891 resultados para Crack Cocaine


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I look for classroom peer effects for psychoactive substance consumption among Colombian high school students and attempt to identify channels that rationalize for these effects. To do so, I use data for Colombian schools from 2011. I identify peer effects using household consumption behavior to instrument average classroom consumption. I find that an increase of 10% in the proportion of classroom users of alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine increases the probability of students to use alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine in 3.14%, 4.29%, and 2.38% respectively. I find no significant effect on cigarette smoking for the full sample but after exploring heterogeneous effects I find suggestive evidence that the effect is positive in some grades. I find some evidence that indicate that peer effects on alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine consumption operate through risk perception and easiness of access to psychoactive substances, meaning that the increase of likelihood of consumption could be explained because it is easier to access to drugs for students that interact with consumers or because a decrease in the risk students perceive of consuming these substances. Finally, through the use of a SUR and a 3SLS estimator I find strong correlations between smoking cigarettes and consuming cannabis (55 %), and cocaine (60 %).


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El estudio sobre la juventud y su relación con prácticas realizadas en los espacios públicos, especialmente la calle, ha tenido un renovado interés durante las últimas décadas. Estos debates se han vuelto relevantes en cuanto que los jóvenes parecen ocupar un lugar primordial en las escenas cotidianas de violencia, en particular los jóvenes de sectores populares. A través de un proceso etnográfico de carácter sistemático y sostenido en el tiempo identifico y explico las distintas interacciones de los jóvenes en los espacios públicos de cuatro barrios populares, centrando el análisis en las distintas formas de negociación con los actores armados, especialmente con la policía y el paramilitarismo. Lo que argumento es que hacer presencia en los espacios públicos, especialmente en la calle, termina por constituir en una opción de vida a través de los cuales fomentan una beligerancia social y política de resistencia pero ante todo como método que les permite proponer alternativas de existencia, por demás no violentas, frente a la violencia generalizada de la policía y el paramilitarismo. El problema radica en que muchas de las expresiones de algunos jóvenes terminan por reproducir los mecanismos de violencia del que son víctimas, aspecto que es identificado, por quienes acuden a la violencia, como una forma de reclamar un lugar en la comunidad, a permitirse ser reconocidos y escuchados y a sobrevivir en medio de una simultaneidad de violencias que cotidianamente los atropella y les vulnera los derechos. La violencia de estos jóvenes es una forma de no permitir que las esperanzas se diluyan, aunque paradójicamente también les puede quitar la vida


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Se trata de una propuesta dinámica para el estudio de algunos grandes temas de historia contemporánea inspirada en las obras de arte happenings (espectáculo improvisado). Se presentan tres happenings que entroncan con el temario de ciencias sociales del segundo ciclo de la ESO. Los tres se centran en el primer tercio del siglo XX: primera guerra mundial, revolución rusa y crack del 29, y depresión de los 30.


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Crédito variable para Bachillerato en Historia y Literatura. Pretende analizar el periodo histórico cultural de entreguerras en USA, las transformaciones que se producen y su repercusión en Europa y Catalunya. La información se estructura en torno a los temas: 1. La intervención norteamericana en la Primera Guerra Mundial; 2. La crisis de la postguerra (1918-20); 3. La década de la prosperidad (1921-1929); 4. El Crack del 29 y la gran regresión económica; 5. Los EUA del 1933 al 1939. Incluye temporalización y recursos didácticos entre otros y parte de la base de que es un periodo fundamental para el desarrollo de la historia universal posterior.


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El poema `El grito hacia Roma´ de la obra `Poeta en Nueva York´ de Lorca es una composición que rebasa la simple expresión de los sentimientos del poeta durante su estancia en Nueva York en el año 1929. Coincide esta época con el crack de Wall Street, que sumiría en una profunda recesión a la economía estadounidense. Para el autor del artículo, supone una profunda, desagarrada y a veces cruel crítica a la Iglesia católica y al Papa, así como al capitalismo que amparan y del que forman parte. La metrópoli norteamericana es el lugar elegido por ser la capital financiera del planeta y por ser la capital económica de la primera potencia del mundo. La humillación y la explotación de los seres humanos se pueden ver con mucha evidencia. Lorca utiliza sus paseos por la ciudad, para construir un poema que utiliza muchas reminiscencias bíblicas: las plagas bíblicas; los anhelos frustrados de la Iglesia primitiva y de Cristo; los símbolos sacramentales, en especial la comunión y la referencia a la cruz. En esta obra recurre a numerosos recursos retóricos, abundan las reiteraciones, las anáforas y los paralelismos. Por último, se aportan una serie de ideas para un mejor aprovechamiento pedagógico y se citan los diferentes departamentos didácticos desde los que se pueden trabajar este poema.


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El uso de materiales compuestos de matriz polimérica (FRP) emerge como alternativa al hormigón convencionalmente armado con acero debido a la mayor resistencia a la corrosión de dichos materiales. El presente estudio investiga el comportamiento en servicio de vigas de hormigón armadas con barras de FRP mediante un análisis teórico y experimental. Se presentan los resultados experimentales de veintiséis vigas de hormigón armadas con barras de material compuesto de fibra de vidrio (GFRP) y una armada con acero, todas ellas ensayadas a flexión de cuatro puntos. Los resultados experimentales son analizados y comparados con algunos de los modelos de predicción más significativos de flechas y fisuración, observándose, en general, una predicción adecuada del comportamiento experimental hasta cargas de servicio. El análisis de sección fisurada (CSA) estima la carga última con precisión, aunque se registra un incremento de la flecha experimental para cargas superiores a las de servicio. Esta diferencia se atribuye a la influencia de las deformaciones por esfuerzo cortante y se calcula experimentalmente. Se presentan los aspectos principales que influyen en los estados límites de servicio: tensiones de los materiales, ancho máximo de fisura y flecha máxima permitida. Se presenta una metodología para el diseño de dichos elementos bajo las condiciones de servicio. El procedimiento presentado permite optimizar las dimensiones de la sección respecto a metodologías más generales.


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La majoria de les fallades en elements estructurals són degudes a càrrega per fatiga. En conseqüència, la fatiga mecànica és un factor clau per al disseny d'elements mecànics. En el cas de materials compòsits laminats, el procés de fallada per fatiga inclou diferents mecanismes de dany que resulten en la degradació del material. Un dels mecanismes de dany més importants és la delaminació entre capes del laminat. En el cas de components aeronàutics, les plaques de composit estan exposades a impactes i les delaminacions apareixen facilment en un laminat després d'un impacte. Molts components fets de compòsit tenen formes corbes, superposició de capes i capes amb diferents orientacions que fan que la delaminació es propagui en un mode mixt que depen de la grandària de la delaminació. És a dir, les delaminacions generalment es propaguen en mode mixt variable. És per això que és important desenvolupar nous mètodes per caracteritzar el creixement subcrític en mode mixt per fatiga de les delaminacions. El principal objectiu d'aquest treball és la caracterització del creixement en mode mixt variable de les delaminacions en compòsits laminats per efecte de càrregues a fatiga. Amb aquest fi, es proposa un nou model per al creixement per fatiga de la delaminació en mode mixt. Contràriament als models ja existents, el model que es proposa es formula d'acord a la variació no-monotònica dels paràmetres de propagació amb el mode mixt observada en diferents resultats experimentals. A més, es du a terme un anàlisi de l'assaig mixed-mode end load split (MMELS), la característica més important del qual és la variació del mode mixt a mesura que la delaminació creix. Per a aquest anàlisi, es tenen em compte dos mètodes teòrics presents en la literatura. No obstant, les expressions resultants per l'assaig MMELS no són equivalents i les diferències entre els dos mètodes poden ser importants, fins a 50 vegades. Per aquest motiu, en aquest treball es porta a terme un anàlisi alternatiu més acurat del MMELS per tal d'establir una comparació. Aquest anàlisi alternatiu es basa en el mètode dels elements finits i virtual crack closure technique (VCCT). D'aquest anàlisi en resulten importants aspectes a considerar per a la bona caracterització de materials utilitzant l'assaig MMELS. Durant l'estudi s'ha dissenyat i construït un utillatge per l'assaig MMELS. Per a la caracterització experimental de la propagació per fatiga de delaminacions en mode mixt variable s'utilitzen diferents provetes de laminats carboni/epoxy essencialment unidireccionals. També es du a terme un anàlisi fractogràfic d'algunes de les superfícies de fractura per delaminació. Els resultats experimentals són comparats amb les prediccions del model proposat per la propagació per fatiga d'esquerdes interlaminars.


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The perceived wisdom about thin sheet fracture is that (i) the crack propagates under mixed mode I & III giving rise to a slant through-thickness fracture profile and (ii) the fracture toughness remains constant at low thickness and eventually decreases with increasing thickness. In the present study, fracture tests performed on thin DENT plates of various thicknesses made of stainless steel, mild steel, 6082-O and NS4 aluminium alloys, brass, bronze, lead, and zinc systematically exhibit (i) mode I “bath-tub”, i.e. “cup & cup”, fracture profiles with limited shear lips and significant localized necking (more than 50% thickness reduction), (ii) a fracture toughness that linearly increases with increasing thickness (in the range of 0.5–5 mm). The different contributions to the work expended during fracture of these materials are separated based on dimensional considerations. The paper emphasises the two parts of the work spent in the fracture process zone: the necking work and the “fracture” work. Experiments show that, as expected, the work of necking per unit area linearly increases with thickness. For a typical thickness of 1 mm, both fracture and necking contributions have the same order of magnitude in most of the metals investigated. A model is developed in order to independently evaluate the work of necking, which successfully predicts the experimental values. Furthermore, it enables the fracture energy to be derived from tests performed with only one specimen thickness. In a second modelling step, the work of fracture is computed using an enhanced void growth model valid in the quasi plane stress regime. The fracture energy varies linearly with the yield stress and void spacing and is a strong function of the hardening exponent and initial void volume fraction. The coupling of the two models allows the relative contributions of necking versus fracture to be quantified with respect to (i) the two length scales involved in this problem, i.e. the void spacing and the plate thickness, and (ii) the flow properties of the material. Each term can dominate depending on the properties of the material which explains the different behaviours reported in the literature about thin plate fracture toughness and its dependence with thickness.


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Investigation of the fracture mode for hard and soft wheat endosperm was aimed at gaining a better understanding of the fragmentation process. Fracture mechanical characterization was based on the three-point bending test which enables stable crack propagation to take place in small rectangular pieces of wheat endosperm. The crack length can be measured in situ by using an optical microscope with light illumination from the side of the specimen or from the back of the specimen. Two new techniques were developed and used to estimate the fracture toughness of wheat endosperm, a geometric approach and a compliance method. The geometric approach gave average fracture toughness values of 53.10 and 27.0 J m(-2) for hard and soft endosperm, respectively. Fracture toughness estimated using the compliance method gave values of 49.9 and 29.7 J m(-2) for hard and soft endosperm, respectively. Compressive properties of the endosperm in three mutually perpendicular axes revealed that the hard and soft endosperms are isotropic composites. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation of the fracture surfaces and the energy-time curves of loading-unloading cycles revealed that there was a plastic flow during crack propagation for both the hard and soft endosperms, and confirmed that the fracture mode is significantly related to the adhesion level between starch granules and the protein matrix.


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A series of three-point bend tests using single edge notched testpieces of pure polycrystalline ice have been performed at three different temperatures (–20°C, –30°C and –40°C). The displacement rate was varied from 1 mm/min to 100 mm/min, producing the crack tip strain rates from about 10–3 to 10–1 s–1. The results show that (a) the fracture toughness of pure polycrystalline ice given by the critical stress intensity factor (K IC) is much lower than that measured from the J—integral under identical conditions; (b) from the determination of K IC, the fracture toughness of pure polycrystalline ice decreases with increasing strain rate and there is good power law relationship between them; (c) from the measurement of the J—integral, a different tendency was appeared: when the crack tip strain rate exceeds a critical value of 6 × 10–3 s–1, the fracture toughness is almost constant but when the crack tip strain rate is less than this value, the fracture toughness increases with decreasing crack tip strain rate. Re-examination of the mechanisms of rate-dependent fracture toughness of pure polycrystalline ice shows that the effect of strain rate is related not only to the blunting of crack tips due to plasticity, creep and stress relaxation but also to the nucleation and growth of microcracks in the specimen.


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The story of cocaine: from royalty to popular refresher... Surprising as it sounds, Coca Cola gets its name from one of its original ingredients - cocaine. And although the drug's now illegal, this wasn't always the case. But how did it become popular, what led to its downfall, and how does Coca Cola come in to it?


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The discovery of polymers with stimuli responsive physical properties is a rapidly expanding area of research. At the forefront of the field are self-healing polymers, which, when fractured can regain the mechanical properties of the material either autonomically, or in response to a stimulus. It has long been known that it is possible to promote healing in conventional thermoplastics by heating the fracture zone above the Tg of the polymer under pressure. This process requires reptation and subsequent re-entanglement of macromolecules across the fracture void, which serves to bridge, and ‘heal’ the crack. The timescale for this mechanism is highly dependent on the molecular weight of the polymer being studied. This process is in contrast to that required to affect healing in supramolecular polymers such as the plasticised, hydrogen bonded elastomer reported by Leibler et al. The disparity in bond energies between the non-covalent and covalent bonds within supramolecular polymers results in fractures propagating through scission of the comparatively weak supramolecular interactions, rather than through breaking the stronger, covalent bonds. Thus, during the healing process the macromolecules surrounding the fracture site only need sufficient energy to re-engage their supramolecular interactions in order to regenerate the strength of the pristine material. Herein we describe the design, synthesis and optimization of a new class of supramolecular polymer blends that harness the reversible nature of pi-pi stacking and hydrogen bonding interactions to produce self-supporting films with facile healable characteristics.


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Flight necessitates that the feather rachis is extremely tough and light. Yet, the crucial filamentous hierarchy of the rachis is unknown—study hindered by the tight chemical bonding between the filaments and matrix. We used novel microbial biodegradation to delineate the fibres of the rachidial cortex in situ. It revealed the thickest keratin filaments known to date (factor >10), approximately 6 µm thick, extending predominantly axially but with a small outer circumferential component. Near-periodic thickened nodes of the fibres are staggered with those in adjacent fibres in two- and three-dimensional planes, creating a fibre–matrix texture with high attributes for crack stopping and resistance to transverse cutting. Close association of the fibre layer with the underlying ‘spongy’ medulloid pith indicates the potential for higher buckling loads and greater elastic recoil. Strikingly, the fibres are similar in dimensions and form to the free filaments of the feather vane and plumulaceous and embryonic down, the syncitial barbules, but, identified for the first time in 140+ years of study in a new location—as a major structural component of the rachis. Early in feather evolution, syncitial barbules were consolidated in a robust central rachis, definitively characterizing the avian lineage of keratin.


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O grupo das mulheres trabalhadoras do sexo (MTS) é reconhecido como uma populaçãode maior risco à infecção pelo HIV, tanto pela prevalência elevada, como por suavulnerabilidade social como pelos fatores relacionados à própria atividade profissional. Porém, arealização de estudos nos subgrupos de maior risco ao HIV mediante estratégias convencionaisde amostragem é, em geral, problemática por essas populações possuírem pequena magnitudeem termos populacionais e por estarem vinculados a comportamentos estigmatizados ouatividades ilegais. Em 1997, foi proposto um método de amostragem probabilística parapopulações de difícil acesso denominado Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS). O método éconsiderado como uma variante da amostragem em cadeia e possibilita a estimação estatísticados parâmetros de interesse. Na literatura internacional, para análise de dados coletados porRDS, muitos autores têm utilizado técnicas estatísticas multivariadas tradicionais, sem levar emconta a estrutura de dependência das observações, presente nos dados coletados por RDS.A presente tese tem por objetivo contribuir para suprir informações sobre as práticas derisco relacionadas ao HIV entre as mulheres trabalhadoras do sexo (MTS) com odesenvolvimento de método estatístico para análise de dados coletados com o método deamostragem RDS. Com tal finalidade, foram utilizadas as informações coletadas na PesquisaCorrente da Saúde realizada em dez cidades brasileiras, com 2.523 MTS recrutadas por RDS,entre os anos de 2008 e 2009. O questionário foi autopreenchido e incluiu módulos sobrecaracterísticas da atividade profissional, práticas sexuais, uso de drogas, testes periódicos deHIV, e acesso aos serviços de saúde.Primeiramente, foram descritos alguns pressupostos do RDS e todas as etapas deimplantação da pesquisa. Em seguida, foram propostos métodos de análise multivariada, considerando o RDS como um desenho complexo de amostragem.


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This article expresses the price of a spread option as the sum of the prices of two compound options. One compound option is to exchange vanilla call options on the two underlying assets and the other is to exchange the corresponding put options. This way we derive a new closed form approximation for the price of a European spread option and a corresponding approximation for each of its price, volatility and correlation hedge ratios. Our approach has many advantages over existing analytical approximations, which have limited validity and an indeterminacy that renders them of little practical use. The compound exchange option approximation for European spread options is then extended to American spread options on assets that pay dividends or incur costs. Simulations quantify the accuracy of our approach; we also present an empirical application to the American crack spread options that are traded on NYMEX. For illustration, we compare our results with those obtained using the approximation attributed to Kirk (1996, Correlation in energy markets. In: V. Kaminski (Ed.), Managing Energy Price Risk, pp. 71–78 (London: Risk Publications)), which is commonly used by traders.