991 resultados para Contextos diversos
Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most frequent causes of intellectual disability, affecting one in every 600 to 1000 live births. Studies have demonstrated that people with DS have a lower capacity for short-term memory (STM) and working memory (WM), which affects their capability to learn new words and to follow spoken instructions, specially when they involve multiple information or consecutive orders/orientations. It seems that the basis of the learning process, as it happens with language and mathematics comprehension and reasoning, relies in the STM and WM systems. Individuals with DS are increasingly included in mainstream education, and yet, very few researches have been conducted to investigate the influence of memory development and the type of enrollment (regular school and special school). This study investigated the relationship between the type of school enrollment with the performance on STM tests and also, the relationship of this performance with early stimulation (ES). The tests used in the first research were the digit span, free recall, word recognition and subtests of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Third Edition (WISC-III). Individuals enrolled in the regular schools group had higher scores on the digit span test and the subtests of the WISC-III. In the free recall and recognition tests, no differences were found. This study indicates that the type of enrollment might influence the memory development of individuals with DS and clearly points the need for future investigations. In the second research, the tests used were the digit span, free word recall and subtests of the WISC-III. The test results showed better performance by adults that received ES before six months of age. The studies showed improvement in STM both in people who attended or were attending regular school, as well as those who benefited from ES before six months of age. However, some issues still need to be better understood. What is the relation between this stimulation with the individual s education? Since ES may reflect a greater family involvement with the individual, what is the role of emotional components derived from this involvement in the cognitive improvement? These and other questions are part of the continuity of this study
Caffeine is considered the most consumed psychostimulant in the world, presenting several central and peripheral effects. In the Central Nervous System the major effect occur by its antagonistic activity at the A1 and A2a subtypes of the adenosine receptors. These receptors are responsible for the slow-wave sleep induction, and their binding, caused by the consumption of foods and beverages that contain caffeine, cause behaviors like increase of alertness, mood and locomotion. The effects of caffeine on memory are still discussed because of the diversity of experimental protocols. Also, it does not have the same effects on all stages of the processing of memory - acquisition, consolidation and recall. Thus, using the marmoset (Callitrhix jacchus) as subject, we aim to evaluate the effects of caffeine on the memory of this primate through the conditioned place preference paradigm, where the animal selects a context by presence of food. This cognitive task consists of five phases. The first phase was two sessions of pre-exposure, in which they were evaluated for preference for any compartment of the apparatus. Then, we proceeded the training, conditioning the animals to the food-present context for 8 days. Then, there was administration of caffeine or placebo (10mg/kg) for 8 consecutive days, during the pre-sleep phase, where the 20 animals were distributed in two groups: placebo and repeated. The forth phase was one day of retraining, a re-exposure of the apparatus to the marmosets followed by the administration of caffeine (for the repeated group and a new group called abstinence) or placebo (for placebo and abstinence groups). Finally, was the test where we evaluated if the subjects learned where the food was present. Moreover, in this work we evaluate the existence of differences between females and males on the task, and the locomotor activity for the experimental groups. The results showed that in the pre-exposure phase the animals were habituated on the apparatus and did not present differences for any contexts. In training, they were able to learn the conditioning task, independent of gender. For the retraining, the two groups exhibited more interactions in rewarded context than that in non-rewarded context. Nevertheless, in the locomotor activity, the repeated group moved similarly in contact with the apparatus and outside of it. In the other hand, the animals of the placebo group moved more when in contact with the apparatus. In the test phase, the marmosets under influence of caffeine presented an increase in the locomotor activity when compared with the placebo group, corroborating works that show this increase in locomotion. In the learning evaluation, the continuous and abstinence groups had a bad performance in the task in relation to the placebo and acute groups. This suggests that the prolonged administration of caffeine disrupts the memories because it affected sleep, which is largely responsible offline processing of memories
Music can be found in peculiar historical and social context with distinct functions, such as religious rituals, ethic-esthetic education of subjects, therapeutic elements, critic and maintenance of established patterns, among others. Considered as language, music acts on dialogue dimensions of the body, the senses, the affectionate-cognitive and of social interactions. Their uses reveal the social forces that cross the culture and constitution of subjectivities. The attribution of senses by the subjects to musical production reveals the cultural voices in dialogue, that circumscribe determined social places to them. Our aim in this work is to investigate the child musical appreciation, with children about 7 to 9 years old, and, by attributing uses and senses to music, unveil the voices that settle the places intended and assumed by infancy in contemporaneity The child constructs its musical appreciation through cultural access and mediation, possible by circulation in several socializing groups like family, school, church, infant groups, community groups and, more recently, publicity and media These last two spheres, enabled by the development of the technological means of communication, contributed to the dissemination of the set of consume ideas and for the emergence of the cultural industry, characteristic of the capitalistic production way in its present configuration. They develop new possibilities of perception of the world, in which the limits between childhood and adulthood are not anymore the same that have been established in previous centuries. So, the child musical appreciation is constituted by homogeneity regarding the senses built and disseminated by cultural industry and by the logical merchandizing, and singularities, associated to the construction of senses in interaction with global, local, and multiple contexts, through which the subject circulates and constitutes himself polyphonically
The childhood has being highlighted by the great concern about the several contexts in which children are inserted, amongst them, commercial sexual exploitation (CSE). The experience of this violence process brings implications to the person constitution. Thus, this research aimed to understand how commercial sexual exploited adolescents to signify the childhood. Participated of this research four female adolescents that had been assisted by Programa de enfrentamento ao Abuso e Exploração Sexual de Crianças e Adolescentes (Sentinela) , with ages between 12 and 17 years. The corpus was composed by the combination of the semi-structured interview and other procedures, like childish stories, draws and photography. Moreover, we used another instruments to constitute the corpus, like the documental research and we proposed the construction of a life story book of each participant. The corpus was analyzed through the Thematic Content Analysis. Five thematic axes emerged from the participants discourse and theoretical perspective: dynamical of family, scholar process, ludic behavior, conception of childhood and insertion on CSE process. The participants presented a conception about childhood as been a preparation and education phase to ingress in adult life. In other words, while children do not grown up, they go to the school, plays, lives with family, are happy and do not have any responsibilities. Nevertheless, the life experience of these girls was implicated by negligence, sexual abuse, child labor, institutionalization and, evidently, the commercial sexual exploitation. Understanding that the childhood experienced by adolescent, as well as, her insertion on CSECA, constitutes her, while person, we investigated how the interrelation expresses it on participants future perspectives. Their goals are defined based on family constitution and professional improvement, although feelings of disillusion and pessimism had been showed up in some moments. According these results, we pointed to the necessity of the effective proposals that promote real improvement of adolescents life quality, through, in which they could to create alternatives to get over the several risks in which they are exposed, mainly, the CSECA condition
Considering infancy as the socio-historic construction required from the researcher, not only gives problems to the natural character of the human development, that for a long period in the history of psychology has sown to be predominant, but before anything assumes the position in which the vision of the social condition, i.e., for the contexts of the insertion of the human being, is predominant. In this sense, it is not possible to talk about infancy in the singular, once the different developmental contexts enable different forms of immersion in the daily experiences, amongst which this research focuses on the experience of the ludic. According to various theories of development amongst which we emphasize the socio-historic, this element brings important contributions in the processes of the human being constitution. From the legal aspect this recognition is present in the Code of Practice of the Child and Adolescent which considers playing to be a right of the child. However, the childhood of many children have this aspect affected by many factors. It is in the context of this discussion that we developed this research which has as its objective investigate how children in a working environment experience playing on a daily basis. Four children, girls, took part in this research, who develop activities in the process of the usage of cashew nuts. We used interviews, observations, photographs and drawings. The perspective of analysis which guided this task is based on socio-historic and discursive studies. In this way, the elements which constitute the child s discourse, formed from the corpus were: be a child, the ludic culture, the work in the child s life and the perspective of future and change. The participants discourse showed to be conflicting, contradictory, arisen from a specific ideological formation. In the children s daily routine it was possible to verify that there is an existence of a rich ludic culture, even if it is lived in few moments of the day in consequence of the workload
Nowadays, the importance of using software processes is already consolidated and is considered fundamental to the success of software development projects. Large and medium software projects demand the definition and continuous improvement of software processes in order to promote the productive development of high-quality software. Customizing and evolving existing software processes to address the variety of scenarios, technologies, culture and scale is a recurrent challenge required by the software industry. It involves the adaptation of software process models for the reality of their projects. Besides, it must also promote the reuse of past experiences in the definition and development of software processes for the new projects. The adequate management and execution of software processes can bring a better quality and productivity to the produced software systems. This work aimed to explore the use and adaptation of consolidated software product lines techniques to promote the management of the variabilities of software process families. In order to achieve this aim: (i) a systematic literature review is conducted to identify and characterize variability management approaches for software processes; (ii) an annotative approach for the variability management of software process lines is proposed and developed; and finally (iii) empirical studies and a controlled experiment assess and compare the proposed annotative approach against a compositional one. One study a comparative qualitative study analyzed the annotative and compositional approaches from different perspectives, such as: modularity, traceability, error detection, granularity, uniformity, adoption, and systematic variability management. Another study a comparative quantitative study has considered internal attributes of the specification of software process lines, such as modularity, size and complexity. Finally, the last study a controlled experiment evaluated the effort to use and the understandability of the investigated approaches when modeling and evolving specifications of software process lines. The studies bring evidences of several benefits of the annotative approach, and the potential of integration with the compositional approach, to assist the variability management of software process lines
Considerando o caráter multifacetado e socialmente heterogêneo da epidemia do HIV/AIDS, gostaria de refletir sobre as formas pragmáticas de apropriação, negociação e conflito de gênero em termos das disposições possíveis de masculinidade e feminilidade ou, ainda, suas amplas combinações entre homens e mulheres de diferentes identidades sexuais e diversos status sorológicos. Os contextos a serem explorados e descritos são aqueles particulares ao mundo social da AIDS, incluindo tanto o cotidiano de uma ONG AIDS específica, bem como os que se apresentam em situações tanto públicas como privadas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Pretendo discutir como novas subjetividades podem se constituir a partir dos usos de categorias sexuais e sorológicas, valores morais e de expressões performativas de gênero.
Estudou-se o desempenho de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L. cv. Mundo Novo) originários de quatro ecossistemas diferentes (sombra, meia sombra, pleno sol e casa de vegetação), quando submetidos a condições de campo. Realizaram-se avaliações da morfologia, desenvolvimento e produtividade biológica do cafeeiro. Efetuaram-se também determinações da nutrição mineral, infestação de pragas e solarização. O crescimento em altura revelou-se superior nas plantas originárias de casa de vegetação e meia sombra. O número de ramos mostrou-se mais elevado em cafeeiros provenientes de locais mais ensolarados, sendo que plantas originárias de locais mais sombreados apresentaram maior número de folhas por ramo. Nestes três parâmetros notou-se uma tendência de recuperação nas condições de campo em cafeeiros provenientes de sombra. O peso da matéria seca foliar revelou-se mais elevado em plantas oriundas de meia sombra e mais baixo naquelas provenientes de casa de vegetação, sendo que nos dois ocorreu adaptação às condições de campo num período de 75 dias. O peso da matéria seca do caule e das raízes mostrou-se mais alto nos cafeeiros originários de casa de vegetação, sendo que a melhor adaptação às condições uniformes também ocorreu com as plantas oriundas da sombra. Quanto ao aspecto nutricional, determinaram-se teores mais elevados de N foliar em plantas oriundas de pleno sol e níveis mais altos de P e Ca em cafeeiros originários de meia sombra. Esse tratamento promoveu também acúmulo de Zn no cafeeiro. O caule dos cafeeiros mostrou teores de nutrientes inferiores às folhas, exceto o nível mais alto de Zn e os níveis semelhantes de Cu. Plantas originárias de pleno sol apresentaram teores mais elevados de Ca e S. As raízes mostraram níveis de nutrientes superiores ao caule e inferiores às folhas, exceto no caso do Cu, Zn e Mn, que se revelaram mais altos no sistema radicular. O nível de infestação de Perileucoptera coffeclla mostrou-se mais elevado nas plantas provenientes de casa de vegetação, sendo que cafeeiros originários de locais sombreados revelaram-se pouco afetados. A infestação de Coccus viridis revelou-se sempre mais elevada em plantas provenientes de meia sombra. Cafeeiros oriundos de pleno sol e ca sa de vegetação não sofreram solarização, sendo que aqueles provenientes de meia sombra e sombra sofreram danos crescentes nas folhas. Sombreamento afetou o desenvolvimento dos cafeeiros em função de sua intensidade e interação com outros fatores bióticos e abióticos do ecossistema.
O artigo focaliza processos relacionados ao movimento atual de universitarizaçãoda docência, procurando caracterizar modos pelos quais professoras das quatro primeiras séries do ensino fundamental leram e se apropriaram de textos acadêmico-educacionais em um contexto de educação continuada. As análises apresentadas foram elaboradas no âmbito de uma investigação etnográfica, realizada em dois pólos do Programa de Educação Continuada - PEC - Formação Universitária (São Paulo). Observou-se que a atuação de diversos dispositivos em tais contextos, assim como nos textos lidos, favoreceu a instauração de um novo padrão de leituraentre as professoras. As posturas e os procedimentos por elas assumidos, por sua vez, sugeriram a existência de uma leitura profissional propriamente docente, caracterizada entre outros aspectos por uma racionalidade prática que possibilitava às professoras subvertera ordem dos discursos presente nos textos. A centralidade dossaberes e interesses práticos das docentes para a configuração de suas leituras de caráter profissional reafirma a importância da cultura pedagógica compartilhada no magistério como fonte de conhecimentos mais pertinentes para o ensino e como eixo da formação docente.
A educação ambiental (EA) vem-se expandindo no Brasil em diversos espaços educativos formais e não-formais. Este texto considera a EA provocadora de mudanças políticas, estimuladora de uma racionalidade ética e ecológica e promovedora de atitudes e valores pessoais e de práticas sociais compatíveis com a sustentabilidade da vida na Terra. Sob esta visão, o artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre a expansão da educação ambiental nas universidades brasileiras, nos últimos vinte anos; discutir as possíveis mudanças educacionais das políticas públicas da área, a partir da Constituição de 1988; considerar a possível influência das forças dos movimentos sociais da sociedade organizada e das redes de EA locais, regionais e nacionais formadas com a generalização do uso da informática, como impulsionadora da sua expansão. A EA se constitui e se formaliza com o respaldo de uma política nacional que propicia sua permanência e aprofundamento nos espaços já conquistados e promove sua inserção nos demais contextos da sociedade organizada.
Com o objetivo de determinar o melhor substrato para o enraizamento de estacas de crotón (Codiaeum variegatum L.), utilizou-se areia, vermiculita média, areia x vermiculita (75% x 25%); (50% x 50%); (25% x 75%), esponja fenólica e solo. O experimento foi conduzido em câmara de nebulização com delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições de vinte estacas cada. Determinaram-se as propriedades físicas dos substratos e foram efetuadas as seguintes avaliações: porcentagem de estacas enraizadas, porcentagem de estacas brotadas, número de raízes por estaca, comprimento da maior raiz e peso da matéria seca das raízes. Os resultados permitem concluir que o substrato vermiculita média é o mais indicado para o enraizamento de estacas de crotón, embora os demais, exceto o solo e areia que apresentaram os piores desempenhos, também possam ser utilizados.
Um experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar os desempenhos reprodutivo e zootécnico e a deposição de lipídios no tecido hepático de fêmeas de tilápia-do-nilo alimentadas com rações contendo diferentes níveis de energia digestível, obtidos pela inclusão de óleo de soja. Foram utilizados 100 reprodutores e 300 reprodutoras, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os reprodutores, machos e fêmeas, foram alimentados com rações contendo, por quilograma, 35% de proteína bruta e 2.700, 2.950, 3.200, 3.450 ou 3.700 kcal de energia digestível. Os animais foram mantidos em hapas por 93 dias. O desempenho reprodutivo e zootécnico não foi influenciado pelos níveis energéticos das rações, o que pode estar relacionado ao curto período de tempo de alimentação com as dietas experimentais. Contudo, o aumento nos níveis de energia teve efeito linear nas deposições lipídicas nos hepatócitos. Desta forma, os níveis crescentes de energia digestível nas rações fornecidas às fêmeas de tilápia-do-nilo, obtidos pela inclusão de óleo de soja, apenas aumentam o tempo de sobrevivência das larvas ao jejum e a deposição de lipídios nos hepatócitos das fêmeas.
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the degree of degradation of the soybean oil used in frying processes. The quality of the oil during the frying process was evaluated by means of physical-chemical analyses, such: conjugated dienes (%) and TBA index (mmoles g(-1)), and determination of total polar compounds (%). It was observed that the values of conjugated dienes increasing significantly with time until 1.87% after 15 hours for fry pans I and 1.76% after 22.5 hours for fry pans II. The TBA indexes reached at the end the frying process values of 0.0265 and 0.0210 mmoles g(-1) for fry pans I and II, respectively. The percentages of total polar compounds have shown an increase of six and eight times in relation to the original sample starting from 5.9% and 3.7% and reaching values of 36.8% and 29.2%, for fry pan I and II, after 15 and 22.5 hours of heating, respectively. It has been concluded that the alterations of the soybean oil increased as the time of frying increased, for both fry pans. The oil used in fry pan I showed greater alteration than the that observed in the oil used in fry pan II, in spite of the time of heating being shorter. Taking into consideration that the levels of polar compounds should be less than 25% according to the legislation of several countries, the oils used in both fry pans were already inadequate conditions at the moment of disposal.
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