939 resultados para Continuously Stirred Bioreactor
Synthesis of segmented all-Pt nanowires is achieved by a template-assisted method. The combination of a suitably chosen electrolyte/template system with pulse-reverse electrodeposition allows the formation of well-defined segments linked to nanowires. Manipulation of the morphology is obtained by controlling the electrokinetie effects on the local electrolyte distribution inside the nanochannels during the nanowire growth process, allowing a deviation from the continuously cylindrical geometry given by the nanoporous template. The length of the segments can be adjusted as a function of the cathodic pulse duration. Applying constant pulses leads to segments with homogeneous shape and dimensions along most of the total wire length. X-ray diffraction demonstrates that the preferred crystallite orientation of the polycrystalline wires varies with the average segment length. The results are explained considering transitions in texture formation with increasing thickness of the electrodeposit. A mechanism of segment formation is proposed based on structural characterizations. Nanowires with controlled segmented morphology are of great technological importance, because of the possibility to precisely control their substructure as a means of tuning their electrical, thermal, and optical properties. The concept we present in this work for electrodeposited platinum and track-etched polycarbonate membranes can be applied to other selected materials as well as templates and constitutes a general method to controlled nanostructuring and synthesis of shape controlled nanostructures.
Marine sponges (Porifera) possess an extraordinary diversity of bioactive metabolites for new drug discovery and development. In vitro cultivation of sponge cells in a bioreactor system is very attractive for the sustainable production of sponge-derived bioactive metabolites; however, it is still a challenging task. The recent establishment of sponge primmorphs, multicellular aggregates from dissociated mixed-cell population (MCP), has been widely acknowledged to hold great promise for cultivation in vitro. Here we present a new method to establish an in vitro sponge primmorph culture from archaeocyte-dominant cell population (ADCP) enriched by a Ficoll gradient, rather than a mixed-cell population (MCP). Our rationale is based upon the totipotency (the ability of a cell to differentiate into other cell types) of archaeocyte cells and the different biological functions of various sponge cell types. A sponge, Hymeniacidon perleve collected from the China Yellow Sea was used as a model system for this investigation. Distinct dynamics of primmorph formation were observed while significant increases in DNA synthesis, cell proliferation (up to threefold), and cell growth (up to fourfold) were achieved. Furthermore, a time-dependent spiculogenesis was clearly demonstrated in our longterm culture, indicating high metabolic activity of primmorphs from the ADCP. This new method represents an important step forward to advance sponge cell culture in vitro that may lead to commercial exploitation of sponge-derived drugs. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Affinity capillary electrochromatography (CEC) with zonal elution method was used to probe the competitive interactions of enantiomers with protein. In this approach, a known concentration of a competing agent is continuously applied to a CEC column with bovine serum albumin (BSA) physically adsorbed on SAX packing while injections of a small amount of analyte are made. The binding sites of solutes on the BSA molecule were determined by the changes in the retention factors of the solutes resulted from the addition of competitive agent. By using D- or L-tryptophan as competitive agents and D-, L-tryptophan and benzoin enantiomers as injected analytes showed that BSA molecule has a primary site to strongly bind L-tryptophan, but D-tryptophan dose not bind at this site; D- and L-tryptophan share a weak binding site on the BSA molecule. Benzoin enantiomers do not share any binding sites with either D- or L-tryptophan. Non-chiral compounds of trichloroacetic acid and n-hexanoic acid were applied as the competitive agents to study the binding of warfarin enantiomers to BSA, it was observed that trichloroacetic acid and n-hexanoic acid had a same binding site for warfarin enantiomers binding to BSA molecule. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In the degassing process of transformer oil with ultrasonic waves, decomposition of the oil was observed. Light hydrocarbons, including methane, ethane, ethylene, acetylene, propane etc, were found to be released continuously from the oil into headspace within a closed vial placed in an ultrasonic field. The gases came from decomposition of hydrocarbon Molecules under cavitation effect.
Expansion of economic activities, urbanisation, increased resource use and population growth are continuously increasing the vulnerability of the coastal zone. This vulnerability is now further raised by the threat of climate change and accelerated sea level rise. The potentially severe impacts force policy-makers to also consider long-term planning for climate change and sea level rise. For reasons of efficiency and effectiveness this long-term planning should be integrated with existing short-term plans, thus creating an Integrated Coastal Zone Management programme. As a starting point for coastal zone management, the assessment of a country's or region's vulnerability to accelerated sea level rise is of utmost importance. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has developed a common methodology for this purpose. Studies carried out according to this Common Methodology have been compared and combined, from which general conclusions on local, regional and global vulnerability have been drawn, the latter in the form of a Global Vulnerability Assessment. In order to address the challenge of coping with climate change and accelerated sea level rise, it is essential to foresee the possible impacts, and to take precautionary action. Because of the long lead times needed for creating the required technical and institutional infrastructures, such action should be taken in the short term. Furthermore, it should be part of a broader coastal zone management and planning context. This will require a holistic view, shared by the different institutional levels that exist, along which different needs and interests should be balanced.
The behavior of different species during the temperature-programmed surface reaction (TPSR) of methane over various catalysts is traced by an online mass spectrometer, It is demonstrated that the transformation of MoO3 to molybdenum carbide hinders the activation of methane as well as the succeeding aromatization in the TPSR, If this transformation process is done before the reaction, the temperature needed for methane activation and benzene formation will be greatly lowered (760 and 847 K, respectively). On the basis of comparison of the catalytic behavior of molybdenum supported on different zeolites, it is suggested that the initial activation of methane is the rate-determining step of this reaction. For the cobalt catalysts supported on HMCM-22 or Mo catalysts supported on TiO2, no benzene formation could be observed during the TPSR, However, the prohibition of benzene formation is different in nature over these two catalysts: the former lacks the special properties exhibited by molybdenum carbide, which can continuously activate methane even when multiple layers of carbonaceous species are formed on its surface, while the latter cannot accomplish the aromatization reaction since there are no Bronsted acid sites to which the activated intermediates can migrate, although the activation of methane can be achieved on it. Only for the catalysts that possess both of these properties, together with the special channel structure of zeolite, can efficient methane aromatization be accomplished. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
Natural humic lake water and aqueous solutions of humic substances were treated with ultraviolet (UV) radiation (λ = 254 nm). The effects on the dissolved organic carbon content (DOC) and the absorbance at 254 nm (Abs254) and 460 nm (Abs460) were monitored and the identity and concentrations of gas chromatographable organic degradation products were determined. The DOC content and the (Abs254) of the humic solutions decreased continuously with increasing UV-dose. Several aromatic and aliphatic degradation products were identified and roughly quantified The concentrations of aromatic hydroxy carboxylic acids and hydroxy aldehydes increased when relatively low UV-doses were used, but declined following further irradiation. The concentrations of aliphatic dibasic acids increased over the full range of UV-doses
Geochemical processes in estuarine and coastal waters often occur on temporally and spatially small scales, resulting in variability of metal speciation and dissolved concentrations. Thus, surveys, which are aimed to improve our understanding of metal behaviour in such systems, benefit from high-resolution, interactive sampling campaigns. The present paper discusses a high-resolution approach to coastal monitoring, with the application of an automated voltammetric metal analyser for on-line measurements of dissolved trace metals in the Gulf of Cadiz, south-west Spain. This coastal sea receives metal-rich inputs from a metalliferous mining area, mainly via the Huelva estuary. On-line measurements of dissolved Cu, Zn, Ni and Co were carried out on-board ship during an eight-day sampling campaign in the study area in June 1997. A pumping system operated continuously underway and provided sampled water from a depth of ca. 4 m. Total dissolved metal concentrations measured on-line in the Gulf of Cadiz ranged between <5 nM Cu (<3 nM Ni) ca. 50 km off-shore and 60–90 nM Cu (5–13 nM Ni) in the vicinity of the Huelva estuary. The survey revealed steep gradients and strong tidal variability in the dissolved metal plume extending from the Huelva estuary into the Gulf of Cadiz. Further on-line measurements were carried out with the automatic metal monitor from the bank of the Odiel estuary over a full tidal cycle, at dissolved metal concentrations in the μM range. The application confirmed the suitability of the automated metal monitor for coastal sampling, and demonstrated its adaptability to a wide range of environmental conditions in the dynamic waters of estuaries and coastal seas. The near-real time acquisition of dissolved metal concentrations at high resolution enabled an interactive sampling campaign and therefore the close investigation of tidal variability in the development of the Huelva estuary metal plume.
利用树木径向生长仪研究了黄土丘陵区6年生油松(Pinus tabulaef ormis)、山杨(Populus davidiana)和辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)及林下灌木胡颓子(Elaegnus umbellata)4种林木整个生长季茎干的径向变化,发现4种林木的径向变化表现为膨胀收缩旋回增长的模式。在整个生长季中,山杨从5月到10月径向持续增长,增长时间最长;而油松和胡颓子的径向生长主要发生在7月份,从8月份开始其增长速率变缓;辽东栎在整个生长季节的径向生长最小。在整个生长季内,山杨径向增长了2.63 mm,胡颓子为0.64 mm,油松和辽东栎则分别为0.40 mm和0.26 mm。辽东栎日收缩量与膨胀量明显大于其他树种。通过对影响林木径向生长的15种环境因子进行主成分分析后,将主要环境因子归结为温度影响因子、湿度影响因子和降水影响因子3个主成分,并提取了影响该区几种林木生长的主要环境因子:日大于0℃的积温、最低6 h相对湿度和日降雨量。采用线性逐步回归方法,建立了日膨胀量与日收缩量与3个主要环境因子之间的关系。发现日收缩量与日大于0℃的积温成正相关,而与最低6 h相对湿度和日降雨...
近年来 ,以林草地地力衰退为特征的人工林草地土壤退化日趋严重 ,其中以土壤水分严重亏缺为特征的土壤干化现象愈益引起了人们的重视。土壤干化的直接后果是形成土壤干层 ,导致土壤退化 ,植物生长速率减缓 ,群落衰败以至大片死亡 ,严重地威胁到中国中北方地区特别是黄土高原地区生态环境的建设。因此 ,研究和解决土壤干层问题已成为黄土高原植被建设的迫切任务。根据现有土壤水分资料 ,初步分析了延安试区植被下的土壤干层现状 ,对不同林草植被下的干层状况做了比较 ,并提出了解决土壤干层问题的意义
本文用黄土高原长武农业生态试验站的冬小麦长期定位试验资料对改进的随机动力学水平衡模型进行了准确性检验 .从模型对参数反映的敏感性分析和模型计算值与数值模型WAVES的比较 ,以及模型对黄土区旱作高生产力的水分环境效应的评价结果 ,均证明改进的随机动力学水平衡模型能比较准确地预测一定生产力水平、特定生态系统平衡体系水均衡要素的定量分配和土壤含水量的动态变化 .
根据试验研究资料与调查结果,对中国粮食生产与化肥施用进行了时空宏观分析。结果表明,化肥施用量是20 世纪中国粮食生产重大成就之一,化肥对粮食产量的贡献率平均为46.43% ,每吨化肥科学施用可增产粮食8.84t。21 世纪中国粮食产量与化肥施量将持续增长。粮食每增产100×106t,则化肥最少需增施10.22~11.08×106t。为实现粮食持续发展与化肥高效施用,必须实施发展东部平原带,提高中部高原带,开发西部高寒荒漠带的战略布局。各带都应大力发展优质粮食与特用粮食生产,以提高国产粮食的市场占有率。