953 resultados para D-Glucose


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica


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Este trabalho pretende enfatizar a importância da elaboração de uma base de dados extensa e robusta para o melhoramento da cartografia geotécnica subterrânea do maciço granítico do sector de Carvalhido–Burgães (Porto). Este estudo envolveu a análise e o refinamento das principais características geomecânicas ao longo de um traçado com cerca de 1220 m, para a caracterização do maciço rochoso da galeria subterrânea Carvalhido–Burgães. Para esta caracterização foram coligidos e uniformizados dados geológicos, geotécnicos e geomecânicos relativos a várias campanhas de campo, realizadas entre 2005 e 2011, tendo estado a técnica da amostragem linear aplicada ao grau de compartimentação do maciço rochoso na base do seu estudo. Além disso, procedeu‐se a um tratamento estatístico das descontinuidades, bem como dos parâmetros geológico‐geotécnicos e geomecânicos a estas associados. O zonamento geotécnico do maciço granítico foi realizado sempre em estreita ligação com o conhecimento das características do maciço in situ. Pretende‐se que esta metodologia contribua para um melhor conhecimento da compartimentação dos maciços rochosos em geral e, em particular, do modelo geomecânico comportamental do maciço rochoso do Porto.


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Background: Addition of energy supplements to preterm formulas is an optional strategy to increase the energy intake in infants requiring fluid restriction, in conditions like bronchopulmonary dysplasia. This strategy may lead to an undesirable increase in osmolality of feeds, the maximum recommended safe limit being 400 mOsm/kg. The aim of the study was to measure the changes in osmolality of several commercialized preterm formulas after addition of glucose polymers and medium-chain triglycerides. Methods: Osmolality was measured by the freezing point depression method. Six powdered formulas with concentrations of 14 g/100 ml and 16 g/100 ml, and five ready-to-feed liquid formulas were analyzed. All formulas, were supplemented with 10% (low supplementation) or 20% (high supplementation) of additional calories, respectively, in the form of glucose polymers and medium chain triglycerides, maintaining a 1:1 glucose:lipid calorie ratio. Inter-analysis and intra-analysis coefficients of variation of the measurements were always < 3.9%. Results: The mean osmolality (mOsm/kg) of the non-supplemented formulas varied between 268.5 and 315.3 mOsm/kg, increasing by 3–5% in low supplemented formulas, and by 6–10% in high supplemented formulas. None of the formulas analyzed exceeded 352.8 mOsm/kg. Conclusion: The supplementation of preterm formulas with nonprotein energy supplements with up to 20% additional calories did not exceed the maximum recommended osmolality for neonatal feedings.


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The Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is the most common enzymatic defect in the world. The most common clinical manifestations are acute hemolytic anemia associated with drugs, infections, neonatal jaundice and hemolytic non-spherocytic chronic anemia. The main aim of this study was to determine the frequency of major genetic variants of G6PD leading to enzyme deficiency in children from 0 to 14 years at a Pediatric Hospital in Luanda, Angola. A cross-sectional and descriptive analytical study covered a total of 194 children aged from 0 to 14 years, of both genders and hospitalized at the Pediatric Hospital David Bernardino, Luanda between November and December, 2011. The G202A, A376G and C563T mutations of the G6PD gene were determined by real-time PCR with Taqman probes. The disabled A-/A- genotype was detected in 10 girls (10.9%). Among the boys, 21 (20.6%) presented the genotype A-. Considering all the samples, the A- variant was observed in 22.4% of cases. The Mediterranean mutation was not detected in the Angolan sample. Furthermore, no association was found between genotype and anemia, nutritional state and mucosa color. A significant association, however, was observed with jaundice. Based on the results obtained, there is a clear need to identify those with the disabled genotype in the Angolan population in order to avoid cases of drug-induced anemia, particularly in the treatment of malaria, so prevalent in Angola.


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D. João de Magalhães e Avelar (1754-1833) formou aquela que, ao tempo, era a maior biblioteca privada portuguesa. Com cerca de 36000 volumes, foi elogiada por personalidades nacionais e estrangeiras, por aliar à quantidade de volumes inúmeros e valiosíssimos manuscritos. Formada ao longo dos séculos XVIII e XIX, durante mais de 30 anos, originou, em 1833, o primeiro núcleo da actual Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto. Numa época em que possuir livros era sinónimo de prestígio social mas num período em que quase não havia tradição de bibliotecas públicas no nosso país, contrariamente ao que acontecia noutras realidades, a livraria privada de Avelar formou, com outras, a Real Biblioteca Pública da Cidade do Porto. Em 1833, aquando do primeiro aniversário da entrada do exército liberal no Porto, por decreto, criou-se a biblioteca portuense. Estabelecida na casa que servia de Hospício dos Religiosos de Santo António do Val da Piedade, à praça da Cordoaria, tinha como objectivo satisfazer a utilidade pública, estando aberta todos os dias, excepto domingos e feriados. Propriedade da cidade do Porto, ficava sujeita à administração da Câmara que se obrigava à sua guarda, manutenção, conservação, bem como à constante aquisição de espólio. Como veremos, tratou-se de um processo conflituoso mas o Porto obtinha, definitivamente, a sua biblioteca pública.


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Contrastando com o importante legado dos mestres organistas portugueses dos séculos XVI e XVII, a música portuguesa para órgão pós-1700 parece quase inexistente (excluindo raros exemplos, como as quatro sonatas para órgão de Carlos Seixas). Seja devido à destruição causada pelo grande terramoto de Lisboa em 1755, ou a outras causas, a ausência de fontes é surpreendente, considerando os testemunhos de actividade musical durante aquele período. Este artigo lida com uma fonte até hoje relativamente ignorada: o manuscrito CLI/1-4 nº 7 da Biblioteca do Palácio Ducal de Vila Viçosa (Versos / Sobre o Canto Chão / Para Orgão / De Fr. Jeronimo da M.dre de DS.). Esta colecção de vinte versos para órgão de Jerónimo da Madre de Deus é, de longe, a maior obra portuguesa para órgão da primeira metade do século XVIII até hoje conhecida. Claramente pensadas para o órgão, estas curtas peças testemunham a transformação da escrita para tecla em Portugal durante o reinado de D. João V (nomeadamente através da absorção de influências italianas) e fornecem informações preciosas sobre o tipo de instrumento em que eram tocadas.


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In the standard Schumpeterian-growth models only follower firms invest in R&D activities and larger economies grow faster. Since these results are counterfactual, this paper reveals that leader firms often support R&D activities and economic growth can be independent of the market size. In particular, the maintenance of R&D leadership increases with: (i) the technological-knowledge gap between leader and followers, since a firm-specific learning effect of accumulated technological knowledge from past R&D is considered, (ii) the leaders’ strategies that delay the next successful R&D supported by some follower firm, (iii) the market size, and (iv) the up-grade of each innovation.


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The development of new products or processes involves the creation, re-creation and integration of conceptual models from the related scientific and technical domains. Particularly, in the context of collaborative networks of organisations (CNO) (e.g. a multi-partner, international project) such developments can be seriously hindered by conceptual misunderstandings and misalignments, resulting from participants with different backgrounds or organisational cultures, for example. The research described in this article addresses this problem by proposing a method and the tools to support the collaborative development of shared conceptualisations in the context of a collaborative network of organisations. The theoretical model is based on a socio-semantic perspective, while the method is inspired by the conceptual integration theory from the cognitive semantics field. The modelling environment is built upon a semantic wiki platform. The majority of the article is devoted to developing an informal ontology in the context of a European R&D project, studied using action research. The case study results validated the logical structure of the method and showed the utility of the method.


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The Aquitaine Basin (southwestern France) is known since long ago for its richness in marine miocene deposits of various facies. A few stratotypes concerning this period have been described in the investigated area. The stratigraphical framework has been recently revised and the study of new exposures completes our knowledge on these levels. In the present work, the authors produce a biostratigraphical distribution of about 160 species (larger and smaller foraminifera), found in the surface exposures of Aquitaine, from the topmost Oligocene (Chattian) through to Middle Miocene (including Serravallian). As a rule, the common species without significant ranges have not bcen mentioned. The microfaunas of several exposures have been thoroughly revised, which has allowed to precise the distribution of many species and induced a few modifications of the results previously produced. Synonymy problems and new taxonomical revisions have been taken into account. Of course, this work will be probably submitted to some changes according to new research on the already known exposures or other more recently discovered.


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Abundant crops of Glycymeris have been made in the neritic bioclastic deposits of the Aquitaine Basin. After an outline about the Chattian taxa, the 5 Lower Miocene lineages are presented; G. cor is plainly predominant. Then, the Middle Miocene faunas are also detaiIed, G. inflatus and G. bimaculatus being the most frequent taxa. A test of biometrical analysis about the G. cor species is presented.


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Ramsey pricing has been proposed in the pharmaceutical industry as a principle to price discriminate among markets while allowing to recover the (fixed) R&D cost. However, such analyses neglect the presence of insurance or the fund raising costs for most of drug reimbursement. By incorporating these new elements, we aim at providing some building blocks towards an economic theory incorporating Ramsey pricing and insurance coverage. We show how coinsurance affects the optimal prices to pay for the R&D investment. We also show that under certain conditions, there is no strategic incentive by governments to set coinsurance rates in order to shift the financial burden of R&D. This will have important implications to the application of Ramsey pricing principles to pharmaceutical products across countries.


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Electronics Letters Vol.38, nº 19


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In a period of time of five years, all patients who exhibited viscerocutaneous form of loxoscelism were investigated for erythrocyte glucose-6-phosphate deficiency, and in two patients out of seven it was found this deficiency. This finding suggests that this genetical enzyme deficiency could account for the hemolysis after Loxosceles bite, at least in some of the cases.