897 resultados para David, Gérard, approximately 1460-1523.
Scan von Monochrom-Mikroform
Amalie Klonower
Lesser Ury
Scan von Monochrom-Mikroform
N. R. Bach
M. Adler
Manfred Sturmann
The placenta is the site of synthesis of various peptide and steroid hormones related to pregnancy. Human placental lactogen (hPL) is the predominant peptide hormone secreted by term placenta and its synthesis is tissue-specific and coupled to placenta development. The objective of this work was to study the structure and expression of the hPL.^ Poly(A('+))RNA from human term placenta was translated in a mouse-derived cell-free system. A major band corresponding to pre-hPL and a minor band comigrating with mature hPL, represent (TURN)15% of the total radioactively labeled proteins. Analysis of the poly(A('+))RNA showed a prominent band at approximately 860 nucleotides. A corresponding band was observed in Northern blots of total RNA, hybridized with {('32)P}-labeled recombinant plasmid containing a portion of hPL cDNA. Similar analyses of nuclear RNA showed at least four additional bands at 990, 1200, 1460 and 1760 nucleotides, respectively, which are likely precursors of hPL mRNA. Poly(A('+))RNA was used to construct a cDNA library, of which approximately 5% of the clones were found to hybridize to hPL DNA sequences. Heteroduplexes constructed between a clone containing a 815 bp hPL cDNA insert and a hPL genomic DNA clone revealed four small intervening sequences which can account for the lengths observed in hnRNA molecules.^ Recombinant plasmid HCS-pBR322 containing a 550 bp insert of a cDNA transcript of human placental lactogen (hPL) mRNA was ('3)H-labeled an hybridized in situ to human chromosome preparations. These experiments allowed assignment of the hPL and growth hormone (hGH) genes, which have over 90% nucleotide homology in their coding sequences, to band q22-24 of chromosome 17. A gene copy number experiment showed that both genes are present in (TURN)3 copies per haploid genome.^ Experiments were designed to determine if all members of the hPL gene cluster, consisting of four non-allelic genes, are transcribed in term placenta. Advantage was taken of differences in restriction endonuclease sites in the coding portions of the different hPL genes, to distinguish the putative cDNAs of the transcriptionally active genes. Two genes were found to be represented in the cDNA library and their cDNA transcripts were isolated and characterized. Three independent methods showed that their corresponding mRNAs are about equally represented in the hPL mRNA population. The two cDNAs code for prehPL proteins which differ at a single amino acid position. However the secreted hPLs have identical amino acid sequences. A tetramer insertion duplication was found in a palindrome area of the 3' untranslated region of one of the hPL mRNAs. ^
The inhibitory effects of VSV infection on MuLV production were investigated using the VSV temperature-sensitive mutants t1B17(I & V), tsT1026(I), tsG22(II), and ts052(II). At the permissive temperature, all four mutants suppressed the release of virion-associated MuLV gRNA by approximately 98% within 0.5 to 2.5 hr post infection. At the restrictive temperature and in the absence of cell killing, infection with t1B17(I & V) inhibited the release of MuLV gRNA, while tsT1026(I) and tsG22(II) did not. In contrast, ts052(II) inhibited the release of MuLV gRNA and induced cell killing. During the same time period and at either temperature, all four mutants did not suppress either MuLV-associated protein release or intracellular MuLV sRNA synthesis. These results indicate that VSV inhibits MULV gRNA release at a level somewhere between the synthesis and release of newly synthesized gRNA.^
Samuel David Luzzatto
BACKGROUND : Approximately 1/3 of individuals have a high plasma response to dietary cholesterol (hyper-responders). Although increases in both LDL and HDL cholesterol have been observed, limited data exist regarding effects of egg consumption on lipoprotein subclasses and circulating carotenoids. METHODS : 29 postmenopausal women (50-68 y) and 13 men (60-80 y) were assigned to either 3 eggs (EGG, 640 mg cholesterol/d) or an equal volume of cholesterol-free egg substitute (SUB, 0 mg cholesterol/d) for 30 d. Following a 3 wk wash out, subjects crossed over to the alternate diet. Individuals with a response to dietary cholesterol > 2.2 mg/dL for each additional 100 mg of dietary cholesterol were classified as hyper-responders while hypo-responders were those with a response /= 21.2 nm) less atherogenic LDL particle (P < 0.001) and larger HDL particle (> 8.8 nm) (P < 0.01), with no significant difference in the total number of LDL or HDL particles. Regardless of response classification, all individuals had an increase in plasma lutein (from 32.4 +/- 15.2 to 46.4 +/- 23.3 ng/L) and zeaxanthin (from 8.8 +/- 4.8 to 10.7 +/- 5.8 ng/L) during EGG, yet hyper-responders displayed higher concentrations of carotenoids when compared to hypo-responders CONCLUSION : These findings suggest that the increases in LDL-C and HDL-C due to increased egg consumption in hyper-responders are not related to an increased number of LDL or HDL particles but, to an increase in the less atherogenic lipoprotein subfractions. Also, increases in plasma carotenoids after EGG may provide a valuable dietary source for this population.