906 resultados para Database application, Biologia cellulare, Image retrieval
Protocolli e metodologie di caratterizzazione di un sistema di misura di segnali fluorescenti in microscopia ottica
Satellite remote sensing has proved to be an effective support in timely detection and monitoring of marine oil pollution, mainly due to illegal ship discharges. In this context, we have developed a new methodology and technique for optical oil spill detection, which make use of MODIS L2 and MERIS L1B satellite top of atmosphere (TOA) reflectance imagery, for the first time in a highly automated way. The main idea was combining wide swaths and short revisit times of optical sensors with SAR observations, generally used in oil spill monitoring. This arises from the necessity to overcome the SAR reduced coverage and long revisit time of the monitoring area. This can be done now, given the MODIS and MERIS higher spatial resolution with respect to older sensors (250-300 m vs. 1 km), which consents the identification of smaller spills deriving from illicit discharge at sea. The procedure to obtain identifiable spills in optical reflectance images involves removal of oceanic and atmospheric natural variability, in order to enhance oil-water contrast; image clustering, which purpose is to segment the oil spill eventually presents in the image; finally, the application of a set of criteria for the elimination of those features which look like spills (look-alikes). The final result is a classification of oil spill candidate regions by means of a score based on the above criteria.
Images of a scene, static or dynamic, are generally acquired at different epochs from different viewpoints. They potentially gather information about the whole scene and its relative motion with respect to the acquisition device. Data from different (in the spatial or temporal domain) visual sources can be fused together to provide a unique consistent representation of the whole scene, even recovering the third dimension, permitting a more complete understanding of the scene content. Moreover, the pose of the acquisition device can be achieved by estimating the relative motion parameters linking different views, thus providing localization information for automatic guidance purposes. Image registration is based on the use of pattern recognition techniques to match among corresponding parts of different views of the acquired scene. Depending on hypotheses or prior information about the sensor model, the motion model and/or the scene model, this information can be used to estimate global or local geometrical mapping functions between different images or different parts of them. These mapping functions contain relative motion parameters between the scene and the sensor(s) and can be used to integrate accordingly informations coming from the different sources to build a wider or even augmented representation of the scene. Accordingly, for their scene reconstruction and pose estimation capabilities, nowadays image registration techniques from multiple views are increasingly stirring up the interest of the scientific and industrial community. Depending on the applicative domain, accuracy, robustness, and computational payload of the algorithms represent important issues to be addressed and generally a trade-off among them has to be reached. Moreover, on-line performance is desirable in order to guarantee the direct interaction of the vision device with human actors or control systems. This thesis follows a general research approach to cope with these issues, almost independently from the scene content, under the constraint of rigid motions. This approach has been motivated by the portability to very different domains as a very desirable property to achieve. A general image registration approach suitable for on-line applications has been devised and assessed through two challenging case studies in different applicative domains. The first case study regards scene reconstruction through on-line mosaicing of optical microscopy cell images acquired with non automated equipment, while moving manually the microscope holder. By registering the images the field of view of the microscope can be widened, preserving the resolution while reconstructing the whole cell culture and permitting the microscopist to interactively explore the cell culture. In the second case study, the registration of terrestrial satellite images acquired by a camera integral with the satellite is utilized to estimate its three-dimensional orientation from visual data, for automatic guidance purposes. Critical aspects of these applications are emphasized and the choices adopted are motivated accordingly. Results are discussed in view of promising future developments.
To date the hospital radiological workflow is completing a transition from analog to digital technology. Since the X-rays digital detection technologies have become mature, hospitals are trading on the natural devices turnover to replace the conventional screen film devices with digital ones. The transition process is complex and involves not just the equipment replacement but also new arrangements for image transmission, display (and reporting) and storage. This work is focused on 2D digital detector’s characterization with a concern to specific clinical application; the systems features linked to the image quality are analyzed to assess the clinical performances, the conversion efficiency, and the minimum dose necessary to get an acceptable image. The first section overviews the digital detector technologies focusing on the recent and promising technological developments. The second section contains a description of the characterization methods considered in this thesis categorized in physical, psychophysical and clinical; theory, models and procedures are described as well. The third section contains a set of characterizations performed on new equipments that appears to be some of the most advanced technologies available to date. The fourth section deals with some procedures and schemes employed for quality assurance programs.
The central objective of research in Information Retrieval (IR) is to discover new techniques to retrieve relevant information in order to satisfy an Information Need. The Information Need is satisfied when relevant information can be provided to the user. In IR, relevance is a fundamental concept which has changed over time, from popular to personal, i.e., what was considered relevant before was information for the whole population, but what is considered relevant now is specific information for each user. Hence, there is a need to connect the behavior of the system to the condition of a particular person and his social context; thereby an interdisciplinary sector called Human-Centered Computing was born. For the modern search engine, the information extracted for the individual user is crucial. According to the Personalized Search (PS), two different techniques are necessary to personalize a search: contextualization (interconnected conditions that occur in an activity), and individualization (characteristics that distinguish an individual). This movement of focus to the individual's need undermines the rigid linearity of the classical model overtaken the ``berry picking'' model which explains that the terms change thanks to the informational feedback received from the search activity introducing the concept of evolution of search terms. The development of Information Foraging theory, which observed the correlations between animal foraging and human information foraging, also contributed to this transformation through attempts to optimize the cost-benefit ratio. This thesis arose from the need to satisfy human individuality when searching for information, and it develops a synergistic collaboration between the frontiers of technological innovation and the recent advances in IR. The search method developed exploits what is relevant for the user by changing radically the way in which an Information Need is expressed, because now it is expressed through the generation of the query and its own context. As a matter of fact the method was born under the pretense to improve the quality of search by rewriting the query based on the contexts automatically generated from a local knowledge base. Furthermore, the idea of optimizing each IR system has led to develop it as a middleware of interaction between the user and the IR system. Thereby the system has just two possible actions: rewriting the query, and reordering the result. Equivalent actions to the approach was described from the PS that generally exploits information derived from analysis of user behavior, while the proposed approach exploits knowledge provided by the user. The thesis went further to generate a novel method for an assessment procedure, according to the "Cranfield paradigm", in order to evaluate this type of IR systems. The results achieved are interesting considering both the effectiveness achieved and the innovative approach undertaken together with the several applications inspired using a local knowledge base.
Il medulloblastoma (MB) è il tumore più comune del sistema nervoso centrale. Attualmente si riesce a curare solo il 50-60% dei pazienti che tuttavia presentano gravi effetti collaterali dovuti alle cure molto aggressive. Una recente classificazione molecolare ha ridistribuito le varianti più comuni di MB in quattro distinti gruppi. In particolare, il gruppo SHH e D sono caratterizzati da un’ alta espressione di MYCN ed associati a prognosi sfavorevole. MYCN è coinvolto nella regolazione della proliferazione cellulare, differenziazione, apoptosi, angiogenesi e metastasi. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è la valutazione dell’attività antitumorale di oligonucleotidi diretti contro MYCN, sia in vitro su diverse linee cellulari di MB che in vivo in modelli murini xenograft ortotopici di MB. I risultati hanno dimostrato un’ottima inibizione della crescita in linee cellulari di MB, accompagnata da una riduzione della trascrizione genica e dei livelli proteici di MYCN. Inoltre, sono stati confermati tramite RT-PCR alcuni dei geni trovati significativamente variati nell’esperimento di microarray , dopo il trattamento. Molto interessanti sono stati geni quali BIRC5, che risulta down regolato mentre il gene p21 risulta up regolato in tutte le linee cellulari di MB utilizzate. Inoltre, sono stati generati modelli murini di MB utilizzando cellule precedentemente trasfettate per esprimere il gene della luciferasi e valutarne così la crescita tumorale tramite imaging bioluminescente in vivo (BLI), al fine di poter testare l’attività antitumorale data dagli oligonucleotidi. I risultati hanno dimostrato una buona risposta al trattamento come rilevato dalla tecnica di BLI. I dati preliminari prodotti, dimostrano che MYCN potrebbe esser un buon target per la terapia del MB nei casi in cui è overespresso. In particolare, una sua inibizione potrebbe presentare effetti indesiderati moderati in quanto è poco espresso dopo la nascita.
In quest’ultimi decenni si è assistito ad un notevole miglioramento nella terapia delle Leucemie Acute (LA) pediatriche, nonostante tutto si assiste oggi ad una fase di plateau della curva di sopravvivenza e le leucemie continuano a costituire la principale causa di morte pediatrica per malattia. Ulteriori progressi nel trattamento delle LA potrebbero essere ottenuti mediante studi di farmacogenomica che, identificando le componenti genetiche associate alla risposta individuale ai trattamenti farmacologici, consentono il disegno di terapie personalizzate e tumore-specifiche, ad alta efficacia e bassa tossicità per ciascun paziente. Il lavoro svolto è stato, dunque, finalizzato allo studio della farmacogenomica del farmaco antitumorale Clofarabina (CLO) nel trattamento delle LA pediatriche al fine di identificare marcatori genetici predittivi di risposta delle cellule leucemiche al farmaco, delucidare i meccanismi di resistenza cellulare ed individuare nuovi bersagli verso cui indirizzare terapie più mirate ed efficaci. L’analisi in vitro della sensibilità alla CLO di blasti provenienti da pazienti pediatrici affetti da Leucemia Acuta Linfoblastica (LAL) e Mieloide (LAM) ha consentito l’identificazione di due sottopopolazioni di cellule LAL ad immunofenotipo T a diversa sensibilità alla CLO. Mediante DNA-microarrays, si è identificata la “signature” genetica specificamente associata alla diversa risposta delle cellule LAL-T al farmaco. Successivamente, la caratterizzazione funzionale dei geni differenziali e l’analisi dei pathways hanno consentito l’identificazione specifica di potenziali biomarcatori di risposta terapeutica aprendo nuove prospettive per la comprensione dei meccanismi di resistenza cellulare alla CLO e suggerendo un nuovo bersaglio terapeutico per le forme LAL-T a bassa sensibilità al farmaco. In conclusione, nel lavoro svolto si sono identificati set di geni e pathways di rilievo biologico per la risposta delle cellule LAL-T alla CLO suggerendo marcatori genetici in grado di identificare i soggetti eleggibili per il trattamento o verso cui disegnare terapie innovative. Il lavoro è paradigma per l’applicazione della farmacogenomica in altre neoplasie.
L’enzima IDO interviene nella via di degradazione del triptofano, essenziale per la vita cellulare; l’iperespressione di IDO favorisce la creazione di un microambiente immunotollerante. Nelle LAM IDO è funzionalmente attivo nelle cellule blastiche e determina l’acquisizione di un fenotipo regolatorio da parte delle cellule T alloreattive; l’espressione della proteina aumenta in modo consensuale con l’evoluzione clinica della patologia. Scopo della Tesi è indagare l’esistenza di una correlazione tra l’iperespressione di IDO da parte delle cellule leucemiche, le caratteristiche di rischio alla diagnosi e l’outcome dei pazienti. Sono stati esaminati 45 pazienti adulti affetti da LAM afferiti all’Istituto di Ematologia di Bologna. I pazienti sono stati stratificati a seconda di: età di insorgenza della leucemia, secondarietà a Mielodisplasia o radio chemioterapia, iperleucocitosi, citogenetica, biologia molecolare (sono state valutate le alterazioni a carico dei geni FLT3 ed NPM). I pazienti sono stati analizzati per l’espressione del gene IDO mediante RT-PCR, seguita da Western Blot, allo scopo di stabilire la presenza di una proteina attiva; successivamente si è proceduto a verificare l’esistenza di una correlazione tra l’espressione di IDO e le caratteristiche di rischio alla diagnosi per identificare una relazione tra l’espressione del gene ed un subset di pazienti a prognosi favorevole o sfavorevole. Dei 45 pazienti adulti affetti da LAM il 28,9% è risultato negativo per l’espressione di IDO, mentre il rimanente 71,1% è risultato positivo ed è stato suddiviso in tre ulteriori categorie, in base ai livelli di espressione. I dati non sembrano al momento suggerire l’esistenza di una correlazione tra l’espressione di IDO e le caratteristiche di rischio alla diagnosi. Nel gruppo di pazienti ad elevata espressione di IDO si riscontra un rate di resistenza alla chemioterapia di induzione più elevato, con una quota di pazienti resistenti pari al 71,4%, contro il 23,1% nel gruppo di pazienti IDO-negativi.
Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) plays a critical role in survival and is associated with poor prognosis in solid tumors. The role of HIF-1α in multiple myeloma is not completely known. In the present study, we explored the effect of EZN2968, an locked nucleic acid antisense oligonucleotide against HIF-1α, as a molecular target in MM. A panel of MM cell lines and primary samples from MM patients were cultured in vitro in the presence of EZN2968 . Under normoxia culture condition, HIF-1α mRNA and protein expression was detectable in all MM cell lines and in CD138+ cells from newly diagnosed MM patients samples. Significant up-regulation of HIF-1α protein expression was observed after incubation with IL6 or IGF-I, confirming that HIF-1α can be further induced by biological stimuli. EZN2968 efficiently induces a selective and stable down-modulation of HIF-1α and decreased the secretion of VEGF released by MM cell. Treatment with EZN2968 gave rise to a progressive accumulation of cells in the S and subG0 phase. The analysis of p21, a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors controlling cell cycle check point, shows upregulation of protein levels. These results suggest that HIF-1α inhibition is sufficient for cell cycle arrest in normoxia, and for inducing an apoptotic pathways.. In the presence of bone marrow microenvironment, HIF-1α inhibition blocks MAPK kinase pathway and secretion of pro-surviaval cytokines ( IL6,VEGF,IL8) In this study we provide evidence that HIF-1α, even in the absence of hypoxia signal, is expressed in MM plasma cells and further inducible by bone marrow milieu stimuli; moreover its inhibition is sufficient to induce a permanent cell cycle arrest. Our data support the hypothesis that HIF-1α inhibition may suppress tumor growth by preventing proliferation of plasma cells through p21 activation and blocking pro-survival stimuli from bone marrow microenvironment.
Among the scientific objectives addressed by the Radio Science Experiment hosted on board the ESA mission BepiColombo is the retrieval of the rotational state of planet Mercury. In fact, the estimation of the obliquity and the librations amplitude were proven to be fundamental for constraining the interior composition of Mercury. This is accomplished by the Mercury Orbiter Radio science Experiment (MORE) via a strict interaction among different payloads thus making the experiment particularly challenging. The underlying idea consists in capturing images of the same landmark on the surface of the planet in different epochs in order to observe a displacement of the identified features with respect to a nominal rotation which allows to estimate the rotational parameters. Observations must be planned accurately in order to obtain image pairs carrying the highest information content for the following estimation process. This is not a trivial task especially in light of the several dynamical constraints involved. Another delicate issue is represented by the pattern matching process between image pairs for which the lowest correlation errors are desired. The research activity was conducted in the frame of the MORE rotation experiment and addressed the design and implementation of an end-to-end simulator of the experiment with the final objective of establishing an optimal science planning of the observations. In the thesis, the implementation of the singular modules forming the simulator is illustrated along with the simulations performed. The results obtained from the preliminary release of the optimization algorithm are finally presented although the software implemented is only at a preliminary release and will be improved and refined in the future also taking into account the developments of the mission.