962 resultados para Disability Creation Process


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The main purpose of this work was the development of procedures for the simulation of atmospheric ows over complex terrain, using OpenFOAM. For this aim, tools and procedures were developed apart from this code for the preprocessing and data extraction, which were thereafter applied in the simulation of a real case. For the generation of the computational domain, a systematic method able to translate the terrain elevation model to a native OpenFOAM format (blockMeshDict) was developed. The outcome was a structured mesh, in which the user has the ability to de ne the number of control volumes and its dimensions. With this procedure, the di culties of case set up and the high computation computational e ort reported in literature associated to the use of snappyHexMesh, the OpenFOAM resource explored until then for the accomplishment of this task, were considered to be overwhelmed. Developed procedures for the generation of boundary conditions allowed for the automatic creation of idealized inlet vertical pro les, de nition of wall functions boundary conditions and the calculation of internal eld rst guesses for the iterative solution process, having as input experimental data supplied by the user. The applicability of the generated boundary conditions was limited to the simulation of turbulent, steady-state, incompressible and neutrally strati ed atmospheric ows, always recurring to RaNS (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes) models. For the modelling of terrain roughness, the developed procedure allowed to the user the de nition of idealized conditions, like an uniform aerodynamic roughness length or making its value variable as a function of topography characteristic values, or the using of real site data, and it was complemented by the development of techniques for the visual inspection of generated roughness maps. The absence and the non inclusion of a forest canopy model limited the applicability of this procedure to low aerodynamic roughness lengths. The developed tools and procedures were then applied in the simulation of a neutrally strati ed atmospheric ow over the Askervein hill. In the performed simulations was evaluated the solution sensibility to di erent convection schemes, mesh dimensions, ground roughness and formulations of the k - ε and k - ω models. When compared to experimental data, calculated values showed a good agreement of speed-up in hill top and lee side, with a relative error of less than 10% at a height of 10 m above ground level. Turbulent kinetic energy was considered to be well simulated in the hill windward and hill top, and grossly predicted in the lee side, where a zone of ow separation was also identi ed. Despite the need of more work to evaluate the importance of the downstream recirculation zone in the quality of gathered results, the agreement between the calculated and experimental values and the OpenFOAM sensibility to the tested parameters were considered to be generally in line with the simulations presented in the reviewed bibliographic sources.


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As novas tecnologias, e a Internet em particular, criaram novas formas de transmissão de informação para o público e alteraram a forma como as pessoas comunicam. Isto abriu portas a novas formas de publicidade e ao aparecimento de um novo género de jogos, os advergames, aproveitando o facto dos jogos online contarem já com milhões de jogadores a nível mundial, um número que continua em constante crescimento. O conceito é relativamente recente mas apresenta resultados bastante positivos, com muitos especialistas a defender que os advergames são o futuro da publicidade, em grande parte devido aos custos inferiores e ao tempo de exposição do produto, quando comparado com os métodos mais tradicionais de publicidade. Os Jogos Sérios e, em especial, os advergames são o tema principal desta tese, com uma análise detalhada das suas vantagens e desvantagens, origens e oportunidade de desenvolvimento no futuro. São também analisados alguns casos de advergames de sucesso. A componente prática da tese tem como objetivo a criação de um advergame com o propósito principal de auxiliar os novos alunos do ISEP no seu processo de integração. O jogo consiste num formato de labirinto em duas dimensões, com objetivos que consistem na captura de certos objetos e entrega dos mesmos em pontos de destino pré-definidos, sempre dentro de um tempo limite e evitando outros perigos e obstáculos. Os resultados obtidos com a aplicação deste jogo demonstram que a transmissão de informação é bastante eficaz junto do seu público-alvo, devido em parte à abordagem mais dinâmica e interativa que um advergame tem com os seus utilizadores. A simplicidade da interface e facilidade de utilização proporcionada pelo jogo permitem uma exposição alargada da mensagem a passar, aumentando a motivação do jogador para se manter em contacto com o mesmo. Isto apresenta perspetivas bastante otimistas para o futuro da utilização de advergames no meio Universitário.


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This study is based on a previous experimental work in which embedded cylindrical heaters were applied to a pultrusion machine die, and resultant energetic performance compared with that achieved with the former heating system based on planar resistances. The previous work allowed to conclude that the use of embedded resistances enhances significantly the energetic performance of pultrusion process, leading to 57% decrease of energy consumption. However, the aforementioned study was developed with basis on an existing pultrusion die, which only allowed a single relative position for the heaters. In the present work, new relative positions for the heaters were investigated in order to optimise heat distribution process and energy consumption. Finite Elements Analysis was applied as an efficient tool to identify the best relative position of the heaters into the die, taking into account the usual parameters involved in the process and the control system already tested in the previous study. The analysis was firstly developed based on eight cylindrical heaters located in four different location plans. In a second phase, in order to refine the results, a new approach was adopted using sixteen heaters with the same total power. Final results allow to conclude that the correct positioning of the heaters can contribute to about 10% of energy consumption reduction, decreasing the production costs and leading to a better eco-efficiency of pultrusion process.


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The aim of this study is to optimize the heat flow through the pultrusion die assembly system on the manufacturing process of a specific glass-fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) pultrusion profile. The control of heat flow and its distribution through whole die assembly system is of vital importance in optimizing the actual GFRP pultrusion process. Through mathematical modeling of heating-die process, by means of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) program, an optimum heater selection, die position and temperature control was achieved. The thermal environment within the die was critically modeled relative not only to the applied heat sources, but also to the conductive and convective losses, as well as the thermal contribution arising from the exothermic reaction of resin matrix as it cures or polymerizes from the liquid to solid condition. Numerical simulation was validated with basis on thermographic measurements carried out on key points along the die during pultrusion process.


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Glass fibre-reinforced plastics (GFRP), nowadays commonly used in the construction, transportation and automobile sectors, have been considered inherently difficult to recycle due to both: cross-linked nature of thermoset resins, which cannot be remolded, and complex composition of the composite itself, which includes glass fibres, matrix and different types of inorganic fillers. Presently, most of the GFRP waste is landfilled leading to negative environmental impacts and supplementary added costs. With an increasing awareness of environmental matters and the subsequent desire to save resources, recycling would convert an expensive waste disposal into a profitable reusable material. There are several methods to recycle GFR thermostable materials: (a) incineration, with partial energy recovery due to the heat generated during organic part combustion; (b) thermal and/or chemical recycling, such as solvolysis, pyrolisis and similar thermal decomposition processes, with glass fibre recovering; and (c) mechanical recycling or size reduction, in which the material is subjected to a milling process in order to obtain a specific grain size that makes the material suitable as reinforcement in new formulations. This last method has important advantages over the previous ones: there is no atmospheric pollution by gas emission, a much simpler equipment is required as compared with ovens necessary for thermal recycling processes, and does not require the use of chemical solvents with subsequent environmental impacts. In this study the effect of incorporation of recycled GFRP waste materials, obtained by means of milling processes, on mechanical behavior of polyester polymer mortars was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of recycled GFRP waste materials, with distinct size gradings, were incorporated into polyester polymer mortars as sand aggregates and filler replacements. The effect of GFRP waste treatment with silane coupling agent was also assessed. Design of experiments and data treatment were accomplish by means of factorial design and analysis of variance ANOVA. The use of factorial experiment design, instead of the one factor at-a-time method is efficient at allowing the evaluation of the effects and possible interactions of the different material factors involved. Experimental results were promising toward the recyclability of GFRP waste materials as polymer mortar aggregates, without significant loss of mechanical properties with regard to non-modified polymer mortars.


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Second International Workshop on Analog and Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits for Space Applications (AMICSA 2008), Sintra, Portugal, Setembro de 2008


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This study addresses to the optimization of pultrusion manufacturing process from the energy-consumption point of view. The die heating system of external platen heaters commonly used in the pultrusion machines is one of the components that contribute the most to the high consumption of energy of pultrusion process. Hence, instead of the conventional multi-planar heaters, a new internal die heating system that leads to minor heat losses is proposed. The effect of the number and relative position of the embedded heaters along the die is also analysed towards the setting up of the optimum arrangement that minimizes both the energy rate and consumption. Simulation and optimization processes were greatly supported by Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and calibrated with basis on the temperature profile computed through thermography imaging techniques. The main outputs of this study allow to conclude that the use of embedded cylindrical resistances instead of external planar heaters leads to drastic reductions of both the power consumption and the warm-up periods of the die heating system. For the analysed die tool and process, savings on energy consumption up to 60% and warm-up period stages less than an half hour were attained with the new internal heating system. The improvements achieved allow reducing the power requirements on pultrusion process, and thus minimize industrial costs and contribute to a more sustainable pultrusion manufacturing industry.


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Trabalho de projeto realizado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia da Manutenção


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Pultruded products are being targeted by a growing demand due to its excellent mechanical properties and low chemical reactivity, ensuring a low level of maintenance operations and allowing an easier assembly operation process than equivalent steel bars. In order to improve the mechanical drawing process and solve some acoustic and thermal insulation problems, pultruded pipes of glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRF) can be filled with special products that increase their performance regarding the issues previously referred. The great challenge of this work was drawing a new equipment able to produce pultruded pipes filled with cork or polymeric pre-shaped bars as a continuous process. The project was carried out successfully and the new equipment was built and integrated in the pultrusion equipment already existing, allowing to obtain news products with higher added-value in the market, covering some needs previously identified in the field of civil construction.


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In this work, the effect of incorporation of recycled glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP) waste materials, obtained by means of shredding and milling processes, on mechanical behavior of polyester polymer mortar (PM) materials was assessed. For this purpose, different contents of GFRP recyclates (between 4% up to 12% in mass), were incorporated into polyester PM materials as sand aggregates and filler replacements. The effect of silane coupling agent addition to resin binder was also evaluated. Applied waste material was proceeding from the shredding of the leftovers resultant from the cutting and assembly processes of GFRP pultrusion profiles. Currently, these leftovers, jointly with unfinished products and scrap resulting from pultrusion manufacturing process, are landfilled, with supplementary added costs. Thus, besides the evident environmental benefits, a viable and feasible solution for these wastes would also conduct to significant economic advantages. Design of experiments and data treatment were accomplish by means of full factorial design approach and analysis of variance ANOVA. Experimental results were promising toward the recyclability of GFRP waste materials as aggregates and reinforcement for PM materials, with significant improvements on mechanical properties with regard to non-modified formulations.


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Dissertação submetida à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Artes Performativas - especialização em Interpretação


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Manufacturing processes need permanently to innovate and optimize because any can be susceptible to continuous improvement. Innovation and commitment to the development of these new solutions resulting from existing expertise and the continuing need to increase productivity, flexibility and ensuring the necessary quality of the manufactured products. To increase flexibility, it is necessary to significantly reduce set-up times and lead time in order to ensure the delivery of products ever faster. This objective can be achieved through a normalization of the pultrusion line elements. Implicitly, there is an increase of productivity by this way. This work is intended to optimize the pultrusion process of structural profiles. We consider all elements of the system from the storehouse of the fibers (rack) to the pultrusion die. Particular attention was devoted to (a) the guidance system of the fibers and webs, (b) the resin container where the fibers are impregnated, (c) standard plates positioning of the fibers towards the entrance to the spinneret and also (d) reviewed the whole process of assembling and fixing the die as well as its the heating system. With the implementation of these new systems was achieved a significant saving of time set-up and were clearly reduced the unit costs of production. Quality assurance was also increased.


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The industrial activity is inevitably associated with a certain degradation of the environmental quality, because is not possible to guarantee that a manufacturing process can be totally innocuous. The eco-efficiency concept is globally accepted as a philosophy of entreprise management, that encourages the companies to become more competitive, innovative and environmentally responsible by promoting the link between its companies objectives for excellence and its objectives of environmental excellence issues. This link imposes the creation of an organizational methodology where the performance of the company is concordant with the sustainable development. The main propose of this project is to apply the concept of eco-efficiency to the particular case of the metallurgical and metal workshop industries through the development of the particular indicators needed and to produce a manual of procedures for implementation of the accurate solution.