853 resultados para Copper Ore


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The electrolytic cleaning of metals by anodic methods has been known for many years. It was recognized long ago that when the temperature and concentration of the electro­lyte were properly regulated, bright clean surfaces were obtained.


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The problem of separating the copper sulfide minerals from sphalerite, in copper - zinc ores, has been a difficult one. This is largely due to the lack of adequate research and the small amount of data obtainable on the behavior of copper and zinc sulfide minerals in flotation circuits.


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The Ruby Gulch Mine, owned and operated by the Ruby Gulch Mining Company, Zortman, Montana, is one of the most important low-grade gold producers in the state. Sit­uated in the Little Rocky Mountains, the mine has had an interesting history since its discovery shortly before the turn of the century.


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During recent years, duralumin and all aluminum alloys have been made the object of much discussion regarding their hardening mechanism. The commercial success of nearly all of the alloys of aluminum and mag­nesium is dependent on their ability to age or precipitation harden.


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This investigation is concerned with the age-hardening process as exemplified by the aging of a commercial Cu-Be alloy and, in particular, with this pro­cess as determined by X-ray methods. The amount of infor­mation available on age-hardening of commercial alloys is scanty and what information there is, is inaccurate.


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The Mike Horse mine, in the Huddelston mining district, is fifty-two miles northwest of Helena, Montana. The mine was discovered in 1898 by Joseph Heitmiller. There was only minor production from the date of discovery until 1915; the main drawback being lack of good road.


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The United States, although the leading consumer of chromite, depends almost entirely on imports for its supply. Domestic production of chromite is limited, because high-grade imported ore is plentiful and inexpensive in normal times. There are several large deposits of chromite in the United States, representing millions of tons of low grade ore. These deposits form a strategic reserve that must be used in time of national emergency.


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This investigation concerns the development of a satis­factory method or extracting or concentrating gold and silver from the ores of the U. S. Grant Mine. The choice between applying an extractive process and one by which the valuable mineral constituents are concentrated depends on more than one factor.


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A gold thiosulfate leaching process uses carbon to remove gold from the leach liquor. The activated carbon is pretreated with copper cyanide. A copper (on the carbon) to gold (in solution) ration of at least 1.5 optimizes gold recovery from solution. To recover the gold from the carbon, conventional elution technology works but is dependent on the copper to gold ratio on the carbon.


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Dr. John Dilles discusses the geochemistry of the porphyry Cu-Mo resource found at at Butte, Montana. The porphyry formed from dilute magmatic fluids that contained 1,000s of ppm Cu between 66 and 64 Ma, and at depths of ~8 km. The porphory is zoned from innermost Cu (Ag) ore; to mixed intermediate Cu (Zn, Ag) / Zn-MJn-Ag (Cu, Pb, Au) ore; to an outer Mn-Ag (Pb) ore that grades to barren quartz.


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The Salt Chuck, Rush and Brown, and adjacent mines and claims form an area of approximately 15 square miles near the head of Kasaan Bay about 10 miles northwest of the village of Kasaan on Prince of Wales Island in southeastern Alaska. It is an area of moderate relief in which the hills rise from the water’s edge to heights of some 500 feet. Most of the area is covered with dense vegetation and muskeg.


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Imports of manganese ore probably supply a major proportion of the needs of the United States. Domestic production is reported to be higher than pre-war levels, but does not equal that of the peak production year of 1943. In 1946, the Anaconda Copper Mining Company ac­counted for 90 percent of the total shipments of mangan­ese nodules, and this company is the largest producer of domestic metallurgical ore in the United States.


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The Ermont Mines are located sixteen miles northwest of Dillon, Montana, in section 35 of T.6S., R.11W. This is in the central part of Beaverhead County. They are considered to be in the Argenta min­ing district, the town of Argenta lying three miles to the northeast.


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The experiments which were preformed showed that sulfur dioxide would reduce the ferric ion content of the mine waters to a very low figure. The reduction in the ferric ion content would improve the efficiency of the precipitation process, and also increase the recovery of copper.


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The CopA copper ATPase of Enterococcus hirae belongs to the family of heavy metal pumping CPx-type ATPases and shares 43% sequence similarity with the human Menkes and Wilson copper ATPases. Due to a lack of suitable protein crystals, only partial three-dimensional structures have so far been obtained for this family of ion pumps. We present a structural model of CopA derived by combining topological information obtained by intramolecular cross-linking with molecular modeling. Purified CopA was cross-linked with different bivalent reagents, followed by tryptic digestion and identification of cross-linked peptides by mass spectrometry. The structural proximity of tryptic fragments provided information about the structural arrangement of the hydrophilic protein domains, which was integrated into a three-dimensional model of CopA. Comparative modeling of CopA was guided by the sequence similarity to the calcium ATPase of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, Serca1, for which detailed structures are available. In addition, known partial structures of CPx-ATPase homologous to CopA were used as modeling templates. A docking approach was used to predict the orientation of the heavy metal binding domain of CopA relative to the core structure, which was verified by distance constraints derived from cross-links. The overall structural model of CopA resembles the Serca1 structure, but reveals distinctive features of CPx-type ATPases. A prominent feature is the positioning of the heavy metal binding domain. It features an orientation of the Cu binding ligands which is appropriate for the interaction with Cu-loaded metallochaperones in solution. Moreover, a novel model of the architecture of the intramembranous Cu binding sites could be derived.