author panel was approved by ESCMID, European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and the European Confederation of Medical Mycology. The guidelines followed the framework of GRADE and Appraisal of Guidelines, Research, and Evaluation. The drafted guideline was presented at ECCMID 2011 and points of discussion occurring during that meeting were incorporated into the manuscripts. These ESCMID guidelines for the diagnosis and management of Candida diseases provide guidance for clinicians in their daily decision-making process.
Pensado en un ámbito de tecnología médica, el propósito principal es el de realizar un seguido de medidas en diferentes partes del cuerpo para establecer unos valores máximos que nos permitan detectar cuando un paciente empieza a padecer estrés. Para ello se necesita un proceso de medición y otro de transmisión de los datos. Es aquí donde aparece el trabajo realizado en el proyecto. “ZigBee aplicado a la transmisión de datos de sensores biomédicos” está pensado para realizar la tarea de transmisión de los datos desde que el sensor realiza la medida hasta que los datos son monitorizados y almacenados. En la memoria del proyecto podremos encontrar el estudio realizado al medio de transmisión inalámbrico utilizado (ZigBee), el análisis del kit eZ430-RF2500 compatible con el medio, y finalmente la implementación del proyecto. Todo este trabajo finalizará con la recepción satisfactoria de los datos medidos por nuestro sensor biomédico (oxímetro) en el aplicativo personal programado con Visual Basic.
El projecte sobre el que versa la present memòria pretén dur a terme l’anàlisi, disseny i implementació d’un sistema de missatgeria per a mòbils basat en xarxes Wi-Fi. Amb aquest propòsit, i amb posterioritat a la valoració de totes les alternatives i eines disponibles, s’ha desenvolupat una aplicació en llenguatge J2ME amb configuració CLDC 1.1 i perfil MIDP 2.0.