996 resultados para Dolor, Oncologia
Objetivo: o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as condições de saúde bucal e a ocorrência de anomalias dentárias em crianças tratadas para leucemia linfoblástica aguda (LLA) no Serviço de Oncologia Pediátrica (SOP) do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), comparadas com um grupo crianças saudáveis. Amostra: foram selecionadas 56 crianças com diagnóstico de LLA e analisadas as presenças de anomalias dentárias e os índices CPO-D (cariado, perdido, obturado-dente), IPV (índice de placa visível), ISG (índice de sangramento gengival) e fluxo salivar. As crianças tratadas apresentaram uma média de idade, na época do diagnóstico da LLA, de 5,3 ± 2,6, e 11,8 ± 4,2 na avaliação, sendo 32 masculinos e 24 femininos. Os pacientes tratados para LLA foram divididos em três grupos: crianças tratadas somente com quimioterapia, com quimio e radioterapia, e com quimio, radio e transplante de medula óssea. Resultados: os resultados revelaram 80,4% de anomalias dentárias nas crianças tratadas, ou seja, 45 destas apresentaram pelo menos uma alteração, e o grupo de pacientes tratados com quimio, radio e submetidos ao transplante de medula óssea foi o que revelou a maior média de anormalidades dentárias por indivíduo (15,37 ± 15,03), não ocorrendo diferença estatística entre os gêneros. As crianças tratadas para LLA obtiveram CPO-D de 1,9 ± 4,0, ISG de 26,5%, IPV de 72,0%, e índice de fluxo salivar médio de 0,19 mL/min criança. Já o grupo de crianças sadias apresentou CPO-D de 1,52 ± 3,5, ISG de 11,1%, IPV de 53,8% e índice de fluxo salivar médio de 0,27 mL/min. Conclusão: o tratamento para a cura da LLA provoca um aumento significativo no número de anomalias dentárias, sendo mais freqüente nos pacientes menores de cinco anos de idade, principalmente nos pacientes submetidos a quimio e radioterapia associadas ao transplante de medula óssea, o que requer, por parte do cirurgião-dentista, intervenções clínicas diferenciadas e cuidadosas nestes pacientes, tendo-se em vista também os índices aumentados de ISG e IPV. As alterações sofridas pelas glândulas salivares durante o tratamento não são permanentes sob o aspecto do fluxo salivar, que retorna à normalidade. A orientação e o acompanhamento adequados destes pacientes por parte da equipe de saúde bucal podem mantê-los com o índice de CPO-D dentro dos padrões preconizados pela Organização Mundial de Saúde.
FEHR, Guilherme Lotierso et al. Efetividade dos exercícios em cadeia cinética aberta e cadeia cinética fechada no tratamento da síndrome da dor femoropatelar. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, [s.l], v. 12, n. 2, p.66-70, mar./abr. 2006. Bimestral. Disponível em:
MORAES, Maísa Suares Teixeira; ROLIM, Lariane Thays Albuquerque; ENDERS, Bertha Cruz; FARIAS, Glaucea Maciel de; DAVIM, Rejane Marie Barbosa. Applicability of non-pharmacological strategies for pain relief in parturient: integrative review. Revista de Enfermagem UFPE on line, v.4, n.especial, p.131-136, May/June 2010. Disponivel em:< http://www.ufpe.br/revistaenfermagem/index.php/revista/>.
Este estudo trata-se de revisão integrativa da literatura com objetivo de sintetizar o conhecimento produzido em artigos sobre os cuidados de enfermagem aos pacientes em pós-operatório de prostatectomia. Para seleção dos artigos foram consultadas cinco bases de dados – SCOPUS, CINAHL, PUBMED, LILACS e Cochrane – sendo incluídos dezenove artigos. Os resultados mostram estudos que se enquadram nos níveis II, IV, V, VI e VII de evidência, a maioria realizada nos Estados Unidos durante os anos de 1999 a 2011. Os cuidados de enfermagem identificados foram agrupados em seis categorias: acompanhamento psicológico, orientações pós-operatórias, tratamento da disfunção erétil, tratamento da incontinência urinária, tratamento da dor e tratamento da hiponatremia. Conclui-se que os estudos com maior nível de evidência identificado recomendam cuidados de enfermagem centrados no acompanhamento psicológico, nas orientações do período pós-operatório e no tratamento da disfunção erétil. Destaca-se ainda que tais recomendações concentram-se, sobretudo, nas ações de apoio emocional e educativo
Trata-se de um estudo descritivo de caso clínico, com abordagem qualitativa, o qual possui como objetivo estabelecer relações entre os diagnósticos de enfermagem da NANDA-I e os problemas de adaptação segundo o Modelo Teórico de Roy em um paciente prostatectomizado. A coleta de dados ocorreu em um hospital universitário localizado na cidade de Natal-RN, no mês de janeiro de 2011, por meio de um roteiro de entrevista e exame físico. Os diagnósticos que apresentaram relações entre a NANDA-I e o Modelo de Roy foram: dor, ansiedade, constipação, sono, atividade, volume de líquido e infecção. Conclui-se que grande parte dos problemas adaptativos segundo o Modelo de Roy, manifestados pelos pacientes no pós-operatório de prostatectomia, possuem semelhança com os diagnósticos da NANDA-I
A dor óssea decorrente das metástases é um sintoma comum nos tumores avançados de mama e próstata. Nenhuma opção terapêutica isolada é completamente eficaz, e uma série de modalidades costuma ser empregada, entre eles a terapia com radiofármacos, como o samário153-etilenodiaminatetrametileno fosfonato (EDTMP-153Sm). O docetaxel, um taxano com ação sobre tumores avançados de mama e próstata, tem-se apresentado como uma nova opção de tratamento quimioterápico. Muitos pacientes fazem uso simultâneo de EDTMP-153Sm e docetaxel. Este estudo procurou avaliar a influência do docetaxel na biodisponibilidade de EDTMP-153Sm em ratos Wistar, aleatoriamente alocados em 2 grupos de 6 animais cada. O grupo DS (docetaxel/samário) recebeu docetaxel (15 mg/kg) intraperitoneal em dois ciclos com 11 dias de intervalo. Os ratos do grupo S (samário/controle) não foram tratados com docetaxel. Nove dias após a quimioterapia, todos os animais receberam 0.1ml de EDTMP-153Sm via plexo orbital (25μCi). Após 2 horas, os animais foram mortos, e realizaram-se análises de amostras de cérebro, tireóide, pulmão, coração, estômago, cólon, fígado, rim e fêmures. O percentual de radioatividade por grama (%ATI/g) de tecido de cada biópsia foi determinado em contador gama automático (Wizard-1470, Perkin-Elmer, Finland). No 9º dia após 2º ciclo de docetaxel, os ratos tiveram perda de peso significante, passando de 353.66± 22.8g (controle/pré-tratamento) para 314,50±22,09g (p<0.5). Os %ATI/g nos órgãos dos ratos tratados com EDTMP- 153Sm e docetaxel tiveram redução significante nos fêmures direito e esquerdo, rim, fígado e pulmão, quando comparados aos animais não tratados com docetaxel. Em conclusão, a combinação de docetaxel com EDTMP-153Sm foi associada à menor concentração do radiofármaco em órgãos alvo. Futuras investigações sobre o impacto do docetaxel na biodisponibilidade do EDTMP- 153Sm poderão complementar estes achados. Deve-se ressaltar o caráter multidisciplinar deste estudo, que contou com a participação ativa e com a troca constante de conhecimentos entre profissionais das áreas de Medicina Nuclear, Cirurgia, Oncologia, Biologia e Estatística
The assistance to women who have breast cancer is studied in a Reference Center in Paraiba and also the way this assistance is performed in a School Hospital maintained by SUS (Single Health System) is questioned. Breast cancer demands institutional organization, provision of financial, material and human resources, requiring, from the health system, effective assistance with new technologies which make it possible for the population their access to specialized medical services although it not always is able to guarantee those services nor the rights which the legislation granted them, inhibiting a proper relationship between the health professional and the patient. The theme is discussed through a transdisciplinary knowledge view and has as its theoretical referential the contribution of classical and contemporary authors from the human and social sciences and, as an empirical research strategy, the structured interview. The objectives of the research were: identify how the assistance to women with breast cancer is carried on at a Reference Center on Oncology in Campina Grande, Paraiba, identifying their difficulties and their satisfaction with the received assistance; draw up a profile of the women with breast cancer who were assisted in this Reference Center; understand their gynecological and obstetric antecedents, life styles, age group and stage of the disease when the treatment started; check their knowledge about their rights and which benefits they had received. Most women ranged between 40 and 59 years old (63%), which corresponds to the risk range of developing breast cancer. As to their occupations, 38.3% were housewives and 30.1% retired, whose family income was among those who received between less than a minimum salary and one minimum salary (58.2%). This population was mainly constituted of married women (60.2%), whose most frequent schooling was an incomplete elementary school (27.6%) and complete elementary school (24.1%), which added up to 51.6%. It was observed that the majority of the women seemed to be satisfied with the assistance received, noting that a minimum care was enough to define this satisfaction, although it is perceived that the access to the health system does not ensure the ideal attention conditions they need; it was verified that the availability of the services and the assistance itself are seen (in the local culture) as a favor and not as a right. It is also observed that only 30% of the women mentioned that they knew about their rights and the most mentioned ones were the disease assistance (13%), the medicines (13%) and the treatment (12%), which represent the most important triad to face the disease and around which the oncologic assistance most focus on. It is concluded that the condition of the users´ minimum existential of a public health unit and the condition of belonging to a lower social stratum were variables that influenced the respondents´ satisfaction in relation to the assistance received but the importance of the Reference Center for the women with breast cancer´s assistance for the whole region cannot be denied as well as the need to broaden the way the policy of the oncologic assistance in Brazil in the local realm is seen
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
As síndromes paraneoplásicas compreendem um grupo diverso de alterações clínicas associadas a neoplasias e ocorrem em sítios distantes do tumor primário ou de suas metástases. As neuropatias paraneoplásicas são distúrbios raros em cães, mas representam morbidade significativa e servem como importantes indicadores diagnósticos e prognósticos. O presente trabalho relata a ocorrência de dois casos de neuropatia paraneoplásica em cães com mastocitoma, considerando a apresentação clínica, o diagnóstico e as formas de tratamento utilizadas.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar a ocorrência de cinco casos de neoplasias de língua em cães. Os sinais clínicos mais observados foram ptialismo, halitose e hiporexia. Após biópsia excisional para exame histopatológico, os resultados revelaram dois casos de melanoma, um caso de histiocitoma, um caso de fibrossarcoma e um caso de mastocitoma grau II, sendo que neste o proprietário não autorizou qualquer forma de tratamento. O tratamento para os demais foi a glossectomia parcial e, no caso de fibrossarcoma, associou-se a quimioterapia. Dois animais apresentaram deiscência de sutura no pós-operatório, não havendo necessidade da realização de nova intervenção. em relação ao prognóstico, os pacientes com histiocitoma, fibrossarcoma e um com melanoma não apresentaram recidiva, nem metástase da doença 12 meses após a cirurgia. No outro caso de melanoma, o paciente apresentou metástase na pele e nos pulmões 30 dias após a ressecção cirúrgica.
In recent years, the biosafety has been made possible a new look which are based the conceptions of health and illness process, as well as human needs. This new vision is focused on health vigilance that is referenced specifically in this study to the worker s health. The health of workers is essential for the prevention and control of epidemics and outbreaks of diseases as well as emerging and reemerging diseases. The present study wants to show the importance of biosafety measures for health workers, showing them through the concepts in their daily work. It is also to direct the use of biosafety measures in the care of oncology and hematology patients care, because of its infection susceptibility. OBJECTIVES: To analyze the conceptions of health workers in the biosafety pratice to the patients in oncological and hematological treatment in an oncological institution in Natal / RN, as well as make a socio-demographic profile of these workers and to know their difficulties to adequate biosafety measures. METODOLOGIA: The research is exploratory descriptive with qualitative approach, using the technique of oral history. The use of this technique is justified for the possibility of analyze the conceptions of health workers in the face of biosafety measures. From the definition of analysis categories that have emerged in the study. The categories were: daily work, education, occupational risk and onco-hematological care. The research population was the health workers who provide care to patients in oncological and hematological treatment. The study was conducted in the League against Cancer, in Natal / RN, specifically in the unit Luiz Antonio Hospital. Data collections were conducted from June to August of 2011 and were interviewed sixteen employees who assist in oncology and hematology. Structured interviews were conducted in three shifts, given the prospects of expanding the possibilities of analysis of the biosafety concepts. After data collection, the interviews were analyzed qualitatively by the technique of oral history. This genre, thematic oral history is a modern resource used for preparation of documents, files and studies concerning the social experience of people and groups with the construction of a script prior to the interview moment (MEIHY, 2002). ANALYSIS OF INFORMATION: It was made a reflection about the concepts and practices of professionals who take care of patients in oncology and hematology as well as its relation to biosafety measures. The speech of employees revealed that the adoption has been very supportive of these standards, although some have been highlighted gaps in the understanding of employees in relation to biosafety and the proposed categories. CONCLUSION: The analysis of information showed that biosafety has been cited by employees as an immeasurable benefit to safety and occupational health. And the strengths marks in their understanding were: the excellence of care and safety in occupational diseases risk reduction and infections resulting from their work activities, despite some difficulties in adopting appropriate biosafety standards
Central Nervous System are the most common pediatric solid tumors. 60% of these tumors arise in posterior fossa, mainly in cerebellum. The first therapeutic approach is surgical resection. Malignant tumors require additional strategies - chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The increasing survival evidences that childhood brain tumors result in academic and social difficulties that compromise the quality of life of the patients. This study investigated the intellectual functioning of children between 7 to 15 years diagnosed with posterior fossa tumors and treated at CEHOPE - Recife / PE. 21 children were eligible - including 13 children with pilocytic astrocytoma (G1) who underwent only surgery resection, and eight children with medulloblastoma (G2) - submitted to surgical resection, chemotherapy and craniospinal radiotherapy. Participants were evaluated by the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - WISC-III. Children of G1 scored better than children of G2. Inferential tools (Mann-Whitney Ü Test) identified significant diferences (p ≤ 0.05) between the Performance IQ (PIQ) and Processing Speed Index (PSI) as a function of treatment modality; Full Scale IQ (FSIQ), PIQ and PSI as a function of parental educational level; PIQ, FSIQ, IVP and Freedom from Distractibility (FDI) as a function of time between diagnosis and evaluation. These results showed the late and progressive impact of radiotherapy on white matter and information processing speed. Furthermore, children whose parents have higher educational level showed better intellectual performance, indicating the influence of xxii socio-cultural variables on cognitive development. The impact of cancer and its treatment on cognitive development and learning should not be underestimated. These results support the need to increase the understanding of such effects in order to propose therapeutic strategies which ensure that, in addition to the cure, the full development of children with this pathology
The present work investigated the cognitive operation of children diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), accompanied at pediatric oncologic institutions at the city of Natal/RN. Had participated in this study twenty children, of both sexes, between six and twelve years old, with the ALL diagnostic, who were in treatment (n=10) and out of treatment for at least one year (n=10) and were submitted exclusively to chemotherapy as CNS prophylaxis. The utilized protocol of neuropsychological evaluation covered the following cognitive abilities: intellective capability, attentional and memory systems, and executive functions. Data was analyzed through descriptive and inferential measures, with the support of the Mann-Whitney U Test and T-test, considering the influence of the variables sex, age at diagnostic and the past time since the beginning of the treatment over children s performance. The intellective capability evaluation showed low score to the out-of-treatment groups, female and children under five years old to the diagnostic. In concern of attentional systems, groups showed the expected performance. In a relevant way, in the evaluation of executive functions, were found reduced scores within all groups, especially inside the in-treatment group. Memory evaluation pointed to reduced performance in items concerning to learning evolution and spontaneous evocation after interference to the several groups. It can be concluded, reffer to the occurrence of transitory and permanent impact associated to the intrusion of chemotherapic components during the maturational course of the CNS. It s expected that the present investigation and the development of similar studies enable major comprehension about the mode, extension and repercussion of these damages subsidizing the development of strategies which may minimize them and provide better xxiii life quality to this clinical subgroup
The present study investigated the impact of the treatment modalities of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on neurocognitive abilities of children and adolescents survivors, aged between 6 and 16 years of age, accompanied in pediatric oncology sectors of public health services in the cities of Campina Grande-PB and Natal-RN. The study included 52 children, 13 of these being children and adolescents diagnosed with leukemia and 39 healthy children matched in relation to the study group considering gender, age, school type and level of maternal education. Later the group of children with leukemia was subdivided into two subgroups depending on treatment modality which were submitted: Group 1A (only chemotherapy) and 1B (chemotherapy and radiotherapy). All participants were subjected to a battery of neuropsychological tests that investigated the following neurocognitive abilities: intellectual ability, memory system, attention, visuospatiality and visuoconstruction, processing speed and executive functions. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential measurements with the aid of the U test of Mann-Whitney and T test, considering the influence of the variables: sex, age at diagnosis, time since completion of treatment and level of schooling mothers, on the performance of children. Overall, it is concluded that the illness and the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia significantly favors the emergence of cognitive deficits, particularly in terms of visuospatial skills, and executive skills visoconstrutivas. In turn, the treatment modality of radiotherapy is associated with the presence of more severe deficits, highlighting the significant impact on the speed of information processing. It is hoped that the results presented here will contribute to a better understanding of the nature and extent of neurocognitive effects arising ALL treatment
This work deals with an analysis related to the social worker s practice in the oncology area. It aims to identify demands, work conditions as well as current challenges related to this profession. It considers the specificities of breast cancer and relates it to political decisions in the health sector considering the concept of contemporary capitalism. The study analyzes professional action and the demands presented by breast cancer patients who are currently in treatment in Hospital Dr. Luiz Antônio em Natal-Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil. The methodological procedures considered of documental analysis, semi-structured interviews (with two social workers that work with fifteen breast cancer patients) as well as participant observation; which was done counting with my own professional practice in the oncology area. Thus, the research also discusses the breast cancer issue in the life of the users considering their social-economical, cultural and political determinants. Factors such as age in which the diagnosis was known, the relation user/social workers, number of children, rights of the oncology patient, place where he/she lives, education, civil status, (re)insertion of the professional in the work field, perception of self-esteem and bio-psycho-social representation of breast cancer in the lives of these women, all of which were dealt with in this research