974 resultados para Duodenal switch


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Lateral insulated gate bipolar transistors (LIGBTs) in silicon-on-insulator (SOI) show a unique turn off characteristic when compared to junction-isolated RESURF LIGBTs or vertical IGBTs. The turn off characteristic shows an extended `terrace' where, after the initial fast transient characteristic of IGBTs due to the loss of the electron current, the current stays almost at the same value for an extended period of time, before suddenly dropping to zero. In this paper, we show that this terrace arises because there is a value of LIGBT current during switch off where the rate of expansion of the depletion region with respect to the anode current is infinite. Once this level of anode current is approached, the depletion region starts to expand very rapidly, and is only stopped when it reaches the n-type buffer layer surrounding the anode. Once this happens, the current rapidly drops to zero. A quasi-static analytic model is derived to explain this behaviour. The analytically modelled turn off characteristic agrees well with that found by numerical simulation.


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A strain-compensated multiple quantum well device is used as a DFB laser, this has been optimized for low jitter gain switched operation at 10 GHz. The signal is transmitted down 80 km of standard fiber then amplified, filtered and polarization controlled before being injected into a DFB laser. The purpose of this regeneration process is to gain switch the DFB with the extracted clock signal in order to retime the converted signal. This process also simultaneously converts the input NRZ format to an output RZ data to format and results in a signal whose optical power and extinction ratio are considerably improved by the regeneration process.


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In this paper we will describe new bimesogenic nematic liquid crystals that have high flexoelectro-optic coefficients (e/K),of the order of 1.5 CN 1 m-1, high switching angles, up to 100° and fast response times, of the order of 100μs or less. We will describe devices constructed, using the ULH texture that may be switched to the optimum angle of 45° for a birefringence based device with the fields of 4Vμm-1 over a wide temperature range. Such devices use an "in plane" optical switching mode, have gray scale capability and a wide viewing angle. We will describe devices using the USH or Grandjean texture that have an optically isotropic "field off" black state, uses "in plane" switching E fields, to give an induced birefringence phase device, with switching times of the order of 20μs. We will briefly describe new highly reflective Blue Phase devices stable over a 50V temperature range in which an electric field is used to switch the reflection from red to green, for example. Full RGB reflections may be obtained with switching times of a few milliseconds. Finally we will briefly mention potential applications including high efficiency RGB liquid crystal laser sources. © 2006 SID.


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We propose a self-forwarding packet-switched optical network with bit-parallel multi-wavelength labels. We experimentally demonstrate transmission of variable-length optical packets over 80 km of fiber and switching over a 1×4 multistage switch with two stages. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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The use of anti-roll bars to provide additional roll stiffness and therefore to reduce the trade-off between ride and rollover performance has previously been studied. However, little work has been carried out to investigate the benefits of a switchable roll stiffness. Such a semi-active anti-roll system has the ability to have a low roll stiffness during straight-ahead driving for improved ride performance and high roll stiffness during cornering for improved roll performance. Modelling of such a system is conducted and the model is validated against a semi-active anti-roll system fitted to an experimental vehicle. Experimental and theoretical investigations are used to investigate the performance of such a system with several different strategies employed to switch to the high-stiffness state. The use of an air suspension on the vehicle to roll into corners is also investigated, as is the possibility of exploiting the road layout by allowing the vehicle to be in a low-roll-stiffness configuration during a corner, and then to switch to the high-roll-stiffness configuration midcorner, hence 'locking in' a roll angle. The best rollover performance improvement that was achieved was 12.5 per cent. © IMechE 2008.


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The use of high tilt angle FLC SLM for optical interconnects was discussed. The transmissive SLM was designed as a 320×1 pixels glass SLM with 20 μm pitch pixels and 2 μm pixel deadspace. The SLM was fabricated using standard class 100 cleanroom facilities to make a glass on glass 1D SLM. The results show that a N×N optical switch can be built using the two-hologram architecture.


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The timing of the floral transition has significant consequences for reproductive success in plants. Plants gauge both environmental and endogenous signals before switching to reproductive development. Many temperate species only flower after they have experienced a prolonged period of cold, a process known as vernalization, which aligns flowering with the favourable conditions of spring. Considerable progress has been made in understanding the molecular basis of vernalization in Arabidopsis. A central player in this process is FLC, which blocks flowering by inhibiting genes required to switch the meristem from vegetative to floral development. Recent data shows that many regulators of FLC alter chromatin structure or are involved in RNA processing.


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Humans are able to learn tool-handling tasks, such as carving, demonstrating their competency to make and vary the direction of movements in unstable environments. It has been shown that when a single reaching movement is repeated in unstable dynamics, the central nervous system (CNS) learns an impedance internal model to compensate for the environment instability. However, there is still no explanation for how humans can learn to move in various directions in such environments. In this study, we investigated whether and how humans compensate for instability while learning two different reaching movements simultaneously. Results show that when performing movements in two different directions, separated by a 35° angle, the CNS was able to compensate for the unstable dynamics. After adaptation, the force was found to be similar to the free movement condition, but stiffness increased in the direction of instability, specifically for each direction of movement. Our findings suggest that the CNS either learned an internal model generalizing over different movements, or alternatively that it was able to switch between specific models acquired simultaneously. © 2008 IEEE.


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Iron is required for many microbes and pathogens for their survival and proliferation including Leishmania which cause leishmaniasis. Leishmaniasis is an increasingly serious infectious disease with a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. These range from localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) lesions to a lethal visceral form. Certain strains such as BALB/c mice fail to control L. major infection and develop progressive lesions and systemic disease. These mice are thought to be a model of non-healing forms of the human disease such as kala-azar or diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis. Progression of disease in BALB/c mice has been associated with the anemia, in last days of their survival, the progressive anemia is considered to be one of the reasons of their death. Ferroportin (Fpn), a key regulator of iron homeostasis is a conserved membrane protein that exports iron across the duodenal enterocytes as well as macrophages and hepatocytes into the blood circulation. Fpn has also critical influence on survival and proliferation of many microorganisms whose growth is dependent upon iron, thus preparation of Fpn is needed to study the role of iron in immune responses and pathogenesis of micoorganisms. To prepare and characterize a recombinant ferroportin, total RNA was extracted from Indian zebrafish duodenum, and used to synthesize cDNA by RT-PCR. PCR product was first cloned in Topo TA vector and then subcloned into the GFP expression vector pEGFP–N1. The final resulted plasmid (pEGFP-ZFpn) was used for expression of FPN-EGFP protein in Hek 293T cells. The expression was confirmed by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometery. Recombinant Fpn was further characterized by submission of its predicted amino acid sequences to the TMHMM V2.0 prediction server (hidden Markov model), NetOGlyc 3.1 server and NetNGlyc 3.1 server. Data emphasised that obtained Fpn from indian zebrafish contained eight transmembrane domains with N- and C-termini inside the cytoplasm and harboured 78 mucin-type glycosylated amino acid. The results indicate that the prepared and characterized recombinant Fpn protein has no membrane topology difference compared to other Fpn described by other researcher. Our next aim was to deliver recombinant plasmid (pEGFP-ZFpn) to entrocyte cells. However, naked therapeutic genes are rapidly degraded by nucleases, showing poor cellular uptake, nonspecificity to the target cells, and low transfection efficiency. The development of safe and efficient gene carriers is one of the prerequisites for the success of gene therapy. Chitosan and alginate 139 polymers were used for oral gene carrier because of their biodegradability, biocompatibility and their mucoadhesive and permeability-enhancing properties in the gut. Nanoparticles comprising Alginate/Chitosan polymers were prepared by pregel preparation method. The resulting nanoparticles had a loading efficiency of 95% and average size of 188 nm as confirmed by PCS method and SEM images had showed spherical particles. BALB/c mice were divided to three groups. The first and second group were fed with chitosan/alginate nanoparticles containing the pEGFP-ZFpn and pEGFP plasmid, respectively (30 μgr/mice) and the third group (control) didn’t get any nanoparticles. The result showed BALB/c mice infected by L.major, resulted in higher hematocryte and iron level in pEGFP-ZFpn fed mice than that in other groups. Consentration of cytokines determined by ELISA showed lower levels of IL-4 and IL-10 and higher levels of IFN-γ/IL-4 and IFN-γ/IL-10 ratios in pEGFP-ZFpn fed mice than that in other groups. Morover more limited increase of footpad thickness and significant reduction of viable parasites in lymph node was seen in pEGFP-ZFpn fed mice. The results showed the first group exhibited a highr hematocryte and iron compared to the other groups. These data strongly suggests the in vivo administration of chitosan/alginate nanoparticles containing pEGFP-ZFpn suppress Th2 response and may be used to control the leishmaniasis .


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In a fibre-optic communication network, the wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) technique enables an expansion of the data-carrying capacity of optical fibres. This can be achieved by transmitting different channels on a single optical fibre, with each channel modulating a different wavelength. In order to access and manipulate these channels at a node of the network, a compact holographic optical switch is designed, modelled, and constructed. The structure of such a switch consists of a series of optical components which are used to collimate the beam from the input, de-multiplex each individual wavelength into separated channels, manipulate the separated channels, and reshape the beam to the output. A spatial light modulator (SLM) is crucial in this system, offering control and flexibility at the channel manipulation stage, and providing the ability to redirect light into the desired output fibre. This is achieved by the use of a 2-D analogue phase computer generated hologram (CGH) based on liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) technology. © 2011 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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Humans are able to learn tool-handling tasks, such as carving, demonstrating their competency to make movements in unstable environments with varied directions. When faced with a single direction of instability, humans learn to selectively co-contract their arm muscles tuning the mechanical stiffness of the limb end point to stabilize movements. This study examines, for the first time, subjects simultaneously adapting to two distinct directions of instability, a situation that may typically occur when using tools. Subjects learned to perform reaching movements in two directions, each of which had lateral instability requiring control of impedance. The subjects were able to adapt to these unstable interactions and switch between movements in the two directions; they did so by learning to selectively control the end-point stiffness counteracting the environmental instability without superfluous stiffness in other directions. This finding demonstrates that the central nervous system can simultaneously tune the mechanical impedance of the limbs to multiple movements by learning movement-specific solutions. Furthermore, it suggests that the impedance controller learns as a function of the state of the arm rather than a general strategy. © 2011 the American Physiological Society.


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This paper discusses the application of hybrid model predictive control to control switching between different burner modes in a novel compact marine boiler design. A further purpose of the present work is to point out problems with finite horizon model predictive control applied to systems for which the optimal solution is a limit cycle. Regarding the marine boiler control the aim is to find an optimal control strategy which minimizes a trade-off between deviations in boiler pressure and water level from their respective setpoints while limiting burner switches.The approach taken is based on the Mixed Logic Dynamical framework. The whole boiler systems is modelled in this framework and a model predictive controller is designed. However to facilitate on-line implementation only a small part of the search tree in the mixed integer optimization is evaluated to find out whether a switch should occur or not. The strategy is verified on a simulation model of the compact marine boiler for control of low/high burner load switches. It is shown that even though performance is adequate for some disturbance levels it becomes deteriorated when the optimal solution is a limit cycle. Copyright © 2007 International Federation of Automatic Control All Rights Reserved.


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We present and demonstrate a technique for producing a high-speed variable focus lens using a fixed birefringent lens and a ferroelectric liquid crystal cell as a polarization switch. A calcite lenses with ordinary and extraordinary focal lengths of 109mm and 88mm respectively, was used to demonstrate focus switching at frequencies of up to 3kHz. Two identical lenses and a single liquid crystal were also used to demonstrate zoom.


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This paper presents an improvement of an IGBT gate drive implementing Active Voltage Control (AVC), and investigates the impact of various parameters affecting its performance. The effects of the bandwidths of various elements and the gains of AVC are shown in simulation and experimentally. Also, the paper proposes connecting a small Active Snubber between the IGBT collector and its gate integrated within the AVC. The effect of this snubber on enhancing the stability of the gate drive is demonstrated. It will be shown that using a wide bandwidth operational amplifier and integrating the Active Snubber within the gate drive reduces the minimum gate resistor required to achieve stability of the controller. Consequently, the response time of the IGBT to control signals is significantly reduced, the switching losses then can be minimised and, hence, the performance of gate drive as whole is improved. This reflects positively on turn-off and turn-on transitions achieving voltage sharing between the IGBTs connected in series to construct a higher voltage switch, making series IGBTs a feasible practice. ©2008 IEEE.


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Using a chiral nematic liquid crystal with a negative dielectric anisotropy, it is possible to switch between band-edge laser emission and random laser emission with an electric field. At low frequencies (1 kHz), random laser emission is observed as a result of scattering due to electro-hydrodynamic instabilities. However, band-edge laser emission is found to occur at higher frequencies (5 kHz), where the helix is stabilized due to dielectric coupling. These results demonstrate a method by which the linewidth of the laser source can be readily controlled externally (from 4 nm to 0.5 nm) using electric fields. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.