861 resultados para Dalí, Salvador, 1904-1989 -- Criticism and interpretation
This paper assesses the effectiveness of the Meroni doctrine in the light of the recent judgment in the ESMA case. The first part explains in detail the problem of delegation of powers in the EU from the perspective of the principal-agent theory and complements it with the analysis of the trade-off between different levels of independence and accountability of agencies. A simple economic model is developed to illustrated the relationship between the independence and accountability of an agency. It shows that it is the accountability mechanism that induces the agent to act, rather than the extent of his independence. The paper also explains the inter-temporal interactions between the principal and the agent on the basis of the incentives in place for the different players. The second part is devoted to analysis of the functioning of ESMA in the context of its delegated powers. After the presentation of main aspects of the regulatory framework establishing ESMA, the paper continuous with an analysis and interpretation of the discretionary powers of ESMA. The rather rigid position of the Court of Justice in relation to the Meroni doctrine seems to be unsuitable to delegation of complex regulatory tasks. This is particularly evident in the case of financial markets. Finally, the judgment does not examine in any detail whether and how the principals - i.e. the EU and Member States - are best able to evaluate the quality of ESMA decisions and regulations and whether there are different but more effective accountability mechanisms.
Relatório Final apresentado para a obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e ensino do 1º ciclo do ensino básico
Lo scopo di questo elaborato è quello di proporre una traduzione parziale dall’inglese di un libretto teologico evangelico dell’autore Peter Masters, dal titolo How To Seek And Find The Lord. È un libretto molto conosciuto tra i cristiani evangelici di cui esistono già traduzioni in spagnolo, francese, portoghese e polacco; il mio obiettivo è proporne una in italiano. La scelta di questa tipologia testuale per il mio elaborato finale deriva dalla fede che professo, come si poteva immaginare. Essendo io di fede cristiana evangelica ho scelto di affrontare un tema con il quale sono costantemente a contatto, di cui mi interesso e che conosco a fondo, nonostante sia un argomento ostico. I testi teologici sono infatti delicati da trattare e hanno contenuti spirituali sui quali esistono diverse opinioni. Inoltre si pensa che ci siano diverse interpretazioni di un testo religioso come la Bibbia, ma il libretto che andrò a presentare mira proprio a chiarire che, in realtà, non è affatto così.
Ce mémoire a pour objet la mise à l’essai d’une séquence d’apprentissage intégrant des chansons comme sources primaires pour développer la compétence 2– interpréter la réalité sociale à l’aide de la méthode historique. Le ministère de l’Éducation du Québec et les écrits scientifiques (Côté, 2008; LENOIR et SAUVÉ, 2010; Turner-Bisset, 2001) s’attendent à ce que l’élève terminant ses études secondaires raisonne à partir de faits tirés des sources qui lui sont accessibles, notamment des sources primaires. Or, on constate trois lacunes dans la pratique enseignante : le petit nombre de sources travaillées, l’inégalité de leurs interprétations et la faiblesse de leurs critiques (Byrom, 2005; Pickles, 2010; Watson, 1998). Aussi, peu de cas utilisent la chanson comme source primaire. La séquence d’apprentissages sur la Deuxième Guerre mondiale que l’enseignante française Sylvaine Moreau (2012) a rendue disponible sur Internet a donc servi de point de départ à cette mise à l’essai afin de comprendre ce qu’il en est. Comme il y a un aller-retour régulier prévu entre l’adaptation du matériel pédagogique au contexte scolaire québécois et les observations en classe c’est la recherche-développement qui semble l’approche la plus efficace (Artigue, 1989; Harvey et Loiselle, 2009). Quatre enseignants montréalais ont accepté une entrevue avec l’auteure de cette recherche. Ils ont adapté le matériel au contexte scolaire, ils ont été observés en classe et les réponses écrites des élèves ont été analysées grâce, notamment, au programme N’Vivo. En explorant les données qualitatives recueillies, on constate le petit nombre de sources travaillées puisque les réponses ne reprennent que ce qui a été vu en classe, priorisant même certains types de sources. La faiblesse des critiques est criante puisque des étapes jugées « inutiles » par certains élèves sont laissées incomplètes. Finalement, l’auteure remarque l’inégalité des interprétations liée à une barrière de niveau de langue. Les métaphores et le vocabulaire de certaines chansons semblent un défi.
En el presente trabajo exploramos las consecuencias de la lectura del argumento del lenguaje privado realizada por Kripke en el terreno del pensamiento social y político. Ello reviste un interés particular, debido a que lleva a revisar el encuadre en el que usualmente se ha situado la discusión sobre la relevancia político-social del pensamiento de Wittgenstein. La discusión ha estado centrada en el rol del acuerdo comunitario, sus consecuencias conservadoras o relativistas, el ahogo de la crítica y el disenso que resultaría, y otras cuestiones conexas. En ello vemos el síntoma de una problemática epistemológica (la de las garantías del conocimiento) que no termina de superarse, a pesar de la jerga semántica. Mostraremos que el escenario que resulta de la lectura de Kripke, en cambio, rompe con esta problemática, habilitando nuevas preocupaciones, próximas, a nuestro juicio, con las de lo que en el pensamiento francés se han denominado las "filosofías de la sujeción del sujeto"
En el presente trabajo exploramos las consecuencias de la lectura del argumento del lenguaje privado realizada por Kripke en el terreno del pensamiento social y político. Ello reviste un interés particular, debido a que lleva a revisar el encuadre en el que usualmente se ha situado la discusión sobre la relevancia político-social del pensamiento de Wittgenstein. La discusión ha estado centrada en el rol del acuerdo comunitario, sus consecuencias conservadoras o relativistas, el ahogo de la crítica y el disenso que resultaría, y otras cuestiones conexas. En ello vemos el síntoma de una problemática epistemológica (la de las garantías del conocimiento) que no termina de superarse, a pesar de la jerga semántica. Mostraremos que el escenario que resulta de la lectura de Kripke, en cambio, rompe con esta problemática, habilitando nuevas preocupaciones, próximas, a nuestro juicio, con las de lo que en el pensamiento francés se han denominado las "filosofías de la sujeción del sujeto"
The shapes and surface textures of sand-sized quartz grains from the sediments cored at Site 645 in southern Baffin Bay during ODP Leg 105 were studied to characterize the terrigenous materials and the settling processes involved in the deposition of these sediments. Here, we show a homogeneous sand fraction that results from mixing grains from various provenances. The characteristics inherited from terrestrial processes (varying degrees of wear; fluviatile, aeolian, and diagenetic features) dominate the characteristics that result from evolution in a high-energy marine environment. Thus, the influence of the last stage of sedimentation in a deep-marine environment was difficult to distinguish. However, fluctuations in the relative proportions of particular features reveal that the terrigenous material derived from sedimentary formations of Baffin Island and East Greenland or from direct abrasion of the crystalline shield, which changed through time as the dominant settling processes evolved. In particular, this study confirms the onset of major ice rafting as old as late Miocene.
During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 105, three sites (Sites 645 through 647) were drilled in Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea to examine the tectonic evolution and the climatic and oceanic histories of this region. Biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic results vary at each site, while stratigraphic resolution depends on the limited abundance of marker species and the completeness of the paleomagnetic record. Because of the paucity of planktonic microfossils and the poor paleomagnetic record signatures, stratigraphic determinations at Site 645 often rely on defining minimum temporal constraints on specific samples or stratigraphic intervals. The completed stratigraphy indicates that the sedimentary sequence recovered at Site 645 is early Miocene to Holocene in age. The magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphies are better defined at Sites 646 and 647 in the Labrador Sea. Site 646 generally contains a well-developed magnetostratigraphy and calcareous microfossil biostratigraphy. This biostratigraphy is based on calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifers typical of the North Atlantic Ocean. Siliceous microfossils are also present at Site 646, but they are restricted to upper Pliocene through Holocene sediments. The stratigraphic sequence recovered at Site 646 is late Miocene to Holocene in age. Based primarily on the calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy, the sequence recovered at Site 647 consists of lower Eocene to lower Oligocene, lower Miocene, upper Miocene, and upper Pliocene through Holocene sediments. Three hiatuses are present in this sequence: the older hiatus separates lower Oligocene sediments from lower Miocene sediments, another hiatus separates lower Miocene sediments from upper Miocene sediments, and the youngest one separates upper Miocene from upper Pliocene sediments. A magnetostratigraphy is defined for the interval from the Gauss/Matuyama boundary through the Brunhes (Clement et al., this volume). Both planktonic foraminifers and siliceous microfossils have restricted occurrences. Planktonic foraminifers occur in Pliocene and younger sediments, and siliceous microfossils are present in lower Miocene and lower Oligocene sediments. The near-continuous Eocene through lower Oligocene sequence recovered at Site 647 allows the calcareous nannofossils and diatom stratigraphies at this site to act as a Paleogene stratigraphic framework. This framework can be compared with the stratigraphy previously completed for DSDP Site 112.
In the northern McMurdo Sound (Ross Sea, Antarctica), the CRP-2/2A drillhole targeted the western margin of the Victoria Land Basin to investigate Neogene to Palaeogene climatic and tectonic history by obtaining continuous core and downhole logs. Well logging of CRP-2/2A has provided a complete and comprehensive dataset of in situ geophysical measurements. This paper describes the evaluation and interpretation of the downhole logging data using multivariate statistical methods. Two major types of multivariate statistical methods were each yielding a different perspective: (1) Factor analysis was used as an objective tool for classification of the drilled sequence based on physical and chemical properties. The factor logs are mirroring the basic geological controls (i.e., grain size, porosity, clay mineralogy) behind the measured geophysical properties, thereby making them easier to interpret geologically. (2) Cluster analysis of the logs groups similar downhole geophysical properties into one cluster, delineating individual logging or sedimentological units. These objectively and independently defined units, or statistical electrofacies, are helpful in differentiating lithological and sedimentological characterisations (e.g. grain size, provenance). The multivariate statistical methods of factor and cluster analysis proved to be powerful tools for fast, reliable, and objective characterisation of downhole geophysical properties at CRP-2/2A, resulting in interpretations which are consistent with sedimentological findings.