989 resultados para Cultural turn


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Este artículo presenta una reflexión teórica y empírica sobre la dialéctica entre modernidad y tradición, en relación con las nuevas pautas culturales desarrolladas en la sociedad de consumo. El acceso mayoritario al consumo no supone, en ningún caso, una práctica de carácter igualitario, sino que las diferentes disposiciones culturales y económicas definen diferencias importantes en este acceso, tanto en calidad como en cantidad. Estas diferencias permiten la consolidación de estilos de vida diferentes y distintivos que constituyen la base de las nuevas desigualdades sociales.


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How can municipal sociocultural policies stimulate and promote community empowerment, civic creativity or social cohesion? What objectives should be proposed at the municipal level to promote processes of sociocultural community development? How can we identify local needs in order to stimulate community development processes? In response to these questions, our paper proposes a creative solution: indicators to evaluate sociocultural policies. The proposal will enable us to obtain information about our own reality and, at the same time, contribute to producing changes and to outlining possible de intervention strategies for local administrations. The proposal describes a system of creative, flexible and rigourous indicators intended for municipal technicians and politicians interested in evaluating their sociocultural actions and strategies. We present the result of a research process whose methods included validation of the indicators by experts and technicians in or related to sociocultural community development, and the application of this system based on a case study of a Spanish municipality. Among the proposed indicators specific consideration is given to the support of local creators and the promotion of civic creativity, as well as the use, the creation and the articulation of sociocultural activities as strategies to contribute to cultural and civic diversity


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A citricultura apresenta vários problemas fitossanitários, dentre os quais a mancha-preta dos citros (Guignardia citricarpa). O controle desta doença baseia-se no emprego de práticas culturais e no uso de fungicidas. Avaliou-se o efeito do manejo do mato em conjunto com o químico no controle da doença. Os experimentos foram instalados em pomares de laranjeiras-doces, nos municípios de Matão, Rio Claro e Mogi Guaçu, no Estado de São Paulo. No manejo do mato, comparou-se o uso isolado de roçadeira ecológica com o conjugado rastelo mecânico e trincha, aos 35 dias, após 2/3 de pétalas caídas. No controle químico, foram realizadas duas pulverizações com fungicida protetor e de 2 a 5 pulverizações da mistura de produto sistêmico com protetor, aos 45 dias, após 2/3 de pétalas caídas, em intervalos de aplicação de 35 dias. Em todas as aplicações, foi adicionado óleo mineral emulsionável (0,25%). Avaliou-se a área abaixo da curva de progresso da incidência e severidade da doença, com os dados de cinco avaliações realizadas quinzenalmente, a partir da maturidade fisiológica dos frutos. Em todas as áreas, o uso do controle químico, associado com o manejo do mato, reduziu a intensidade da doença.


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En este articulo se pasa revista, de forma resumida, a 20 años de excavaciones en el abrigo del Filador y se dan a conocer los resultados más importantes (sedimentología, fauna, polen, industria, dataciones, etc..), obtenidos con la aplicación de nuevas técnicas de estudio desde 1979. Del mismo modo replanteamos su ubicación cronocultural dentro del marco geográfico del NE peninsular a partir de las dataciones radiocarbónicas conocidas hasta el momento. Se trata del primer trabajo de síntesis sobre el yacimiento realizado con posterioridad al estudio de J. Fortea (Fortea 1973); el Filador sigue siendo un referente obligado del Epipaleolítico de la zona en tanto que muestra la mayoría de las facies cronoculturales que definen esta fase en el NE ibérico.


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El trabajo comunitario tiene una larga tradición en España, aunque la denominación Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario (DCC) es mucho más reciente. En éste artículo, defendemos ésta designación; revisamos sus antecedentes, remontándonos a los años posteriores a la II Guerra Mundial y vemos cómo ha evolucionado hasta llegar a nuestros días. Nos detenemos en las políticas culturales, el concepto de ciudadanía y los modelos de sociedad de acogida; abordamos el reto de la participación, fundamental en los procesos de trabajo comunitario; tratamos el papel de la cultura y de la creatividad en los procesos de trabajo comunitario y vemos cuál ha sido la aportación de los artistas. Por último trazamos las líneas de lo que sería el marco metodológico de intervención en proyectos DCC y exponemos las fases de desarrollo de los proyectos: diagnóstico, desarrollar la toma de conciencia de la dimensión colectiva, concretar cooperativamente los objetivos de cada fase del proyecto, planificación de la intervención, desarrollo del proyecto, y por último la evaluación.


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Actualmente, los recortes en los presupuestos de cultura han impulsado un debate público sobre la necesidad de cooperación entre el sector público y el sector privado en la financiación y la gestión de las instituciones culturales. No obstante, en realidad, esta cooperación ya existe en el caso de Barcelona. El análisis presupuestario y de su gestión revela que la mayor parte de las instituciones culturales no pueden ser clasificadas ni en el sector público ni en el sector privado no lucrativo, sino que son híbridas. El artículo defiende que las hibridaciones que podemos encontrar se explican, en primer lugar, por el origen de las instituciones culturales y, en segundo lugar, por la orientación de la política cultural barcelonesa, caracterizada por la estrategia emprendedora del gobierno local. Finalmente, el artículo analiza los retos que plantean estos diferentes grados de hibridación con relación a la gobernanza de las instituciones culturales.


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Clinical trials today are conducted in multiple countries to enhance patient recruitment and improve efficiency of trials. However, the demographic and cultural diversity may contribute to variations in study outcomes. Here we conducted post-hoc analyses for a placebo-controlled study with ziprasidone and haloperidol for the treatment of acute mania to address the demographic, dosing, and outcome disparities in India, Russia and the USA. We compared the baseline characteristics, outcomes and discontinuations in patients and explored the relationship between the outcome measures across these countries. We found substantial differences in baseline characteristics of subjects, administered dosage and disease severity in India compared to the USA and Russia. Conversely, US subjects had a higher placebo response compared to subjects in Russia and India. These results are probably due to demographic differences in patient populations and psychiatric clinical practice across countries. While we offer initial ideas to address the disparities identified in this analysis, it is clear that further research to improve our understanding of geographical differences is essential to ensure globally applicable results for clinical trials in psychiatry.


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UNLABELLED: Phenomenon: Assuring quality medical care for all persons requires that healthcare providers understand how sociocultural factors affect a patient's health beliefs/behaviors. Switzerland's changing demographics highlight the importance of provider cross-cultural preparedness for all patients-especially those at risk for social/health precarity. We evaluated healthcare provider cross-cultural preparedness for commonly encountered vulnerable patient profiles. APPROACH: A survey on cross-cultural care was mailed to Lausanne University hospital's "front-line healthcare providers": clinical nurses and resident physicians at our institution. Preparedness items asked "How prepared do you feel to care for ... ?" (referring to example patient profiles) on an ascending 5-point Likert scale. We examined proportions of "4 - well/5 - very well prepared" and the mean composite score for preparedness. We used linear regression to examine the adjusted effect of demographics, work context, cultural-competence training, and cross-cultural care problem awareness, on preparedness. FINDINGS: Of 885 questionnaires, 368 (41.2%) were returned: 124 (33.6%) physicians and 244 (66.4%) nurses. Mean preparedness composite was 3.30 (SD = 0.70), with the lowest proportion of healthcare providers feeling prepared for patients "whose religious beliefs affect treatment" (22%). After adjustment, working in a sensitized department (β = 0.21, p = .01), training on the history/culture of a specific group (β = 0.25, p = .03), and awareness regarding (a) a lack of practical experience caring for diverse populations (β = 0.25, p = .004) and (b) inadequate cross-cultural training (β = 0.18, p = .04) were associated with higher preparedness. Speaking French as a dominant language and physician role (vs. nurse) were negatively associated with preparedness (β = -0.26, p = .01; β = -0.22, p = .01). Insights: The state of cross-cultural care preparedness among Lausanne's front-line healthcare providers leaves room for improvement. Our study points toward institutional strategies to improve preparedness: notably, making sure departments are sensitized to cross-cultural care resources and increasing provider diversity to reflect the changing Swiss demographic.


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The question of how to quantify insufficient coping behavior under chronic stress is of major clinical relevance. In fact, chronic stress increasingly dominates modern work conditions and can affect nearly every system of the human body, as suggested by physical, cognitive, affective and behavioral symptoms. Since freshmen students experience constantly high levels of stress due to tight schedules and frequent examinations, we carried out a 3-center study of 1,303 students from Italy, Spain and Argentina in order to develop socioculturally independent means for quantifying coping behavior. The data analysis relied on 2 self-report questionnaires: the Coping Strategies Inventory (COPE) for the assessment of coping behavior and the Zurich Health Questionnaire which assesses consumption behavior and general health dimensions. A neural network approach was used to determine the structural properties inherent in the COPE instrument. Our analyses revealed 2 highly stable, socioculturally independent scales that reflected basic coping behavior in terms of the personality traits activity-passivity and defeatism-resilience. This replicated previous results based on Swiss and US-American data. The percentage of students exhibiting insufficient coping behavior was very similar across the study sites (11.5-18.0%). Given their stability and validity, the newly developed scales enable the quantification of basic coping behavior in a cost-efficient and reliable way, thus clearing the way for the early detection of subjects with insufficient coping skills under chronic stress who may be at risk of physical or mental health problems.


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It is axiomatic that our planet is extensively inhabited by diverse micro-organisms such as bacteria, yet the absolute diversity of different bacterial species is widely held to be unknown. Different bacteria can be found from the depths of the oceans to the top of the mountains; even the air is more or less colonized by bacteria. Most bacteria are either harmless or even advantageous to human beings but there are also bacteria, which can cause severe infectious diseases or spoil the supplies intended for human consumption. Therefore, it is vitally important not only to be able to detect and enumerate bacteria but also to assess their viability and possible harmfulness. Whilst the growth of bacteria is remarkably fast under optimum conditions and easy to detect by cultural methods, most bacteria are believed to lie in stationary phase of growth in which the actual growth is ceased and thus bacteria may simply be undetectable by cultural techniques. Additionally, several injurious factors such as low and high temperature or deficiency of nutrients can turn bacteria into a viable but non-culturable state (VBNC) that cannot be detected by cultural methods. Thereby, various noncultural techniques developed for the assessment of bacterial viability and killing have widely been exploited in modern microbiology. However, only a few methods are suitable for kinetic measurements, which enable the real-time detection of bacterial growth and viability. The present study describes alternative methods for measuring bacterial viability and killing as well as detecting the effects of various antimicrobial agents on bacteria on a real-time basis. The suitability of bacterial (lux) and beetle (luc) luciferases as well as green fluorescent protein (GFP) to act as a marker of bacterial viability and cell growth was tested. In particular, a multiparameter microplate assay based on GFP-luciferase combination as well as a flow cytometric measurement based on GFP-PI combination were developed to perform divergent viability analyses. The results obtained suggest that the antimicrobial activities of various drugs against bacteria could be successfully measured using both of these methods. Specifically, the data reliability of flow cytometric viability analysis was notably improved as GFP was utilized in the assay. A fluoro-luminometric microplate assay enabled kinetic measurements, which significantly improved and accelerated the assessment of bacterial viability compared to more conventional viability assays such as plate counting. Moreover, the multiparameter assay made simultaneous detection of GFP fluorescence and luciferase bioluminescence possible and provided extensive information about multiple cellular parameters in single assay, thereby increasing the accuracy of the assessment of the kinetics of antimicrobial activities on target bacteria.


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Este trabajo analiza las relaciones entre las ideas fundamentales de la filosofía nietzscheana y la lógica cultural del capitalismo tardío. En la primera parte se realiza una breve exposición de la doctrina nietzscheana; en la segunda se estudia hasta qué punto dicha doctrina coincide con los presupuestos filosóficos del capitalismo tardío; y en la tercera se reflexiona acerca del tipo de conexión (de anticipación o de reciclaje) que se da entre ambas.