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The flyer promotes the event"The Public Health of Cubans and Cuban Americans: A Symposium" cosponsored by the FlU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, the Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work, the Latin American and Caribbean Center, and the Center for Research on U.S. Latino HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse (CRUSADA) and part of the CRI/LACC Cuba and the Professions Lecture Series.
This flyer promotes the event "The Public Health of Cubans and Cuban Americans: A Symposium" cosponsored by the FlU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, the Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work, the Latin American and Caribbean Center, and the Center for Research on U.S. Latino HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse (CRUSADA). Part of the CRI/LACC Cuba and the Professions Lecture Series
Florida International University College of Law Commencement Ceremony held on May 24, 2013 at the U.S. Century Bank Arena at Modesto Maidique Campus.
Florida International University College of Law Commencement Ceremony held at the U.S. Century Bank Arena at Modesto Maidique Campus.
Florida International University College of Law Commencement Ceremony held at the U.S. Century Bank Arena at Modesto Maidique Campus. Among the speakers was US Senator Marco Rubio.
Montage of photos of FIU Law Students on display before the start of the College of Law Commencement Ceremony, May 2011. Event held at US Century Bank Arena
This study examined immigrant minority students' perceptions of race relations and of the chances for social mobility in the United States (U.S.) using cohort samples of West Indian (N=173) and Haitian (N=191) students. The Students' responses collected during the 6th and 7th, 8th and 9th grades were analyzed to determine whether perceptions of racial mistrust, teacher derogation and social mobility varied depending on the student's length of stay in the U.S. or self-concept. Quantitative methodology was applied to data extrapolated from a larger epidemiological longitudinal study consisting of 7, 386 middle school students in Miami (Vega and Gil, 1998). Results show that West Indian and Haitian students' perceptions of racial mistrust, teacher derogation and social mobility were associated more with student's self-concept than length of stay. Students with more favorable self-concepts reported greater optimism toward social mobility than those with less favorable self-concepts. Results also indicate that in the context of parental education and SES that racial mistrust is the strongest predictor of these students' level of optimism towards social mobility.
This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (Grant Nos. R01DK093587 and R01DK101379 [to YX], R01DK092605 to [QT], R01DK078056 [to MM]), the Klarman Family Foundation (to YX), the Naman Family Fund for Basic Research (to YX), Curtis Hankamer Basic Research Fund (to YX), American Diabetes Association (Grant Nos. 7-13-JF-61 [to QW] and 1-15-BS-184 [to QT]), American Heart Association postdoctoral fellowship (to PX), Wellcome Trust (Grant No. WT098012 [to LKH]), and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (Grant No. BB/K001418/1 [to LKH]). The anxiety tests (e.g., open-field test, light-dark test, elevated plus maze test) were performed in the Mouse Neurobehavior Core, Baylor College of Medicine, which was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant No. P30HD024064. PX and YH were involved in experimental design and most of the procedures, data acquisition and analyses, and writing the manuscript. XC assisted in the electrophysiological recordings; LV-T assisted in the histology study; XY, KS, CW, YY, AH, LZ, and GS assisted in surgical procedures and production of study mice. MGM, QW, QT, and LKH were involved in study design and writing the manuscript. YX is the guarantor of this work and, as such, had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. The authors report no biomedical financial interests or potential conflicts of interest.
This paper discusses the importance of space in today’s space driven world, the current space activities of Turkey, its space organizations with legislation background information and calls for the necessity for the establishment of the Turkish Space Agency (TSA). Firstly, the importance of space is given which is followed by a brief background and current space activities in Turkey. Then, the answers to why Turkey needs a National Space Agency are outlined by stating its expected role and duties. Additionally, the framework for space policy for Turkey is proposed and the findings are compared with other developing regional space actors. Lastly, it is proposed and demonstrated that Turkey is on the right track with its space policy and it is suggested that the establishment of the TSA is critical both for a coherent space policy and progress as well as the successful development of its national space industry, security and international space relations.