970 resultados para Dramaturgias contemporáneas
The complexity of interdisciplinarity as a category of analysis in contemporary discourses gain evidence. In information science, the practice of integration of scientific discourse aims, among others, the establishment and consolidation of their identity as a scientific field. Thus, the study aims to reflect on the epistemological status of information science as an interdisciplinary scientific field. To this end, we discuss the interdisciplinarity in the sciences and, under this understanding, address the interdisciplinary movement in Information Science and the real fruits of this process nowadays. The reflections undertaken in this study indicate the need to forward the discussions on interdisciplinarity as a focal point with the configuration of the related fields and their real benefits for Information Science.
The objective of this study is to emphasize the fundamental points of the theoretical discussion about late modernity. In the two last decades, authors like Giddens, Beck, Bauman, Sennett and Garland have emphasized the social, historical and theoretical characterization of modernity in the advanced occidental societies. This discussion, despite being indispensable, does not allow the comprehension of the problems of this new stage of occidental capitalism in terms of its technical dimension and social control. The article arguments in favor of the incorporation of analysis of Michel Foucault’s power and stresses its present reality and potential. This author renewed the theoretical possibilities of the human sciences as he criticized a naturalized view of History and historical events. The influence of his works, an analysis of modernity, may be observed in the debate around the crisis of modernity and the emerging society of control. At the same time, his work helps us understand the main dilemmas and hesitations of contemporary societies.
In the contemporary world, the Internet enables the development of a Collaborative Web where the decentralization and sharing of information and knowledge generate new cultural configurations of increasing representation in informational flows. In this environment, collaboration and remix practices are covered by a legislation established for another context, and an imbalance is created between what is provided by the technology and what is established by Copyright. Therefore, it is necessary to address, under the perspective of the third time in Information Science, contemporary issues concerning creation, recreation, use, reuse, sharing and dissemination of intellectual content under the legislation which regulates them. This article seeks to highlight the dilemma that contemporaneity is experiencing and how important is for both society as a whole and specially the professional of Information Science to know the legal conditions for the processes of generating, processing, using, recovering and, especially, re-using information on the Web at a larger scale. The Creative Commons licenses are emerging alternatives that offer individuals options to become not only users but also holders and creators of intellectual content under legal conditions.
This paper discusses some of the general foundations of my philosophical journey, from studies, researches and reflections on the sciences and Genetic Epistemology, to the proposal of a speculative idealist metaphysics and ontology. I initially introduce the notion of a system of human beings and their behavior, in order to contextualize the discussion of one of the central questions of the paper: how can the system of human beings and their behavior be comprehended? I then make some general considerations about Genetic Epistemology and Psychology, and analyze the consequences of the thesis inherent in them that the object is an essentially intellectual being. Next, I consider the possibility of a different perspective on the Theory of Knowledge. This leads to the question “how are the different philosophic systems possible?” and to the necessity of the constitution of a philosophy that is able to deal with this question from a viewpoint of totality and on the basis of a thought able to think itself. I then make some considerations on the establishment of such a philosophy in regard to genetic epistemology, and introduce the notion of idea. Finallly, a general research project is proposed (that this paper only announces) that aims to use some concepts and arguments inspired by Hegelian Speculative Philosophy (or related to it) in order to comprehend the system of human beings and their behavior, especially in the production scenario of contemporary science and philosophy, including Genetic Epistemology. I hope I have contributed to showing that another philosophical view (distinct from Piagetian naturalism) is at least possible, one that takes into account the experimental data of Genetic Epistemology and Psychology.
The arrangement and description of archival materials are the nuclear processes of Archival Science that share a common purpose: to represent the archival knowledge. This representation is fundamentally based on the application of the principle of provenance and on the concept of fonds. This paper aims to discuss de archival description facing the changes and ideas of an archival postmodern approach that proposes the concept of fonds and the principle of provenance as conceptual abstraction rather than a physical entity in the representation process. In that sense, it is presented here the theoretical perspectives of Canadian and Australian studies, discussing the theoretical basis of Modern Archival Science, facing the dynamic reality of contemporary record creation.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O antigo edifício do Fórum e Cadeia, de autoria do arquiteto Ramos de Azevedo, aparece no cenário do município de Botucatu como um importante elemento do imaginário social urbano e de forte valor arquitetônico e histórico. É possível perceber a presença de marcos e lugares que revelam uma leitura da arquitetura no centro histórico da cidade, inspirada no Ecletismo, e que compõem um conjunto de edifícios de interesse cultural neste espaço urbano. Este trabalho elabora uma análise detalhada da paisagem antiga e atual e quais são os registros histórico/culturais materializados no contexto urbano central de Botucatu e propõe adequar o edifício às novas funções urbanas contemporâneas, com o propósito de preservar o antigo Fórum de Botucatu e recuperar esta herança para cidade e seu valor patrimonial
For the last few decades the relationship between companies and their market has been changing, driven by economic and political changes, new social demand, and by the technologic evolution. This new setting, combined with the creation of laws and regulatory agencies, increased the complexity of the relationship between companies and their customers, creating the need for strategies capable of handling the contemporary market's relationship. This context creates the need for new actions to deal with post-sale costume care to create customer loyalty and evaluate its overall satisfaction, in addition to treating possible complaints about their products and services. Along with the new customer's requirements in a dynamic communicational scenario, this paper addresses public relations' role in managing customer's complaints in light of crisis management. Based on the concepts of public relations, the approach of crisis and complaints management processes is constructed based on literature review and analysis of Wet'n Wild São Paulo's claims management. Therefore, the method used was document and content analysis based on documents provided by the company in order to evaluate their actions based on the concepts covered
A importância que é atribuída ao ato da leitura serviu como princípio para nortear este estudo, que se utiliza do conto da Cinderela para aprofundar a reflexão a respeito da relação entre o tipo de leitores que estamos formando e aquele que desejamos formar. Sistematizando, por meio da teoria de Vladimir Propp, nossa análise das versões de Charles Perrault e dos Irmãos Grimm do conto de Cinderela, obtemos importantes conclusões a respeito de como o conto se contextualiza de acordo com as sociedades vigentes. Desse modo, este estudo permitiu o aprofundamento necessário para que nós, como profissionais responsáveis pela formação do sujeito e do leitor, nos atentemos a aspectos e valores contidos em cada versão do conto e que nos esforcemos em trabalhá-los junto aos nossos educandos. Retomamos ainda algumas produções contemporâneas a respeito do enredo da Gata Borralheira, para situar a concepção que fazemos deste conto e desta personagem ainda hoje. As reflexões finais ficaram responsáveis por apresentar algumas possibilidades de trabalho que o educador pode pensar para levar para a sala de aula
This project aims to study and verify the importance of effective communication in contemporary organizations, considering current factors such as globalization, new technologies and market competition that make companies be always updated. The choice of the theme is due to the necessity to know that it is important to have an integrated communication between the employees and the customers, so that the established functions in the organizations occur positively. In this context, we present the concept of management, communication and organizational culture, focusing on the integration of business communication. The importance of the employee was also a focus of the study, involving the positioning of organizations. In this context, the case study is placed, considering that companies are characterized by carefully reading the feedback and reformulating the communication, making it effective as “Grendene” has done. Opposing to those ideas is “Terra” company. Thus, the project defends the importance to work on the communication, so that it becomes effective. During the project ways and means to manage communication are shown, so that it recognizes this need and become efficient, benefiting organizations and their audiences
O futebol é o esporte mais praticado no mundo e conta com a preferência da maior parcela da população brasileira, onde muitas pessoas almejam utilizar o esporte em sua vida profissional. Tendo isso em vista, para um jogador estar em condições ideais, é essencial que seus preparos físico, técnico e tático estejam lapidados, mas o grande diferencial pode ser o seu estado psicológico. Um dos aspectos a se trabalhar é a motivação, pois a mesma é essencial para garantir o foco do jogador e aumentar sua vontade de apresentar o seu melhor em busca das conquistas. Considerando que, fatores como: família, amigos, relacionamentos, pressão da mídia e torcedores, podem interferir negativa ou positivamente no desempenho, ocasionando desequilíbrios emocionais, a questão motivacional mostra-se como uma ferramenta útil para controlar esses fatores e auxiliar na maximização do rendimento do atleta nas partidas importantes. Já a ansiedade, em nível controlado, pode ser benéfica ao provocar no indivíduo atenção e concentração no momento que está vivenciando, mas em uma taxa exorbitada, pode levar o praticante a um desempenho prejudicado, sendo um fator decisivo para dificultar a realização de suas aspirações. Este trabalho teve como objetivo, apresentar estratégias para motivar jogadores de futebol, visando seu máximo rendimento em partidas importantes, considerando níveis de ativação e ansiedade, além de suas respectivas personalidades e reações a tudo que é imposto a eles. O método consiste em uma pesquisa bibliográfica, baseada em material publicado específico da Psicologia do Esporte, em fontes contemporâneas e tradicionais. Conhecer os fatores motivacionais é de extrema importância para o professor de Educação Física, pois ele não trabalha apenas com atletas, mas, principalmente, com alunos que tem que estar presentes em suas aulas ou treinamentos. Considerando este ponto, o professor precisa estar atento...
The society of the information brings with it a lot of changes day by day of the organizations, mainly for characterizing as a flexible society, in net and ruled in technological progress. The contemporary organizations are inserted in that reality and they need be maintained in markets more and more competitive. The Private Institutions of Higher education enter in this logic for they be organizations with lucrative ends that suffer strong influence of the external and internal atmosphere. To stand out, such Institutions need to count with a strategic administration, ruled in an own strategic planning for the branch in that acts. The professional of public relationships is shown capable to develop their main functions in such complex market. For so much it needs to participate in the global planning of the Private Institutions of Higher education, at the same time in that it develops it planning of the communication, intrinsic to the global strategic planning. This way, the present study treats of the professional's of Public Relationships possible contributions, ruled in theoretical data, inside of Private Institutions of Higher education in the Brazilian current scenery
O presente trabalho propõe discutir as produções literárias contemporâneas sobre a temática do vampirismo. Este estudo se fundamenta em análises de textos por meio da observação das práticas discursivas que os constituem. Tomando como corpus os romances Crepúsculo e Lua Nova de Stephenie Meyer, as observações partem dos pressupostos teóricos da Semiótica Discursiva e da Análise do Discurso, aos quais são incorporados estudos sobre cultura, sociologia e identidade. Parte-se do princípio de que o discurso é produto da cultura e, desse modo, incorporam-se a ele fatores históricos e sociais. Por essa razão, torna-se importante examinar os elementos dialógicos e intertextuais dos textos anteriormente apontados em relação às outras produções que tratam do mesmo tema e de outros possíveis, encontrados no corpus. Assim, busca-se compreender primordialmente os mecanismos fundamentais que tornam o texto um objeto de comunicação e de significação
According to the Informational Society of the twentieth century, man develops society of the spectacle, where life becomes virtual and the individual ceases to be a spectator becoming the protagonist of wikiciberepopéia and organizations seeking to gain the attention and time of its consumers through new communication strategies. If the great epics of mankind brought mythical heroes, divine, with powers (mostly above the mortals), in the era of new technologies, the common man is in the hands the opportunity to become the hero of his own ciberepopéia. Increasingly resistant to traditional advertising, the new model of media consumer, the prosumer, the storytelling is transforming into one of the main communication tools of contemporary organizations. Offer your audience a creative and relevant content across several media platforms is a major brand positioning strategies currently used, in addition to providing the transmission of values and organizational principles in a subjective manner. Storytelling where objects are extensions of the human body (eg, the cell can be treated as an extension of the ears) is a strong indication of a technocratic society, because we can consider the new technologies as extensions of the human brain (as new store technologies, create meanings, share information through a specific language) and the individual who is on the edge of new technology ends up being excluded from certain social events. This new world tends to put an end to separation between seemingly contrary ideas, such as reality/fiction, natural/cultural and the man who emerges from this medium is not the creator, but rather, transforming what already exists. The current human evolution takes place from about half the human mind and tell stories that go beyond the media saturation that really emocionem and who have a real meaning for those who listen, to be interconnected with the socio-environmental reality of this new consumer, is a major chall...
The contemporary organizations establish complex networks of relationships with their audiences. However, it is the socio-historical setting of the organizations that allow that their internal structures, management and culture as well as their interests and goals in relation to the macro social environment to be understood. To understand what is currently proposed as institutional relations, it is necessary to search on that socio-historical source the progress in the studies of management and organizational communication aiming to prove the assumptions underlying this strategic role within organizations. In order to do that, this project raises ethnographic aspects of the institutional relationships to see what is proposed by the organizations and, therefore, highlights the lack of detailed studies in this area. From this survey, it is clear the possible role of public relations in contributing to studies, plans and execution of institutional relations according to the basement in the humanities and communication processes of networks of relationships between organizations