991 resultados para Compact Callus


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Ydinvoimalaitosten vesikemian optimointi ja korroosionesto on välttämätöntä laitosten taloudellisen ja turvallisen käytön kannalta. Eri laitoksiin liittyvää vesikemiaa ja järjestelmissä havaittavia korroosion muotoja on tutkittu laajasti ja tutkitaan yhä edelleen. Monien prosessien ymmärtäminen vaatii usean eri tieteenalan osaamista, kuten kemiantekniikan, energiatekniikan sekä materiaalitekniikan. Tässä työssä kerrotaan yksinkertaistaen vesikemiaan ja korroosioon liittyviä prosesseja ja reaktioita. Työssä käsitellään kevytvettä jäähdytteenä sekä moderaattorina käyttävien ydinvoimalaitosten eri korroosiomuotoja sekä säteilyn vaikutusta näihin suoraan tai vesikemian kautta. Työssä kerrotaan korroosio- ja aktivoitumistuotteiden muodostumisesta ja kulkeutumisesta sekä näiden tuotteiden vaikutuksista laitosten toimintaan. Korroosion ja materiaalien aktivoitumisen pohjalta tarkastellaan kattavasti ydinvoimalaitosten tyypillisimpiä vesikemian muokkauskeinoja sekä korroosionhallintaa. Tärkeimpiin asioihin syvennytään hieman lähemmin. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat eniten käytetyt ydinvoimalaitokset, eli länsimaiset paine- ja kiehutusvesilaitokset sekä venäläisvalmisteiset VVER-laitokset. Tarkoituksena on ollut luoda tiivis tietopaketti opiskelijoiden käyttöön muun opintomateriaalin tueksi.


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Paclobutrazol (PBZ), a well-known growth retardant of the triazole family, is mostly used for controlling plant size and growth, resulting in more desirable compact plants for floricultural purposes; however, limited experimental data are available for use of PBZ in field sunflower. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of repeated foliar applications of PBZ at rates of 50 + 50 g ha-1(double application) and 50 + 50 + 50 g ha-1 (triple application) on sunflower morphology and productivity. PBZ applications corresponded to growth stages of four to five, five to six, and six to eight true leaves of sunflower plants, respectively. The double foliar application of PBZ reduced sunflower plant height at maturity by 4.4% (or by 11.7 cm). The triple foliar application of PBZ reduced sunflower plant height at maturity by 14.4% (or by 49.2 cm). However, PBZ either in the double or the triple application reduced achene yield per plant by 25.6% and 22.5% and the 100-achene weight by 11.4% and 25.0%, respectively, compared with the non-treated control. Overall, the repeated foliar applications of PBZ at the rates tested in this study, apart from providing a reduction of sunflower plant height, had major adverse effects on achene yield and weight. Thus, different application schemes of PBZ or perhaps different growth regulators should be investigated to control plant height in sunflower.


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We used axillary buds as initial explants for hormone interaction studies required for in vitro cultivation of S. allagophylla. Callus production was achieved on gelled Murashige & Skoog medium (MS) supplemented with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA= 0.1 and 0.5 mg.l­1 alone or combined with 6 benzylaminopurine) (BA= 0.01 and 0.1 mg.l-1). A hormone balance between IAA and BA that would encourage shoot bud development was not found. Nodal segments from axenic cultures grown in the presence of cytokinin (0.1 mg.1­1 of BA) without any auxin on MS medium with half-strength macronutrients were used as a standard explant source for subsequent experiments on optimum mineral culture media composition for S. allagophylla in vitro cultivation. We found that explants kept in vitro on gelled Gamborg et al. (B5) mineral composition culture medium showed better shoot and specially root growth than on MS medium. Comparisons of the ammonium and nitrate ratios of MS and B5 media indicate that B5 medium has a substantial reduced ammonium ion when compared to MS medium, as well as a lower total nitrogen level. The growth response pattern obtained in vitro may be evidence of the adaptation of this species to soils of poor mineral composition as found in the Brazilian cerrado, as well as an indication that nitrogen levels play a key role for S. allagophylla growth.


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An efficient micropropagation protocol was developed for the medicinal plant Phyllanthus stipulatus (Euphorbiaceae) using nodal segments for axillary shoot proliferation. Maximum multiplication rates (8-9 shoots per explant) was achieved on MS media supplemented with either 2.5-5.0 muM IBA. The best basal media for axillary shoot proliferation when 0.62 muM BA was supplemented were MS, MS/2 and AR (4-5 shoots per explant). Rooting was achieved with 100% of the microshoots on MS medium without growth regulators. Regenerated plants were successfully acclimatized and about 88% of plantlets survived under ex vitro conditions. Flowering was observed in 81% of the ex vitro grown plantlets after 12 weeks of acclimatization. High frequency callus initiation and growth was achieved when nodal segment explants were inoculated either in the vertical position, in the light on MS medium supplemented with 5.0 muM NAA or horizontally oriented, in the dark on MS supplemented with 5.0 muM NAA or 1.25-5.0 muM BA or 2iP. Root cultures were successfully established on MS medium containing 1.1 muM NAA. The optimized micropropagation, callus and root culture protocols offer the possibility to use cell/organ culture techniques for vegetative propagation and secondary metabolism studies.


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Leiothrix is endemic of South America and includes 37 species, 25 of which occur in the state of Minas Gerais. Nineteen of those occur in the "Serra do Cipó", a mountain chain, located in the southern portion of the Espinhaço mountain range. This study examines vegetative propagation strategies of four species of Leiothrix, endemic to the Minas Gerais portion of the Espinhaço mountain range. For each species we established permanent plots, where we marked 30 to 51 rosettes or clones, and then took morphological and phenological measurements. Leiothrix crassifolia (Bong.) Ruhland and L. curvifolia var. lanuginosa (Bong.) Ruhland are rhizomatous, forming compact clones. Leiothrix vivipara (Bong.) Ruhland does not produce rhizomes, but is pseudoviviparous, i.e., produces numerous ramets originating from inflorescences. These ramets are formed precociously, and the flower heads do not touch the ground. In Leiothrix spiralis (Bong.) Ruhland both of these strategies are seen: it is both rhizomatous and pseudoviviparous. In this species, the ramets are formed late, only after the flower head has touched the ground. One of the typical conditions of the rupestrian grasslands is soil water shortage in some periods of the year and nutrient scarcity all year round. These conditions might have created an ideal ecological scenario for the evolution of both pseudovivipary and rhizomatous clonal growth in Leiothrix.


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Initially identified as stress activated protein kinases (SAPKs), the c-Jun Nterminal kinases (JNKs) are currently accepted as potent regulators of various physiologically important cellular events. Named after their competence to phosphorylate transcription factor c-Jun in response to UVtreatment, JNKs play a key role in cell proliferation, cell death or cell migration. Interestingly, these functions are crucial for proper brain formation. The family consists of three JNK isoforms, JNK1, JNK2 and JNK3. Unlike brain specific JNK3 isoform, JNK1 and JNK2 are ubiquitously expressed. It is estimated that ten splice variants exist. However, the detailed cellular functions of these remain undetermined. In addition, physiological conditions keep the activities of JNK2 and JNK3 low in comparison with JNK1, whereas cellular stress raises the activity of these isoforms dramatically. Importantly, JNK1 activity is constitutively high in neurons, yet it does not stimulate cell death. This suggests a valuable role for JNK1 in brain development, but also as an important mediator of cell wellbeing. The aim of this thesis was to characterize the functional relationship between JNK1 and SCG10. We found that SCG10 is a bona fide target for JNK. By employing differential centrifugation we showed that SCG10 co-localized with active JNK, MKK7 and JIP1 in a fraction containing endosomes and Golgi vesicles. Investigation of JNK knockout tissues using phosphospecific antibodies recognizing JNK-specific phosphorylation sites on SCG10 (Ser 62/Ser 73) showed that phosphorylation of endogenous SCG10 was dramatically decreased in Jnk1-/- brains. Moreover, we found that JNK and SCG10 co-express during early embryonic days in brain regions that undergo extensive neuronal migration. Our study revealed that selective inhibition of JNK in the cytoplasm significantly increased both the frequency of exit from the multipolar stage and radial migration rate. However, as a consequence, it led to ill-defined cellular organization. Furthermore, we found that multipolar exit and radial migration in Jnk1 deficient mice can be connected to changes in phosphorylation state of SCG10. Also, the expression of a pseudo-phosphorylated mutant form of SCG10, mimicking the JNK1- phopshorylated form, brings migration rate back to normal in Jnk1 knockout mouse embryos. Furthermore, we investigated the role of SCG10 and JNK in regulation of Golgi apparatus (GA) biogenesis and whether pathological JNK action could be discernible by its deregulation. We found that SCG10 maintains GA integrity as with the absence of SCG10 neurons present more compact fragmented GA structure, as shown by the knockdown approach. Interestingly, neurons isolated from Jnk1-/- mice show similar characteristics. Block of ER to GA is believed to be involved in development of Parkinson's disease. Hence, by using a pharmacological approach (Brefeldin A treatment), we showed that GA recovery is delayed upon removal of the drug in Jnk1-/- neurons to an extent similar to the shRNA SCG10-treated cells. Finally, we investigated the role of the JNK1-SCG10 duo in the maintenance of GA biogenesis following excitotoxic insult. Although the GA underwent fragmentation in response to NMDA treatment, we observed a substantial delay in GA disintegration in neurons lacking either JNK1 or SCG10.


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Electrokinetics has emerged as a potential technique for in situ soil remediation and especially unique because of the ability to work in low permeability soil. In electrokinetic remediation, non-polar contaminants like most organic compounds are transported primarily by electroosmosis, thus the process is effective only if the contaminants are soluble in pore fluid. Therefore, enhancement is needed to improve mobility of these hydrophobic compounds, which tend to adsorb strongly to the soil. On the other hand, as a novel and rapidly growing science, the applications of ultrasound in environmental technology hold a promising future. Compared to conventional methods, ultrasonication can bring several benefits such as environmental friendliness (no toxic chemical are used or produced), low cost, and compact instrumentation. It also can be applied onsite. Ultrasonic energy applied into contaminated soils can increase desorption and mobilization of contaminants and porosity and permeability of soil through developing of cavitation. The research investigated the coupling effect of the combination of these two techniques, electrokinetics and ultrasonication, in persistent organic pollutant removal from contaminated low permeability clayey soil (with kaolin as a model medium). The preliminary study checked feasibility of ultrasonic treatment of kaolin highly contaminated by persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The laboratory experiments were conducted in various conditions (moisture, frequency, power, duration time, initial concentration) to examine the effects of these parameters on the treatment process. Experimental results showed that ultrasonication has a potential to remove POPs, although the removal efficiencies were not high with short duration time. The study also suggested intermittent ultrasonication over longer time as an effective means to increase the removal efficiencies. Then, experiments were conducted to compare the performances among electrokinetic process alone and electrokinetic processes combined with surfactant addition and mainly with ultrasonication, in designed cylinders (with filtercloth separating central part and electrolyte parts) and in open pans. Combined electrokinetic and ultrasonic treatment did prove positive coupling effect compared to each single process alone, though the level of enhancement is not very significant. The assistance of ultrasound in electrokinetic remediation can help reduce POPs from clayey soil by improving the mobility of hydrophobic organic compounds and degrading these contaminants through pyrolysis and oxidation. Ultrasonication also sustains higher current and increases electroosmotic flow. Initial contaminant concentration is an essential input parameter that can affect the removal effectiveness.


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Intra and interspecific variability was measured in the genus Lycopersicon for the traits: productivity rate (PR, total number of regenerated shoots/total number of cultures), regeneration percentage (%R, number of cultures regenerating shoots or primordia/total number of cultures) and callus percentage (%C, number of cultures only producing callus/total number of cultures). Leaf explants from various genotypes of L. esculentum, L. esculentum var. cerasiforme, L. pimpinellifolium and L. peruvianum were placed on Murashige and Skoog (Physiol. Plant. 15: 473-493, 1962) medium + 0.175 mg/l IAA + 2.25 mg/l BA. Significant differences among species and among genotypes within the same species were found, while genotypes from different species showed similar responses.


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Plants were regenerated from leaf-derived callus culture of Stylosanthes scabra, a polyploid legume tolerant to drought and adapted to acid soils. A total of 168 regenerants were planted out in Leonard jars in a complete randomized design. Nitrogen fixation and vegetative growth were indirectly evaluated by shoot dry weight, root dry weight, shoot N content and acetylene reduction activity. The results showed higher variation in the regenerants than in controls not submitted to tissue culture. Significant differences were found for all nitrogen fixation related-traits


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In the design of electrical machines, efficiency improvements have become very important. However, there are at least two significant cases in which the compactness of electrical machines is critical and the tolerance of extremely high losses is valued: vehicle traction, where very high torque density is desired at least temporarily; and direct-drive wind turbine generators, whose mass should be acceptably low. As ever higher torque density and ever more compact electrical machines are developed for these purposes, thermal issues, i.e. avoidance of over-temperatures and damage in conditions of high heat losses, are becoming of utmost importance. The excessive temperatures of critical machine components, such as insulation and permanent magnets, easily cause failures of the whole electrical equipment. In electrical machines with excitation systems based on permanent magnets, special attention must be paid to the rotor temperature because of the temperature-sensitive properties of permanent magnets. The allowable temperature of NdFeB magnets is usually significantly less than 150 ˚C. The practical problem is that the part of the machine where the permanent magnets are located should stay cooler than the copper windings, which can easily tolerate temperatures of 155 ˚C or 180 ˚C. Therefore, new cooling solutions should be developed in order to cool permanent magnet electrical machines with high torque density and because of it with high concentrated losses in stators. In this doctoral dissertation, direct and indirect liquid cooling techniques for permanent magnet synchronous electrical machines (PMSM) with high torque density are presented and discussed. The aim of this research is to analyse thermal behaviours of the machines using the most applicable and accurate thermal analysis methods and to propose new, practical machine designs based on these analyses. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) thermal simulations of the heat transfer inside the machines and lumped parameter thermal network (LPTN) simulations both presented herein are used for the analyses. Detailed descriptions of the simulated thermal models are also presented. Most of the theoretical considerations and simulations have been verified via experimental measurements on a copper tooth-coil (motorette) and on various prototypes of electrical machines. The indirect liquid cooling systems of a 100 kW axial flux (AF) PMSM and a 110 kW radial flux (RF) PMSM are analysed here by means of simplified 3D CFD conjugate thermal models of the parts of both machines. In terms of results, a significant temperature drop of 40 ̊C in the stator winding and 28 ̊C in the rotor of the AF PMSM was achieved with the addition of highly thermally conductive materials into the machine: copper bars inserted in the teeth, and potting material around the end windings. In the RF PMSM, the potting material resulted in a temperature decrease of 6 ̊C in the stator winding, and in a decrease of 10 ̊C in the rotor embedded-permanentmagnets. Two types of unique direct liquid cooling systems for low power machines are analysed herein to demonstrate the effectiveness of the cooling systems in conditions of highly concentrated heat losses. LPTN analysis and CFD thermal analysis (the latter being particularly useful for unique design) were applied to simulate the temperature distribution within the machine models. Oil-immersion cooling provided good cooling capability for a 26.6 kW PMSM of a hybrid vehicle. A direct liquid cooling system for the copper winding with inner stainless steel tubes was designed for an 8 MW directdrive PM synchronous generator. The design principles of this cooling solution are described in detail in this thesis. The thermal analyses demonstrate that the stator winding and the rotor magnet temperatures are kept significantly below their critical temperatures with demineralized water flow. A comparison study of the coolant agents indicates that propylene glycol is more effective than ethylene glycol in arctic conditions.


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In this work, the feasibility of the floating-gate technology in analog computing platforms in a scaled down general-purpose CMOS technology is considered. When the technology is scaled down the performance of analog circuits tends to get worse because the process parameters are optimized for digital transistors and the scaling involves the reduction of supply voltages. Generally, the challenge in analog circuit design is that all salient design metrics such as power, area, bandwidth and accuracy are interrelated. Furthermore, poor flexibility, i.e. lack of reconfigurability, the reuse of IP etc., can be considered the most severe weakness of analog hardware. On this account, digital calibration schemes are often required for improved performance or yield enhancement, whereas high flexibility/reconfigurability can not be easily achieved. Here, it is discussed whether it is possible to work around these obstacles by using floating-gate transistors (FGTs), and analyze problems associated with the practical implementation. FGT technology is attractive because it is electrically programmable and also features a charge-based built-in non-volatile memory. Apart from being ideal for canceling the circuit non-idealities due to process variations, the FGTs can also be used as computational or adaptive elements in analog circuits. The nominal gate oxide thickness in the deep sub-micron (DSM) processes is too thin to support robust charge retention and consequently the FGT becomes leaky. In principle, non-leaky FGTs can be implemented in a scaled down process without any special masks by using “double”-oxide transistors intended for providing devices that operate with higher supply voltages than general purpose devices. However, in practice the technology scaling poses several challenges which are addressed in this thesis. To provide a sufficiently wide-ranging survey, six prototype chips with varying complexity were implemented in four different DSM process nodes and investigated from this perspective. The focus is on non-leaky FGTs, but the presented autozeroing floating-gate amplifier (AFGA) demonstrates that leaky FGTs may also find a use. The simplest test structures contain only a few transistors, whereas the most complex experimental chip is an implementation of a spiking neural network (SNN) which comprises thousands of active and passive devices. More precisely, it is a fully connected (256 FGT synapses) two-layer spiking neural network (SNN), where the adaptive properties of FGT are taken advantage of. A compact realization of Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) within the SNN is one of the key contributions of this thesis. Finally, the considerations in this thesis extend beyond CMOS to emerging nanodevices. To this end, one promising emerging nanoscale circuit element - memristor - is reviewed and its applicability for analog processing is considered. Furthermore, it is discussed how the FGT technology can be used to prototype computation paradigms compatible with these emerging two-terminal nanoscale devices in a mature and widely available CMOS technology.


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Gasification of biomass is an efficient method process to produce liquid fuels, heat and electricity. It is interesting especially for the Nordic countries, where raw material for the processes is readily available. The thermal reactions of light hydrocarbons are a major challenge for industrial applications. At elevated temperatures, light hydrocarbons react spontaneously to form higher molecular weight compounds. In this thesis, this phenomenon was studied by literature survey, experimental work and modeling effort. The literature survey revealed that the change in tar composition is likely caused by the kinetic entropy. The role of the surface material is deemed to be an important factor in the reactivity of the system. The experimental results were in accordance with previous publications on the subject. The novelty of the experimental work lies in the used time interval for measurements combined with an industrially relevant temperature interval. The aspects which are covered in the modeling include screening of possible numerical approaches, testing of optimization methods and kinetic modelling. No significant numerical issues were observed, so the used calculation routines are adequate for the task. Evolutionary algorithms gave a better performance combined with better fit than the conventional iterative methods such as Simplex and Levenberg-Marquardt methods. Three models were fitted on experimental data. The LLNL model was used as a reference model to which two other models were compared. A compact model which included all the observed species was developed. The parameter estimation performed on that model gave slightly impaired fit to experimental data than LLNL model, but the difference was barely significant. The third tested model concentrated on the decomposition of hydrocarbons and included a theoretical description of the formation of carbon layer on the reactor walls. The fit to experimental data was extremely good. Based on the simulation results and literature findings, it is likely that the surface coverage of carbonaceous deposits is a major factor in thermal reactions.


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Koalesenssi on ilmiö, jossa dispergoidun faasin pisarat pyrkivät muodostamaan suurempia pisaroita kunnes erotettava faasi muodostuu. Koalesenssi tapahtuu kolmessa päävaiheessa, jotka ovat lähestyminen, kiinnittyminen ja irrotus. Lähestymiseen vaikuttavat mekanismit ovat muuan muassa sieppaus, diffuusio, törmäysvaikutus, sedimentaatio, sähköiset repul-siovoimat ja van der Waalsin voimat. Kiinnittymisvaiheessa dispergoidun faasin pisarat syrjäyttävät väliaineen nestekalvon samalla kostuttaen väliaineen pinnan. Irrotusvaiheessa pisaran hydrodynaaminen voima voittaa pisaran ja väliaineen välisen adheesiovoiman. Koalesenssin tehokkuuteen vaikuttavat useat eri parametrit kuten virtausnopeus, pedin ominaisuudet, väliaineen ominaisuudet sekä emulsion ominaisuudet. Nämä kaikki asiat tulee ottaa huomioon koalesenssisuodatuksen suunnittelussa. Koalesenssisuodatus lukeutuu syväsuodatusmenetelmiin, jotka on ollut käytössä jo yli 100 vuotta. Koalesenssisuodatusmenetelmä on tehokas menetelmä pienten pisaroiden erottami-seen. Menetelmää käytetään esimerkiksi öljyisten jätevesien puhdistuksessa. Teollisen öljyn syväsuodatuksen etuihin kuuluu muun muassa sen kompakti koko, alhaisemmat käyt-tökustannukset, korkea erotusaste, kyky erotella pienetkin pisarat sekä helppo operointi, automatisointi ja huolto. Suurin haittapuoli on kuitenkin väliaineen tukkeutuminen, joten prosessi vaatii puhdistuksen tai väliaineen uusimisen. Tämän kandidaatintyön tarkoituksena oli koota kirjallisuustyö öljyn koalesenssisuodatuk-sesta. Työssä kartoitettiin koalesenssisuodatuksen lähtökohdat, teoria, tärkeimmät teolli-suuden sovellukset sekä väliaineet.


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It is well known that the interaction of polyelectrolytes with oppositely charged surfactants leads to an associative phase separation; however, the phase behavior of DNA and oppositely charged surfactants is more strongly associative than observed in other systems. A precipitate is formed with very low amounts of surfactant and DNA. DNA compaction is a general phenomenon in the presence of multivalent ions and positively charged surfaces; because of the high charge density there are strong attractive ion correlation effects. Techniques like phase diagram determinations, fluorescence microscopy, and ellipsometry were used to study these systems. The interaction between DNA and catanionic mixtures (i.e., mixtures of cationic and anionic surfactants) was also investigated. We observed that DNA compacts and adsorbs onto the surface of positively charged vesicles, and that the addition of an anionic surfactant can release DNA back into solution from a compact globular complex between DNA and the cationic surfactant. Finally, DNA interactions with polycations, chitosans with different chain lengths, were studied by fluorescence microscopy, in vivo transfection assays and cryogenic transmission electron microscopy. The general conclusion is that a chitosan effective in promoting compaction is also efficient in transfection.


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The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) will have a Long Shutdown sometime during 2017 or 2018. During this time there will be maintenance and a possibility to install new detectors. After the shutdown the LHC will have a higher luminosity. A promising new type of detector for this high luminosity phase is a Triple-GEM detector. During the shutdown these detectors will be installed at the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. The Triple-GEM detectors are now being developed at CERN and alongside also a readout ASIC chip for the detector. In this thesis a simulation model was developed for the ASICs analog front end. The model will help to carry out more extensive simulations and also simulate the whole chip before the whole design is finished. The proper functioning of the model was tested with simulations, which are also presented in the thesis.