915 resultados para Comparative Cytoarchitectonic Analysis
The reasonable choice is a critical success factor for decision- making in the field of software engineering (SE). A case-driven comparative analysis has been introduced and a procedure for its systematic application has been suggested. The paper describes how the proposed method can be built in a general framework for SE activities. Some examples of experimental versions of the framework are brie y presented.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 74D05, 26A33
Петър Господинов, Добри Данков, Владимир Русинов, Стефан Стефанов - Иследвано е цилиндрично течение на Кует на разреден газ в случая на въртене на два коаксиални цилиндъра с еднакви по големина скорости, но в различни посоки. Целта на изследването е да се установи влиянието на малки скорости на въртене върху макрохарактеристиките – ρ, V , . Числените резултати са получени чрез използване на DSMC и числено решение на уравненията на Навие-Стокс за относително малки (дозвукови) скорости на въртене. Установено е добро съвпадение на резултатите получени по двата метода за Kn = 0.02. Установено е, че съществува “стационарна” точка за плътността и скоростта. Получените резултати са важни при решаването на неравнини, задачи от микрофлуидиката с отчитане на ефектите на кривината. Ключови думи: Механика на флуидите, Кинетична теория, Разреден газ, DSMC
The use of ex-transportation battery system (i.e. second life EV/HEV batteries) in grid applications is an emerging field of study. A hybrid battery scheme offers a more practical approach in second life battery energy storage systems because battery modules could be from different sources/ vehicle manufacturers depending on the second life supply chain and have different characteristics e.g. voltage levels, maximum capacity and also different levels of degradations. Recent research studies have suggested a dc-side modular multilevel converter topology to integrate these hybrid batteries to a grid-tie inverter. Depending on the battery module characteristics, the dc-side modular converter can adopt different modes such as boost, buck or boost-buck to suitably transfer the power from battery to the grid. These modes have different switching techniques, control range, different efficiencies, which give a system designer choice on operational mode. This paper presents an analysis and comparative study of all the modes of the converter along with their switching performances in detail to understand the relative advantages and disadvantages of each mode to help to select the suitable converter mode. Detailed study of all the converter modes and thorough experimental results based on a multi-modular converter prototype based on hybrid batteries has been presented to validate the analysis.
This research evaluates pattern recognition techniques on a subclass of big data where the dimensionality of the input space (p) is much larger than the number of observations (n). Specifically, we evaluate massive gene expression microarray cancer data where the ratio κ is less than one. We explore the statistical and computational challenges inherent in these high dimensional low sample size (HDLSS) problems and present statistical machine learning methods used to tackle and circumvent these difficulties. Regularization and kernel algorithms were explored in this research using seven datasets where κ < 1. These techniques require special attention to tuning necessitating several extensions of cross-validation to be investigated to support better predictive performance. While no single algorithm was universally the best predictor, the regularization technique produced lower test errors in five of the seven datasets studied.
Book review
Using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA), this study investigates the conditions leading to a higher level of innovation. More specifically, the study explores the impact of inter-organisational knowledge transfer networks and organisations' internal capabilities on different types of innovation in Small to Medium size Enterprises (SMEs) in the high-tech sector. A survey instrument was used to collect data from a sample of UK SMEs. The findings show that although individual factors are important, there is no need for a company to perform well in all the areas. The fsQCA, which enables the examination of the impacts of different combinations of factors, reveals that there are a number of paths to achieve better incremental and radical innovation performance. Companies need to choose the one that is closest to their abilities and fits best with their resources.
The phenomenon of microscopic hot-spots, during the calcination of MCM-41, was investigated by quantifying the magnitude of the temperature increase during the calcination of a soft MCM-41 mesophase using a SAXS comparative study. This was performed by thermally treating a soft material that was detemplated via Fenton chemistry followed by equilibrating and drying in a low-surface-tension solvent (n-butanol or N,N-dimethylformamide); these samples have limited structural shrinkage. The resulting samples were thermally treated at increasing temperatures, and the structural shrinkage was compared with that of the directly calcined material. By comparing the structural shrinkage, it was found that the microscopic temperature increase would fall between 190 and 250 C, as deduced from N,N-dimethyl-formamide and n-butanol. The order of magnitude of the temperature increase appears to be consistent with the well-known glow effect. It is, however, substantially higher than the experimentally determined macroscopic temperature increase. Several aspects are discussed to interpret this difference. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
External partnerships play an important role in firms’ acquisition of the knowledge inputs to innovation. Such partnerships may be interactive – involving exploration and mutual learning by both parties – or non-interactive – involving exploitative activity and learning by only one party. Examples of non-interactive partnerships are copying or imitation. Here, we consider how firms’ innovation objectives influence their choice of interactive and/or non-interactive connections. We conduct a comparative analysis for the economies of Spain and the UK, which have contrasting innovation eco-systems and regulation burdens.
A tanulmányban összefoglalóan bemutatom a Public_Private Partnership (PPP) gazdálkodástani szempontból releváns kutatói munkáinak fogalomhasználatát, kérdésfeltevéseit, illetve főbb eredményeit. Ezzel betekintést kívánok nyújtani abba, hogy mit kutatnak a PPP területén a kollégák gazdálkodástani szempontból. Láthatóvá szeretném tenni, hogy eszerint melyek a „jelentős” témák és kérdések a tudományos közösség mai felfogása alapján. Az elemzés középpontjában huszonhárom, a Public-Private Partnership gazdálkodástani megközelítéséhez kapcsolódó, konkrét tudományos kutatásra épülő irodalom áll, amelyek láthatóvá teszik a PPP sokféle értelmezését a szerzők által alkalmazott részben eltérő definíciókkal. A többféle szempontból végzett szisztematikus elemzés eredményeképpen látható, hogy noha az írások mondanivalójuk függvényében vagy kiemelik a PPP partneri, kockázatmegosztó jellegét, vagy ezt nem hangsúlyozzák és általánosabb értelmezéssel dolgoznak. A PPP-t leginkább kritikusan bíráló szerzők körében jellemző, hogy a gyakorlati megvalósulás alapján a PPP-nek inkább feladatátadó, semmint partneri, illetve inkább finanszírozási, semmint értéknövelő jellegét hangsúlyozzák. = This working paper summarizes the terminology, research focus and primary results of academic articles on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) from a business studies approach. This is to show what fellow researchers focus on. I mean to highlight the „significant” topics as per the current understanding of the academic community. The analysis focuses on twenty-three academic articles that reveal the various interpretations of PPP, using somewhat different definitions. Analytical results show that the articles do not use a common interpretation, but authors either highlight the partnership, i.e. risk sharing nature of PPP; or it is not emphasized, and they use a more general interpretation instead. Researchers most critical with PPP typically give importance to the outsourcing and financing aspects of PPP in practice, rather than its partnership or value increasing character.
The scope of the present study is twofold. First, through in-depth interviews, it aims to explore the perception and concepts of non-political leaders (Deputy State Secretaries and Heads of Department) of the Hungarian economic bureaucracy concerning the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy. Second, it compares the obtained results to the perception and concepts salient in the political and business sphere as well as in the methodology of the international competitiveness rankings. The analysis covers issues of competitiveness such as (1) problems of the competitiveness of Hungarian economy, (2) directions of good policy, (3) agents of competitiveness, (4) future of the Hungarian economy, (5) political obstacles of good policy.
Using ecological data compiled from scientific literature on pest, pathogen and weed species characteristic in maize cultures in Hungary, we defined monthly climate profile indicators and applied them to complete a comparative analysis of the historical and modelled climate change scenario meteorological data of the city of Debrecen. Our results call attention to a drastic decline of the competitive ability of maize as compared to several C4 and especially C3 plants. According to the stricter scenarios, the frequency of potential pest and pathogen damage emergency situations will grow significantly by the end of the century.
Climate change is one of the biggest environmental problems of the 21st century. The most sensitive indicators of the effects of the climatic changes are phenological processes of the biota. The effects of climate change which were observed the earliest are the remarkable changes in the phenology (i.e. the timing of the phenophases) of the plants and animals, which have been systematically monitored later. In our research we searched for the answer: which meteorological factors show the strongest statistical relationships with phenological phenomena based on some chosen plant and insect species (in case of which large phenological databases are available). Our study was based on two large databases: one of them is the Lepidoptera database of the Hungarian Plant Protection and Forestry Light Trap Network, the other one is the Geophytes Phenology Database of the Botanical Garden of Eötvös Loránd University. In the case of butterflies, statistically defined phenological dates were determined based on the daily collection data, while in the case of plants, observation data on blooming were available. The same meteorological indicators were applied for both groups in our study. On the basis of the data series, analyses of correlation were carried out and a new indicator, the so-called G index was introduced, summing up the number of correlations which were found to be significant on the different levels of significance. In our present study we compare the significant meteorological factors and analyse the differences based on the correlation data on plants and butterflies. Data on butterflies are much more varied regarding the effectiveness of the meteorological factors.
OBJECTIVES: To compare the efficacy and safety of infliximab-biosimilar with other biological drugs for the treatment of active ankylosing spondylitis (AS). METHODS: Systematic literature review for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with adalimumab, etanercept, golimumab, infliximab and infliximab-biosimilar in AS was performed and indirect meta-analysis (Bayesian mixed treatment comparison) was carried out. The proportion of patients reaching 20 % improvement by the assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society response criteria (ASAS20) at weeks 12 and 24 was used as efficacy endpoints, and the occurrence of serious adverse events at week 24 was applied to compare the safety of the biologicals. RESULTS: Altogether, 13 RCTs, identified by the systematic literature search, were included in the analysis. Results on the ASAS20 efficacy endpoint were reported for week 12 in 12 RCTs involving 2,395 patients, and for week 24 in 5 RCTs comprising 1,337 patients. All the five biological agents proved to be significantly superior to placebo. Infliximab showed the highest odds ratio (OR) of 7.2 (95 % CI 3.68-13.19) compared to placebo, followed by infliximab-biosimilar with OR 6.25 (95 % CI 2.55-13.14), both assessed at week 24. No significant difference was found between infliximab-biosimilar and other biological treatments regarding their efficacy and safety. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study which includes a biosimilar drug in the meta-analysis of biological treatments in AS. The results have proven the similar efficacy and safety profile of infliximab-biosimilar treatment compared to other biologicals.
The major purpose of this study was to ascertain how needs assessment findings and methodologies are accepted by public decision makers in the U.S. Virgin Islands. To accomplish this, the following five different needs assessments were executed: (1) population survey; (2) key informants survey; (3) community forum; (4) rates-under-treatment (RUT); and (5) social indicators analysis. The assessments measured unmet needs of older persons regarding transportation, in-home care, and socio-recreation services, and determined which of the five methodologies is most costly, time consuming, and valid.^ The results of a five-way comparative analysis was presented to public sector decision makers who were surveyed to determine whether they are influenced more by needs assessment findings, or by the methodology used, and to ascertain the factors that lead to their acceptance of needs assessment findings and methodologies.^ The survey results revealed that acceptance of findings and methodology is influenced by the congruency of the findings with decision makers' goals and objectives, feasibility of the findings, and credibility of the researcher.^ The study also found that decision makers are influenced equally by needs assessment findings and methodology; that they prefer population surveys, although they are the most expensive and time consuming of the methodologies; that different types of needs assessments produce different results; and, that needs assessment is an essential program planning tool. Executive decision makers are found to be influenced more by management factors than by legal and political factors, while legislative decision makers are influenced more by legal factors. Decision makers overwhelmingly view their leadership style as democratic.^ A typology of the five needs assessments, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, is offered as a planning guide for public decision makers. ^