957 resultados para ETF and ITF Load cases


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Sandwich panels of laminated gypsum and rock wool have shown large pathology of cracking due to excessive slabs deflection. Currently the most widespread use of this material is as vertical elements of division or partition, with no structural function, what justifies that there are no studies on the mechanism of fracture and mechanical properties related to it. Therefore, and in order to reduce the cracking problem, it is necessary to progress in the simulation and prediction of the behaviour under tensile and shear load of such panels, although in typical applications have no structural responsability.


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Within the last century the interest in wind-induced loads over civil engineering structures has become more and more important, the reason being that the development of new construction techniques and materials has allowed engineers and architects to design new structures far from the traditional concepts, and in many cases wind actions over these singular structures are not included in the existing codes of practice. In this paper the windinduced static loads over bridges constructed by the double cantilever method during erection stages are considered. The aerodynamic load over a double cantilever bridge under a yawing-angled wind produces a yawing (torsional) moment on the bridge deck, which can lead to undesirable rotation of the deck about the supporting pier. The effects of the wind yaw angle and the length of the deck are analysed. The wind action caused by the presence of sliding concrete forms at the ends of the deck is also studied.


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El presente proyecto desarrolla el diseño de un sistema de pitch pasivo para aerogeneradores en entornos urbanos en el marco del proyecto SWIP (Soluciones, componentes y herramientas novedosos e innovadores para la integración de la energía eólica en áreas urbanas y suburbanas) En primer lugar se describe el marco de trabajo así como una introducción teórica de energía eólica y de sistemas de pitch o de control de paso de pala. Aquí son presentados los fundamentos del accionamiento del pitch pasivo diseñado. A continuación se presenta el mecanismo diseñado y los cálculos sobre él efectuados para el ajuste de sus parámetros de funcionamiento. Posteriormente se plantea el análisis estructural de los distintos casos de carga a los que estará sometido y el estudio de su respuesta dinámica a perturbaciones reales con las que trabajará durante su funcionamiento normal. Por último, se aclaran otra serie de factores como la seguridad y el sobredimensionamiento del generador y se hace un análisis económico del diseño junto con una comparativa con las tecnologías alternativas existentes. ABSTRACT The present project develops the design of a passive pitch system for wind turbines for urban and sub-urban areas for the SWIP European Project (New innovative solutions, components and tools for the integration of wind energy in urban and peri-urban áreas) Firstly, the framework is described, as well as a theoretical introduction to wind energy and pitch systems. Here, the principles of the designed passive pitch mechanism are presented. Subsequently, the designed mechanism is presented together with the calculations on it for the adjustment of its working parameters. After that, the structural analyses for the different load cases that will affect the design are studied. Afterwards, the dynamic response of the system to real perturbations during its operation is studied. Finally, some concepts concerning security issues or oversizing of the electric generator are considered and an economic analysis is performed for the design and also to compare it with the alternative existing technologies.


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Although tree ferns are an important component of temperate and tropical forests, very little is known about their ecology. Their peculiar biology (e.g., dispersal by spores and two-phase life cycle) makes it difficult to extrapolate current knowledge on the ecology of other tree species to tree ferns. In this paper, we studied the effects of negative density dependence (NDD) and environmental heterogeneity on populations of two abundant tree fern species, Cyathea caracasana and Alsophila engelii, and how these effects change across a successional gradient. Species patterns harbor information on processes such as competition that can be easily revealed using point pattern analysis techniques. However, its detection may be difficult due to the confounded effects of habitat heterogeneity. Here, we mapped three forest plots along a successional gradient in the montane forests of Southern Ecuador. We employed homogeneous and inhomogeneous K and pair correlation functions to quantify the change in the spatial pattern of different size classes and a case-control design to study associations between juvenile and adult tree ferns. Using spatial estimates of the biomass of four functional tree types (short- and long-lived pioneer, shade- and partial shade-tolerant) as covariates, we fitted heterogeneous Poisson models to the point pattern of juvenile and adult tree ferns and explored the existence of habitat dependencies on these patterns. Our study revealed NDD effects for C. caracasana and strong environmental filtering underlying the pattern of A. engelii. We found that adult and juvenile populations of both species responded differently to habitat heterogeneity and in most cases this heterogeneity was associated with the spatial distribution of biomass of the four functional tree types. These findings show the effectiveness of factoring out environmental heterogeneity to avoid confounding factors when studying NDD and demonstrate the usefulness of covariate maps derived from mapped communities.


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RDB to RDF Mapping Language (R2RML) es una recomendación del W3C que permite especificar reglas para transformar bases de datos relacionales a RDF. Estos datos en RDF se pueden materializar y almacenar en un sistema gestor de tripletas RDF (normalmente conocidos con el nombre triple store), en el cual se pueden evaluar consultas SPARQL. Sin embargo, hay casos en los cuales la materialización no es adecuada o posible, por ejemplo, cuando la base de datos se actualiza frecuentemente. En estos casos, lo mejor es considerar los datos en RDF como datos virtuales, de tal manera que las consultas SPARQL anteriormente mencionadas se traduzcan a consultas SQL que se pueden evaluar sobre los sistemas gestores de bases de datos relacionales (SGBD) originales. Para esta traducción se tienen en cuenta los mapeos R2RML. La primera parte de esta tesis se centra en la traducción de consultas. Se propone una formalización de la traducción de SPARQL a SQL utilizando mapeos R2RML. Además se proponen varias técnicas de optimización para generar consultas SQL que son más eficientes cuando son evaluadas en sistemas gestores de bases de datos relacionales. Este enfoque se evalúa mediante un benchmark sintético y varios casos reales. Otra recomendación relacionada con R2RML es la conocida como Direct Mapping (DM), que establece reglas fijas para la transformación de datos relacionales a RDF. A pesar de que ambas recomendaciones se publicaron al mismo tiempo, en septiembre de 2012, todavía no se ha realizado un estudio formal sobre la relación entre ellas. Por tanto, la segunda parte de esta tesis se centra en el estudio de la relación entre R2RML y DM. Se divide este estudio en dos partes: de R2RML a DM, y de DM a R2RML. En el primer caso, se estudia un fragmento de R2RML que tiene la misma expresividad que DM. En el segundo caso, se representan las reglas de DM como mapeos R2RML, y también se añade la semántica implícita (relaciones de subclase, 1-N y M-N) que se puede encontrar codificada en la base de datos. Esta tesis muestra que es posible usar R2RML en casos reales, sin necesidad de realizar materializaciones de los datos, puesto que las consultas SQL generadas son suficientemente eficientes cuando son evaluadas en el sistema gestor de base de datos relacional. Asimismo, esta tesis profundiza en el entendimiento de la relación existente entre las dos recomendaciones del W3C, algo que no había sido estudiado con anterioridad. ABSTRACT. RDB to RDF Mapping Language (R2RML) is a W3C recommendation that allows specifying rules for transforming relational databases into RDF. This RDF data can be materialized and stored in a triple store, so that SPARQL queries can be evaluated by the triple store. However, there are several cases where materialization is not adequate or possible, for example, if the underlying relational database is updated frequently. In those cases, RDF data is better kept virtual, and hence SPARQL queries over it have to be translated into SQL queries to the underlying relational database system considering that the translation process has to take into account the specified R2RML mappings. The first part of this thesis focuses on query translation. We discuss the formalization of the translation from SPARQL to SQL queries that takes into account R2RML mappings. Furthermore, we propose several optimization techniques so that the translation procedure generates SQL queries that can be evaluated more efficiently over the underlying databases. We evaluate our approach using a synthetic benchmark and several real cases, and show positive results that we obtained. Direct Mapping (DM) is another W3C recommendation for the generation of RDF data from relational databases. While R2RML allows users to specify their own transformation rules, DM establishes fixed transformation rules. Although both recommendations were published at the same time, September 2012, there has not been any study regarding the relationship between them. The second part of this thesis focuses on the study of the relationship between R2RML and DM. We divide this study into two directions: from R2RML to DM, and from DM to R2RML. From R2RML to DM, we study a fragment of R2RML having the same expressive power than DM. From DM to R2RML, we represent DM transformation rules as R2RML mappings, and also add the implicit semantics encoded in databases, such as subclass, 1-N and N-N relationships. This thesis shows that by formalizing and optimizing R2RML-based SPARQL to SQL query translation, it is possible to use R2RML engines in real cases as the resulting SQL is efficient enough to be evaluated by the underlying relational databases. In addition to that, this thesis facilitates the understanding of bidirectional relationship between the two W3C recommendations, something that had not been studied before.


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This paper presents an overview of depth averaged modelling of fast catastrophic landslides where coupling of solid skeleton and pore fluid (air and water) is important. The first goal is to show how Biot-Zienkiewicz models can be applied to develop depth integrated, coupled models. The second objective of the paper is to consider a link which can be established between rheological and constitutive models. Perzyna´s viscoplasticity can be considered a general framework within which rheological models such as Bingham and cohesive frictional fluids can be derived. Among the several alternative numerical models, we will focus here on SPH which has not been widely applied by engineers to model landslide propagation. We propose an improvement, based on combining Finite Difference meshes associated to SPH nodes to describe pore pressure evolution inside the landslide mass. We devote a Section to analyze the performance of the models, considering three sets of tests and examples which allows to assess the model performance and limitations: (i) Problems having an analytical solution, (ii) Small scale laboratory tests, and (iii) Real cases for which we have had access to reliable information


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SUNRISE is a balloon-borne solar telescope flown with a long-duration balloon by NASA's Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility team from Esrange (Swedish Space Corporation), on 8 June 2009. SUNRISE has been a challenging mission from the thermal point of view because of its size and power dissipation. Thus, a dedicated thermal analysis has been carried out to find a solution that allows all the devices to be kept within their appropriate temperature ranges, without exceeding the allowable temperature gradients, critical for optical devices. In this article, the thermal design of SUNRISE is described. A geometrical mathematical model and a thermal mathematical model of the whole system have been set up for the different load cases in order to obtain the temperature distribution and gradients in the system. Some trade-offs have been necessary to fulfil all the thermal requirements. The thermal hardware used to achieve it is described. Finally, the temperatures obtained with the models have been compared with flight data.


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SUNRISE is a balloon-borne solar telescope flown with a long-duration balloon by NASA's Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility team from Esrange (Swedish Space Corporation), on 8 June 2009. SUNRISE has been a challenging mission from the thermal point of view because of its size and power dissipation. Thus, a dedicated thermal analysis has been carried out to find a solution that allows all the devices to be kept within their appropriate temperature ranges, without exceeding the allowable temperature gradients, critical for optical devices. In this article, the thermal design of SUNRISE is described. A geometrical mathematical model and a thermal mathematical model of the whole system have been set up for the different load cases in order to obtain the temperature distribution and gradients in the system. Some trade-offs have been necessary to fulfil all the thermal requirements. The thermal hardware used to achieve it is described. Finally, the temperatures obtained with the models have been compared with flight data.


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This paper is a continuation of a previous one, Sanz-Andrés, Santiago-Prowald, Baker and Quinn (J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 91 (2003) 925) concerning the loads generated on a structural panel (traffic sign) by vehicle running along the road, although obviously, the results are also applicable to the effects of other moving vehicles such as trains. The structural panel was modelized as a large plate whose largest dimension is perpendicular to the vehicle motion direction. In this paper a similar approach is used to develop a mathematical model for the vehicle-induced load on pedestrian barriers, modelized as a large plate whose largest dimension is parallel to the vehicle motion direction. The purpose of the work is to develop a model simple enough to give analytical results, although with the physical phenomena correctly accounted for, such as to be able to explain, at least qualitatively, the main characteristics of the phenomenon, as observed in the experiments performed by Quinn et al. (J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 89 (2001) 831). Actually, in spite of the model simplicity, results of the theoretical model show a reasonable good quantitative agreement with the experimental results. The aim of this and previous publications is to provide to the transport infrastructure community with some simple tools that can help to explain, and in some cases also to compute, the unsteady loading produced by moving vehicles on persons and installations placed close to the roads or tracks.


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Inactivation of the genes involved in DNA mismatch repair is associated with microsatellite instability (MSI) in colorectal cancer. We report that hypermethylation of the 5′ CpG island of hMLH1 is found in the majority of sporadic primary colorectal cancers with MSI, and that this methylation was often, but not invariably, associated with loss of hMLH1 protein expression. Such methylation also occurred, but was less common, in MSI− tumors, as well as in MSI+ tumors with known mutations of a mismatch repair gene (MMR). No hypermethylation of hMSH2 was found. Hypermethylation of colorectal cancer cell lines with MSI also was frequently observed, and in such cases, reversal of the methylation with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine not only resulted in reexpression of hMLH1 protein, but also in restoration of the MMR capacity in MMR-deficient cell lines. Our results suggest that microsatellite instability in sporadic colorectal cancer often results from epigenetic inactivation of hMLH1 in association with DNA methylation.


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Despite the potential of type 1 interferons (IFNs) for the treatment of cancer, clinical experience with IFN protein therapy of solid tumors has been disappointing. IFN-β has potent antiproliferative activity against most human tumor cells in vitro in addition to its known immunomodulatory activities. The antiproliferative effect, however, relies on IFN-β concentrations that cannot be achieved by parenteral protein administration because of rapid protein clearance and systemic toxicities. We demonstrate here that ex vivo IFN-β gene transduction by a replication-defective adenovirus in as few as 1% of implanted cells blocked tumor formation. Direct in vivo IFN-β gene delivery into established tumors generated high local concentrations of IFN-β, inhibited tumor growth, and in many cases caused complete tumor regression. Because the mice were immune-deficient, it is likely that the anti-tumor effect was primarily through direct inhibition of tumor cell proliferation and survival. Based on these studies, we argue that local IFN-β gene therapy with replication-defective adenoviral vectors might be an effective treatment for some solid tumors.


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Nucleolar dominance is an epigenetic phenomenon in which one parental set of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes is silenced in an interspecific hybrid. In natural Arabidopsis suecica, an allotetraploid (amphidiploid) hybrid of Arabidopsis thaliana and Cardaminopsis arenosa, the A. thaliana rRNA genes are repressed. Interestingly, A. thaliana rRNA gene silencing is variable in synthetic Arabidopsis suecica F1 hybrids. Two generations are needed for A. thaliana rRNA genes to be silenced in all lines, revealing a species-biased direction but stochastic onset to nucleolar dominance. Backcrossing synthetic A. suecica to tetraploid A. thaliana yielded progeny with active A. thaliana rRNA genes and, in some cases, silenced C. arenosa rRNA genes, showing that the direction of dominance can be switched. The hypothesis that naturally dominant rRNA genes have a superior binding affinity for a limiting transcription factor is inconsistent with dominance switching. Inactivation of a species-specific transcription factor is argued against by showing that A. thaliana and C. arenosa rRNA genes can be expressed transiently in the other species. Transfected A. thaliana genes are also active in A. suecica protoplasts in which chromosomal A. thaliana genes are repressed. Collectively, these data suggest that nucleolar dominance is a chromosomal phenomenon that results in coordinate or cooperative silencing of rRNA genes.


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Identifying the immunologic and virologic consequences of discontinuing antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients is of major importance in developing long-term treatment strategies for patients with HIV-1 infection. We designed a trial to characterize these parameters after interruption of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in patients who had maintained prolonged viral suppression on antiretroviral drugs. Eighteen patients with CD4+ T cell counts ≥ 350 cells/μl and viral load below the limits of detection for ≥1 year while on HAART were enrolled prospectively in a trial in which HAART was discontinued. Twelve of these patients had received prior IL-2 therapy and had low frequencies of resting, latently infected CD4 cells. Viral load relapse to >50 copies/ml occurred in all 18 patients independent of prior IL-2 treatment, beginning most commonly during weeks 2–3 after cessation of HAART. The mean relapse rate constant was 0.45 (0.20 log10 copies) day−1, which was very similar to the mean viral clearance rate constant after drug resumption of 0.35 (0.15 log10 copies) day−1 (P = 0.28). One patient experienced a relapse delay to week 7. All patients except one experienced a relapse burden to >5,000 RNA copies/ml. Ex vivo labeling with BrdUrd showed that CD4 and CD8 cell turnover increased after withdrawal of HAART and correlated with viral load whereas lymphocyte turnover decreased after reinitiation of drug treatment. Virologic relapse occurs rapidly in patients who discontinue suppressive drug therapy, even in patients with a markedly diminished pool of resting, latently infected CD4+ T cells.


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Malaria has long been among the most common diseases in the southeast Anatolia region of Turkey. In 1992, 18676 cases were diagnosed in Turkey, and Diyarbakir city had the highest incidence (4168 cases), followed by SanliUrfa city (3578 cases). Malaria was especially common during 1994 and 1995, with 84 345 and 82 094 cases being diagnosed in these years, respectively. Spontaneous rupture of malarial spleen is rare. We saw two cases during 1998, which are reported herein. Both patients were male, and were receiving chloroquine treatment for an acute attack of malaria. One of the patients had developed abdominal pain and palpitations, followed by fainting. The other patient had abdominal pain and fever. Explorative laparotomy revealed an enlarged spleen in both patients. Splenectomy was performed in both patients. We have identified 15 episodes of spontaneous rupture of the spleen in the English language literature published since 1961. Because of increased travel to endemic areas and resistance to antimalarial drugs, malaria is a major medical problem that is becoming increasingly important to surgeons worldwide. Malaria is a particularly important problem in the southeast Anatolia region of Turkey. Prophylactic precautions should be taken by tourists who travel to this region, especially during the summer.


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L125R is a mutation in the transmembrane helix C of rhodopsin that is associated with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. To probe the orientation of the helix and its packing in the transmembrane domain, we have prepared and studied the mutations E122R, I123R, A124R, S127R, L125F, and L125A at, and in proximity to, the above mutation site. Like L125R, the opsin expressed in COS-1 cells from E122R did not bind 11-cis-retinal, whereas those from I123R and S127R formed the rhodopsin chromophore partially. A124R opsin formed the rhodopsin chromophore (lambda max 495 nm) in the dark, but the metarhodopsin II formed on illumination decayed about 6.5 times faster than that of the wild type and was defective in transducin activation. The mutant opsins from L125F and L125A bound 11-cis-retinal only partially, and in both cases, the mixtures of the proteins produced were separated into retinal-binding and non-retinal-binding (misfolded) fractions. The purified mutant rhodopsin from L125F showed lambda max at 500 nm, whereas that from L125A showed lambda max at 503 nm. The mutant rhodopsin L125F showed abnormal bleaching behavior and both mutants on illumination showed destabilized metarhodopsin II species and reduced transducin activation. Because previous results have indicated that misfolding in rhodopsin is due to the formation of a disulfide bond other than the normal disulfide bond between Cys-110 and Cys-187 in the intradiscal domain, we conclude from the misfolding in mutants L125F and L125A that the folding in vivo in the transmembrane domain is coupled to that in the intradiscal domain.