969 resultados para Eco-villages


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Coevolution is among the main forces shaping the biodiversity on Earth. In Eurasia, one of the best-known plant-insect interactions showing highly coevolved features involves the fly genus Chiastocheta and its host-plant Trollius. Although this system has been widely studied from an ecological point of view, the phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic history of the flies have remained little investigated. In this integrative study, we aim to test the monophyly of the five Chiastocheta eco-morphological groups, defined by Pellmyr in 1992, by inferring a mitochondrial phylogeny. We further apply a new approach to assess the effect of (i) different molecular substitution rates and (ii) phylogenetic uncertainty on the inference of the spatio-temporal evolution of the group. From a taxonomic point of view, we demonstrate that only two of Pellmyr's groups (rotundiventris and dentifera) are phylogenetically supported, the other species appearing para- or polyphyletic. We also identify the position of C. lophota, which was not included in previous surveys. From a spatio-temporal perspective, we show that the genus arose during the Pliocene in Europe. Our results also indicate that at least four large-scale dispersal events are required to explain the current distribution of Chiastocheta. Moreover, each dispersal to or from Asia is associated with a host-shift and seems to correspond to an increase in speciation rates. Finally, we highlight the correlation between diversification and climatic fluctuations, which indicate that the cycles of global cooling over the last million years had an influence on the radiation of the group.


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El planteamiento hermenéutico del tema del lenguaje, en su versión gadameriana,constituye una importante aportación al diálogo con las distintas posiciones en las que el pensamiento de nuestro siglo se hace eco de un problema: la incapacidad del lenguajepara articular la experiencia del mundo, en orden a posibilitar el ejercicio de la racionalidad práctica. La pretensión de estas páginas es presentar el sesgo desde el que estaintervención adquiere un especial protagonismo en la filosofía de las últinias décadas y poner en discusión algunas de las posibilidades de desarrollo que, en el curso del debatede estas cuestiones, se han ido proponiendo.


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Water tanks offer from many centuries ago solutions in South India for several problems related with water scarcity. They are a traditional water harvesting system wide spread in this territory, allowing a potential decentralized and participatory management of the local population on their own resources. Although water tanks¿ main function is irrigation, they have many other uses, functions and natural resources associated, involving stakeholders in the villages apart from those farmers making use of the irrigation. Water tanks provide a variety of landscapes and biodiversity that creates a valuable heterogeneous territory. The complexity of such an ecosystem should be managed with an integral perspective, considering all the elements involved and their relations, and understanding that water tanks are not just water deposits. This multidisciplinary study tries to demonstrate the idea of water tanks as ecosystems, describing and analyzing deeply and in an unprecedentedly way the functions, uses, natural resources and stakeholders. The research also focuses in the assessment of the ecosystemic perception of the local population of some villages in Tamil Nadu, employing diverse anthropological methodology.


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Neste artigo analisamos os modos de regulação de uma atividade - as explicações - que é hoje um caso de sucesso em todo o mundo como oferta educativa privada e que podemos mesmo considerar paralela à do modelo escolar. Num primeiro momento, procedemos à caracterização das políticas de regulação em escala global: a situação nos países que ignoram a atividade das explicações; o caso dos países que escolheram a via da proibição, total ou parcial; o caso dos países que reconheceram a atividade e até formularam políticas educacionais que encontraram nas explicações um aliado para a melhoria dos resultados escolares. Abordaremos depois a situação em Portugal, país onde a atividade existe desde há muito, mas que conhece na atualidade um vigor novo e maior visibilidade social. Quanto às políticas de regulação das explicações em Portugal, podemos falar de uma regulação burocrática sem grande eco na prática dos profissionais, dos estudantes e das famílias. Terminaremos com algumas reflexões sobre a necessidade de se dar dimensão pública à discussão sobre a atividade das explicações, tantas e tão sérias são as suas repercussões sociais e políticas, nomeadamente em matéria de democratização do acesso e do sucesso escolares, questão nuclear que está no cerne da preocupação com a equidade no seio das políticas públicas.


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O texto discute o rendimento no curso de três turmas de alunos que ingressaram na Universidade de Brasília em 2004, 2005 e 2006, mediante vestibulares com dois sistemas de seleção, o de reserva de 20% das vagas para negros e o tradicional, de livre competição. Compararam-se as médias das notas de dois grupos de alunos em cada carreira, cotistas e não-cotistas, considerando o nível de prestígio social do curso e sua área do conhecimento do vestibular - Humanidades, Ciências e Saúde. Em linhas gerais, no conjunto das três turmas de cada área, os resultados mostraram que em aproximadamente dois terços ou mais das carreiras não houve diferenças expressivas entre as médias dos dois grupos ou estas foram favoráveis aos cotistas - apesar de exceção num único ano, nas Ciências. A principal tendência constatada, que encontrou eco em evidências empíricas de outras instituições, foi a da ausência de diferenças sistemáticas de rendimento a favor dos não-cotistas, contrariando previsões de críticos do sistema de cotas, no sentido de que este provocaria uma queda no padrão acadêmico da universidade.


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The Formica rufa group (red wood ants) currently includes six species. Nevertheless, during previous work based on molecular markers, we showed the existence of one population morphologically identified as F. lugubris, but genetically different from all other analysed populations of this species. This population could represent a cryptic species within the Swiss National Park and has been provisionally named Formica lugubris-A2. To verify our hypothesis, we conducted a behavioural test based on the ability of ants to recognize pupae of their own species when compared to those of another species. The three red wood ant species present in the Swiss National Park (F. lugubris, F. paralugubris and F. aquilonia) and the F. lugubris-A2 population were used in our study. Results indicate that the F. lugubris-A2 population differs from other F. lugubris and from all other species in the behaviour of its workers and in the way its pupae are discriminated by other species. This is in accordance with the genetic data and strengthens our hypothesis on the existence of a new cryptic red wood ant species within the Swiss National Park.


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Aujourd'hui plus que jamais, le développement économique ne peut se faire au détriment de notre environnement naturel. Dès lors se pose la question de savoir comment parvenir à maintenir la compétitivité d'une économie, tout en tenant compte de l'impact qu'elle a sur révolution du cadre naturel. La présente recherche propose d'investiguer sur la question en se penchant sur les politiques publiques de promotion économique, et plus spécifiquement sur la politique régionale. Faut-il maintenir la confiance dans les courants néoclassiques, comme le laisse supposer la situation actuelle, renforcer la position d'une économie s'inscrivant au sein d'un cadre socio-environnemental ou encore repenser notre mode de fonctionnement économique quant à son développement ? Dans le cas présent, la politique régionale suisse est évaluée à la lumière de trois stratégies de développement économique. D'une part, il y a l'économie fondée sur la connaissance. Cette dernière est à la base de la philosophie actuelle en matière de politique régionale. Ensuite, il y a l'écologie industrielle, qui pour sa part fait la promesse d'un développement économique éco-compatible. Enfin, la troisième stratégie est celle de l'économie de fonctionnalité, qui propose de maximiser l'efficience d'une unité de matière première en limitant notamment la notion de propriété. Au travers d'une grille d'analyse construite sur le modèle des géographies de la grandeur, les trois stratégies sont confrontées aux objectifs de la nouvelle politique régionale suisse (NPR) ainsi qu'à ses modalités de mise en oeuvre. Il en ressort qu'en l'état actuel, la stratégie misant sur l'économie de la connaissance est la plus à même de relever le défi d'un développement économique durable. Toutefois, moyennant adaptations, les autres stratégies pourraient également se révéler être pertinentes. On constate notamment que les éléments clés sont ici l'innovation, ainsi que les dimensions spatiale et temporelle des stratégies. Nous recommandons dès lors d'adopter une approche territorialisée du développement économique, selon une logique de projet au sens de Boltanski & Chiapello. A notre sens, seules les propositions à même de fédérer les acteurs et disposant d'une vision intégrée du développement ont une chance de permettre un développement économique en harmonie avec notre cadre environnemental. - Today more than ever, economic development can't go ahead without consideration for our natural environment. This lays us with the question of how to maintain the competitiveness of an economy, and at the same time to manage the impact of it on the natural frame. This research aims to investigate this question through public policies fostering economy, more specifically through the regional policy. Must one trust the neo-classical way, as the actual situation let's think about it, reinforce the position of an economy within a socio- environmental frame or moreover reinvent our economical modus regarding development? In this case, an assessment of the Swiss regional policy is lead through three strategies of economic development. First, there is the knowledge economy. It is the core concept of the actual philosophy regarding regional policy. Second, there is the industrial ecology which aims to promote an eco-compatible economic development. Last, there is the functional economy, which proposes to maximize the efficiency of every used unit of natural resources by limiting in particular the notion of propriety. Through an analytic frame built on the model of geographies of greatness (géographies de la grandeuή, the three strategies are confronted to the objectives of the Swiss new regional policy (NRP) as well as its implementation. It turns out that actually, the strategy laying on the knowledge economy happens to be the best solution in order to promote a sustainable economic development. Nevertheless, with few adaptations, the other strategies could be pregnant as well. What we can see is that key- elements are here the innovation, as well as the spatial and temporal dimensions of these strategies. We recommend therefore to adopt a territorialised approach of economic development, with a project-based logic as meant by Boltanski & Chiapello. We are convinced that only propositions which are able to unit actors, and with an integrated point of view, have a chance to promote economic development in harmony with our environmental frame.


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Pangea és una xarxa connectada a Internet. Per aixo, quan em van proposar d'escriure aquest article de seguida vaig pensar que en aquests moments és molt difícil fer referéncies a temes relacionats amb Internet sense caure en el parany deis topics, o sense contribuir a donar la imatge que actualment ja no es pot viure sense aquesta gran xarxa. Aquesta darrera percepció és la que em fa més por, sobretot en el camp de I'educació. La popularització d'lnternet en el món educatiu suposa i suposara en els propers anys una petita revolució que pot contribuir a la innovació en el sistema educatiu, pero malauradament els reptes de la renovació i millora de I'ensenyament en tots els seus nivells i aspectes no es poden abordar exclusivament davant d'un ordinador connectat a la xarxa.


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Los cambios que han afectado y afectan a la sociedad postindustrial actual tienen su eco en la manera según la cual se entiende el papel y contenido de los museos entendidos como elementos culturales relevantes. En el presente trabajo se repasa el papel que la interactividad tiene dentro de este tipo de equipamientos. Para ello, se procede a mostrar el desarrollo que la museografía interactiva ha tenido desde sus inicios hasta nuestros días, así como las críticas que desde las más diversas corrientes ha sufrido. Seguidamente se exponen las líneas de razonamiento básicas para analizar la aplicación de este tipo de museografía, desde el punto de vista de la investigación y el aprendizaje. Finalmente, se debate la importancia de elementos lúdicos y tecnológicos de las propuestas interactivas dentro del panorama museístico actual.


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The expression of a social behaviour may affect the fitness of actors and recipients living in the present and in the future of the population. When there is a risk that a future reward will not be experienced in such a context, the value of that reward should be discounted; but by how much? Here, we evaluate social discount rates for delayed fitness rewards to group of recipients living at different positions in both space and time than the actor in a hierarchically clustered population. This is a population where individuals are grouped into families, families into villages, villages into clans, and so on, possibly ad infinitum. The group-wide fitness effects are assumed to either increase or decrease the fecundity or the survival of recipients and can be arbitrarily extended in space and time. We find that actions changing the survival of individuals living in the future are generally more strongly discounted than fecundity-changing actions for all future times and that the value of future rewards increases as individuals live longer. We also find that delayed fitness effects may not only be discounted by a constant factor per unit delay (exponential discounting), but that, as soon as there is localized dispersal in a population, discounting per unit delay is likely to fall rapidly for small delays and then slowly for longer delays (hyperbolic discounting). As dispersal tends to be localized in natural populations, our results suggest that evolution is likely to favour individuals that express present-biased behaviours and that may be time-inconsistent with respect to their group-wide effects.


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El planteamiento hermenéutico del tema del lenguaje, en su versión gadameriana,constituye una importante aportación al diálogo con las distintas posiciones en las que el pensamiento de nuestro siglo se hace eco de un problema: la incapacidad del lenguajepara articular la experiencia del mundo, en orden a posibilitar el ejercicio de la racionalidad práctica. La pretensión de estas páginas es presentar el sesgo desde el que estaintervención adquiere un especial protagonismo en la filosofía de las últinias décadas y poner en discusión algunas de las posibilidades de desarrollo que, en el curso del debatede estas cuestiones, se han ido proponiendo.


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La literatura ha estat, històricament, una forma de vivència i de coneixença del territori. En aquest sentit, el projecte Geografia literària dels Països Catalans esdevé una proposta de redescoberta de pobles, ciutats i comarques, de recuperació i fixació en la memòria d’espais, indrets, cases, monuments, edificis patrimonials o llocs mítics que han estat el centre d’interès dels nostres escriptors d’ençà dels trobadors i Ramon Llull fins als nostres dies. Per tot plegat, aquest treball té un triple objectiu: en primer lloc, donar a conèixer la iniciativa Geografia literària dels Països Catalans; en segon lloc, proposar-ne un marc teòric, i, per acabar, analitzar, específicament, alguns dels espais literaris que es localitzen a la comarca d’Osona.


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The molecular and isotopic chemistry of organic residues from archaeological potsherds was used to obtain further insight into the dietary trends and economies at the Constance lake-shore Neolithic settlements. The archaeological organic residues from the Early Late Neolithic (3922-3902 BC) site Hornstaad-Hornle IA/Germany are, at present, the oldest archaeological samples analysed at the Institute of Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the University of Lausanne. The approach includes 13C/12C and 15N/14N ratios of the bulk organic residues, fatty acids distribution and 13C/12C ratios of individual fatty acids. The results are compared with those obtained from the over 500 years younger Neolithic (3384-3370 BC) settlement of Arbon Bleiche 3/Switzerland and with samples of modern vegetable oils and fat of animals that have been fed exclusively on C3 forage grasses. The overall fatty acid composition (C9 to C24 range, maximizing at C14 and C16), the bulk 13C/12C and 15N/14N ratios (delta13C, delta15N) and the 13C/12C ratios of palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0) and oleic acids (C18:1) of the organic residues indicate that most of the studied samples (25 from 47 samples and 5 from 41 in the delta13C18:0 vs. delta13C16:0 and delta13C18:0 vs. delta13C18:1 diagrams, respectively) from Hornstaad-Hornle IA and Arbon Bleiche 3 sherds contain fat residues of pre-industrial ruminant milk, and young suckling calf/lamb adipose. These data provide direct proof of milk and meat (mainly from young suckling calves) consumption and farming practices for a sustainable dairying in Neolithic villages in central Europe around 4000 BC.dagger