913 resultados para Clearance


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OBJETIVOS: Estudamos os efeitos de alta dose de fentanil (F) em atributos de função renal (FR) do cão. DESENHO: Anestesiamos com pentobarbital sódico (PS) 16 cães divididos aleatoriamente em 2 grupos: manutenção com PS (Gi) e PS com F (0,05 mg.kg-1) (G2). INTERVENÇÃO: os cães foram ventilados artificialmente e tiveram cateterizadas as veias femorais esquerda e direita e a artéria femoral esquerda para infusão de drogas e coleta de dados hemodinâmicos e de sangue para dosagens laboratoriais. Coletou-se urina durante todo experimento. MENSURAÇÃO: Determinaram-se os valores de atributos de FR.. RESULTADOS: PS não mudou a FR e o comportamento de G1 deveu-se à expansão do volume extracelular. O F diminuiu significativamente freqüência cardíaca, pressão arterial média, clearance de creatinina, volume urinário, clearance osmolar e excreção fracionária de sódio e potássio. CONCLUSÕES: A diminuição da FR foi provavelmente devida às alterações hemodinâmicas induzidas pelo F, não se descartando possível ação da aldosterona.


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Na fase de tolerância à glicose diminuída (TGD) já estão presentes vários distúrbios metabólicos característicos do diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e fatores de risco que predispõem à vasculopatia. Nosso objetivo foi o de verificar se indivíduos de nossa população, com TGD e normotensos, apresentam elevação da excreção urinária de albumina (EUA) e da depuração de creatinina (D Cr). Teste oral de tolerância à glicose padrão com dosagem de insulina foi realizado, classificando os participantes em dois grupos: com TGD e com tolerância à glicose normal (TGN). Urina do período noturno foi utilizada para a determinação da EUA (imunoturbidimetria) e da D Cr. Os dois grupos não diferiram quanto à EUA e à D Cr. A freqüência de microalbuminúria foi de 21,1 e 3,3%, respectivamente, para os grupos com TGD e TGN (NS). Concluímos que, nesta amostra da população brasileira, indivíduos com TGD, normotensos e com resistência à insulina não apresentaram microalbuminúria e hiperfiltração glomerular.


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INTRODUCTION: Metabolic investigation in patients with urinary lithiasis is very important for preventing recurrence of disease. The objective of this work was to diagnose and to determine the prevalence of metabolic disorders, to assess the quality of the water consumed and volume of diuresis as potential risk factors for this pathology. PATIENTS and METHODS: We studied 182 patients older than 12 years. We included patients with history and/or imaging tests confirming at least 2 stones, with creatinine clearance > 60 mL/min and negative urine culture. The protocol consisted in the collection of 2, 24-hour urine samples, for dosing Ca, P, uric acid, Na, K, Mg, Ox and Ci, glycemia and serum levels of Ca, P, Uric acid, Na, K, Cl, Mg, U and Cr, urinary pH and urinary acidification test. RESULTS: 158 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Among these, 151 (95.5%) presented metabolic changes, with 94 (62.2%) presenting isolated metabolic change and 57 (37.8%) had mixed changes. The main disorders detected were hypercalciuria (74%), hypocitraturia (37.3%), hyperoxaluria (24.1%), hypomagnesuria (21%), hyperuricosuria (20.2%), primary hyperparathyroidism (1.8%) secondary hyperparathyroidism (0.6%) and renal tubular acidosis (0.6). CONCLUSION: Metabolic change was diagnosed in 95.5% of patients. These results warrant the metabolic study and follow-up in patients with recurrent lithiasis in order to decrease the recurrence rate through specific treatments, modification in alimentary and behavioral habits.


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Tuberculosis is still increasing and was declared a worldwide sanitary emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1995. Its control is difficult due to long treatment duration and lack of markers of treatment success or failure. Cytokines such as IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, a central factor in immune response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, are responsible for the interaction between T lymphocytes and the infected macrophage and are also produced during this interaction. As proinflammatory cytokines have a close relationship with mycobacteria clearance, in fact even preceding it, they could be used as markers for inflammatory activity and response to treatment. Proinflammatory cytokines act in the liver and stimulate a strong local and systemic acute-phase response as a result of homeostatic and physiological responses also induced by them. Acute-phase proteins produced by cytokine activity are useful diagnostic markers that could also be used to monitor treatment response as they can be serially quantified. The objective of this study was to evaluate IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-10 and TGF-beta production in supernatant of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) and monocyte (MO) cultures, as well as serum acute-phase response through total protein, albumin, globulin, C-reactive protein (CRP), alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) as regression markers of inflammatory response during pulmonary tuberculosis treatment. Twenty blood donors (G1) from the Blood Bank at Botucatu School of Medicine's University Hospital (BSM-UH) were evaluated once and 28 pulmonary tuberculosis patients (G2): 13 from BSM-UH and 15 from the Bauru State Health Secretariat. Patients were evaluated at three moments of treatment: before (M1), at three months (M2), and at the end (M3). Cytokines were determined in 20ml of peripheral blood (ELISA), with or without activation: lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for MO culture and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) for PBMC culture. Acute-phase protein behavior in G2 throughout treatment was: Globulins: M1> M2, M1> M3 (rho < 0.001); CRP: M1> M2> M3 (.< 0.001); AGP for men: M1> M2, M1> M3 (rho < 0.001); ESR for men: M1> M2, M1> M3 (rho < 0.0016) and for women: M1> M2 (.< 0.025). Comparison between cytokine levels found in supernatant of MO and PBMC cultures, with and without stimulus, in G1 and G2 during treatment showed: TNF-alpha (with/ without LPS) at M1: G2> G1; at M2: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001); (without LPS) at M3: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001), (with LPS) at M3: G2> G1 (rho < 0.028); IFN-. (with and without PHA) at M1: G2> G1; at M2: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001); IL-10 (with and without LPS) at M1: G2> G1; at M2: G2> G1; at M3: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001); TGF-beta (with and without LPS) at M1: G2> G1; at M2: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001), (without LPS) at M3: G2> G1 (rho < 0.001). In G2, all cytokines in supernatant of MO and PBMC cultures, with and without stimulus, showed: M1> M2> M3 (rho < 0.01). Levels of globulins, CRP, AGP, and ESR in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis before treatment (M1) were significantly higher than reference values, suggesting their use as diagnostic markers and indicators of treatment. The CRP decreasing values along treatment could be taken as a marker of the regression of inflammatory process and of response to treatment in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.Regarding cytokines, there was significant increase in TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-10, and TGF-alpha levels before and at three months treatment, with and without stimulus; in TNF-a and IL-10 lvels, with and without stimulus, as well as in TGF-alpha levels without stimulus at six months. Patients had higher levels of all studied cytokines than controls before treatment, and these values decreased along treatment. In this study, pulmonary tuberculosis patients showed a Th0 cytokine profile before treatment, with the production of both Th1 (IFN-gamma) and Th2 (IL-10) cytokines, in addition to TNF-alpha inflammatory and TGF-alpha regulatory and fibrosis-inducer cytokines. At the end of treatment, all had evolved to Th2 profile, probably in an attempt to reduce the harmful effects of the proinflammatory activity of the Th1 cytokine profile and of the still above-normal levels of TNF-alpha. The high levels of TGF-alpha, also found in these patients, are related to its important role in the extracellular matrix deposition and fibrosis induction that characterize tuberculosis healing process. IFN-gamma was the only cytokine reaching normal levels at the end of treatment, which suggests its use as a marker of response to treatment.


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This report describes a case of a 49-year-old man with cough, recurrent hemoptysis, and dyspnea during 18 months, presenting with radiological findings of alveolar infiltrate and cystic lesions in left upper lobe. Laboratory studies revealed normocytic hypochromic anemia and normal coagulation tests. C-reactive protein and mucoproteins were negative. Serum protein electrophoresis and complement, urinalysis, serum creatinine, creatinine clearance, and 24-hour urine protein were normal. Tests for antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies and anti-glomerular-basement membrane antibodies were negative. Tests for connective tissue diseases were all negative. Histological findings were consistent with those of idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis. Radiological findings are discussed.


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Objetivo: descrever caso clínico de um lactente com insuficiência renal crônica terminal, causada por hiperoxalúria primária.Método: após revisão da literatura, verifica-se a raridade da doença; na França, a prevalência é de 1,05/milhão, com taxa de incidência de 0,12/milhão/ano. Pesquisa abordando centros especializados mundiais detectou, em 1999, 78 casos em lactentes; destes, em 14% o quadro inicial foi de uremia. A gravidade e a raridade da doença sugerem o relato deste caso.Resultados: criança de sexo feminino, com quadro de vômitos e baixo ganho de peso desde os primeiros meses de vida, desenvolveu insuficiência renal terminal aos 6 meses de idade, sendo mantida em tratamento dialítico desde então. Aos 8 meses, foi encaminhada para esclarecimento diagnóstico, apresentando déficit pôndero-estatural grave e os seguintes exames laboratoriais: uréia= 69 mg/dl, creatinina=2,2 mg/dl e clearance de creatinina= 12,5 ml/min/1.73m²SC. O exame de urina foi normal, a ultra-sonografia renal revelou tamanho normal e hiperecogenicidade de ambos os rins. A dosagem de oxalato urinário foi de 9,2mg/kg/dia ou 0,55 mmol/1.73m²SC, e a relação oxalato:creatinina, de 0,42. A biópsia renal diagnosticou presença de grande quantidade de depósitos de cristais de oxalato de cálcio no parênquima renal. A radiografia de ossos longos evidenciou sinais sugestivos de osteopatia oxalótica, e a fundoscopia indireta, sinais de retinopatia por oxalato. A criança foi mantida em diálise peritoneal ambulatorial contínua, tendo sido iniciado tratamento com piridoxina.Conclusões: a hiperoxalúria primária deve ser considerada como um dos diagnósticos diferenciais de insuficiência renal crônica em lactentes, especialmente na ausência de história sugestiva de outras patologias.


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Purpose: The aim of the study was to compare the effects of renal ice slush hypothermia and the use of trimetazidine in the protection against ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury.Materials and Methods: Fifteen farm pigs were submitted to left kidney ischemia and right nephrectomy during the same procedure. Animals were divided into three groups. Group 1 was submitted to warm ischemia; Group 2 was submitted to cold ischemia with ice slush; and Group 3 received trimetazidine 20 mg one day and 4 hours before surgery. Ischemia time was 120 minutes in all three groups. Serum creatinine (SCr) and plasma iohexol clearance (CLioh) were measured before surgery and on postoperative days (PODs) 1,3,7, and 14. Semi-quantitative analyses of histological alterations were performed by a pathologist. A p value of < 0.05 was considered significant.Results: All groups showed elevation of serum creatinine in the first week. Serum creatinine was higher in Group 3 in the first and third postoperative days (Mean Cr: 5.5 and 8.1 respectively). Group 2 showed a lower increase in creatinine and a lower decrease in iohexol clearance than the others. Renal function stabilized in the fourteenth POD in all three groups. Analyses of histological alterations did not reach statistical significance between groups.Conclusion: Trimetazidine did not show protection against renal I/R injury in comparison to warm ischemia or hypothermia in a porcine model submitted to 120 minutes of renal ischemia.


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Background: Elevated sodium excretion in urine resulting from excessive sodium intake can lead to hypercalciuria and contribute to the formation of urinary stones. The aim of this study was to evaluate salt intake in patients with urinary lithiasis and idiopathic hypercalciuria (IH).Methods: Between August 2007 and June 2008, 105 lithiasic patients were distributed into 2 groups: Group 1 (n = 55): patients with IH (urinary calcium excretion > 250 mg in women and 300 mg in men with normal serum calcium); Group 2 (n = 50): normocalciuric patients (NC). Inclusion criteria were: age over 18 years, normal renal function (creatinine clearance >= 60 ml/min), absent proteinuria and negative urinary culture. Pregnant women, patients with intestinal pathologies, chronic diarrhea or using corticoids were excluded. The protocol of metabolic investigation was based on non-consecutive collection of two 24-hour samples for dosages of: calcium, sodium, uric acid, citrate, oxalate, magnesium and urinary volume. Food intake was evaluated by the three-day dietary record quantitative method, and the Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated and classified according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Sodium intake was evaluated based on 24-hour urinary sodium excretion.Results: The distribution in both groups as regards mean age (42.11 +/- 10.61 vs. 46.14 +/- 11.52), weight (77.14 +/- 16.03 vs. 75.99 +/- 15.80), height (1.64 +/- 0.10 vs. 1.64 +/- plusorminus 0.08) and BMI (28.78 +/- 5.81 vs. 28.07 +/- 5.27) was homogeneous. Urinary excretion of calcium (433.33 +/- 141.92 vs. 188.93 +/- 53.09), sodium (280.08 +/- 100.94 vs. 200.44.93 +/- 65.81), uric acid (880.63 +/- 281.50 vs. 646.74 +/- 182.76) and magnesium (88.78 +/- 37.53 vs. 64.34 +/- 31.84) was significantly higher in the IH group (p < 0.05). There was no statistical difference in calcium intake between the groups, and there was significantly higher salt intake in patients with IH than in NC.Conclusions: This study showed that salt intake was higher in patients with IH as compared to NC.


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PUSPOSE: To evaluate food intake of patients with urinary lithiasis and idiopathic hypercalciuria (IH). MATERIALS and METHODS: Between August 2007 and June 2008, 105 patients with lithiasis were distributed into 2 groups: Group 1 (n = 55) - patients with IH (urinary calcium excretion > 250 mg in women and 300 mg in men with normal serum calcium); Group 2 (n = 50) - normocalciuria (NC) patients . Inclusion criteria were: age over 18, normal renal function (creatinine clearance = 60 mL/min), absent proteinuria and negative urinary culture. Pregnant women, patients with some intestinal pathology, chronic diarrhea or using corticoids were excluded. The protocol of metabolic investigation was based on non-consecutive collection of two 24-hour samples for dosages of: calcium, sodium, uric acid, citrate, oxalate, magnesium and urinary volume. Food intake was evaluated through the quantitative method of Dietary Register of three days. RESULTS: Urinary excretion of calcium (433.33 ± 141.92 vs. 188.93 ± 53.09), sodium (280.08 ± 100.94 vs. 200.44.93 ± 65.81), uric acid (880.63 ± 281.50 vs. 646.74 ± 182.76) and magnesium (88.78 ± 37.53 vs. 64.34 ± 31.84) was significantly higher in the IH group in comparison to the NC group (p < 0.05). As regards the nutritional composition of food intake of IH and NC groups, there was no statistical significant difference in any nutrient evaluated. CONCLUSION: In our study, no difference was observed in the food intake of patients with urinary lithiasis and IH or NC.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Ultrastructural and cytochemical characteristics of mononuclear phagocyte cells in turtles are not well described in the literature, especially in Phrynops hilarii. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate these characteristics in the mononuclear phagocyte cells and their phagocytic activity in vitro using the turtle P. hilarii as an experimental animal model. The six turtles used in the study were observed in two seasons, spring and summer. Results showed that mononuclear phagocytes incubated only in diluted solution or with colloidal charcoal have cytoplasm phagolysosomes. The cells incubated with colloidal charcoal and further exposed to the cytochemical reaction for acid P-glycerophosphatase, showed cytoplasm phagolysosomes filled by charcoal particles being digested and some positively stained lysosomes. Acid P-glycerophosphatase positive reaction was present in lysosomes and inside the phagolysosomes, while acid cytidine 5-monophosphatase staining occurred in lysosome surroundings. A positive reaction for trimetaphosphatase was also found inside phagolysosomes. In conclusion, the presence of lysosomal enzymes like trimetaphosphatase and cytidine-5'-sodium monophosphate, in the circulating blood of P. hilarii indicate that mononuclear phagocytes participate in the phagocytic process by gathering many phagocytic cells and forming multinucleated giant cells, which probably have a role in the blood clearance process. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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CONTEXTO: Os efeitos da levodopa na marcha de pacientes com Doença de Parkinson (DP) em terrenos desobstruídos são conhecidos, mas pouco se conhece sobre seus efeitos na marcha com obstáculos. OBJETIVO: Este estudo objetivou descrever, por meio de ferramenta cinemática, o comportamento locomotor de pacientes com DP e verificar as estratégias locomotoras, sem e sob o efeito da levodopa, durante a ultrapassagem de obstáculos de diferentes alturas. MÉTODO: Cinco pacientes com DP (Hoehn e Yahr= 2±0; idade= 68,4±5,7 anos) percorreram, andando, 10m e ultrapassaram um de dois obstáculos (alto= metade da altura do joelho e baixo= altura do tornozelo) posicionado no meio da passarela em duas sessões (em jejum e no pico de ação do medicamento). As seguintes variáveis foram coletadas e analisadas: distância horizontal pé-obstáculo (DHPO), distância vertical pé-obstáculo (DVPO); distância horizontal obstáculo-pé (DHOP) e velocidades médias, horizontais e verticais, nas fases de abordagem e aterrissagem (respectivamente, VHAO,VVAO; VHDO,VVDO). RESULTADOS: A ANOVA, por tentativa, revelou efeito principal de obstáculo para DVPO (F1,49=15,33; p< 0,001), para VVAO (F1,49= 82,184; p< 0,001), para VHDO (F1,49= 15,33; p< 0,001) e para VVDO (F1,49= 31,30; p< 0,001); e efeito principal de medicamento para DVPO (F1,49= 6,66; p< 0,013) e para VVAO (F1,49= 10,174; p< 0,002). CONCLUSÕES: Pacientes foram mais perturbados pelo obstáculo alto. Os sintomas da DP (bradicinesia e hipocinesia) foram diminuídos com o medicamento, evidenciando aumento geral da velocidade da perna de abordagem e da margem de segurança sobre os obstáculos. Pacientes com DP, independente da condição de medicamento, apresentaram um comportamento que garantiu segurança e estabilidade na marcha.