917 resultados para Class II division 1


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A ausência de dentes posteriores inferiores representa dificuldades no planejamento e controle de próteses parciais removíveis, pois o suporte é proporcionado por dentes e mucosa, que apresentam características anatômicas diferentes. O planejamento de próteses parciais removíveis apoiadas sobre implantes na região distal torna a prótese dento-implanto-suportada e não dento-muco-suportada sendo, uma opção aos casos de extremidade livre. Por meio deste relato de caso, um paciente portador de arco classe II de Kennedy foi reabilitado com prótese parcial removível apoiada sobre implante na região distal. A colocação do implante resultou em uma oclusão mais estável, o que melhorou a funcionalidade da prótese e proporcionou maior conforto ao paciente. Observou-se que esta resolução pode ser uma alternativa viável de tratamento, pois apresenta custo reduzido em relação à prótese fixa sobre implantes, entretanto, requer um acompanhamento em longo prazo com uma série de casos para tornar-se um método rotineiro de tratamento.


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Planktic foraminifers Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sin.) from 87 eastern and central Arctic Ocean surface sediment samples were analyzed for stable oxygen and carbon isotope composition. Additional results from 52 stations were taken from the literature. The lateral distribution of delta18O (18O/16O) values in the Arctic Ocean reveals a pattern of roughly parallel, W-E stretching zones in the Eurasian Basin, each ~0.5 per mil wide on the delta18O scale. The low horizontal and vertical temperature variability in the Arctic halocline waters (0-100 m) suggests only little influence of temperature on the oxygen isotope distribution of N. pachyderma (sin.). The zone of maximum delta18O values of up to 3.8 per mil is situated in the southern Nansen Basin and relates to the tongue of saline (> 33%.) Atlantic waters entering the Arctic Ocean through the Fram Strait. delta18O values decrease both to the Barents Shelf and to the North Pole, in accordance with the decreasing salinities of the halocline waters. In the Nansen Basin, a strong N-S delta18O gradient is in contrast with a relatively low salinity change and suggests contributions from different freshwater sources, i.e. salinity reduction from sea ice meltwater in the south and from light isotope waters (meteoric precipitation and river-runoff) in the northern part of the basin. North of the Gakkel Ridge, delta18O and salinity gradients are in good accordance and suggest less influence of sea ice melting processes. The delta13C (13C/12C) values of N. pachyderma (sin.) from Arctic Ocean surface sediment samples are generally high (0.75-0.95 per mil). Lower values in the southern Eurasian Basin appear to be related to the intrusion of Atlantic waters. The high delta13C values are evidence for well ventilated surface waters. Because the perennial Arctic sea ice cover largely prevents atmosphere-ocean gas exchange, ventilation on the seasonally open shelves must be of major importance. Lack of delta13C gradients along the main routes of the ice drift from the Siberian shelves to the Fram Strait suggests that primary production (i.e. CO2 consumption) does probably not change the CO2 budget of the Arctic Ocean significantly.


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In this study we present a global distribution pattern and budget of the minimum flux of particulate organic carbon to the sea floor (J POC alpha). The estimations are based on regionally specific correlations between the diffusive oxygen flux across the sediment-water interface, the total organic carbon content in surface sediments, and the oxygen concentration in bottom waters. For this, we modified the principal equation of Cai and Reimers [1995] as a basic monod reaction rate, applied within 11 regions where in situ measurements of diffusive oxygen uptake exist. By application of the resulting transfer functions to other regions with similar sedimentary conditions and areal interpolation, we calculated a minimum global budget of particulate organic carbon that actually reaches the sea floor of ~0.5 GtC yr**-1 (>1000 m water depth (wd)), whereas approximately 0.002-0.12 GtC yr**-1 is buried in the sediments (0.01-0.4% of surface primary production). Despite the fact that our global budget is in good agreement with previous studies, we found conspicuous differences among the distribution patterns of primary production, calculations based on particle trap collections of the POC flux, and J POC alpha of this study. These deviations, especially located at the southeastern and southwestern Atlantic Ocean, the Greenland and Norwegian Sea and the entire equatorial Pacific Ocean, strongly indicate a considerable influence of lateral particle transport on the vertical link between surface waters and underlying sediments. This observation is supported by sediment trap data. Furthermore, local differences in the availability and quality of the organic matter as well as different transport mechanisms through the water column are discussed.


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This report is Volume 3 of Descriptions of WHOI rock dredge samples. This series represents a major effort to catalog the rock dredge samples in the WHOI Sea Floor samples collection, and to disseminate this information throughout the scientific community. Volume 3 contains sample descriptions and station data for the dredge stations from five cruises during the period September 1978 through December 1980. The material in this and subsequent volumes of rock descriptions was largely prepared onboard ship by the participating scientists. Volume 3 was printed prior to volumes 1 and 2 because of the excellent documentation of the samples represented in this volume.


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The Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) comprises the most polymorphic loci in animals. MHC plays an important role during the first steps of the immune response in vertebrates. In humans, MHC molecules (also named human leukocyte antigens, HLA) were initially regarded as class I or class II molecules. Each of them, presents to different T cells subsets. MHC class I molecules, are heterodimers in which the heavy chain (alpha) has three extracellular domains, two of which (alpha 1 and alpha 2) are polymorphic and conform the antigen recognition sites (ARS). The ARS is thought to be subjected to balancing selection for variability, which is the cause of the very high polymorphism of the MHC molecules. Different pathogenic epitopes would be the evolutionary force causing balancing selection. MHC class I genes have been completely sequenced (α1 and α2 protein domains) and thoroughly studied in Gallus gallus (chicken) as well as in mammals. In fact, the MHC locus was first defined in chicken, specifically in the highly consanguineous variety „Leghorn‟. It has been found that, in the case of chickens the MHC genetic region is considerably smaller than it is in mammals (remarkably shorter introns were found in chickens), and is organized quite differently. The noteworthy presence of short introns in chickens; supported the hypothesis that chicken‟s MHC represented a „minimal essential MHC‟. Until now, it has been assumed that chicken (order Galliformes) MHC was similar to all species included in the whole class Aves...


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L’insuffisance cardiaque (IC) est associée à un taux de mortalité et d’hospitalisations élevé causant un fardeau économique important. Les deux causes majeures de décès de l’IC sont les arythmies ventriculaires létales et les sidérations myocardiques. Il est maintenant reconnu que l’angiotensine II (ANGII) est l'un des principaux médiateurs de l’IC. Ses effets délétères découlent de l’activation du récepteur de type 1 de l’ANGII (AT1) et entraînent le développement d’hypertrophie. Toutefois, son rôle dans la genèse d’arythmies demeure incompris. De ce fait, l'étude des mécanismes électriques et contractiles sous-jacents aux effets pathologiques de l’ANGII s’avère essentielle afin de mieux comprendre et soigner cette pathologie. Il est souvent perçu que les femmes sont protégées envers les maladies cardiovasculaires. Cependant, le nombre total de femmes décédant d’IC est plus grand que le nombre d’hommes. Également, l’impact des facteurs de risque diffère entre chaque sexe. Ces différences existent, mais les mécanismes sous-jacents sont encore peu connus. De plus, les femmes reçoivent fréquemment un diagnostic ou un traitement inapproprié en raison d’un manque d’information sur les différences entre les sexes dans la manifestation d’une pathologie. Ce manque de données peut découler du fait que les sujets de sexe féminin sont souvent sous-représentés dans les essais cliniques ou la recherche fondamentale ce qui a grandement limité l’avancement de nos connaissances sur ~50 % de la population. Ainsi, il semble plus que nécessaire d’approfondir notre compréhension des différences entre les sexes, notamment dans la progression de l’IC. L’utilisation d’un modèle de souris transgénique surexprimant le récepteur AT1 (souris AT1R) a permis d’étudier les changements électriques, structurels et contractiles avant et après le développement d’hypertrophie. Premièrement, chez les souris AT1R mâles, un ralentissement de la conduction ventriculaire a été observé indépendamment de l’hypertrophie. Ce résultat était expliqué par une réduction de la densité du courant Na+, mais pas de l’expression du canal. Ensuite, le rôle des protéines kinases C (PKC) dans la régulation du canal Na+ par l’ANGII a été exploré. Les évidences ont suggéré que la PKCα était responsable de la modulation de la diminution du courant Na+ chez les souris AT1R mâles et dans les cardiomyocytes humains dérivés de cellules souches induites pluripotentes (hiPSC-CM) en réponse à un traitement chronique à l’ANGII. Ensuite, les différences entre les sexes ont été comparées chez la souris AT1R. Une plus grande mortalité a été constatée chez les femelles AT1R suggérant qu’elles sont plus sensibles à la surexpression de AT1R. Le remodelage électrique ventriculaire a donc été comparé entre les souris AT1R des deux sexes. Les courants ioniques étaient altérés de façon similaire entre les sexes excluant ainsi leur implication dans la mortalité plus élevée chez les femelles. Ensuite, l’homéostasie calcique et la fonction cardiaque ont été étudiées. Il a été démontré que les femelles développaient une hypertrophie et une dilatation ventriculaire plus sévère que les mâles. De plus, les femelles AT1R avaient de petits transitoires calciques, une extrusion du Ca2+ plus lente ainsi qu’une augmentation de la fréquence des étincelles Ca2+ pouvant participer à des troubles contractiles et à la venue de post-dépolarisations précoces. En conclusion, l’ANGII est impliquée dans le remodelage électrique, structurel et calcique associé à l'émergence de l’IC. De surcroît, ces altérations affectent plus sévèrement les femelles soulignant la présence de différences entre les sexes dans le développement de l’IC.


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A questão formulada à qual procuro responder é “Qual o contributo da expressão dramática para o desenvolvimento de competências relacionais dos alunos, no decorrer do trabalho de grupo?” Este Relatório de mestrado é constituído por duas partes, sendo que a primeira se refere à dimensão reflexiva da minha prática pedagógica em contexto de creche, jardim-de-infância e 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico, com turmas de 2º e 4º ano de escolaridade. Na segunda parte, apresenta-se a componente investigativa, no seu enquadramento teórico, metodologia de investigação, apresentação e discussão de resultados e Conclusões. O presente estudo de investigação foi realizado durante o ano letivo 2013/2014, no início da Prática Pedagógica II em 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, com uma turma de 4º ano de escolaridade. Nele tentei perceber como através da expressão dramática podemos contribuir para a estimulação e motivação na aprendizagem, através da cooperação, interação e desenvolvimento social dos participantes no trabalho de grupo. Neste sentido assumi o papel de professora investigadora e ao longo de quatro intervenções foram sendo implementadas diversas experiências com jogos exploratórios e dramáticos, as quais fui observando, analisando e recolhendo dados de forma a conseguir realizar esta investigação. Os resultados evidenciam que a expressão dramática estimula e auxilia o desenvolvimento das competências sociais (cooperação e de interação) na criança, no decorrer do grupo de trabalho.


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Abstract - This study investigates the effect of solid dispersions prepared from of polyethylene glycol (PEG) 3350 and 6000 Da alone or combined with the non-ionic surfactant Tween 80 on the solubility and dissolution rate of a poorly soluble drug eprosartan mesylate (ESM) in attempt to improve its bioavailability following its oral administration.


ESM is a potent anti-hypertension [1]. It has low water solubility and is classified as a Class II drug as per the Biopharmaceutical Classification Systems (BCS) leading to low and variable oral bioavailability (approximately 13%). [2]. Thus, improving ESM solubility and/or dissolution rate would eventually improve the drug bioavailability. Solid dispersion is widely used technique to improve the water solubility of poorly water-soluble drugs employing various biocompatible polymers. In this study, we aimed to enhance the solubility and dissolution of EMS employing solid dispersion (SD) formulated from two grades of poly ethylene glycol (PEG) polymers (i.e. PEG 3350 & PEG 6000 Da) either individually or in combination with Tween 80.


ESM SDs were prepared by solvent evaporation method using either PEG 3350 or PEG 6000 at various (drug: polymer, w/w) ratios 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5 alone or combined with Tween 80 added at fixed percentage of 0.1 of drug by weight?. Physical mixtures (PMs) of drug and carriers were also prepared at same ratios. Drug solid dispersions and physical mixtures were characterized in terms of drug content, drug dissolution using dissolution apparatus USP II and assayed using HPLC method. Drug dissolution enhancement ratio (ER %) from SD in comparison to the plain drug was calculated. Drug-polymer interactions were evaluated using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and FT-IR.


The in vitro solubility and dissolution studies showed SDs prepared using both polymers produced a remarkable improvement (p<0.05) in comparison to the plain drug which reached around 32% (Fig. 1). The dissolution enhancement ratio was polymer type and concentration-dependent. Adding Tween 80 to the SD did not show further dissolution enhancement but reduced the required amount of the polymer to get the same dissolution enhancement. The DSC and FT-IR studies indicated that using SD resulted in transformation of drug from crystalline to amorphous form.


This study indicated that SDs prepared by using both polymers i.e. PEG 3350 and PEG 6000 improved the in-vitro solubility and dissolution of ESM remarkably which may result in improving the drug bioavailability in vivo.


This work is a part of MSc thesis of O.M. Ali at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Aleppo University, Syria.


[1] Ruilope L, Jager B: Eprosartan for the treatment of hypertension. Expert Opin Pharmacother 2003; 4(1):107-14

[2] Tenero D, Martin D, Wilson B, Jushchyshyn J, Boike S, Lundberg, D, et al. Pharmacokinetics of intravenously and orally administered Eprosartan in healthy males: absolute bioavailability and effect of food. Biopharm Drug Dispos 1998; 19(6): 351- 6.


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The medical devices sector helps save lives by providing innovative health care solutions regarding diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment, and alleviation. Medical devices are classified into 1 of 3 categories in the order of increasing risk: Class I, Class II, and Class III.1 Medical devices are distinguished from drugs for regulatory purposes based on mechanism of action. Unlike drugs, medical devices operate via physical or mechanical means and are not dependent on metabolism to accomplish their primary intended effect.


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O transplante de medula óssea (TMO) é um procedimento terapêutico importante em casos relacionados à pacientes com leucemia ou linfoma. Em decorrência desse processo, uma reação conhecida como doença enxerto-versus-hospedeiro (GVHD) pode ocorrer em pacientes susceptíveis como conseqüência da presença de células imunocompetentes do doador. Entretanto, não existe um modelo para descrever completamente as ações relacionadas ao mecanismo imunológico da GVHD desde a fase que inicializa a doença até a fase efetora. O Objetivo geral deste estudo é a investigação da resposta imunológica considerando-se o sistema HLA (antígenos leucocitários humano) em pacientes que desenvolveram a GVHD em decorrência do TMO. O National Cancer Institute (NCI) – Pathway interaction Database e Reactome foram usados como bases de dados com o objetivo de se estudar a expressão de genes e vias relacionados às Classes I e II do sistema HLA (antígenos leucocitários humano). O estudo considerou a mudança de expressão de genes relacionados às 17 vias do sistema imunológico com potencialidade para se expressar em pacientes que desenvolveram a GVHD associada à TMO. Dados referentes aos transcriptomas foram obtidos utilizando-se a plataforma GPL570 Affymetrix Genoma Humano U133 Plus. A atividade relativa foi usada para determinar as alterações das vias em amostras de GVHD em relação ao controle. As análises foram realizadas utilizando-se o software Via Complex e Bioconductor. Observou-se aumento significativo da expressão de genes ralacionados às vias do sistema imune adaptativo, antígenos associados às Classe I e II do HLA, fosforilação de CD3 e CD247, sinalização dos receptores de células T em CD4+ nativas e ativação de NF-kapa β nas células B. Também observou-se alterações significativas na mudança de expressão dos genes associados às vias relacionadas à super família de moléculas B7:CD28\CTLA-4 quando comparadas ao controle. Isso pode indicar a necessidade de geração de um segundo sinal co-estimulador em GVHD, acionado pelas moléculas dessa super família. O aumento da expressão do gene CD69 nas amostras experimentais caracteriza a ativação celular e, portanto, a sinalização de estímulos em GVHD. Os achados obtidos neste estudo contribuem para melhor elucidar o mecanismo imunopatogênico associado à GVHD. P