988 resultados para Crick, Francis H. C
The solubilities of two C-tetraalkylcalix[4]resorcinarenes, namely C-tetramethylcalix[4]resorcinarene and C-tetrapentylcalix[4]resorcinarene, in supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) were measured in a flow-type apparatus at a temperature range from (313.2 to 333.2) K and at pressures from (12.0 to 35.0) MPa. The C-tetraalkylcalix[4]resorcinarenes were synthesized applying our optimized procedure and fully characterized by means of gel permeation chromatography, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The solubilities of the C-tetraalkylcalix[4]resorcinarenes in SCCO2 were determined by analysis of the extracts obtained by HPLC with ultraviolet (UV) detection methodology adapted by our team. Four semiempirical density-based models, and the SoaveRedlichKwong cubic equation of state (SRK CEoS) with classical mixing rules, were applied to correlate the solubility of the calix[4]resorcinarenes in the SC CO2. The physical properties required for the modeling were estimated and reported.
This paper studies the effect of ship speed and water depth on the propagation of ship generated waves. The ship is represented by a moving pressure distribution function at the free surface that is able to reproduce most of the phenomena involved in wave propagation. Results are obtained for a ship sailing along a coastal stretch made of a sloping bottom and a constant depth region. The results show that in the sloping bottom the crests of waves are bent along the slope and in the constant depth the standard Kelvin wave patterns can be found for the subcritical regime. In the critical regime the wave system is characterized by significant diverging waves and for a supercritical regime, the transverse waves disappear. © 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
The integrated numerical tool SWAMS (Simulation of Wave Action on Moored Ships) is used to simulate the behavior of a moored container carrier inside Sines’ Harbour. Wave, wind, currents, floating ship and moorings interaction is discussed. Several case scenarios are compared differing in the layout of the harbour and wind and wave conditions. The several harbour layouts correspond to proposed alternatives for the future expansion of Sines’ terminal XXI that include the extension of the East breakwater and of the quay. Additionally, the influence of wind on the behavior of the ship moored and the introduction of pre tensioning the mooring lines was analyzed. Hydrodynamic forces acting on the ship are determined using a modified version of the WAMIT model. This modified model utilizes the Haskind relations and the non-linear wave field inside the harbour obtained with finite element numerical model, BOUSS-WMH (Boussinesq Wave Model for Harbors) to get the wave forces on the ship. The time series of the moored ship motions and forces on moorings are obtained using BAS solver. © 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
Isoniazid (INH) is still one of the two most effective antitubercular drugs and is included in all recommended multitherapeutic regimens. Because of the increasing resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to INH, mainly associated with mutations in the katG gene, new INH-based compounds have been proposed to circumvent this problem. In this work, we present a detailed comparative study of the molecular determinants of the interactions between wt KatG or its S315T mutant form and either INH or INH-C10, a new acylated INH derivative. MD simulations were used to explore the conformational space of both proteins, and results indicate that the S315T mutation did not have a significant impact on the average size of the access tunnel in the vicinity of these residues. Our simulations also indicate that the steric hindrance role assigned to Asp137 is transient and that electrostatic changes can be important in understanding the enzyme activity data of mutations in KatG. Additionally, molecular docking studies were used to determine the preferred modes of binding of the two substrates. Upon mutation, the apparently less favored docking solution for reaction became the most abundant, suggesting that S315T mutation favors less optimal binding modes. Moreover, the aliphatic tail in INH-C10 seems to bring the hydrazine group closer to the heme, thus favoring the apparent most reactive binding mode, regardless of the enzyme form. The ITC data is in agreement with our interpretation of the C10 alkyl chain role and helped to rationalize the significantly lower experimental MIC value observed for INH-C10. This compound seems to be able to counterbalance most of the conformational restrictions introduced by the mutation, which are thought to be responsible for the decrease in INH activity in the mutated strain. Therefore, INH-C10 appears to be a very promising lead compound for drug development.
La présente thèse doctorale propose l’étude de l’activité théâtrale développée dans les théâtres permanents construits en Amérique Portugaise au long du XVIIIe et dans la première décennie du XIXe siècle, en mettant l’accent sur les idéalisateurs des Casas da Ópera et les moyens de financement utilisés dans l’édification et l’entretien de celles-ci, le répertoire mis en scène, les artistes composant les compagnies théâtrales, les spectateurs et les possibilités de sociabilité établies dans l’espace théâtrale et les modèles architectoniques qui ont inspiré la construction des bâtiments théâtraux au cours de la période mentionnée. Ces cinq axes principaux soulignent l’approche interdisciplinaire qui a orienté nos études, dans un souci de contribution à une plus complète compréhension de notre sujet de recherche. Mots clés : Théâtres, Amérique Portugaise, Comédiens Mulâtres, Théâtre Éphémère, Comédies Portugaises, Architecture théâtrale luso-américaine, Casa da Ópera de Vila Rica/Ouro Preto.
Trabalho de projecto apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica.
Let and be matrices over an algebraically closed field. Let be elements of such that and . We give necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of matrices and similar to and, respectively, such that has eigenvalues.
Nearly 400 hemodialysis patients treated at 5 different hemodialysis units in Rio de Janeiro were tested for one year for the presence of hepatitis C and B markers. During the same period, samples were also obtained from 35 continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients and from 242 health care workers. Depending on the hemodialysis unit studied, anti-HCV prevalence rates ranging from 47% to 82% (mean 65%) were detected. CAPD patients showed a lower prevalence of 17%. The prevalence of antibodies against hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) among health care workers was 2.9%. We observed a hepatitis C attack rate of 11.5% per year in the anti-HCV-negative hemodialysis patient population. An average of 9.4% of the hemodialysis patients were chronic carriers of hepatitis B virus (HBV) (range 1.8% - 20.4%), while 48.9% showed markers of previous HBV infection. The HBV attack rate was 4.5% per year (range 0% - 6%). These results indicate an alarming high prevalence of anti-HCV among hemodialysis patients of this studied region.
The response to interferon treatment in chronic hepatitis NANB/C has usually been classified as complete, partial or absent, according to the behavior of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT). However, a more detailed observation of the enzymatic activity has shown that the patterns may be more complex. The aim of this study was to describe the long term follow-up and patterns of ALT response in patients with chronic hepatitis NANB/C treated with recombinant interferon-alpha. A follow-up of 6 months or more after interferon-a was achieved in 44 patients. We have classified the serum ALT responses into six patterns and the observed frequencies were as follows: I. Long term response = 9 (20.5%); II. Normalization followed by persistent relapse after IFN = 7 (15.9%); III. Normalization with transient relapse = 5 (11.9%); IV. Temporary normalization and relapse during IFN = 4 (9.1%); V. Partial response (more than 50% of ALT decrease) = 7 (15.9%); VI. No response = 12 (27.3%). In conclusion, ALT patterns vary widely during and after IFN treatment and can be classified in at least 6 types.
In the present study we report the results of an analysis, based on serotyping, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MEE), and ribotyping of N. meningitidis serogroup C strains isolated from patients with meningococcal disease (MD) in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) and Santa Catarina (SC) States, Brazil, as the Center of Epidemiology Control of Ministry of Health detected an increasing of MD cases due to this serogroup in the last two years (1992-1993). We have demonstrated that the MD due to N.meningitidis serogroup C strains in RS and SC States occurring in the last 4 years were caused mainly by one clone of strains (ET 40), with isolates indistinguishable by serogroup, serotype, subtype and even by ribotyping. One small number of cases that were not due to an ET 40 strains, represent closely related clones that probably are new lineages generated from the ET 40 clone referred as ET 11A complex. We have also analyzed N.meningitidis serogroup C strains isolated in the greater São Paulo in 1976 as representative of the first post epidemic year in that region. The ribotyping method, as well as MEE, could provide useful information about the clonal characteristics of those isolates and also of strains isolated in south Brazil. The strains from 1976 have more similarity with the actual endemic than epidemic strains, by the ribotyping, sulfonamide sensitivity, and MEE results. In conclusion, serotyping with monoclonal antibodies (C:2b:P1.3), MEE (ET 11 and ET 11A complex), and ribotyping by using ClaI restriction enzyme (Rb2), were useful to characterize these epidemic strains of N.meningitidis related to the increased incidence of MD in different States of south Brazil. It is mostly probable that these N.meningitidis serogroup C strains have poor or no genetic corelation with 1971-1975 epidemic serogroup C strains. The genetic similarity of members of the ET 11 and ET 11A complex were confirmed by the ribotyping method by using three restriction endonucleases.
From January 1984 to May 1994, 17 of 239 children under 15 years old stung by Tityus serrulatus (15.1%) or Tityus bahiensis (84.9%) presented severe envenoming. Of these 17 patients (1-11 years old; median=2 yr) 14 were stung by T.serrulatus and three by T.bahiensis. All of them received scorpion antivenom i.v. at times ranging from 45 min. to 5 h after the accident (median=2h). On admission, the main clinical manifestations and laboratory and electrocardiographic changes were: vomiting (17), diaphoresis (15), tachycardia (14), prostration (10), tachypnea (8), arterial hypertension (7), arterial hypotension (5), tremors (5), hypothermia (4), hyperglycemia (17), leukocytosis (16/16), hypokalemia (13/17), increased CK-MB enzyme activity (>6% of the total CK, 11/12), hyperamylasemia (11/14), sinusal tachycardia (16/17) and a myocardial infarction-like pattern (11/17). Six patients stung by T.serrulatus had depressed left ventricular systolic function assessed by means of echocardiography. Of these, five presented pulmonary edema and four had shock. A child aged two-years old presented severe respiratory failure and died 65 h after being stung by T.serrulatus. Severe envenomations caused by T.serrulatus were 26.2 times more frequent than those caused by T.bahiensis (p<0.001).
Hepatitis G virus/ GB virus C is a novel flavivirus recently detected in hepatitis non A-E cases. In this study, the presence of this virus in chronic non-B, non-C hepatitis patients was evaluated using GBV-C specific PCR and this virus was detected in one out of thirteen patients. This patient has presented a severe liver failure, has lived for a long time in the Western Amazon basin and no other cause for this clinical picture was reported. The impact of the discovery of this new agent is still under evaluation throughout the world. The study of the prevalence of this virus among chronic hepatitis patients and healthy individuals (as blood donors) will furnish subside to evaluate its real pathogenicity.