990 resultados para Convenience stores


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La satisfacció és una preocupació crucial pels clients i per les organitzacions, incloent els bancs. L'estudi examina la satisfacció global dels clients dels bancs a Ghana i Espanya. Així s'analitzen aspectes com la relació entre satisfacció global i les dimensions de qualitat dels serveis bancari, així com les pròpies dimensions principals de la qualitat d'aquests serveis. Finalment, les percepcions sobre aquestes dimensions son comparades entre els bancs de Ghana i Espanya. S'han analitzat els clients de 819 bancs de Ghana i Espanya, els resultats van mostrar que els clients espanyols estaven més descontents respecte les dimensions tangibles i empatia metre que els clients de Ghana puntuaven pitjar la dimensió conveniència. En general, els clients de Ghana estaven força més descontents amb els serveis bancaris que els d'Espanya. La fiabilitat, l'empatia i la conveniència son els predictors de satisfacció global en Ghana, mentres que la fiabilitat és la única dimensió que explica la satisfacció global a Espanya.


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En el marc del model transteòric de canvi (Prochaska, DiClemente i Norcross, 1992) i del model de l'autocontrol (Rachlin, 1989), s'examinen les característiques de la conducta de fumar així com la percepció de la magnitud i la demora de les conseqüències positives i negatives d'aquest consum, a fi de conèixer la seva relació amb l'etapa de canvi en la cessació tabàquica. Amb aquest objectiu s'entrevista a una mostra representativa de 281 membres (54,8% homes i 45,2% dones; mitjana d'edat = 37,26 anys, DT = 8,77; 48,8% no fumadors, 27,4% fumadors i 23,8% exfumadors) del personal acadèmic i d'administració i serveis de la Universitat de Girona. Els resultats mostren que més de la meitat dels fumadors es troben a l'etapa de Precontemplació (sense intenció ferma d'abandonar el consum de tabac en els propers 6 mesos) i la majoria d'exfumadors se situen a l'etapa de Manteniment (mínim de sis mesos sense fumar). També s'observen diferències en algunes de les variables examinades segons l'etapa de canvi de manera que els fumadors en Contemplació-Preparació (amb intenció ferma d'abandonar el consum de tabac en els propers 6 mesos) presenten un elevat índex de perjudicis percebuts, informen d'haver rebut més consell mèdic i realitzen amb major freqüència inhalacions a cada cigarreta. En canvi, els fumadors en Precontemplació són els qui més responen consumir tabac baix en nicotina mentre que els exfumadors en Acció o Manteniment són els qui més tendeixen a relacionar de manera immediata fumar i les seves conseqüències negatives a curt i mitjà termini, i els qui presenten major puntuació en l'índex de beneficis percebuts. Aquestes dades corroboren la importància de les intervencions clíniques específiques en les diferents etapes de l'abandonament del consum de tabac, suggereixen que les campanyes preventives s'haurien de focalitzar preferentment en les conseqüències negatives immediates de fumar i apunten a la conveniència de tenir en compte la notable valoració positiva dels beneficis de fumar per part dels exfumadors en els programes de prevenció de recaigudes. Així mateix, la constatació del poder explicatiu de la variable demora en la diferenciació dels subjectes en funció de l'etapa de canvi, planteja la conveniència d'incloure aquesta variable en les avaluacions dels pros i contres de fumar a fi de conèixer amb major precisió els seus pesos relatius.


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Na presente investigação procura-se descobrir qual a influência dos estilos de Liderança Transformacional e Transacional, propostos por Bass (1985), no Modelo das Três Componentes, proposto por Meyer e Allen (1991). Procura-se, ainda, descobrir se esta relação é mediada pela Satisfação com a Liderança, desdobrada entre a faceta Relações Humanas e a faceta Técnica, conforme Weiss, Dawis, England e Lofquist (1967). Foi aplicado um questionário a uma amostra de conveniência de 102 participantes de diversas empresas. As principais conclusões são que os estilos de Liderança determinam o Comprometimento Organizacional, e a Satisfação com o Líder tem uma relação de mediação entre os estilos de Liderança e o Comprometimento Organizacional. São, também, discutidas as implicações teóricas e práticas dos resultados.


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A perda de memória é uma das principais queixas entre a população idosa. Reivindicada para melhorar a função cognitiva e de fácil obtenção em farmácias e dietéticas, a suplementação com fosfolípidos produziu resultados mistos em vários estudos. Um grupo de adultos e idosos saudáveis (n = 522) com idade 65,84 ± 10,74 anos, e com um nível de escolaridade de 7,90 ± 4,90 anos participaram do estudo. Os participantes foram submetidos a Avaliação Breve do Estado Mental (ABEM), Escala de Queixas de Memória (EQM) e Escala de Depressão Geriátrica (EDG). Três indivíduos apresentaram disfunção cognitiva, 505 queixas de memória apresentadas e 257 estavam acima do ponto de corte para a EDG. Subsequentemente, um grupo de mulheres (n = 17) utilizaram a suplementação com fosfolípidos durante 4 semanas. Após o período de suplementação, foi observada uma diminuição nos valores médios de EQM e EDG. A suplementação de fosfolípidos, ao longo de 4 semanas reduziu significativamente os valores EQM (p <0,05) neste grupo de mulheres.


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A paralisia cerebral (PC) trata-se de uma condição que pode ser bastante incapacitante para a criança, gerando um forte impacto social e económico. A fisioterapia em meio aquático pode constituir um fator de promoção da melhoria do quadro clínico naquela população, contribuindo para uma inclusão escolar mas efetiva. Contudo, esta relação não está, ainda, determinada. Objetivo: investigar a opinião dos professores e dos fisioterapeutas sobre o contributo da fisioterapia em meio aquático na educação especial em crianças com PC. Metodologia: Recorreu-se a um estudo descritivo, cuja amostra, constituída por 13 sujeitos, foi selecionada por conveniência. Foi construído e aplicado um questionário à amostra. Resultados: A amostra deste estudo foi constituída por sujeitos maioritariamente do género feminino (n=11), com idades superiores a 30 anos. Todos os participantes do estudo (n=13) consideram importante o contributo da fisioterapia em meio aquático na educação especial de crianças com PC. Conclusões: Apesar de algumas limitações, considera-se que este estudo é de grande importância para a comunidade científica preocupada com a expressiva incidência da PC e dos custos associados. A fisioterapia em meio aquático parece ser uma estratégia importante na melhoria do estado de saúde das crianças com PC, contribuindo para a inclusão escolar. PALAVRAS-CHAVE:


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O objetivo desta investigação foi verificar se existia uma relação entre a inteligência emocional e o desempenho dos comportamentos de cidadania organizacional em trabalhadores de Intermarché. Participaram, neste estudo 108 colaboradores de várias lojas de Intermarché do distrito de Leiria (14 do género masculino e 94 do género feminino) com uma média de idades de 33 anos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram os questionários de Medidas Sociodemográficas, de Inteligência Emocional de Rego e Fernandes (2005) e o de Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional de Rego (1999). Os resultados demonstraram não haver uma relação condicionante, evidente, entre estas duas variáveis bem como em relação às medidas sociodemográficas.


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Este é um estudo exploratório e correlacional, com um número inicial de 150 participantes, utilizando uma amostra de conveniência constituída por cinco clínicas médicas e cinco casas de medicina tradicional chinesa, em Lisboa, onde os indivíduos foram autorizados a responder voluntariamente a questionários. Apresenta uma taxa de resposta de 74% (N=111). A adesão à acupunctura é maior no sexo feminino e na faixa etária de 31 a 50 anos (40% homens e 48% mulheres). A procura de tratamento de problemas musculares e articulares e para problemas do foro psicológico são as mais descritas, apesar de ser referida como eficaz noutro tipo de queixas, e não ser o primeiro tipo de tratamento que a população procura. É reconhecido que os resultados podem ocorrer a médio e longo prazo, após várias sessões terapêuticas, o que não parece afetar a perceção da população em estudo que se diz satisfeita (53%) com uma muita boa e / ou boa relação benefício-custo. Em geral, a maioria da população (93%) confia na terapia pelo resultado bom ou muito bom (79%) ou razoável (16%) obtido, e deposita confiança (88%) nas competências do profissional de saúde que executa a acupunctura.


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A obesidade é um problema de saúde pública com prevalência crescente, nomeadamente em Portugal, onde mais de 50% da população é obesa. As consequências fisiopatológicas do peso excessivo têm grande impacto a nível cutâneo. Contudo, existem ainda poucos estudos sobre a fisiologia cutânea, não existindo qualquer estratificação destas alterações em função do peso corporal. O presente estudo pretende contribuir para o estudo das alterações ao nível da hidratação e comportamento biomecânico com o aumento de peso. Este estudo transversal foi efetuado numa amostra de conveniência de 57 voluntárias, do sexo feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os 20 e os 46 (30±8) anos. As voluntárias foram divididas em dois grupos - Grupo I, com IMC entre 19,9 e 24,9 Kg/m2 e Grupo II, entre 25 e 29,9 Kg/m2. Foi efetuada uma única determinação da hidratação superficial, perda transepidérmica de água e comportamento biomecânico da pele (métodos não-invasivos). Os dados obtidos permitem-nos verificar que o aumento de peso influencia positivamente os níveis de hidratação e perda transepidérmica de água e de forma negativa o comportamento biomecânico da pele. Apesar do interesse destes resultados torna-se necessário realizar mais estudos, com maior número de indivíduos, de forma a melhor esclarecer a sua natureza e significado.


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General circulation models (GCMs) use the laws of physics and an understanding of past geography to simulate climatic responses. They are objective in character. However, they tend to require powerful computers to handle vast numbers of calculations. Nevertheless, it is now possible to compare results from different GCMs for a range of times and over a wide range of parameterisations for the past, present and future (e.g. in terms of predictions of surface air temperature, surface moisture, precipitation, etc.). GCMs are currently producing simulated climate predictions for the Mesozoic, which compare favourably with the distributions of climatically sensitive facies (e.g. coals, evaporites and palaeosols). They can be used effectively in the prediction of oceanic upwelling sites and the distribution of petroleum source rocks and phosphorites. Models also produce evaluations of other parameters that do not leave a geological record (e.g. cloud cover, snow cover) and equivocal phenomena such as storminess. Parameterisation of sub-grid scale processes is the main weakness in GCMs (e.g. land surfaces, convection, cloud behaviour) and model output for continental interiors is still too cold in winter by comparison with palaeontological data. The sedimentary and palaeontological record provides an important way that GCMs may themselves be evaluated and this is important because the same GCMs are being used currently to predict possible changes in future climate. The Mesozoic Earth was, by comparison with the present, an alien world, as we illustrate here by reference to late Triassic, late Jurassic and late Cretaceous simulations. Dense forests grew close to both poles but experienced months-long daylight in warm summers and months-long darkness in cold snowy winters. Ocean depths were warm (8 degrees C or more to the ocean floor) and reefs, with corals, grew 10 degrees of latitude further north and south than at the present time. The whole Earth was warmer than now by 6 degrees C or more, giving more atmospheric humidity and a greatly enhanced hydrological cycle. Much of the rainfall was predominantly convective in character, often focused over the oceans and leaving major desert expanses on the continental areas. Polar ice sheets are unlikely to have been present because of the high summer temperatures achieved. The model indicates extensive sea ice in the nearly enclosed Arctic seaway through a large portion of the year during the late Cretaceous, and the possibility of sea ice in adjacent parts of the Midwest Seaway over North America. The Triassic world was a predominantly warm world, the model output for evaporation and precipitation conforming well with the known distributions of evaporites, calcretes and other climatically sensitive facies for that time. The message from the geological record is clear. Through the Phanerozoic, Earth's climate has changed significantly, both on a variety of time scales and over a range of climatic states, usually baldly referred to as "greenhouse" and "icehouse", although these terms disguise more subtle states between these extremes. Any notion that the climate can remain constant for the convenience of one species of anthropoid is a delusion (although the recent rate of climatic change is exceptional). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Differences in whole-body lipid metabolism between men and women are indicated by lower-body fat accumulation in women but more marked accumulation of fat in the intra-abdominal visceral fat depots of men. Circulating blood lipid concentrations also show gender-related differences. These differences are most marked in premenopausal women, in whom total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triacylglycerol concentrations are lower and HDL-cholesterol concentration is higher than in men. Tendency to accumulate body fat in intra-abdominal fat stores is linked to increased risk of CVD, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and other insulin-resistant states. Differential regional regulation of adipose tissue lipolysis and lipogenesis must underlie gender-related differences in the tendency to accumulate fat in specific fat depots. However, empirical data to support current hypotheses remain limited at the present time because of the demanding and specialist nature of the methods used to study adipose tissue metabolism in human subjects. In vitro and in vivo data show greater lipolytic sensitivity of abdominal subcutaneous fat and lesser lipolytic sensitivity of femoral and gluteal subcutaneous fat in women than in men. These differences appear to be due to fewer inhibitory alpha adrenergic receptors in abdominal regions and greater a adrenergic receptors in gluteal and femoral regions in women than in men. There do not appear to be major gender-related differences in rates of fatty acid uptake (lipogenesis) in different subcutaneous adipose tissue regions. In visceral fat rates of both lipolysis and lipogenesis appear to be greater in men than in women; higher rates of lipolysis may be due to fewer alpha adrenergic receptors in this fat depot in men. Fatty acid uptake into this depot in the postprandial period is approximately 7-fold higher in men than in women. Triacylglycerol concentrations appear to be a stronger cardiovascular risk factor in women than in men, with particular implications for cardiovascular risk in diabetic women. The increased triacylglycerol concentrations observed in women taking hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) may explain the paradoxical findings of increased rates of CVD in women taking HRT that have been reported from recent primary and secondary prevention trials of HRT.


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The current energy requirements system used in the United Kingdom for lactating dairy cows utilizes key parameters such as metabolizable energy intake (MEI) at maintenance (MEm), the efficiency of utilization of MEI for 1) maintenance, 2) milk production (k(l)), 3) growth (k(g)), and the efficiency of utilization of body stores for milk production (k(t)). Traditionally, these have been determined using linear regression methods to analyze energy balance data from calorimetry experiments. Many studies have highlighted a number of concerns over current energy feeding systems particularly in relation to these key parameters, and the linear models used for analyzing. Therefore, a database containing 652 dairy cow observations was assembled from calorimetry studies in the United Kingdom. Five functions for analyzing energy balance data were considered: straight line, two diminishing returns functions, (the Mitscherlich and the rectangular hyperbola), and two sigmoidal functions (the logistic and the Gompertz). Meta-analysis of the data was conducted to estimate k(g) and k(t). Values of 0.83 to 0.86 and 0.66 to 0.69 were obtained for k(g) and k(t) using all the functions (with standard errors of 0.028 and 0.027), respectively, which were considerably different from previous reports of 0.60 to 0.75 for k(g) and 0.82 to 0.84 for k(t). Using the estimated values of k(g) and k(t), the data were corrected to allow for body tissue changes. Based on the definition of k(l) as the derivative of the ratio of milk energy derived from MEI to MEI directed towards milk production, MEm and k(l) were determined. Meta-analysis of the pooled data showed that the average k(l) ranged from 0.50 to 0.58 and MEm ranged between 0.34 and 0.64 MJ/kg of BW0.75 per day. Although the constrained Mitscherlich fitted the data as good as the straight line, more observations at high energy intakes (above 2.4 MJ/kg of BW0.75 per day) are required to determine conclusively whether milk energy is related to MEI linearly or not.


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Various food and feed samples including groundnut seed, maize, sorghum, soyabean cake, groundnut cake, cotton cake, poultry feed, buffalo milk, cow milk and milk powders were collected from farmers' fields, farmer's stores, oil millers storage, traders' storage, retail shops and supermarkets. More than 2000 samples were analysed by ELISA and most of the commodities, with the exception of sorghum seed, contained high levels of aflatoxin. Groundnut cake was one of the major cattle feed ingredients in the peri-urban area of Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh, India) and >75% of the samples contained >100 µg/kg aflatoxin, leading to a high level of aflatoxin M1, in milk samples. Strategies to reduce aflatoxin levels (especially in groundnut) by management interventions at preharvest, harvest and storage, are discussed.


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Organisms generally respond to iron deficiency by increasing their capacity to take up iron and by consuming intracellular iron stores. Escherichia coli, in which iron metabolism is particularly well understood, contains at least 7 iron-acquisition systems encoded by 35 iron-repressed genes. This Fe-dependent repression is mediated by a transcriptional repressor, Fur ( ferric uptake regulation), which also controls genes involved in other processes such as iron storage, the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle, pathogenicity, and redox-stress resistance. Our macroarray-based global analysis of iron- and Fur-dependent gene expression in E. coli has revealed several novel Fur-repressed genes likely to specify at least three additional iron- transport pathways. Interestingly, a large group of energy metabolism genes was found to be iron and Fur induced. Many of these genes encode iron- rich respiratory complexes. This iron- and Fur-dependent regulation appears to represent a novel iron-homeostatic mechanism whereby the synthesis of many iron- containing proteins is repressed under iron- restricted conditions. This mechanism thus accounts for the low iron contents of fur mutants and explains how E. coli can modulate its iron requirements. Analysis of Fe-55-labeled E. coli proteins revealed a marked decrease in iron- protein composition for the fur mutant, and visible and EPR spectroscopy showed major reductions in cytochrome b and d levels, and in iron- sulfur cluster contents for the chelator-treated wild-type and/or fur mutant, correlating well with the array and quantitative RT-PCR data. In combination, the results provide compelling evidence for the regulation of intracellular iron consumption by the Fe2+-Fur complex.


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Baby leaf salads are gaining in popularity over traditional whole head lettuce salads in response to consumer demand for greater variety and convenience in their diet. Baby lettuce leaves are mixed, washed and packaged as whole leaves, with a shelf-life of approximately 10 days post-processing. End of shelf-life, as determined by the consumer, is typified by bruising, water-logging and blackening of the leaves, but the biological events causing this phenotype have not been studied to date. We investigated the physiological and ultrastructural characteristics during postharvest shelf-life of two lettuce varieties with very different leaf morphologies. Membrane disruption was an important determinant of cell death in both varieties. although the timing and characteristics of breakdown was different in each with Lollo rossa showing signs of aging such as thylakoid disruption and plastoglobuli accumulation earlier than Cos. Membranes in Lollo rossa showed a later, but more distinct increase in permeability than in Cos. as indicated by electrolyte leakage and the presence of cytoplasmic fragments in the vacuole, but Cos membranes show distinct fractures towards the end of shelf-life. The tissue lost less than 25% fresh weight during shelf-life and there was little protein loss compared to developmentally aging leaves in an ambient environment. Biophysical measurements showed that breakstrength was significantly reduced in Lollo rossa, whereas irreversible leaf plasticity was significantly reduced in Cos leaves. The reversible elastic properties of both varieties changed throughout shelf-life. We compared the characteristics of shelf-life in both varieties of bagged lettuce leaves with other leafy salad crops and discuss the potential targets for future work to improve postharvest quality of baby leaf lettuce. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.