836 resultados para Contapassi mHealth Android Smartwatch Smartphone SensorFusion Range_Articolari
El objetivo del proyecto consiste en crear un videojuego cuyos niveles se generen a partir del procesamiento de imgenes que el usuario podr capturar con la cmara del mvil, o que podr obtener de la galera de fotos del dispositivo. Se realizar una segmentacin de la imagen y se extraern as los elementos a utilizar en el juego, como por ejemplo zonas por las que poder movernos con un personaje, o bien piezas de un puzzle que debamos volver a construir. El videojuego se implementar con el motor Cocos2d-x.
Los dispositivos mviles se han convertido en una de las principales plataformas para videojuegos. Una de las principales problemticas al desarrollar aplicaciones para estos dispositivos es la alta fragmentacin que existe en cuanto a sistemas operativos y caractersticas de la interfaz. Existen determinadas libreras y motores, tanto nativas como multiplataforma, dirigidas a resolver este problema.
Dissertao apresentada ao Instituto Politcnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessrios obteno do grau de Mestre em Desenvolvimento de Software e Sistemas Interactivos, realizada sob a orientao cientfica do Doutor Fernando Reinaldo Silva Garcia Ribeiro, Professor Adjunto da Unidade Tcnico-Cientfica de Informtica da Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politcnico de Castelo Branco.
In today's internet world, web browsers are an integral part of our day-to-day activities. Therefore, web browser security is a serious concern for all of us. Browsers can be breached in different ways. Because of the over privileged access, extensions are responsible for many security issues. Browser vendors try to keep safe extensions in their official extension galleries. However, their security control measures are not always effective and adequate. The distribution of unsafe extensions through different social engineering techniques is also a very common practice. Therefore, before installation, users should thoroughly analyze the security of browser extensions. Extensions are not only available for desktop browsers, but many mobile browsers, for example, Firefox for Android and UC browser for Android, are also furnished with extension features. Mobile devices have various resource constraints in terms of computational capabilities, power, network bandwidth, etc. Hence, conventional extension security analysis techniques cannot be efficiently used by end users to examine mobile browser extension security issues. To overcome the inadequacies of the existing approaches, we propose CLOUBEX, a CLOUd-based security analysis framework for both desktop and mobile Browser EXtensions. This framework uses a client-server architecture model. In this framework, compute-intensive security analysis tasks are generally executed in a high-speed computing server hosted in a cloud environment. CLOUBEX is also enriched with a number of essential features, such as client-side analysis, requirements-driven analysis, high performance, and dynamic decision making. At present, the Firefox extension ecosystem is most susceptible to different security attacks. Hence, the framework is implemented for the security analysis of the Firefox desktop and Firefox for Android mobile browser extensions. A static taint analysis is used to identify malicious information flows in the Firefox extensions. In CLOUBEX, there are three analysis modes. A dynamic decision making algorithm assists us to select the best option based on some important parameters, such as the processing speed of a client device and network connection speed. Using the best analysis mode, performance and power consumption are improved significantly. In the future, this framework can be leveraged for the security analysis of other desktop and mobile browser extensions, too.
The research team reviewed numerous several multi- sectoral entities and identified nine GGNs that became the subject of our case studies. The research team conducted semi-structured interviews with executives and staff from each of these GNNs and prepared a profile, including a description of the unique evolution of the organization, goals and objectives, organizational structure and governance arrangements for each GGN. The following list provides an overview of the nine GGNs profiled: 1. Every Woman Every Child is an unprecedented global effort that mobilizes and amplifies action by governments, multilaterals, the private sector, research centers, academia and civil society to address life-threatening health challenges facing women and children globally. 2. HERproject catalyzes global partnerships and local Networks to improve female workers general and reproductive health in eight emerging economies. 3. R4 Rural Resilience Initiative is a cutting-edge, strategic, large-scale partnership between the public and private sectors to innovate and develop better tools to help the worlds most vulnerable people build resilient livelihoods. 4. Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative is a coalition of governments, companies, civil society groups, investors and international organizations that aims to improve transparency and accountability in the extractives sector. 5. Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases works with international partners at the highest level of government, business and society to break down the logistical and financial barriers to delivering existing treatments for the seven most common neglected tropical diseases. 6. Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition is an alliance that supports public-private partnerships to increase access to the missing nutrients in diets necessary for people, communities and economies to be stronger and healthier. 7. Inter-Agency Network For Education in Emergencies is a global Network of individuals and representatives from NGOs, United Nations and donor agencies, governments, academic institutions, schools and affected populations working to ensure all persons have the right to a quality and safe education in emergencies and post- crisis recovery. 8. mHealth Alliance works with diverse partners to advance mobile-based or mobile-enhanced solutions that deliver health through research, advocacy, support for the development of interoperable solutions and sustainable deployment models. 9. The Rainforest Alliance is a global non-profit that focuses on environmental conservation and sustainable development and works through collaborative partnerships with various stakeholders.
L'obiettivo della tesi dimostrare l'utilit e i vantaggi che pu fornire il Self-Management del diabete mellito di tipo 1 in un sistema di mobile Health a partire da un modello computazionale Agent-Based. Viene quindi affrontata in maniera approfondita la tematica del mobile Health ed il suo sviluppo nei paesi a basso/medio reddito, illustrando i risultati ottenuti dalla ricerca scientifica fino ad oggi, ed il concetto di Self-Management di malattie croniche, un processo di cura caratterizzato dalla partecipazione autonoma del paziente stesso, fornendo una panoramica degli approcci computazionali sviluppati. Viene quindi studiato il diabete mellito in ogni sua caratteristica, seguito dall'illustrazione di diverse applicazioni per la gestione autonoma della suddetta patologia tutt'ora in commercio. Nel caso di studio vengono effettuate diverse simulazioni, tramite la piattaforma di simulazione MASON, per realizzare varie dinamiche della rete fisiologica di un paziente al fine di stabilire feedback qualitativi per il Self-Management della patologia.
Nel seguente elaborato si espone lutilizzo del sistema GPS/INS per la valutazione del moto di un ciclomotore. Tale sistema composto da sensori GPS ( Global Navigation System ) per la misurazione della posizione, e da sensori INS ( Inertial Navigation System) per la misurazione dellaccelerazione e delle velocit angolari rispetto a tre assi coordinati. Chiaramente le misure di accelerazioni e di velocit angolari da parte dei sensori, presentano dei minimi errori, che per si ripercuotono sul posizionamento finale. Per limitare questo fenomeno e rendere la misura di velocit e posizione utilizzabile, un filtro di Kalman viene impiegato per correggere il risultato dell'integrazione usando le misurazioni del GPS. Il connubio tra il sistema INS e il sistema GPS molto efficacie anche quando si ha una assenza di ricezione satellitare o perdita parziale dei satelliti (cycle slip). Infine stato utilizzato uno smartphone sfruttando i sensori in esso presenti : accelerometri, giroscopi, GPS, per analizzare la dinamica di un ciclomotore, concentrandosi sullassetto in particolar modo langolo di rollio. Tale prova stata affrontata non tanto per validare il sistema GPS/INS, ma per provare una soluzione comoda e di basso costo per analizzare il moto di un ciclomotore.
I sistemi di localizzazione, negli ultimi anni, sono stati oggetto di numerose ricerche a livello internazionale.Gli sviluppi pi importanti hanno avuto inizio nellambito stradale con sistemi di navigazione e localizzazione, possibili grazie alle forti capacit del GPS.Infatti il GPS indica lintero apparato che permette il funzionamento della maggior parte dei navigatori disponibili in commercio, che, per, non sono utilizzabili in ambito indoor, in quanto la ricezione del segnale proveniente dai satelliti GPS diventa scarsa o pressoch nulla. In questo senso, la localizzazione risulta rilevante nel caso di indoor positioning, ossia quando utenti hanno bisogno di conoscere la propria posizione e quella degli altri membri della squadra di soccorso allinterno di un edificio come, ad esempio, i vigili del fuoco durante unoperazione di salvataggio. Sono questi fattori che portano allidea della creazione di un sistema di localizzazione indoor basato su smartphone o una qualsiasi altra piattaforma disponibile. Tra le diverse tecnologie e architetture legate al posizionamento indoor/outdoor e inerziale, con questa tesi, si vuole esporre la foot-mounted inertial navigation, un sistema che permette di conoscere la propria posizione, sia allinterno di edifici,sia in campi aperti, tramite lutilizzo di una rete wireless o GPS e laiuto di sensori a basso costo.Tuttavia per conoscere la stima ottimale della posizione, della velocit e dellorientamento corrente di un utente dotato di sensori sar necessaria lintegrazione di diversi algoritmi, che permettono di modellare e stimare errori o di conoscere e predire la posizione futura dello stesso. Gli scopi principali di questo lavoro sono: 1)Tracciare i movimenti di un utente usando diversi sensori per ottenere una stima ottimale della posizione dello stesso; 2)Localizzare lutente in 3 dimensioni con precisione; 3)Ottenere una transizione senza interruzioni per un posizionamento continuo tra aree indoor e outdoor;
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
This work has, as its objective, the development of non-invasive and low-cost systems for monitoring and automatic diagnosing specific neonatal diseases by means of the analysis of suitable video signals. We focus on monitoring infants potentially at risk of diseases characterized by the presence or absence of rhythmic movements of one or more body parts. Seizures and respiratory diseases are specifically considered, but the approach is general. Seizures are defined as sudden neurological and behavioural alterations. They are age-dependent phenomena and the most common sign of central nervous system dysfunction. Neonatal seizures have onset within the 28th day of life in newborns at term and within the 44th week of conceptional age in preterm infants. Their main causes are hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy, intracranial haemorrhage, and sepsis. Studies indicate an incidence rate of neonatal seizures of 0.2% live births, 1.1% for preterm neonates, and 1.3% for infants weighing less than 2500 g at birth. Neonatal seizures can be classified into four main categories: clonic, tonic, myoclonic, and subtle. Seizures in newborns have to be promptly and accurately recognized in order to establish timely treatments that could avoid an increase of the underlying brain damage. Respiratory diseases related to the occurrence of apnoea episodes may be caused by cerebrovascular events. Among the wide range of causes of apnoea, besides seizures, a relevant one is Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS) \cite{Healy}. With a reported prevalence of 1 in 200,000 live births, CCHS, formerly known as Ondine's curse, is a rare life-threatening disorder characterized by a failure of the automatic control of breathing, caused by mutations in a gene classified as PHOX2B. CCHS manifests itself, in the neonatal period, with episodes of cyanosis or apnoea, especially during quiet sleep. The reported mortality rates range from 8% to 38% of newborn with genetically confirmed CCHS. Nowadays, CCHS is considered a disorder of autonomic regulation, with related risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Currently, the standard method of diagnosis, for both diseases, is based on polysomnography, a set of sensors such as ElectroEncephaloGram (EEG) sensors, ElectroMyoGraphy (EMG) sensors, ElectroCardioGraphy (ECG) sensors, elastic belt sensors, pulse-oximeter and nasal flow-meters. This monitoring system is very expensive, time-consuming, moderately invasive and requires particularly skilled medical personnel, not always available in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Therefore, automatic, real-time and non-invasive monitoring equipments able to reliably recognize these diseases would be of significant value in the NICU. A very appealing monitoring tool to automatically detect neonatal seizures or breathing disorders may be based on acquiring, through a network of sensors, e.g., a set of video cameras, the movements of the newborn's body (e.g., limbs, chest) and properly processing the relevant signals. An automatic multi-sensor system could be used to permanently monitor every patient in the NICU or specific patients at home. Furthermore, a wire-free technique may be more user-friendly and highly desirable when used with infants, in particular with newborns. This work has focused on a reliable method to estimate the periodicity in pathological movements based on the use of the Maximum Likelihood (ML) criterion. In particular, average differential luminance signals from multiple Red, Green and Blue (RGB) cameras or depth-sensor devices are extracted and the presence or absence of a significant periodicity is analysed in order to detect possible pathological conditions. The efficacy of this monitoring system has been measured on the basis of video recordings provided by the Department of Neurosciences of the University of Parma. Concerning clonic seizures, a kinematic analysis was performed to establish a relationship between neonatal seizures and human inborn pattern of quadrupedal locomotion. Moreover, we have decided to realize simulators able to replicate the symptomatic movements characteristic of the diseases under consideration. The reasons is, essentially, the opportunity to have, at any time, a 'subject' on which to test the continuously evolving detection algorithms. Finally, we have developed a smartphone App, called 'Smartphone based contactless epilepsy detector' (SmartCED), able to detect neonatal clonic seizures and warn the user about the occurrence in real-time.
Since the early days of cinema the creation of artificial life with its various implications has been a popular topic on screen. Amongst the large number of films that deal with the theme of androids Bryan Forbes "The Stepford Wives" (1975) is noticeable for its focus on questions of gender and the relationship between the sexes. The film is set in a contemporary small suburban town where frustrated husbands have found a special way of dealing with their emancipated wives by replacing them with docile life-like robots. Mixing elements of the thriller and horror genres with farce and comedy "The Stepford Wives" was the first American mainstream film to deal explicitly with Womens Lib. Unlike Ira Levin in his much more ambivalent novel that the film was based on, Forbes and his actors deliberately set out to make a feminist satire, and according to some critics succeeded in producing an important document of second wave feminism which soon acquired cult status. However, it also provoked a number of negative reactions from feminists who were very uncomfortable with a film in which men get away with murdering the female population of an entire town. A closer inspection reveals that the satirical element of the film is indeed not prominent and frequently counteracted, at times facilitating a misogynist rather than a feminist interpretation. This is mainly due to the ending of the film which implies the murderous elimination of the female protagonist. Unlike all other cinematic and literary works that feature androids "The Stepford Wives" shows the successful creation of artificial life which does not backfire. In addition, the film which clearly categorises itself as a thriller and horror movie, and specifically alludes to the tradition of threatened yet strong female characters in these genres, at the same time defies this convention in favour of a seemingly misogynist ending. Thus the way in which "The Stepford Wives" refuses to comply with the traditions of both the android theme and the horror genre, involuntarily serves to undermine its intention as a feminist social satire.
A sizeable amount of the testing in eye care, requires either the identification of targets such as letters to assess functional vision, or the subjective evaluation of imagery by an examiner. Computers can render a variety of different targets on their monitors and can be used to store and analyse ophthalmic images. However, existing computing hardware tends to be large, screen resolutions are often too low, and objective assessments of ophthalmic images unreliable. Recent advances in mobile computing hardware and computer-vision systems can be used to enhance clinical testing in optometry. High resolution touch screens embedded in mobile devices, can render targets at a wide variety of distances and can be used to record and respond to patient responses, automating testing methods. This has opened up new opportunities in computerised near vision testing. Equally, new image processing techniques can be used to increase the validity and reliability of objective computer vision systems. Three novel apps for assessing reading speed, contrast sensitivity and amplitude of accommodation were created by the author to demonstrate the potential of mobile computing to enhance clinical measurement. The reading speed app could present sentences effectively, control illumination and automate the testing procedure for reading speed assessment. Meanwhile the contrast sensitivity app made use of a bit stealing technique and swept frequency target, to rapidly assess a patients full contrast sensitivity function at both near and far distances. Finally, customised electronic hardware was created and interfaced to an app on a smartphone device to allow free space amplitude of accommodation measurement. A new geometrical model of the tear film and a ray tracing simulation of a Placido disc topographer were produced to provide insights on the effect of tear film breakdown on ophthalmic images. Furthermore, a new computer vision system, that used a novel eye-lash segmentation technique, was created to demonstrate the potential of computer vision systems for the clinical assessment of tear stability. Studies undertaken by the author to assess the validity and repeatability of the novel apps, found that their repeatability was comparable to, or better, than existing clinical methods for reading speed and contrast sensitivity assessment. Furthermore, the apps offered reduced examination times in comparison to their paper based equivalents. The reading speed and amplitude of accommodation apps correlated highly with existing methods of assessment supporting their validity. Their still remains questions over the validity of using a swept frequency sine-wave target to assess patients contrast sensitivity functions as no clinical test provides the range of spatial frequencies and contrasts, nor equivalent assessment at distance and near. A validation study of the new computer vision system found that the authors tear metric correlated better with existing subjective measures of tear film stability than those of a competing computer-vision system. However, repeatability was poor in comparison to the subjective measures due to eye lash interference. The new mobile apps, computer vision system, and studies outlined in this thesis provide further insight into the potential of applying mobile and image processing technology to enhance clinical testing by eye care professionals.
As we settle into a new year, this second issue of Contact Lens and Anterior Eye allows us to reflect on how new research in this field impacts our understanding, but more importantly, how we use this evidence basis to enhance our day to day practice, to educate the next generation of students and to construct the research studies to deepen our knowledge still further. The end of 2014 saw the publication of the UK governments Research Exercise Framework (REF) which ranks Universities in terms of their outputs (which includes their paper, publications and research income), environment (infrastructure and staff support) and for the first time impact (defined as any effect on, change or benefit to the economy, society, culture, public policy or services, health, the environment or quality of life, beyond academia [8]). The REF is a process of expert review, carried out in 36 subject-based units of assessment, of which our field is typically submitted to the Allied Health, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy panel. Universities that offer Optometry did very well with Cardiff, Manchester and Aston in the top 10% out of the 94 Universities that submitted to this panel (Grade point Average ranked order). While the format of the new exercise (probably in 2010) to allocate the more than 2 billion of UK government research funds is yet to be determined, it is already rumoured that impact will contribute an even larger proportion to the weighting. Hence it is even more important to reflect on the impact of our research. In this issue, Elisseef and colleagues [5] examine the intriguing potential of modifying a lens surface to allow it to bind to known wetting agents (in this case hyaluronic acid) to enhance water retention. Such a technique has the capacity to reduced friction between the lens surface and the eyelids/ocular surface, presumably leading to higher comfort and less reason for patients to discontinue with lens wear. Several papers in this issue report on the validity of new high precision, fast scanning imaging and quantification equipment, utilising techniques such as Scheimpflug, partial coherence interferometry, aberrometry and video allowing detailed assessment of anterior chamber biometry, corneal topography, corneal biomechanics, peripheral refraction, ocular aberrations and lens fit. The challenge is how to use this advanced instrumentation which is becoming increasingly available to create real impact. Many challenges in contact lenses and the anterior eye still prevail in 2015 such as: -While contact lens and refractive surgery complications are relatively rare, they are still too often devastating to the individual and their quality of life (such as the impact and prognosis of patients with Acanthmoeba Keratitis reported by Jhanji and colleagues in this issue [7]). How can we detect those patients who are going to be affected and what modifications do we need to make to contact lenses and patient management prevent this occurring? -Drop out from contact lenses still occurs at a rapid rate and symptoms of dry eye seem to be the leading cause driving this discontinuation of wear [1] and [2]. What design, coating, material and lubricant release mechanism will make a step change in end of day comfort in particular? -Presbyopia is a major challenge to hassle free quality vision and is one of the first signs of ageing noticed by many people. As an emmetrope approaching presbyopia, I have a vested interest in new medical devices that will give me high quality vision at all distances when my arms wont stretch any further. Perhaps a new definition of presbyopia could be when you start to orientate your smartphone in the landscape direction to gain the small increase in print size needed to read! Effective accommodating intraocular lenses that truly mimic the pre-presbyopic crystalline lenses are still a way off [3] and hence simultaneous images achieved through contact lenses, intraocular lenses or refractive surgery still have a secure future. However, splitting light reaching the retina and requiring the brain to supress blurred images will always be a compromise on contrast sensitivity and is liable to cause dysphotopsia; so how will new designs account for differences in a patient's task demands and own optical aberrations to allow focused patient selection, optimising satisfaction? -Drug delivery from contact lenses offers much in terms of compliance and quality of life for patients with chronic ocular conditions such as glaucoma, dry eye and perhaps in the future, dry age-related macular degeneration; but scientific proof-of-concept publications (see EIShaer et al. [6]) have not yet led to commercial products. Part of this is presumably the regulatory complexity of combining a medical device (the contact lens) and a pharmaceutical agent. Will 2015 be the year when this innovation finally becomes a reality for patients, bringing them an enhanced quality of life through their eye care practitioners and allowing researchers to further validate the use of pharmaceutical contact lenses and propose enhancements as the technology matures? -Last, but no means least is the field of myopia control, the topic of the first day of the BCLA's Conference in Liverpool, June 69th 2015. The epidemic of myopia is a blight, particularly in Asia, with significant concerns over sight threatening pathology resulting from the elongated eye. This is a field where real impact is already being realised through new soft contact lens optics, orthokeratology and low dose pharmaceuticals [4], but we still need to be able to better predict which technique will work best for an individual and to develop new techniques to retard myopia progression in those who dont respond to current treatments, without increasing their risk of complications or the treatment impacting their quality of life So what will your New Year's resolution be to make 2015 a year of real impact, whether by advancing science or applying the findings published in journals such as Contact Lens and Anterior Eye to make a real difference to your patients lives?