920 resultados para Draw Law Enforcement
A total of 37 beneficiaries under the Philippine National Aquasilviculture Program (PNAP) was interviewed using the structured survey questionnaire of Socioeconomic Monitoring Guidelines for Coastal Managers in Southeast Asia (SocMon SEA). Most of the members of the households are young and in-school. Household heads’ primary occupation is fishing, a shift from mussel farming- the town’s major industry in the past decades. Perceived threat by the beneficiaries is related to the environment specifically typhoon and the problems on waste disposal. It also identified law enforcement as weak leading to dwindling fish catch, mass mortality of mussel, red tide and other problems affecting their primary sources of income. However, they could not relate these phenomena to the most likely causes. The current occupation does not provide sufficient income for the family as they seek for alternative jobs. Garbage and poor implementation of laws are among the identified problems of the beneficiaries.
This veto message from Governor Nikki Haley vetoes a bill that would allow the state to collect dues for the Society of Former Agents of the State Law Enforcement Division because the government should not serve as a dues collector for private organizations.
O objetivo da simulação é confrontar os instruendos com situações que permitam recriar as condições mais próximas da realidade, para que o processo de aprendizagem possa atingir os objetivos da formação. As polícias estrangeiras já utilizam simuladores nas áreas do ensino da condução, tiro, inativação de engenhos explosivos e fiscalização rodoviária. Cada equipamento ensina e desenvolve as capacidades dos agentes policiais, que por sua vez, contribui para a promoção da eficácia policial. Este estudo estabelece a ligação entre os conceitos de simulação e de formação no sentido de tentar desenvolver as linhas orientadoras da formação policial da GNR com recurso à simulação. Abstract: The intent of simulations is to immerse trainees in situations wich provide to recreate conditions similar to reality, for the purpose that the training process would reach training objectives. Law enforcement agencies abroad already use simulators for driver training, shooting, explosive ordinance disposal and road and transport enforcement. Each equipment teaches and enhance skills of individual officers which, in turn, will contribute to promote police effectiveness. This study aims to link the concepts of simulation and training in order to develop the guidelines of the GNR police training using simulators.
A presente investigação visa aferir formas de cooperação institucional entre o Destacamento Territorial de Sintra e os atores locais na prevenção do consumo/tráfico juvenil de estupefacientes. Pretende-se verificar que ações são desenvolvidas para prevenir este comportamento desviante; que vulnerabilidades são identificadas ao nível da cooperação institucional e melhorias para colmatar essas mesmas vulnerabilidades; e ainda propor possíveis ações ou medidas a serem realizadas, no âmbito da cooperação institucional, na prevenção do consumo/tráfico de estupefacientes. Neste sentido, a Guarda Nacional Republicana, enquanto força de segurança, tem incumbências na prevenção destes comportamentos e na criação de laços cooperativos com outros atores, para que este tipo de ações contribua para a promoção do sentimento de segurança. Além do patrulhamento que os militares efetuam diariamente, os militares das secções de programas especiais do Destacamento Territorial são os que mais lidam com esta problemática, essencialmente na prevenção desenvolvida junto da comunidade escolar. O presente estudo adota uma metodologia de tipo qualitativo. Combina a análise documental sobre a atividade policial do Destacamento Territorial de Sintra com as entrevistas realizadas a militares com funções de chefia e a entidades externas que atuam na zona de ação da subunidade. Os resultados decorrentes das entrevistas revelam sintonia no balanço da cooperação institucional, que tanto a Guarda Nacional Republicana como os atores locais consideram ser positiva. As ações de sensibilização junto dos jovens contam-se entre as atividades realizadas conjuntamente, mas a cooperação também proporciona a partilha de informação que permite agir mais rapidamente. Entre as potencialidades desta cooperação elencadas pelos entrevistados salientou-se assim a experiência adquirida e a facilitação das relações entre instituições, que desbloqueia situações e permite resolver problemas de forma mais célere. No âmbito das potencialidades referiu-se ainda o duplo papel da Guarda Nacional Republicana, que por atuar na prevenção e na aplicação da lei causa mais impacto junto dos jovens. No que diz respeito às vulnerabilidades da cooperação existente, foram apontadas limitações quanto aos recursos humanos e materiais e foi salientada a ausência de uma política de prevenção nas escolas. Mencionaram-se ainda algumas dificuldades pontuais de articulação entre entidades, o que também ocorre por via da falta de interoperabilidade entre sistemas de informação. Por último, no que concerne a recomendações de ações a desenvolver apurou-se a necessidade de reforçar a formação específica no sentido de qualificar um leque mais abrangente de intervenientes; considerou-se pertinente a celebração de contratos locais de segurança; e a especialização dos militares da Guarda Nacional Republicana para se dedicarem unicamente a este tipo de temas. Em suma, a prevenção do consumo/tráfico juvenil de estupefacientes passa, cada vez mais, pela cooperação institucional entre atores, visto que é desta forma que se consegue alcançar um maior número de indivíduos e pelo facto de esta realidade ser um problema socialmente relevante na estruturação social, pelo que reclama esforços e ações conjuntas.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, Mestrado Profissional em Administração, 2015.
Ce mémoire explore le vécu et la construction de l’expérience de jeunes racisés ayant reçu des constats d’infraction dans le cadre de leur occupation de l’espace public montréalais. Il s’agit spécifiquement d’appréhender, à partir de la sociologie de l’expérience de Dubet (1994), le profil et les conditions de vie, la présence dans l’espace public, les raisons et la nature des constats d’infraction, les stratégies mises en œuvre face au profilage racial ainsi que les conséquences du profilage racial sur les jeunes racisés. Se situant dans une perspective qualitative, la méthodologie de recherche a reposé sur le recueil de dix entrevues semi-dirigées, soit neuf jeunes hommes et une jeune fille entre 18 et 30 ans ayant eu des contacts avec la police dans le cadre du contrôle de l’espace public à Montréal. Basée essentiellement sur l’approche mixte de Miles et Huberman (2003), l’analyse du corpus a permis de rendre compte de l’hétérogénéité de l’expérience des jeunes racisés et profilés interrogés et de dégager deux types d’expérience de profilage racial : les contestataires et les résignés. Si les interactions avec les forces de l’ordre engendrent des traitements perçus comme discriminatoires, l’expérience se construit en fonction de la nature des interactions, du niveau de maturité et de la tranche d’âge des jeunes et elle se décline en une logique de soumission et une logique de lutte pour la contestation des constats d’infraction. Les résultats de la recherche démontrent par ailleurs la pertinence de l’accompagnement du jeune au niveau de la prise de conscience de ses droits et de la contestation des tickets reçus.
Planning, navigation, and search are fundamental human cognitive abilities central to spatial problem solving in search and rescue, law enforcement, and military operations. Despite a wealth of literature concerning naturalistic spatial problem solving in animals, literature on naturalistic spatial problem solving in humans is comparatively lacking and generally conducted by separate camps among which there is little crosstalk. Addressing this deficiency will allow us to predict spatial decision making in operational environments, and understand the factors leading to those decisions. The present dissertation is comprised of two related efforts, (1) a set of empirical research studies intended to identify characteristics of planning, execution, and memory in naturalistic spatial problem solving tasks, and (2) a computational modeling effort to develop a model of naturalistic spatial problem solving. The results of the behavioral studies indicate that problem space hierarchical representations are linear in shape, and that human solutions are produced according to multiple optimization criteria. The Mixed Criteria Model presented in this dissertation accounts for global and local human performance in a traditional and naturalistic Traveling Salesman Problem. The results of the empirical and modeling efforts hold implications for basic and applied science in domains such as problem solving, operations research, human-computer interaction, and artificial intelligence.
Law enforcement officials routinely rely on eyewitness identification evidence to solve crimes. Nonetheless, this form of evidence is prone to errors. Researchers have previously attempted to examine conditions under which such errors can be reduced. The present study examines whether giving witnesses an explicit not sure response option increases the accuracy of lineup identification decisions. 251 participants watched a mock crime video before viewing a lineup that either included the perpetrator, or was made up of innocent suspects. Results indicated that witnesses provided with a not sure option made fewer false identifications, fewer filler identifications, and a similar number of correct identifications as witnesses who were not provided with this option. Furthermore, these benefits occurred regardless of whether witnesses received otherwise biased or unbiased instructions. Results suggest that the inclusion of an explicit not sure response option is a simple procedure that can increase the quality of eyewitness lineup decisions.
Individual cues to deception are subtle and often missed by lay people and law enforcement alike. Linguistic statement analysis remains a potentially useful way of overcoming individual diagnostic limitations (e.g. Criteria based Content Analysis; Steller & Köhnken, 1989; Reality monitoring; Johnson & Raye, 1981; Scientific Content Analysis; Sapir, 1996). Unfortunately many of these procedures are time-consuming, require in-depth training, as well as lack empirical support and/or external validity. The current dissertation develops a novel approach to statement veracity analysis that is simple to learn, easy to administer, theoretically sound, and empirically validated. ^ Two strategies were proposed for detecting differences between liars' and truth-tellers' statements. Liars were hypothesized to strategically write statements with the goal of self-exoneration. Liars' statements were predicted to contain more first person pronouns and fewer third person pronouns. Truth-tellers were hypothesized to be motivated toward being informative and thus produce statements with fewer first person pronouns and more third person pronouns. Three studies were conducted to test this hypothesis. The first study explored the verbal patterns of exoneration and informativeness focused statements. The second study used a traditional theft paradigm to examine these verbal patterns in guilty liars and innocent truth tellers. In the third study to better match the context of a criminal investigation a cheating paradigm was used in which spontaneous lying was induced and written statements were taken. Support for the first person pronoun hypothesis was found. Limited support was found for the third person pronoun hypothesis. Results, implications, and future directions for the current research are discussed.^
Adaptability and invisibility are hallmarks of modern terrorism, and keeping pace with its dynamic nature presents a serious challenge for societies throughout the world. Innovations in computer science have incorporated applied mathematics to develop a wide array of predictive models to support the variety of approaches to counterterrorism. Predictive models are usually designed to forecast the location of attacks. Although this may protect individual structures or locations, it does not reduce the threat—it merely changes the target. While predictive models dedicated to events or social relationships receive much attention where the mathematical and social science communities intersect, models dedicated to terrorist locations such as safe-houses (rather than their targets or training sites) are rare and possibly nonexistent. At the time of this research, there were no publically available models designed to predict locations where violent extremists are likely to reside. This research uses France as a case study to present a complex systems model that incorporates multiple quantitative, qualitative and geospatial variables that differ in terms of scale, weight, and type. Though many of these variables are recognized by specialists in security studies, there remains controversy with respect to their relative importance, degree of interaction, and interdependence. Additionally, some of the variables proposed in this research are not generally recognized as drivers, yet they warrant examination based on their potential role within a complex system. This research tested multiple regression models and determined that geographically-weighted regression analysis produced the most accurate result to accommodate non-stationary coefficient behavior, demonstrating that geographic variables are critical to understanding and predicting the phenomenon of terrorism. This dissertation presents a flexible prototypical model that can be refined and applied to other regions to inform stakeholders such as policy-makers and law enforcement in their efforts to improve national security and enhance quality-of-life.
Gunshot residue (GSR) is the term used to describe the particles originating from different parts of the firearm and ammunition during the discharge. A fast and practical field tool to detect the presence of GSR can assist law enforcement in the accurate identification of subjects. A novel field sampling device is presented for the first time for the fast detection and quantitation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The capillary microextraction of volatiles (CMV) is a headspace sampling technique that provides fast results (< 2 min. sampling time) and is reported as a versatile and high-efficiency sampling tool. The CMV device can be coupled to a Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) instrument by installation of a thermal separation probe in the injection port of the GC. An analytical method using the CMV device was developed for the detection of 17 compounds commonly found in polluted environments. The acceptability of the CMV as a field sampling method for the detection of VOCs is demonstrated by following the criteria established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) compendium method TO-17. The CMV device was used, for the first time, for the detection of VOCs on swabs from the hands of shooters, and non-shooters and spent cartridges from different types of ammunition (i.e., pistol, rifle, and shotgun). The proposed method consists in the headspace extraction of VOCs in smokeless powders present in the propellant of ammunition. The sensitivity of this method was demonstrated with method detection limits (MDLs) 4-26 ng for diphenylamine (DPA), nitroglycerine (NG), 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT), and ethyl centralite (EC). In addition, a fast method was developed for the detection of the inorganic components (i.e., Ba, Pb, and Sb) characteristic of GSR presence by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). Advantages of LIBS include fast analysis (~ 12 seconds per sample) and good sensitivity, with expected MDLs in the range of 0.1-20 ng for target elements. Statistical analysis of the results using both techniques was performed to determine any correlation between the variables analyzed. This work demonstrates that the information collected from the analysis of organic components has the potential to improve the detection of GSR.
Ce mémoire explore le vécu et la construction de l’expérience de jeunes racisés ayant reçu des constats d’infraction dans le cadre de leur occupation de l’espace public montréalais. Il s’agit spécifiquement d’appréhender, à partir de la sociologie de l’expérience de Dubet (1994), le profil et les conditions de vie, la présence dans l’espace public, les raisons et la nature des constats d’infraction, les stratégies mises en œuvre face au profilage racial ainsi que les conséquences du profilage racial sur les jeunes racisés. Se situant dans une perspective qualitative, la méthodologie de recherche a reposé sur le recueil de dix entrevues semi-dirigées, soit neuf jeunes hommes et une jeune fille entre 18 et 30 ans ayant eu des contacts avec la police dans le cadre du contrôle de l’espace public à Montréal. Basée essentiellement sur l’approche mixte de Miles et Huberman (2003), l’analyse du corpus a permis de rendre compte de l’hétérogénéité de l’expérience des jeunes racisés et profilés interrogés et de dégager deux types d’expérience de profilage racial : les contestataires et les résignés. Si les interactions avec les forces de l’ordre engendrent des traitements perçus comme discriminatoires, l’expérience se construit en fonction de la nature des interactions, du niveau de maturité et de la tranche d’âge des jeunes et elle se décline en une logique de soumission et une logique de lutte pour la contestation des constats d’infraction. Les résultats de la recherche démontrent par ailleurs la pertinence de l’accompagnement du jeune au niveau de la prise de conscience de ses droits et de la contestation des tickets reçus.
The key functional operability in the pre-Lisbon PJCCM pillar of the EU is the exchange of intelligence and information amongst the law enforcement bodies of the EU. The twin issues of data protection and data security within what was the EU’s third pillar legal framework therefore come to the fore. With the Lisbon Treaty reform of the EU, and the increased role of the Commission in PJCCM policy areas, and the integration of the PJCCM provisions with what have traditionally been the pillar I activities of Frontex, the opportunity for streamlining the data protection and data security provisions of the law enforcement bodies of the post-Lisbon EU arises. This is recognised by the Commission in their drafting of an amending regulation for Frontex , when they say that they would prefer “to return to the question of personal data in the context of the overall strategy for information exchange to be presented later this year and also taking into account the reflection to be carried out on how to further develop cooperation between agencies in the justice and home affairs field as requested by the Stockholm programme.” The focus of the literature published on this topic, has for the most part, been on the data protection provisions in Pillar I, EC. While the focus of research has recently sifted to the previously Pillar III PJCCM provisions on data protection, a more focused analysis of the interlocking issues of data protection and data security needs to be made in the context of the law enforcement bodies, particularly with regard to those which were based in the pre-Lisbon third pillar. This paper will make a contribution to that debate, arguing that a review of both the data protection and security provision post-Lisbon is required, not only in order to reinforce individual rights, but also inter-agency operability in combating cross-border EU crime. The EC’s provisions on data protection, as enshrined by Directive 95/46/EC, do not apply to the legal frameworks covering developments within the third pillar of the EU. Even Council Framework Decision 2008/977/JHA, which is supposed to cover data protection provisions within PJCCM expressly states that its provisions do not apply to “Europol, Eurojust, the Schengen Information System (SIS)” or to the Customs Information System (CIS). In addition, the post Treaty of Prüm provisions covering the sharing of DNA profiles, dactyloscopic data and vehicle registration data pursuant to Council Decision 2008/615/JHA, are not to be covered by the provisions of the 2008 Framework Decision. As stated by Hijmans and Scirocco, the regime is “best defined as a patchwork of data protection regimes”, with “no legal framework which is stable and unequivocal, like Directive 95/46/EC in the First pillar”. Data security issues are also key to the sharing of data in organised crime or counterterrorism situations. This article will critically analyse the current legal framework for data protection and security within the third pillar of the EU.
Knowledge-Based Management Systems enable new ways to process and analyse knowledge to gain better insights to solve a problem and aid in decision making. In the police force such systems provide a solution for enhancing operations and improving client administration in terms of knowledge management. The main objectives of every police officer is to ensure the security of life and property, promote lawfulness, and avert and distinguish wrongdoing. The administration of knowledge and information is an essential part of policing, and the police ought to be proactive in directing both explicit and implicit knowledge, whilst adding to their abilities in knowledge sharing. In this paper the potential for a knowledge based system for the Mauritius police was analysed, and recommendations were also made, based on requirements captured from interviews with several long standing officers, and surveying of previous works in the area.
There is much more to the work of the courts than the occasional high-profile case that attracts public attention. The bulk of our work involves everyday problems that affect ordinary Iowans.