967 resultados para Efluentes têxteis
Ensuring availability of quality water for human consumption causes becomes an increasing number of studies for the analysis of effluent before and after treatment, so that its release into receiving bodies do not cause significant changes in the river water and on the biological communities related to them. The biomarkers of toxicity have long been used to verify the potential toxic effluent and its correlation with the treatment efficiency of them. In this context, the cladoceran Ceriodaphnia dubia stands out because it is a benthic aquatic organism highly sensitive to environmental changes. In this study, to evaluate the interference of the release of treated wastewater of oil refinery in Rio Atibaia, we sought to determine the toxicity on population dynamics of Ceriodaphnia dubia microcrustacean in water samples upstream and downstream from the launch site, compared with samples from Rio Jaguarí at the point of capture by the company itself and treated effluent. We have studied the number of offspring produced in 10 replicates, each starting with a test individual of up to 24 hours for each sample and correlated the results with physical-chemical and microbiological tests performed by a laboratory technician. For most tests, the results indicate that the treated effluent gives sub-lethal toxicity to the microcrustacean, as delay the onset of the reproductive cycle of the same
The mechanical garages do varied types to activities related to the reparation from vehicles such as change from Motor oil, change and cleaning from car pieces, motor rectification, among others. These activities generate different kinds of waste and wastewater that when disposed in an inappropriate way can pollute the environmentand cause risks to the public health. Despite the environmental issues that involves these enterprises, they aren´t object of environmental licensing and there are any rules that regularizes their activities with the goal of these possible environmental impacts mitigation. The environmental diagnosis proposed by the present work has as goal the knowledge of the possible environmental aspects and their effects in the environment, for establishing control measures and from that to generate subsidy for environmental normatization of the sector in the municipal level. Furthermore, it should also define practices as waste production reduction, separation of them at the generator source and convenient final disposal, as well as wastewater production reduction and treatment of them before its launching in the wastewater network. The environmental diagnosis was based on a survey realized in garages from the city of São Carlos – SP, in order to define the more important characteristics of this activity that are related to the environment and public health. From the obtained information from the survey and the interpretation of the data, subsidy for the municipal environment management of the mechanical garages were generated.
Aquatic ecosystems are suffering many impacts caused by human activities resulting from the activities occurring around them. With technological progress observed in recent years, this environment has received large amounts of chemicals from industries, agriculture and urban area that affect the aquatic biota. Among these sources of contamination, the oil industry has contributed to the pollution of aquatic environments with both effluents as produced water well as oil spills and their derivatives having toxicity to various organisms. With all the environmental issues has increased concern about water quality and has been used ecotoxicological tests with aquatic organisms to ecosystems to assess the toxicity of chemicals present in the water. In this context the microcrustacea Daphnia similis stands out as a freshwater organism very representative of the aquatic fauna of rivers and high sensitivity to environmental impacts. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the lethal toxicity of crude oil and produced water on this microcrustacea. The results showed that the microcrustacea presented high sensitivity to contaminants primarily crude oil. There was also the influence of environmental variables pH and temperature on the survival of organisms
The Guaraní aquifer has relevant importance both as a source of water for several urban centres and the development of agriculture and livestock. In recharge areas the aquifer is free and, therefore, subject to contamination of effluents and tailings deposited on soils that cover it. Thus, it becomes crucial not only its protection at all levels, as the knowledge of its degree of natural vulnerability. The present work used geostatistics modeling techniques to study the natural vulnerability of the Guaraní aquifer in the city of Rio Bonito, State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, where the Guarani aquifer is exposed. These techniques, extensively used in evaluation studies of mineral deposits and oil tanks, can be adapted to produce a spatial classification or a regionalisation of probabilistic indices of vulnerability. By ordinary kriging method maps of vulnerability classification were obtained. To determine the vulnerability of the aquifer was employed the Aquifer Vulnerability Index (AVI), which requires knowledge of unsaturated zone thickness and permeability. The final product was a map with probabilistic index of vulnerability of the Guaraní aquifer, which presented values between 0 to 0.33 years, framing the area studied in AVI class extremely high vulnerability
Currently exists a growing concern for the preservation of the environment Around the world, the environmental awareness in Brazil has strengthened during the past two decades. This concern in Brazil arises from the creation of mechanisms of supervision and punishment on the part of the environmental agencies. In order to meet the pertinent legislation many public and private companies have performed dehydration of waste generated in the process of treatment of industrial effluents, waste water and water treatment in order to reduce transport and disposal costs. The use of geotextile tubes has proven technically and economically feasible to be applied in various situations from water treatment to mining tailings. This work presents the solution adopted for an environmental liability in water treatment plant through the use of geotextile tubes to reduce the water content of the disposal. We evaluated the size distribution curves, Atterberg limits, and chemical composition of the residue. Found high concentrations of aluminum in the waste which would characterize environmental pollution if disposed off directly in nature with no treatment
The porcine activity is characterized by its great pollution capacity, generally produce loads of waste that usually are released in superficial water or soil without concern for the consequences to the environment. With this in mind, this study aimed to adjust the porcine production to the protection of water resources, in particular, Ribeirão dos Pinheirinhos in the town of Torrinha (SP), through inventory and diagnosis of the environmental impacts already present and environmental hazards linked to the activity in question. To achieve the proposed objectives, the productions of porcine on the studied area were raised and georeferenced, viewed and analyzed according to the technical and scientific literature. The production visited showed to be at odds with the protection of water resources due to lack of technical criteria in the development of treatment systems and waste handling, indiscriminate use of effluent and waste in the fertilization of crops and the lack of knowledge of producers on the influence of porcine waste into the environment. Based on these results, were set guidelines for action in the environmental awareness of farmers, to stimulate voluntary and conscious initiatives of environmental conservation in the direction of settlement of the activity.
O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar as possíveis diferenças no teor de nitrogênio e fósforo na biomassa de Pistia stratiotes, que coloniza um rio com caracterísicas naturais (Aguapeú) e outro, que recebe grande carga de efluentes domésticos (rio do Poço). Para tanto, foram coletadas amostras de água e indivíduos de P.stratiotes (cinco réplicas) nesses rios. Paralelamente foram feitas medidas diretas de variáveis físico-químicas na água (pH, temperatura, condutividade elétrica, salinidade e turbidez). Em laboratório, foram determinados os teores de oxigênio dissolvido e a alcalinidade das amostras de água, bem como as concentrações de nitrogênio orgânico total, nitrogênio orgânico dissolvido, N-amoniacal N-nitrito, N-nitrato, fósforo total, fósforo dissolvido e P-ortofosfato. Os indivíduos de P. stratiotes coletados tiveram o número de folhas, diâmetro da roseta, altura da parte aérea e, o comprimento e volume da raiz medidos logo após a coleta. Esse material vegetal foi separado em biomassa aérea e submersa, seco e moído para a determinação da biomassa e dos teores de nitrogênio e fósforo totais. Observou-se que o rio Poço apresentou anoxia e as maiores concentrações de nutrientes na água. Pistia stratiotes apresentou maior biomassa e teores de nitrogênio e fósforo totais no rio Poço, provavelmente, devido às maiores concentrações de nutrientes deste rio. Por outro lado, a anoxia não foi limitante para o crescimento da espécie nesse rio. A maior proliferação de P stratiotes se deu no rio Poço, em relação ao rio Aguapeú, devido às condições de eutrofização em que se encontra esse ambiente, ocasionada pelo lançamento freqüente de efluentes domésticos, ricos em nutrientes, em seu curso d’água.
The society continues demonstrating its need regarding the products and services, even though it becomes increasingly value the protection of the environment. In this context, environmental management is defined as a management method that emphasizes to continuously improve results and promote sustainable development. Moreover it has as a tool the laws which provide the benchmarks and mechanisms for companies to adapt their activities in such a way that does not alter the quality of the environment. In this sense, in order to propose improvements to a dairy aiming their environmental suitability, a present study was prepared by following the production activities of the enterprise, the raising of standards and applicable legal requirements and environmental assessment for the preparation of an array of aspects and impacts with the task of identifying the most significant according to MOREIRA (2006). The results indicated that some of the impacts of high relevance are related to the generation of wastewater and solid waste, which do not have treatment and / or proper disposal and indeed require intervention for their suitability. Through, these results were drawn up proposals for actions conformation. In addition, they were proposed meeting the requirement for health and safety at work, in accordance with the standard regulations. This study has the function, therefore, propose to the company in question, an environmental management plan that ensures the protection of the environment and health of employees and consequently the improvement of production processes and products
This study was conducted to verify water quality and environmental impacts related to the occupation of the watershed of the Bandeirantes stream, located in Rio Claro, SP. The intention is to propose measures to enable the mitigation of negative impacts, and boosting the recovery and maintenance of the quality of water resources, preventing its complete degradation. Water analysis were performed at three different points, east, crossing the Ring Road (dirt road) and near the confluence with the Ribeirão Claro. The results indicated significant degradation of water, especially after the crossing, where it witnessed the accumulation of solid waste and easy access to the stream, both for animals as for people, due to limited riparian it. Another impact was observed the current construction of the Forum of Rio Claro in the right side of the stream studied, causing change in the landscape, change the flow properties and removal of existing vegetation at the site of work, defined as an environmentally protected area, as determined by existing law. Measures such as: restoration of riparian zones, effluent treatment, planned urban growth and environmental education of the population, would be essential to mitigate the environmental impacts of watershed Bandeirantes stream
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a biodegradação de efluente oleosos em ambiente terrestre. Foram avaliados os potenciais degradação dos seguintes óleos: óleo lubrificante automotivo usado, óleo vegetal novo e usado, e biodiesel. Os ensaios realizados objetivaram, pelo método de respirometria, quantificar e comparar as porcentagens de biodegradação medida através da formação do CO2 da respirometria bacteriana entre amostras de solos contaminados por diferentes tipos de óleo. Além destes ensaios, foram realizados testes colorimétricos que, indicarão, pela mudança de cor do indicador, quais os óleos levam mais tempo para serem completamente degradados. Dessa maneira, foi possível verificar a degradabilidade relativa dos óleos, e contribuir para futuras pesquisas envolvendo a poluição de ambientes com efluentes oleosos. Os dados coletados permitiram verificar a toxicidade e biodegradabilidade relativa dos óleos, de modo que os ensaios contendo biodiesel e óleo vegetal novo tiveram menor índice de biodegradação, quando comparado ao óleo automotivo usado.
The purpose of this work is to study the theme “infiltration trenches” in some of its main aspects, such as sizing methods and parameters related to this, in order to subsidize the installation of these structures in the urban area of Rio Claro/SP. For purposes of sizing, the “rain-envelope method” was used for its simplicity and direct application from the local characterization data and the IDF (intensity-duration-frequency) curve data. The method bases on the determination of the tributary volume of input and output device. The curve of values accumulated over time of the volumes tributaries to the device, which is built on the flow rates obtained from the local IDF curve, is compared with the value curve of his effluent volumes determined from the flow characteristics obtained from the infiltration soil. The maximum difference between the curves is the volume sizing. Five locations were chosen in the urban area of Rio Claro for implementation of these devices, considering the soil type, hydraulic conductivity of each area and lot size according to the Master Plan of Rio Claro. This work also presented an estimated reduction of the runoff in urban lots by using infiltration trenches.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Worldwide environmental degradation is an undesirable byproduct resulting from the increasing demand for natural resources. Water sources are suffering intense contamination since they usually receive a huge amount of domestic and industrial effluents - which are mostly wasted without proper treatment - inserting a large number of pollutants in the environment, heavy metals included. Mercury holds great toxicological importance because, under some physicochemical conditions in a water environment, Hg (II) ion turns into methylated compounds stemming from this element, such as methylmercury CH3Hg, which is highly toxic for the aquatic community in which bioaccumulation occurs. Nowadays passive sampling techniques are being developed to enable the analytical procedures which are applied in environmental monitoring. Diffusive gradients in thin-films technique (DGT) has been proven an interesting tool for the determination of labile metal species due to its in situ application. The DGT technique consists of a piston-like device on which the following series of agents is disposed: a binding agent (conventionally Chelex 100 resin), a diffusive agent, usually a polyacrylamide gel, and a membrane filter. Nevertheless, the agents conventinally used for this technique don't usually show satisfactory results in mercury sampling. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the phosphate-treated cellulose membrane (Whatman P 81), an alternative material, as binding agent in the DGT to determine labile mercury fractions in aquatic systems. In this context, we conducted a study of the behavior of this material in relation with system variables, pH and ionic strength. Afterwards we performed immersions of the DGT devices in real and enriched samples and in situ aiming the determination of mercury
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ