A novel configuration for the in situ control of the catalytic activity of a polycrystalline Pt catalyst supported on a mixed ionic electronic conducting (MIEC) substrate is investigated. The modification of the catalytic activity is achieved by inducing the reverse spillover of oxygen promoting species from the support onto the catalyst surface, thus modifying the chemisorptive bond energy of the gas phase adsorbed reactants. This phenomenon is known as Electrochemical Promotion of Catalysis (EPOC). In this work we investigate the use of a wireless system that takes advantage of the mixed ionic electronic conductivity of the catalyst support (internally short-circuiting the system) in a dual chamber reactor. In this wireless configuration, the reaction takes place in one chamber of the membrane reactor while introduction of the promoting species is achieved by the use of an appropriate sweep gas (and therefore control of the oxygen chemical potential difference across the membrane) on the other chamber. Experimental results have shown that the catalytic rate can be enhanced by using an oxygen sweep, while a hydrogen sweep can reverse the changes. Total rate enhancement ratios of up to 3.5 were measured. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2F0.8O3 mixed ionic electronic conducting (MIEC) membrane was used in a dual chamber reactor for the promotion of the catalytic activity of a platinum catalyst for ethylene oxidation. By controlling the oxygen chemical potential difference across the membrane, a driving force for oxygen ions to migrate across the membrane and backspillover onto the catalyst surface is established. The reaction is then promoted by the formation of a double layer of oxide anions on the catalyst surface. Thelectronic conductivity of the membrane material eliminates the need for an external circuit to pump the promoting oxide ion species through the membrane and onto the catalyst surface. This renders this "wireless" system simpler and more amenable for large-scale practical application. Preliminary experiments show that the reaction rate of ethylene oxidation can indeed be promoted by almost one order of magnitude upon exposure to an oxygen atmosphere on the sweep side of the membrane reactor, and thus inducing an oxygen chemical potential difference across the membrane, as compared to the rate under an inert sweep gas. Moreover, the rate does not return to its initial unpromoted value upon cessation of the oxygen flow on the sweep side, but remains permanently promoted. A number of comparisons are drawn between the classical electrochemical promotion that utilises an external circuit and the "wireless" system that utilises chemical potential differences. In addition a 'surface oxygen capture' model is proposed to explain the permanent promotion of the catalyst activity. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.
The electrochemical promotion of a platinum catalyst for ethylene oxidation on a dual chamber membrane reactor was studied. The catalyst was supported on a La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.803 membrane. Due the supporting membrane's electronic conductivity it is possible to promote the reaction by controlling the oxygen chemical potential difference across the membrane. Upon establishment of an oxygen potential difference across the membrane, oxygen species can migrate and spillover onto the catalyst surface, modifying the catalytic activity. Initial experiments showed an overall promotion of approximately one order of magnitude of the reaction rate of ethylene, under an oxygen atmosphere on the sweep side of the membrane reactor, as compared with the rate under an inert sweep gas. The reaction rate can keep its promoted state even after the flow of oxygen on the sweep side was interrupted. This behavior caused further promotion with every experiment cycle. The causes of permanent promotion and on demonstrating controllable promotion of the catalytic activity are presented. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting (San Francisco, CA 11/12-17/2006).
A solid-state electrochemical reactor with ceramic proton-conducting membrane has been used to study the effect of electrochemically induced hydrogen spillover on the catalytic activity of platinum during ethylene oxidation. Suitable proton-conducting electrolyte membranes (Gd-doped BaPrO 3 (BPG) and Y-doped BaZrO3 (BZY)) were fabricated. These materials were chosen because of their protonic conductivity in the operational temperature region of the reaction (400-700 °C). The BZY-based electrochemical cell was used to investigate the open-circuit voltage (OCV) dependence on H2 partial pressure with comparison being made to the theoretical OCV as predicted by the Nernst equation. Furthermore, the BZY pellets were used to study the effect of proton transfer of the catalytic activity of platinum during ethylene oxidation. The reaction was found to exhibit electrochemical promotion at 400 °C and to be electrophilic in nature, i.e. proton addition to the platinum surface resulted in an increase in reaction rate. At higher temperatures, the rate was not affected, within experimental error, by proton addition or removal. Under similar conditions, AC impedance showed that there was a large overall cell resistance at 400 °C with significantly decreased resistance at higher temperatures. It is possible that there could be a relationship between large cell resistances and the onset of electrochemical promotion in this system but there is, as yet, no conclusive evidence for this. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present invention relates to a novel class of water compatible molecularly imprinted polymers (AquaMIPs) capable of selectively binding target molecules such as riboflavin, or analogues thereof, in water or aqueous media, their synthesis and use thereof in food processing and extraction or separation processes.
Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) targeting tegafur, an anti-cancer 5-fluorouracil pro-drug, have been prepared by stoichiometric imprinting using 2,6-bis(acrylamido)pyridine (BAAPy) as the functional monomer. Solution association between tegafur and BAAPy was studied by 1H NMR titration, which confirmed the formation of 1:1 complexes with an affinity constant of 574±15 M-1 ¬in CDCl3. Evaluation of the synthesised materials by HPLC and equilibrium rebinding experiments revealed high selectivity of the imprinted polymer for the pro-drug versus 5-fluorouracil and other competing analytes, with maximum imprinting factors of 25.3 and a binding capacity of 45.1 μmol g-1. The synthesised imprinted polymer was employed in solid-phase extraction of the pro-drug using an optimised protocol that included a simple wash with the porogen used in the preparation of the material. Tegafur recoveries of up to 96% were achieved from aqueous samples and 92% from urine samples spiked with the template and three competing analytes. The results demonstrate the potential of the prepared polymers in the pre-concentration of tegafur from biological samples, which could be an invaluable tool in the monitoring of patient compliance and drug uptake and excretion.
BACKGROUND: Successful management of chronic cough has varied in the primary research studies in the reported literature. One of the potential reasons relates to a lack of intervention fidelity to the core elements of the diagnostic and/or therapeutic interventions that were meant to be used by the investigators.
METHODS: We conducted a systematic review to summarize the evidence supporting intervention fidelity as an important methodologic consideration in assessing the effectiveness of clinical practice guidelines used for the diagnosis and management of chronic cough. We developed and used a tool to assess for five areas of intervention fidelity. Medline (PubMed), Scopus, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were searched from January 1998 to May 2014. Guideline recommendations and suggestions for those conducting research using guidelines or protocols to diagnose and manage chronic cough in the adult were developed and voted upon using CHEST Organization methodology.
RESULTS: A total of 23 studies (17 uncontrolled prospective observational, two randomized controlled, and four retrospective observational) met our inclusion criteria. These articles included 3,636 patients. Data could not be pooled for meta-analysis because of heterogeneity. Findings related to the five areas of intervention fidelity included three areas primarily related to the provider and two primarily related to the patients. In the area of study design, 11 of 23 studies appeared to be underpinned by a single guideline/protocol; for training of providers, two of 23 studies reported training, and zero of 23 reported the use of an intervention manual; and for the area of delivery of treatment, when assessing the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease, three of 23 studies appeared consistent with the most recent guideline/protocol referenced by the authors. For receipt of treatment, zero of 23 studies mentioned measuring concordance of patient-interventionist understanding of the treatment recommended, and zero of 23 mentioned measuring enactment of treatment, with three of 23 measuring side effects and two of 23 measuring adherence. The overall average intervention fidelity score for all 23 studies was poor (20.74 out of 48).
CONCLUSIONS: Only low-quality evidence supports that intervention fidelity strategies were used when conducting primary research in diagnosing and managing chronic cough in adults. This supports the contention that some of the variability in the reporting of patients with unexplained or unresolved chronic cough may be due to lack of intervention fidelity. By following the recommendations and suggestions in this article, researchers will likely be better able to incorporate strategies to address intervention fidelity, thereby strengthening the validity and generalizability of their results that provide the basis for the development of trustworthy guidelines.
O cancro é uma das mais conhecidas e temidas doenças existentes e, como tal, existe um grande interesse no desenvolvimento de métodos de tratamento das afeções tumorais. Os grandes avanços da quimioterapia têm dado ótimos resultados no tratamento do cancro. Contudo, a administração de fármacos antineoplásicos não garante uma elevada eficácia pois os tecidos tumorais apresentam propriedades estruturais que dificultam o transporte de agentes terapêuticos, como a disposição heterogénea dos vasos sanguíneos, a ausência de sistema linfático funcional, as inúmeras barreiras de transporte que o fármaco enfrenta até chegar às células alvo ou a disparidade da expressão de antigénios e recetores nas próprias células. Para além disso, os agentes quimioterapêuticos exibem elevada toxicidade não específica, afetando tanto as células tumorais como as células saudáveis, o que resulta frequentemente em severos efeitos secundários. Se a dose for reduzida para diminuir estes efeitos, a eficácia do tratamento diminuirá também; por outro lado, o aumento da dose, apesar de permitir um melhor controlo do crescimento do tumor, leva também a uma maior toxicidade nos tecidos saudáveis. Para contornar este efeito têm-se desenvolvido diferentes tipos de sistemas de libertação de fármacos com o objetivo de maximizar o direcionamento para os tumores e minimizar a toxicidade sistémica. Entre estas alternativas figuram os chamados smart polymers, que são macromoléculas que sofrem rápidas e reversíveis mudanças na sua estrutura em resposta a estímulos, os quais correspondem geralmente a pequenas alterações no meio, como pH, temperatura, incidência de radiação ou presença de determinadas substâncias químicas. Assim, associando um fármaco a um destes polímeros, em geral recorrendo a técnicas de encapsulação, é possível fazer com que a libertação do fármaco ocorra apenas nas células tumorais, seja por estas apresentarem as características necessárias para alterar a estrutura dos polímeros (acidez ou temperatura diferente das células saudáveis, por exemplo) ou por se conferir externamente à zona do tumor essas mesmas características (por exemplo, incidindo radiação na zona afetada). Os smart polymers têm outras vantagens. Os fármacos conjugados com estes polímeros têm tendência para se acumularem nos tecidos tumorais devido aos altos efeitos de permeabilidade e retenção nestas células e também demonstram menor toxicidade sistémica comparativamente com o fármaco livre. Além disso, os sistemas de libertação poliméricos podem permitir o aumento do tempo de semivida plasmático e da solubilidade dos fármacos de baixo peso molecular, assim como a sua libertação controlada. Com este trabalho pretende-se estudar mais profundamente de que forma é que a utilização dos smart polymers pode aumentar a eficácia e diminuir a toxicidade sistémica das terapias anticancerígenas no tratamento de afeções tumorais.
Concert program for Choral Conducting Recital, February 23, 1977