915 resultados para Decree-law 2.300
The right to food has become a pillar of international humanitarian and human rights law. The increasing number of food-related emergencies and the evolution of the international order brought the more precise notion of food security and made a potential right to receive food aid emerge. Despite this apparent centrality, recent statistics show that a life free from hunger is for many people all over the world still a utopian idea. The paper will explore nature and content of the right to food, food security and food aid under international law in order to understand the reasons behind the substantial failure of this right-centred approach, emphasising the lack of legal effects of many food-related provisions because of excessive moral connotations of the right to be free from hunger. Bearing in mind the three-dimensional nature of food security, the paper will also suggest that all attention has been focused on the availability of food, while real difficulties arise in terms of accessibility and adequacy. Emergency situations provide an excellent example of this unbalance, as the emerging right to receive food aid focus itself on the availability of food, without improving local production and adequacy. Looking at other evolving sectors of international law, such as the protection of the environment, and particularly the safeguard of biological diversity, alternative solutions will be envisaged in order to “feed” the right to food.
Im Rahmen des vom Hessischen Ministerium der Finanzen geförderten Forschungsprojektes „Bausteine für die CO2-Neutralität im Liegenschaftsbestand hessischer Hochschulen“ wird die neu entwickelte Teilenergiekennwertmethode, kurz TEK - an dem Universitätsgebäude Technik III/2 in der Kurt-Wolters-Straße 3, 34127 Kassel, angewandt. Das Gebäude von 1995 wird als Labor- und Bürogebäude genutzt und besitzt zusätzlich einen Hörsaal und mehrere Seminarräume. Die Außenfassade besteht aus Aluminiumelementen sowie einem großen Fensteranteil von ca. 60% auf Nord- und Südseite. Die aus den Analysen gewonnenen Gebäude- und Anlagendaten dienen als Datengrundlage für eine Querschnittsanalyse zum Nichtwohngebäudebestand. Der folgende Kurzbericht umfasst: • Eine kurze Beschreibung des Projektes und des Gebäudes, • die Bewertung des Ist-Zustands des Gebäudes, • die Angabe von Modernisierungsmaßnahmen unter Nennung der Energieeinsparung, der Grobkosten und der sich hieraus ergebenden Wirtschaftlichkeit, • einen Anhang mit ausführlichen Informationen zur Gebäudeanalyse. Der Primärenergiebedarf des Objektes wurde mit 243 kWh/(m²a) unter Berücksichtigung der vorhandenen Nutzung als „mittel“ eingestuft. Neben einer neuen Auslegung der Lüftungsanlagen, werden die Sanierung der RLT-Heizung sowie die Anbindung des RLT-Netzes an die bereits installierte Wärmerückgewinnung der Kälteanlage empfohlen. Die in den Laboren eingesetzten und nicht mehr zeitgemäßen Klimageräte sollten einer energetischen Inspektion unterzogen werden, um hohe Verbräuche zu analysieren und zu senken. Zusätzlich kann eine Senkung des Stromverbrauchs durch den Einsatz moderner Beleuchtungstechnik mit Präsenzmeldern geschaffen werden. Bei Berücksichtigung aller Maßnahmen zeigt sich eine mögliche jährliche Einsparung von 63.000 Euro bezogen auf die Gesamtkosten. Der ökologische Vergleich zeigt eine Minderung der absoluten CO2-Emissionen um knapp 300 Tonnen pro Jahr.
Web Science lecture about the impact of law on the web and vice versa.
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El trabajo constituye en primer lugar, un ejercicio importante de recopilación y sistematización de la regulación existente en materia de competencia, y en especial, de la colusión en licitaciones como una de las prácticas restrictivas de la Competencia. De igual forma, contiene un análisis microeconómico de un cartel, a efectos de explicar las razones que lo promueven y lo desestimulan. Luego de ello, se hace un análisis profundo de las normas específicas en la materia, contenidas en el Decreto 2153 de 1992 y la Ley 1474 de 2011 y de las acciones que eventualmente podrían iniciarse para combatirla, dependiendo del momento en que se encuentre la licitación y del bien jurídico que pretenda protegerse.
Zip file containing source code and database dump for the resource
En Colombia, la construcción, operación y administración de los puertos, exige el otorgamiento por parte del Estado, de una concesión portuaria a sociedades portuarias, la cual se concede previo el agotamiento de un trámite administrativo especial de iniciativa privada, mediante el ejercicio del derecho de petición en interés particular, o por medio de una oferta oficiosa impulsada por el Estado. Los trámites enunciados están previstos en la Ley 1ª de 10 de enero de 1991 y en el Decreto 4735 de 2 de diciembre de 2009. Si bien, el régimen legal prevé mecanismos que permiten la comparecencia de terceros dentro del trámite, no contempla la manera como debe tramitarse la solicitud de concesión portuaria, radicada por fuera del término previsto en el artículo 10 de la Ley 1ª de 1991, sin que constituya una oposición o propuesta alternativa a una solicitud, sobre una misma área en estudio de petición de concesión.
El suicidio asistido como una posible opción al final de la vida, es una idea que hasta ahora está siendo considerada, ya que existen argumentaciones a favor y en contra que han generado controvertidos debates a su alrededor. Algunos de los argumentos en contra están basados en los principios de las instituciones religiosas de orden cristiano, las cuales defienden el valor sagrado de la vida de las personas y la aceptación del sufrimiento como un acto de amor profundo y sumisión a los mandatos de Dios, el creador. Mientras del lado contrario, se encuentran quienes defienden el procedimiento, impulsando la autonomía y la autodeterminación que cada persona tiene sobre su vida. La revisión de la literatura realizada no sólo permite ampliar los argumentos de estas dos posiciones, sino que también permite conocer la historia del suicidio asistido, la posición que este procedimiento tiene en diferentes países del mundo, incluyendo a Colombia, y finalmente se presentan las contribuciones de la psicología entorno al procedimiento en discusión.
The incursion of Internet has created new forms of information and communication. As a result, today’s generation is culturally socialized by the influence of information and communication technologies in their various forms. This has generated a series of characteristics of social and cultural behaviour which are derivative of didactic, academic or recreational use. Nevertheless the use of the Internet from an early age represents not only a useful educational tool; it can constitute a great danger when it is used to access contents unsuitable for their adaptive development. Accordingly, it is necessary to study the legal regulation of internet content and to evaluate how such regulation may affect rights. Further, it is also important to study of the impact and use of this technological tool at level of the familiar unit, to understand better how it can suggest appropriate social mechanisms for the constructive use of Internet. The present investigation involves these two aspects with the purpose of uniting the legal and social perspective in a joint analysis that allows one more a more integral vision of this problem of great interest at the global level.
This paper seeks the determine the ways in which anomalous decisions derived from the particularization and constitutionalization of environmental law can arise given the general theory of administrative action. This is seen through the lens of a study and characterization of administrative decisions issued by the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca –CAR- within the superficial water concessions procedure. It also discusses the conceptual contents of these licenses.
The themes of this paper are equality, reasonableness and gender rights in the dynamics of two sequential and convergent processes: the constitutionalization of judicial law, and the internationalization of constitutional law. The thesis of this paper is that in the face of non-compliance of the obligation to regulate, guarantee and protect gender rights, the best option has been to strengthen judicial law, which has enabled the development of rules for protection, the adoption of contemporary methods of interpretation and adjudication of the law, as well as the resolution of shortfalls in protection based on said processes of the constitutionalization and internationalization of local law.
Transitional provisions are defined as the set of regulations that rule juridical relationships on the occasion of a legislative change. Out of this context of law succession, their indiscriminate application can lead to serious inconsistencies. The analysis of a Spanish private law example is offered to illustrate this fact. It concerns the administrative authorization for the demolition of rented buildings in the cities. A regulation repealed more than fifteen years ago and however widespread utilised on ancient constructions that, after recent urban development, have acquired great economic value; something that in the end explains the current importance of such provisions. What is happening in Spain: denaturalization of the original figure due to a mixture of formalist interpretations and speculative market interests, is presented here to call the attention on the necessary limitation of transitional provisions’ effects.
This paper affirms that the economic and political failure of the Radical Period provided opportunities for those who proposed Regeneration as a means of defending authority. Family law became an important tool in that process. During the period studied by this article, the equality clause remained in Colombian constitutions without any practical affect for the majority of the people. Discrimination was imposed through family law over those who had born outside of a Catholic marriage and/or had not previously legitimized their union through a Catholic ceremony. By the middle of the 20th century, the dramatic situation of the nation’s children led to efforts to change the social prejudices through legislation, that is, in the same way the prejudices had been imposed.