1000 resultados para Coordination Polymers


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Liquid coordination complexes (LCCs) are a new class of liquid Lewis acids, prepared by combining an excess of a metal halide (e.g. GaCl3) with a basic donor molecule (e.g. amides, amines or phosphines). LCCs were used to catalyse oligomerisation of 1-decene to polyalphaolefins (PAOs). Molecular weight distribution and physical properties of the produced oils were compliant with those required for low viscosity synthetic (Group IV) lubricant base oils. Kinematic viscosities at 100 °C of ca. 4 or 6 cSt were obtained, along with viscosity indexes above 120 and pour points below −57 °C. In industry, to achieve similar properties, BF3 gas is used as a catalyst. LCCs are proposed as a safer and economically attractive alternative to BF3 gas for the production of polyalphaolefins.


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Friedel–Crafts alkylation of benzene with 1-decene was catalysed by a new family of liquid Lewis acids: liquid coordination complexes (LCCs). LCCs are prepared by mixing a metal halide (e.g. GaCl3) and a donor molecule (e.g. N,N-dimethylacetamide, urea, or trioctylphosphine oxide), with the metal halide typically used in excess. This leads to the formation of a eutectic mixture comprised of charged and neutral species in a dynamic equilibrium. GaCl3-based LCCs were used in catalytic amounts, giving high reaction rates under ambient conditions, with selectivities to 2-phenyldecane superior to those previously reported in the literature. The influence of reaction conditions and catalyst composition on the reaction rate and selectivity was investigated. Optimised reaction conditions were suggested. This exploratory study offers promise with regard to the development of safer, LCC-based alternatives to HF in industrial alkylations.


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In this study thermodynamically stable dispersions of amorphous quinine, a model BCS class 2 therapeutic agent, within an amorphous polymeric platform (HPC), termed a solid-in-solid dispersion, were produced using hot melt extrusion. Characterisation of the pre-extrudates and extrudates was performed using hyper-differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and Raman spectroscopy. Water uptake by the raw materials was determined using dynamic vapour sorption (DVS) analysis. Furthermore, the presence or absence of crystalline drug following storage at 25 °C/60% relative humidity and 40 °C/75% relative humidity in a sealed glass jar, and at 40 °C/75% relative humidity in an open glass jar for 3 months was determined using PXRD. Amorphous quinine was generated in situ during extrusion from both quinine base (5%, 10%, 20% w/w drug loading) and from quinine hydrochloride (5%, 10% w/w drug loading) and remained thermodynamically stable as a solid-in-solid dispersion within the HPC extrudates. When processed with HPC, quinine hydrochloride (20% w/w) was converted to amorphous quinine hydrochloride. Whilst stable for up to 3 months when stored under sealed conditions, this amorphous form was unstable, resulting in recrystallisation of the hydrochloride salt following storage for 1 month at 40 °C/75% relative humidity in an open glass jar. The behaviour of the amorphous quinine hydrochloride (20% w/w) HPC extrudate was related, at least in part, to the lower stability and the hygroscopic properties of this amorphous form.


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Given the growing interest in thermal processing methods, this study describes the use of an advanced rheological technique, capillary rheometry, to accurately determine the thermorheological properties of two pharmaceutical polymers, Eudragit E100 (E100) and hydroxypropylcellulose JF (HPC) and their blends, both in the presence and absence of a model therapeutic agent (quinine, as the base and hydrochloride salt). Furthermore, the glass transition temperatures (Tg) of the cooled extrudates produced using capillary rheometry were characterised using Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA) thereby enabling correlations to be drawn between the information derived from capillary rheometry and the glass transition properties of the extrudates. The shear viscosities of E100 and HPC (and their blends) decreased as functions of increasing temperature and shear rates, with the shear viscosity of E100 being significantly greater than that of HPC at all temperatures and shear rates. All platforms were readily processed at shear rates relevant to extrusion (approximately 200–300 s−1) and injection moulding (approximately 900 s−1). Quinine base was observed to lower the shear viscosities of E100 and E100/HPC blends during processing and the Tg of extrudates, indicative of plasticisation at processing temperatures and when cooled (i.e. in the solid state). Quinine hydrochloride (20% w/w) increased the shear viscosities of E100 and HPC and their blends during processing and did not affect the Tg of the parent polymer. However, the shear viscosities of these systems were not prohibitive to processing at shear rates relevant to extrusion and injection moulding. As the ratio of E100:HPC increased within the polymer blends the effects of quinine base on the lowering of both shear viscosity and Tg of the polymer blends increased, reflecting the greater solubility of quinine within E100. In conclusion, this study has highlighted the importance of capillary rheometry in identifying processing conditions, polymer miscibility and plasticisation phenomena.


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The present invention relates to a novel class of water compatible molecularly imprinted polymers (AquaMIPs) capable of selectively binding target molecules such as riboflavin, or analogues thereof, in water or aqueous media, their synthesis and use thereof in food processing and extraction or separation processes.


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Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) targeting tegafur, an anti-cancer 5-fluorouracil pro-drug, have been prepared by stoichiometric imprinting using 2,6-bis(acrylamido)pyridine (BAAPy) as the functional monomer. Solution association between tegafur and BAAPy was studied by 1H NMR titration, which confirmed the formation of 1:1 complexes with an affinity constant of 574±15 M-1 ¬in CDCl3. Evaluation of the synthesised materials by HPLC and equilibrium rebinding experiments revealed high selectivity of the imprinted polymer for the pro-drug versus 5-fluorouracil and other competing analytes, with maximum imprinting factors of 25.3 and a binding capacity of 45.1 μmol g-1. The synthesised imprinted polymer was employed in solid-phase extraction of the pro-drug using an optimised protocol that included a simple wash with the porogen used in the preparation of the material. Tegafur recoveries of up to 96% were achieved from aqueous samples and 92% from urine samples spiked with the template and three competing analytes. The results demonstrate the potential of the prepared polymers in the pre-concentration of tegafur from biological samples, which could be an invaluable tool in the monitoring of patient compliance and drug uptake and excretion.


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Public, nonprofit and private organisations respond to large-scale disasters domestically and overseas. Critics of these assistance efforts, as well as those involved, often cite poor interorganisational partnering as an obstacle to successful disaster response. Observers frequently call for ‘more’ and ‘better’ partnering. We found important qualitative distinctions existed within partnering behaviours. We identified four different types of interorganisational partnering activities often referred to interchangeably: communication, cooperation, coordination and collaboration—the Four Cs. We derived definitions of the Four Cs from the partnering literature. We then tested them in a case study of the response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake. We suggest that the Four Cs are distinct activities, that organisations are typically strong or weak in one or more for various reasons, and that the four terms represent a continuum of increased interorganisational embeddedness in partnering activities.


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Bail-in is quickly becoming a predominant approach to banking resolution. The EU Bank Recovery Resolution Directive and the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s single point of entry strategy envisage creditors’ recapitalisations
to resolve a failing financial institution. However, this legislation focuses on the domestic aspects of bail-in, leaving the question of how it is applied
to a cross-border banking group open. Cross-border banking resolution has been historically subject to coordination failures, which have resulted in disorderly resolutions with dangerous systemic effects. The goal of this article is to assess whether bail-in is subject to the same coordination problems that affect other resolution tools, and to discuss the logic of international legal cooperation in bail-in policies. We demonstrate that, in spite of the evident benefit in terms of fiscal sustainability, bail-in suffers from complex coordination problems which, if not addressed, might lead to regulatory arbitrage and lengthy court battles, and, ultimately, may disrupt resolutions. We argue that only a binding legal regime can address those problems. In doing so, we discuss the recent Financial Stability
Board’s proposal on cross-border recognition of resolution action, and the role of international law in promoting cooperation in banking resolution.


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In recent years much attention has been given to systemic risk and maintaining financial stability. Much of the focus, rightly, has been on market failures and the role of regulation in addressing them. This article looks at the role of domestic policies and government actions as sources of global instability. The global financial system is built upon global markets controlled by national financial and macroeconomic policies. In this context, regulatory asymmetries, diverging policy preferences, and government failures add a further dimension to global systemic risk not present at the national level.
Systemic risk is a result of the interplay between two independent variables: an underlying trigger event, in this analysis a domestic policy measure, and a transmission channel. The solution to systemic risk requires tackling one of these variables. In a domestic setting, the centralization of regulatory power into one single authority makes it easier to balance the delicate equilibrium between enhancing efficiency and reducing instability. However, in a global financial system in which national financial policies serve to maximize economic welfare, regulators will be confronted with difficult policy and legal tradeoffs.
We investigate the role that financial regulation plays in addressing domestic policy failures and in controlling the danger of global financial interdependence. To do so we analyse global financial interconnectedness, and explain its role in transmitting instability; we investigate the political economy dynamics at the origin of regulatory asymmetries and government failures; and we discuss the limits of regulation.