882 resultados para Discrete dynamical systems
Knowledge Innovation Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences [KZCX3-SW-347]; National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar [40225004]
Two kinds of process models have been used in programs that reason about change: Discrete and continuous models. We describe the design and implementation of a qualitative simulator, PEPTIDE, which uses both kinds of process models to predict the behavior of molecular energetic systems. The program uses a discrete process model to simulate both situations involving abrupt changes in quantities and the actions of small numbers of molecules. It uses a continuous process model to predict gradual changes in quantities. A novel technique, called aggregation, allows the simulator to switch between theses models through the recognition and summary of cycles. The flexibility of PEPTIDE's aggregator allows the program to detect cycles within cycles and predict the behavior of complex situations.
A new continuous configuration time-dependent self-consistent field method has been developed to study polyatomic dynamical problems by using the discrete variable representation for the reaction system, and applied to a reaction system coupled to a bath. The method is very efficient because the equations involved are as simple as those in the traditional single configuration approach, and can account for the correlations between the reaction system and bath modes rather well. (C) American Institute of Physics.
Huelse, M, Barr, D R W, Dudek, P: Cellular Automata and non-static image processing for embodied robot systems on a massively parallel processor array. In: Adamatzky, A et al. (eds) AUTOMATA 2008, Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata. Luniver Press, 2008, pp. 504-510. Sponsorship: EPSRC
We consider the motion of ballistic electrons within a superlattice miniband under the influence of an alternating electric field. We show that the interaction of electrons with the self-consistent electromagnetic field generated by the electron current may lead to the transition from regular to chaotic dynamics. We estimate the conditions for the experimental observation of this deterministic chaos and discuss the similarities of the superlattice system with the other condensed matter and quantum optical systems.
There is much common ground between the areas of coding theory and systems theory. Fitzpatrick has shown that a Göbner basis approach leads to efficient algorithms in the decoding of Reed-Solomon codes and in scalar interpolation and partial realization. This thesis simultaneously generalizes and simplifies that approach and presents applications to discrete-time modeling, multivariable interpolation and list decoding. Gröbner basis theory has come into its own in the context of software and algorithm development. By generalizing the concept of polynomial degree, term orders are provided for multivariable polynomial rings and free modules over polynomial rings. The orders are not, in general, unique and this adds, in no small way, to the power and flexibility of the technique. As well as being generating sets for ideals or modules, Gröbner bases always contain a element which is minimal with respect tot the corresponding term order. Central to this thesis is a general algorithm, valid for any term order, that produces a Gröbner basis for the solution module (or ideal) of elements satisfying a sequence of generalized congruences. These congruences, based on shifts and homomorphisms, are applicable to a wide variety of problems, including key equations and interpolations. At the core of the algorithm is an incremental step. Iterating this step lends a recursive/iterative character to the algorithm. As a consequence, not all of the input to the algorithm need be available from the start and different "paths" can be taken to reach the final solution. The existence of a suitable chain of modules satisfying the criteria of the incremental step is a prerequisite for applying the algorithm.
The neutron multidetector DéMoN has been used to investigate the symmetric splitting dynamics in the reactions 58.64Ni + 208Pb with excitation energies ranging from 65 to 186 MeV for the composite system. An analysis based on the new backtracing technique has been applied on the neutron data to determine the two-dimensional correlations between the parent composite system initial thermal energy (EthCN) and the total neutron multiplicity (νtot), and between pre- and post-scission neutron multiplicities (νpre and νpost, respectively). The νpre distribution shape indicates the possible coexistence of fast-fission and fusion-fission for the system 58Ni + 208Pb (Ebeam = 8.86 A MeV). The analysis of the neutron multiplicities in the framework of the combined dynamical statistical model (CDSM) gives a reduced friction coefficient β = 23 ± 2512 × 1021 s-1, above the one-body dissipation limit. The corresponding fission time is τf = 40 ± 4620 × 10-21 s. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
For pt.I. see ibid. vol.1, p.301 (1985). In the first part of this work a general definition of an inverse problem with discrete data has been given and an analysis in terms of singular systems has been performed. The problem of the numerical stability of the solution, which in that paper was only briefly discussed, is the main topic of this second part. When the condition number of the problem is too large, a small error on the data can produce an extremely large error on the generalised solution, which therefore has no physical meaning. The authors review most of the methods which have been developed for overcoming this difficulty, including numerical filtering, Tikhonov regularisation, iterative methods, the Backus-Gilbert method and so on. Regularisation methods for the stable approximation of generalised solutions obtained through minimisation of suitable seminorms (C-generalised solutions), such as the method of Phillips (1962), are also considered.
Architectures and methods for the rapid design of silicon cores for implementing discrete wavelet transforms over a wide range of specifications are described. These architectures are efficient, modular, scalable, and cover orthonormal and biorthogonal wavelet transform families. They offer efficient hardware utilization by exploiting a number of core wavelet filter properties and allow the creation of silicon designs that are highly parameterized, including in terms of wavelet type and wordlengths. Control circuitry is embedded within these systems allowing them to be cascaded for any desired level of decomposition without any interface glue logic. The time to produce chip designs for a specific wavelet application is typically less than a day and these are comparable in area and performance to handcrafted designs. They are also portable across a wide range of silicon foundries and suitable for field programmable gate array and programmable logic data implementation. The approach described has also been extended to wavelet packet transforms.
Closing feedback loops using an IEEE 802.11b ad hoc wireless communication network incurs many challenges sensitivity to varying channel conditions and lower physical transmission rates tend to limit the bandwidth of the communication channel. Given that the bandwidth usage and control performance are linked, a method of adapting the sampling interval based on an 'a priori', static sampling policy has been proposed and, more significantly, assuring stability in the mean square sense using discrete-time Markov jump linear system theory. Practical issues including current limitations of the 802.11 b protocol, the sampling policy and stability are highlighted. Simulation results on a cart-mounted inverted pendulum show that closed-loop stability can be improved using sample rate adaptation and that the control design criteria can be met in the presence of channel errors and severe channel contention.
We present two strategies to enhance the dynamical entanglement transfer from continuous-variable (CV) to finite-dimensional systems by employing multiple qubits. First, we consider the entanglement transfer to a composite finite-dimensional system of many qubits simultaneously interacting with a bipartite CV field. We show that, considering realistic conditions in the generation of CV entanglement, a small number of qubits resonantly coupled to the CV system are sufficient for an almost complete dynamical transfer of the entanglement. Our analysis also sheds further light on the transition between the microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of composite finite-dimensional systems coupled to bosonic fields (like atomic clouds interacting with light). Furthermore, we present a protocol based on sequential interactions of the CV system with some ancillary qubit systems and on subsequent measurements, allowing us to probabilistically convert CV entanglement into "almost-perfect" Bell pairs of two qubits. Our proposals are suited for realizations in various experimental settings, ranging from cavity-QED to cavity-integrated superconducting devices.
The full-dimensional time-dependent Schrodinger equation for the electronic dynamics of single-electron systems in intense external fields is solved directly using a discrete method. Our approach combines the finite-difference and Lagrange mesh methods. The method is applied to calculate the quasienergies and ionization probabilities of atomic and molecular systems in intense static and dynamic electric fields. The gauge invariance and accuracy of the method is established. Applications to multiphoton ionization of positronium, the hydrogen atom and the hydrogen molecular ion are presented. At very high laser intensity, above the saturation threshold, we extend the method using a scaling technique to estimate the quasienergies of metastable states of the hydrogen molecular ion. The results are in good agreement with recent experiments. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
It is shown how the Debye rotational diffusion model of dielectric relaxation of polar molecules (which may be described in microscopic fashion as the diffusion limit of a discrete time random walk on the surface of the unit sphere) may be extended to yield the empirical Havriliak-Negami (HN) equation of anomalous dielectric relaxation from a microscopic model based on a kinetic equation just as in the Debye model. This kinetic equation is obtained by means of a generalization of the noninertial Fokker-Planck equation of conventional Brownian motion (generally known as the Smoluchowski equation) to fractional kinetics governed by the HN relaxation mechanism. For the simple case of noninteracting dipoles it may be solved by Fourier transform techniques to yield the Green function and the complex dielectric susceptibility corresponding to the HN anomalous relaxation mechanism.
ntegrated organisational IT systems, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM) and digital manufacturing (DM), have promised and delivered substantial performance benefits to many adopting firms. However, implementations of such systems have tended to be problematic. ERP projects, in particular, are prone to cost and time overruns, not delivering anticipated benefits and often being abandoned before completion. While research has developed around IT implementation, this has focused mainly on standalone (or discrete), as opposed to integrated, IT systems. Within this literature, organisational (i.e., structural and cultural) characteristics have been found to influence implementation success. The key aims of this research are (a) to investigate the role of organisational characteristics in determining IT implementation success; (b) to determine whether their influence differs for integrated IT and discrete IT projects; and (c) to develop specific guidelines for managers of integrated IT implementations. An in-depth comparative case study of two IT projects was conducted within a major aerospace manufacturing company.